Fire Emblem Awakening 3DS Bundle at select retailers.


[quote name='Alucard400']HAHA. googled the bundle and found that Walmart has it in stock for store pick up or Fedex pickup.


This is probably the last store to be able to pick it up easily without having to call around or drive around to find one.



UPDATE: IGN has confirmed the Bundle will be priced at $200 it also will come with a 4gb SD card with the game pre installed.

Now available at gamestop for pre order:
Available for pre-order @ right now, but you have to pay $8.xx for shipping. Free Shipping now.
ToysRus are selling the bundle.

No details yet because it was just leaked on NeoGAF, but I'll make the thread Wikified so that once information starts pouring through, people can edit the thread accordingly.

Fire Emblem is a pre-installed digital copy.

Adding a second image to confirm.


Second image is a bit misleading. The bundled system is NOT a 3DS XL like Nintendo is advertising at the top of the Game Informer page. It's just a regular 3DS.
[quote name='ARsignal11']That's what I've been leaning towards to at the moment. But to be perfectly honest, I keep flip flopping every single day. Yesterday I really wanted a 3DS. Today, I'm rationalizing to myself that it just wouldn't be worth it for the few games that I'm interested in (Fire Emblem, Kingdom Hearts 3D, Bravely Default...although the latter hasn't even been announced for localization). I've only had an Xbox for this generation, so my JRPG itch has been present for awhile. Although I just recently got a Wii this past December and immediately bought Xenoblade, The Last Story, Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn, Skyward Sword, and with the recent announcement of Pandora's Tower being localized, probably will be getting that. I figure all of those games will fill that JRPG itch that I have. Currently have only started Xenoblade and ~25 hours in.

Haha, now that I see all of that typed out, I'm leaning more towards just not getting a 3DS.[/QUOTE]

Can I add something to the cause? I find JRPGs particularly excruciating in a portable gaming machine, most of them. I feel like text-heavy games should be played comfortably on a couch, without holding the screen in your face and hurting my neck.
I think the 3DS is better suited for short, pickup gaming experiences .. and Pokemon.
Thanks for your two cents, everyone! I appreciate the advice.

@zeke: I typically don't buy games without owning the system. Unless you're a collector or a flipper, I personally don't see a reason to own the game without the system. What if I don't even get the system? You could argue that Fire Emblem is a game that if kept sealed would probably rise in price and you could flip for a nice profit if I don't end up getting the 3DS. Hmm.....we'll see. Probably not an option I'd pursure.

@Mulder: Good lists of JRPGs right there. I wouldn't be interested in Abyss since I pretty much beat it 100% on the PS2. But Overclocked was something I was looking into since I like the SMT series. I haven't played a Pokemon game since Gold/Silver on the GBA, so its been awhile for me. Not sure about X/Y.

@GateKeeper: That's a good point. I do like to relax on the couch and watch the big screen. The last JRPG that I thoroughly played on the handheld was Golden Sun for the GBA. As you can tell, GBA is the last handheld I ever owned.

Anyway, we'll see what I end up doing. Haha, I don't even know myself. I currently have a preorder on the bundle at Gamestop, but with the 3DS sale at Best Buy next week with my $30 reward zone credit, it would behoove me (and the CAG in me) to get the 3DS at BB.
[quote name='ARsignal11']This really makes me hope that Best Buy gets this bundle as well. I have $30 in Rewards certificates to use for them and don't know what to buy.

Since the normal DS is discounted starting next week, I was thinking of using the money towards that and probably save ~$50 by buying that and a physical copy of Fire Emblem rather than the bundle.

Though I still don't know if I actually want a 3DS. As someones mentioned a few posts ago, I was thinking of getting one mainly for RPGs (JRPGs at that). But man, my gaming time just isn't what it used to be when I was younger. Not sure if I should spend money on a handheld system that would get used only every now and then.[/QUOTE]

Just a heads up, you have fire emblem, etrain odyssey, monster hunter, luigis mansion, and castlevania all coming by the end of march. This is what made me decide to get a 3DS.
For what it's worth to anyone considering it, I've had a regular 3ds since late 2011, for those of you who don't know there was an issue with the 3ds where the ridges on the side of the bottom screen pushed on the top screen when closed. I put a full top screen protector on mine as soon as I got it, and while the screen underneath is probably fine, the pressure on the screen protector has caused it to bubble and get all effed up, now you can barely see the screen through it, I'm gonna have to put a new one on at some point. I don't think they ever addressed this, except in the XL.

I would never buy another regular 3ds. If you do, you really have three options. 1.Put a cloth between the screens every time you close it. 2. Glue some kind of rubber stoppers on it to hold the screens apart. Or 3. Install only a screen protector, which as I said, will basically be destroyed by the constant pressure, needing to be replaced regularly. Otherwise, I'm sure your screen would be destroyed. I'm hoping to ditch this one soon for an XL.
[quote name='ARsignal11']
@GateKeeper: That's a good point. I do like to relax on the couch and watch the big screen. The last JRPG that I thoroughly played on the handheld was Golden Sun for the GBA. As you can tell, GBA is the last handheld I ever owned. [/QUOTE]

If GBA was the last handheld you owned, don't forget that the 3DS is backwards compatible for DS games so you have access to the whole DS catalogue of titles too. That was a big tipping point for me in getting a 3DS because I never had a DS either - as soon as I knew that the old NES Dragon Warrior/Quest games had been re-released on DS and Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was on 3DS, I was sold :lol: OoT is actually the only 3DS game that I own - the rest of my games are all DS (DQ series, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, and Final Fantasy series) and virtual console games (Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones, Punch Out!, Legend of Zelda, LoZ 2, Dr. Mario, Excitebike, Metroid, etc.). It's nice to be able to play the games that I loved growing up without having to pull out the old NES again, and a lot of the virtual console games I got for free with Club Nintendo points.

Personally, I'm pre-ordering this bundle and will do a system swap with my old black 3DS, then trade it in. I love the Fire Emblem series, and I've been wanting this 3DS ever since I saw the pictures of it when it released in Japan.
[quote name='unopepito06']For what it's worth to anyone considering it, I've had a regular 3ds since late 2011, for those of you who don't know there was an issue with the 3ds where the ridges on the side of the bottom screen pushed on the top screen when closed. I put a full top screen protector on mine as soon as I got it, and while the screen underneath is probably fine, the pressure on the screen protector has caused it to bubble and get all effed up, now you can barely see the screen through it, I'm gonna have to put a new one on at some point. I don't think they ever addressed this, except in the XL.

I would never buy another regular 3ds. If you do, you really have three options. 1.Put a cloth between the screens every time you close it. 2. Glue some kind of rubber stoppers on it to hold the screens apart. Or 3. Install only a screen protector, which as I said, will basically be destroyed by the constant pressure, needing to be replaced regularly. Otherwise, I'm sure your screen would be destroyed. I'm hoping to ditch this one soon for an XL.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I hated that design flaw of the normal 3ds. Was a huge overlook by Nintendo. I do love the look of the Fire Emblem unit, but not being an XL is a no go for me. Once you go XL you never go back. I'm sure down the road they'll have some special XL come around in some form or another.
[quote name='unopepito06']For what it's worth to anyone considering it, I've had a regular 3ds since late 2011, for those of you who don't know there was an issue with the 3ds where the ridges on the side of the bottom screen pushed on the top screen when closed. I put a full top screen protector on mine as soon as I got it, and while the screen underneath is probably fine, the pressure on the screen protector has caused it to bubble and get all effed up, now you can barely see the screen through it, I'm gonna have to put a new one on at some point. I don't think they ever addressed this, except in the XL.

I would never buy another regular 3ds. If you do, you really have three options. 1.Put a cloth between the screens every time you close it. 2. Glue some kind of rubber stoppers on it to hold the screens apart. Or 3. Install only a screen protector, which as I said, will basically be destroyed by the constant pressure, needing to be replaced regularly. Otherwise, I'm sure your screen would be destroyed. I'm hoping to ditch this one soon for an XL.[/QUOTE]

I've had a 3DS since launch, and my screen is pristine with no aftermarket garbage "protectors" on it. Nothing lasts forever, and I'm sure 10 yrs down the road there may be marks on screen from closing it so many times. But I would never accelerate the process of screen damage by placing a piece of adhesive plastic over the screen, or even worse, gluing rubber stoppers onto it.
[quote name='mj1984']I've had a 3DS since launch, and my screen is pristine with no aftermarket garbage "protectors" on it. Nothing lasts forever, and I'm sure 10 yrs down the road there may be marks on screen from closing it so many times. But I would never accelerate the process of screen damage by placing a piece of adhesive plastic over the screen, or even worse, gluing rubber stoppers onto it.[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure 3DS screen protectors adhere with static so there's no risk of damage. I have never had a single issue with any screen protector as far as "adhesive" goes.
[quote name='MetalSlugger']I'm pretty sure 3DS screen protectors adhere with static so there's no risk of damage. I have never had a single issue with any screen protector as far as "adhesive" goes.[/QUOTE]

Me either. My ds lite screen protector started to look kind of gross after 4+ years, took it off and didnt see any residue left behind.
I don't own a 3DS but I want one. All of the different opinions are making it hard to decide the route to take. I have never played Fire Emblem but I am a fan of strategy games and I have played and love Advance Wars. I don't know which way to go. Someone give me a push in a direction.
[quote name='RedFoxCommando']I don't own a 3DS but I want one. All of the different opinions are making it hard to decide the route to take. I have never played Fire Emblem but I am a fan of strategy games and I have played and love Advance Wars. I don't know which way to go. Someone give me a push in a direction.[/QUOTE]

Biggest push I can think of is to tell you to go to a store and check out the size difference between the two. I have a Zelda 3ds,and am very happy with that, but I can see why people love the XL. Honestly, if I had a plain one I'd have traded it in towards an XL last year, but the fact that it's a freaking Zelda 3ds says it stays forever.
[quote name='JCrichton']Hmm. Time to go with a newegg purchase on this one. No tax = cheaper than Gamestop.[/QUOTE]

As long as you don't care about possibly getting a damaged box and/or handheld when they throw it in a padded pouch for shipping. I would never buy anything of a collectible nature from New Egg.
[quote name='kitsunisan']Biggest push I can think of is to tell you to go to a store and check out the size difference between the two. I have a Zelda 3ds,and am very happy with that, but I can see why people love the XL. Honestly, if I had a plain one I'd have traded it in towards an XL last year, but the fact that it's a freaking Zelda 3ds says it stays forever.[/QUOTE]

I've played a bit a demo 3DS at Best Buy and thought the screen size and quality were decent. I haven't seen any demo's anywhere for the 3DS XL to compare it to. Anyone know where they have 3DS XL demo's I can try out? I already have a Vita but there are a lot of Nintendo games I want to play too like Fire Emblem and New Super Mario Bros. 2.
Do you guys think this will sell out? I mean god damn I want it, but I already have a Zelda 3DS and I really like this design. I am fine with paying $200, just not now. I am thinking of just getting the physical copy + artbook at gamestop day 1 but I just hope that this'll be around and not $300 on ebay by launch date. The way I see it is that not a lot of people really know Fire Emblem unlike Zelda, and I don't see many people fighting for this all that much, so I'm trying to guess if these'll still be in stock by release date.
There were still Zelda 3DS bundles in stock after release, so I doubt this one will be any different (and remember that there wasn't an XL out back then, either, which might hurt this bundle's popularity).

Then again, maybe there'll be a smaller print run because it's Fire Emblem and not Zelda. I'm not helping too much, am I? Guess we'll find out soon enough!
[quote name='bojay1997']As long as you don't care about possibly getting a damaged box and/or handheld when they throw it in a padded pouch for shipping. I would never buy anything of a collectible nature from New Egg.[/QUOTE]

I've never had a single problem with anything shipped from newegg. From game consoles to PC video cards to SSDs to expensive Adobe software boxes. They send me something that is damaged, it goes back and they replace it. Pretty simple. They have terrific customer service to boot in my experience.

In short, I'm not worried one bit.
[quote name='RedFoxCommando']I've played a bit a demo 3DS at Best Buy and thought the screen size and quality were decent. I haven't seen any demo's anywhere for the 3DS XL to compare it to. Anyone know where they have 3DS XL demo's I can try out? I already have a Vita but there are a lot of Nintendo games I want to play too like Fire Emblem and New Super Mario Bros. 2.[/QUOTE]

Target has the reg. 3DS and XL units on display side by side, but they don't always have games running in the units.
[quote name='soonersfan60']Target has the reg. 3DS and XL units on display side by side, but they don't always have games running in the units.[/QUOTE]
Best Buy should have demo units as well.
[quote name='YellowGameboyColor']Do you guys think this will sell out? I mean god damn I want it, but I already have a Zelda 3DS and I really like this design. I am fine with paying $200, just not now. I am thinking of just getting the physical copy + artbook at gamestop day 1 but I just hope that this'll be around and not $300 on ebay by launch date. The way I see it is that not a lot of people really know Fire Emblem unlike Zelda, and I don't see many people fighting for this all that much, so I'm trying to guess if these'll still be in stock by release date.[/QUOTE]

It's all about location, in nyc, good luck finding the Zelda bundle 2 weeks later in store. Fire Emblem will probably be easier to find after launch but I wouldn't count on it hanging around inventory a month later.
[quote name='JCrichton']I've never had a single problem with anything shipped from newegg. From game consoles to PC video cards to SSDs to expensive Adobe software boxes. They send me something that is damaged, it goes back and they replace it. Pretty simple. They have terrific customer service to boot in my experience.

In short, I'm not worried one bit.[/QUOTE]

I notice you didn't list any collectible video game items in your list. Every collector's edition item I have ever ordered from New Egg has come damaged because they rarely pack them properly. Also, they have some of the worst customer service I have ever dealt with. Their on-line returns system is terrible. Unless you call them up and ask for a prepaid return label, they try to make you return damaged items at your expense and it often takes 20-30 minutes on the phone to fix a problem they caused. In short, you must have pretty low standards for customer service if you think that's terrific.
[quote name='bojay1997']I notice you didn't list any collectible video game items in your list. Every collector's edition item I have ever ordered from New Egg has come damaged because they rarely pack them properly. Also, they have some of the worst customer service I have ever dealt with. Their on-line returns system is terrible. Unless you call them up and ask for a prepaid return label, they try to make you return damaged items at your expense and it often takes 20-30 minutes on the phone to fix a problem they caused. In short, you must have pretty low standards for customer service if you think that's terrific.[/QUOTE]

I don't order from New Egg much but when I do, they come well packed....they use lots of packaging and make sure it doesn't move inside the box. When I do have problems, their customer service is great and doesn't even ask questions over and over, they get straight to the point.

you must be doing something wrong.
[quote name='djricekcn']I don't order from New Egg much but when I do, they come well packed....they use lots of packaging and make sure it doesn't move inside the box. When I do have problems, their customer service is great and doesn't even ask questions over and over, they get straight to the point.

you must be doing something wrong.[/QUOTE]

You guys got lucky, I think.

When I ordered Code of Princess, they sent it to me twice in bubble mailers. First time was really crushed, second time was slightly crushed.

Ragnarok Mercenaries, they sent to me THREE times in bubble mailers. First two were crushed, third time was creased but maintained its form.

I just got tired of dealing with them both times and kept the 2nd and 3rd copies respectively. Should have kept getting it resent, cause they won't learn.

Even talked to CS about sending Ragnarok in a box twice. Didn't happen.
[quote name='elessar123']You guys got lucky, I think.

When I ordered Code of Princess, they sent it to me twice in bubble mailers. First time was really crushed, second time was slightly crushed.

Ragnarok Mercenaries, they sent to me THREE times in bubble mailers. First two were crushed, third time was creased but maintained its form.

I just got tired of dealing with them both times and kept the 2nd and 3rd copies respectively. Should have kept getting it resent, cause they won't learn.

Even talked to CS about sending Ragnarok in a box twice. Didn't happen.[/QUOTE]

Yep, that's similar to my experience with them over five or six collector's editions and two of the Sony 3d displays after which I decided I'm only ordering regular games from them. Even those have started to arrive damaged as last time they sent me a 3DS game, it was sent in literally a plastic pouch, not even padded. Their customer service seems to have little authority other than to issue a return label and send out a replacement and they seem to take forever to input information that they should have in front of them from your order. New Egg is often cheaper, but the few bucks saved isn't worth risking having a bad experience, especially on something like this where a replacement may not be available.
you guys got it in padded envelopes? i always got mine in a box from them, a bit over sized for the item like Amazon. Hmm...i guess i'll try a test ordering int he near future to see how my 3ds or nds software will come.
Secured my pre-order at GameStop mainly b/c of the artbook bonus. Hopefully, there won't be any shortage. I haven't been so excited for a game in a long time haha. BTW, my area Target yesterday already had Ni No Kuni on the shelf for purchase. Yippee!
I don't have a problem with battery life on the regular 3ds but that is because 95% of the time I am going to be playing near an outlet.

I do have a problem with how long it takes to charge the 3DS battery, it probably takes just as long as my iPad, which is unacceptable

If I am not playing near an outlet I have one of those portable battery chargers with a battery inside and a USB cable that I got for the DSI but also works with the 3ds.

The screens do smudge easily and they do scratch easily so I would go and buy screen protectors ASAP
[quote name='confoosious']hope is dwindling on being able to buy this at best buy...[/QUOTE]
I was really hoping to see this at Best Buy. Especially since it came up for preorder at Newegg. Guess not.
*sigh* i have STILL not opened my 3DS. I got a couple of the zelda bundles, but now dont want to open them because they've become great collectors items. This is very tempting to buy to actually play since i love fire emblem. It basically has the classy look of the Zelda one but with the Fire Emblem logo. The only problem is i dont really like the 3DS. I was hoping for a 3DS XL to come out that i wanted other than the 2 boring colors that are out =(

Anyone know if they will be releaseing a cool XL bundle or color any time soon or should i just say F it and snag this? It sounds like BBY wont get it so i may have to go for Gamestop I guess
What is the official release date for Fire Emblem? Is it a Sunday or a Tuesday? My gamestop didn't know...

and if you check the amazon site for the game they have it listed as a Monday with the following warning:

Potential Shipping Delay
Delivery of Fire Emblem: Awakening pre-orders may be affected by manufacturer shipping delays . Amazon apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause.
[quote name='GBAstar']What is the official release date for Fire Emblem? Is it a Sunday or a Tuesday? My gamestop didn't know...

and if you check the amazon site for the game they have it listed as a Monday with the following warning:

Potential Shipping Delay
Delivery of Fire Emblem: Awakening pre-orders may be affected by manufacturer shipping delays . Amazon apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause.
Games/consoles typically ship on Tuesdays for non-holiday/big releases. Hardly ever on Sundays.
[quote name='JCrichton']Games/consoles typically ship on Tuesdays for non-holiday/big releases. Hardly ever on Sundays.[/QUOTE]

Except for nintendo 1st party games and systems
[quote name='GBAstar']Except for nintendo 1st party games and systems[/QUOTE]
Fire Emblem Awakening is being released on a Monday.

And I'd absolutely qualify a brand new console (as opposed to an update of an existing one) and the mega-popular Nintendo games as big releases. ;)
[quote name='JCrichton']Fire Emblem Awakening is being released on a Monday.

And I'd absolutely qualify a brand new console (as opposed to an update of an existing one) and the mega-popular Nintendo games as big releases. ;)[/QUOTE]

The problem is, unless it's a Mario game or Pokemon game, it's not a big release. This same thing has happened with other non-Tuesday Nintendo releases. I've already mentioned how bad Nintendo of America's marketing is, and this is one example why.
I got confirmation from kyle @ BB that best buy won't be carrying the fire emblem 3ds.

Hello again htz,

Doesn't look like we are going to be carrying that Special Edition Blue Fire Emblem 3DS bundle. Sorry :whistle2:(.
[quote name='htz']I got confirmation from kyle @ BB that best buy won't be carrying the fire emblem 3ds.[/QUOTE]

Omg, no. Did he say why?

This is upsetting, but oh well. :(
So gamestop is the only major retailer carry this? If BBY isnt getting this than Target and Walmart probably wont get it either.
If Newegg is carrying it, then GameStop doesn't have an exclusivity hold on it, so the guys in charge of marketing the gaming side of Best Buy are flopzorz.

Unless, of course, GameStop has a brick and mortar exclusivity hold which could be the case due to the Game Informer page, then I guess it's understandable.
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[quote name='Nintendonly']If Newegg and Amazon are carrying it, then GameStop doesn't have an exclusivity hold on it, so the guys in charge of marketing the gaming side of Best Buy are flopzorz.

Unless, of course, GameStop has a brick and mortar exclusivity hold which could be the case due to the Game Informer page, then I guess it's understandable.[/QUOTE]

I can promise you that amazon is not carrying the special edition 3ds
[quote name='GBAstar']I can promise you that amazon is not carrying the special edition 3ds[/QUOTE]

Fu~ I forgot they don't sell Nintendo hardware PERIOD, and I even responded to that very same situation earlier in the thread. 4 hours of sleep is awesome!

EDIT: That post was edited to remove utter stupidity.
bread's done