Fighter Thread XLIII - The One with the Rape Sim JRPG Built In

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Other than MGS4 and NGII, I've been playing a bunch of fighters. Hokuto no Ken, GGXX AC, Third Strike Garou MotW, and Project Justice. Third Strike is becoming my favorite SF; I used to prefer the Alpha series.

I've been working on my Griffon/Tizoc and Hugo. Grapplers FTW!
Roberto has my all-time favorite air attack... goalie grabbing and kicking kicks so much ass...

on a good note, SCIV may finally not be as shitty is I was expecting due to the recent update of CAS info.
Yea man, I'm looking forward to SC IV. Even though I'm not a big fan of CAS gameplay wise. I like making CAS characters... I'm gonna try to make all the Tekken chars! lol.
[quote name='kristianator']so i watched kung fu panda today and was thinking how awesome it would be if they made a fighting game for it.

and everyone was complaining how jackie chan only had like 3 lines.. but he had closer to 6 lines.[/QUOTE]

That movie is amazing. No fart jokes. No pop-culture references. Amazing.

I didn't even know Jackie Chan was it until the end credits.

"Property of Crane"


what is this?!?!?!




first it's sandra oh.

why? coz I like koreans!!

she's a little old... and not very pretty, but I still like koreans!!

then u got fish tacos... dont gotta explain that.

unless u dont like tacos... then u got sum explaining to do!!!

last it's all your base!! becoz they belong to us, like tacos and koreans.

put them all together what do u get?!?!?!


yup yup! it's official!!!!

I got my converter! I'ma test it out tonite on dat GGPO!!

if all goes well then I'ma be like yeeeeeaaaaay~~~~

Super Crew! Super Crew!
this new converter is the hotness!!!

the only negative thing I gotta say about it is sometimes my dashes didnt come out...

I donno if it was the converter's fault, or game lag tho...

other than that I was 7 wins with Alex!! then switched to necro and didnt do so well... I needa work on execution...

[quote name='kristianator']jekki, let's play!

sidenote: sandra oh is HELLA hot[/QUOTE]lol I jus turned it off... I'll jump back on tho.

where u at/what game???
I'm not that great at any of the games listed in GGPO. Even the games I've played in GGPO are really just with computers. I don't really really suck though.
Glad the converter is working for you JEKKI. If you're noticing that sometimes quick f,f aren't coming out, I'd suggest changing the GGPO option settings for inputs.
i'm sending the "required software" to my friend, but i'll be on afterwards.. i'm down to scrub it up in anything. what're you guys playing?
won some lost some...

lost more actually... dood had a 6 streak on me when we quit.

my execution with Necro is caca >_<

low short XX nothing!!

MP hurricane punch XX nothing again!!

anyway lets set up official times n games n stuff for this shyt!!
Thanks for the games heavyd. Oh, and could you see my messages? Also, when i asked you to not pwn me, I wasn't mocking you or anything. I really thought I was going to get pwned. Sorry to bail, but it's getting really late here and I need to get some sleep.

Edit: Yeah, I think it was. On the bright side you almost beat me a few times and we had an awesome finish. Also, one thing I kept wondering is why you don't really seem to block low attacks. If you did then it would tremendously help you. Also it would prevent people from spamming that in case you find someone like that.
[quote name='heavyd853']Me too! And it looks like hankmecrankme's on right now too, but maybe afk or something.[/QUOTE]

I was, but I was also playing SmallWind. If you want to go some rounds, then let's do it.

I accidentally closed out our first attempt. ;)
Holy shit at Drag's running 4 attack at the end of round 2...


that really compliments his beastly ass running 2... lol.
Scary shit man. I don't know what the hell I did, but I can't sleep at all. Must've been that damn tequila (which makes no sense leave me alone!)
yeah, I've been watching alot of the dragunov T6 vids you have on your Youtube profile MM... it's never boring.

question MM as I never really took a moment to really answer this myself: to do a running attack (ie. f,f,f+2) do you need at least a certain amount of distance between the two players or regular command is fine? I always seemt o have a harder time pulling it off when the two characters are very close... I know I'm probably doing something wrong.
You can do it instantly you just have to be very quick. Even if there is no space between you and your opponent. Kinda hard to get used to at first, but once you get used to it you can pull it out like nothing.

I can do it point blank thanks to all of King's iSW (instant shining wizard; f,f,f+2+4) juggles...

An easy way of going about pulling off the move... just think, it's a normal f,f move, but you have to do it as fast as you can. Instead of hitting f,f and 2 at the same time... you have to do f,f, F+2. Think of it like that... I know it's simple/weird, but f,f,f motions are so unnatural in most fighting games that a lot of people aren't used to it. Especially at the speed required.




what's everybody GGPO screen name anyways?!?! and what games u on???

I wanna kno how and where to catch u motherduckers!!

my name is... JEKKI


and I only play 3S in my leisure rite now... but I'm hella down to play anything else.

except Alpha 3... I dont like that game coz back in the days I was in love with Alpha 2,

a game that I've since forgotten how to play :cry:
GGPO is an online matchmaking service for 2D fighting games that strives to be as lag free as possible!!

It's supposed to be a test for sum net codes being developed I think...


it supports:

Super Turbo
KOF 98 and 2002
Alpha 2 and 3
3rd Strike
Vampire Savior

and I maybe forgetting something?!?!?!


that's my setup!! it's the most comfortable solution, but it's kinda of a pain to move my monitor everytime I wanna play

I also recently bought a new keyboard n mouse... now I regret not getting wireless ones >_
i was on som with my cousin last night just getting him started on ggpo, and someone was actually watching us.. wtf

my ggpo name is krispy.. i'm mainly in for 3s, but i'm down for anything too.
God I love Garou, its so fun. I played some Japanese dude for like 2 hours last night, managed to win a few and most of them were close. Soooooo awesome. I just wish the room had more than 5 people in it at any time.
yo u guys gotta give like mini tutorials and shyt on how to play all these other games coz I donno how to play them lol.

like how do u play Garou and KOF98??? what basics do I needa kno about gameplay and systems???

I'll prolly play more 3S tonite, but I also wanna relearn Alpha 2
I dont understand the systems tho... I wouldnt ask noobe questions on SRK... unless they provided noobi guides...

I should jus goto gamefaqs then
[quote name='JEKKI']yo u guys gotta give like mini tutorials and shyt on how to play all these other games coz I donno how to play them lol.

like how do u play Garou and KOF98??? what basics do I needa kno about gameplay and systems???

I'll prolly play more 3S tonite, but I also wanna relearn Alpha 2[/QUOTE]

with Garou, it's all about just defending. I.e. pressing back before an attack hits to regain a bit of health AND giving you an opportunity to counter attack. if you get your just defend game right, you'll give yourself a major advantage against other opponents.

next would be proper use of your a+b overhead attack. with proper prediction, you can hit a downed opponent expecting a sweep with this move for added minor damage.

also keep in mind that if you press down + ab you doa different move altogether that usually has a low hit property ( there are exceptions)

special move cancelling is really important to getting big combos. it's done the same for each character (ab when doing a special move) but only certain special moves have it.
example: jenet's qcf +k can be cancelled after the short jump. terry's dp +d can be cancelled, but it needs to be done quick.

if you want I can teach you more through playing (combos, strategies and stuff) if you're up for it. all i ever really play on ggpo is MOTW
I didn't even know anything in MOTW was like that. Had it a few years ago, but just stopped playing because it felt like just another well polished fighter.
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