Fire Emblem Heroes: Choose Your Legends!

I was up above 5%, spending orbs as soon as I had another 9. (On a side note, I usually wait for 13 but...) Getting desperate and getting nothing but garbage. So this morning the game gives me this.
So, I did something I hated; bought orbs to finish the cycle.
Wow, congrats!

Who do you guys think is a better unit to +10 and give DC to? I’m debating between og Camilla or Libra?
You see this?
It's a troubling sign. But even so, it's just one unit on a new banner it can't be all that bad.
Oh ... well that's a bit more problematic. Even still, I shouldn't have to worry about it costing me too much money.
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Just lost 8 straight fights to open the AR season. The only ranged units people use anymore are ultra armor killers.

I think the thing that annoyed me most was facing a dragon team. Ending my turn with a buffed up Naga, and then proceeding to have her one-shot by a red dragon who was then danced and took out Caineghis behind her.
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Got Dancehardt this morning. Now all we need is a non-cavalry seasonal Healhardt and I'll never need any other characters again.

And yes, he absolutely has to have dire heal.
What I would really like to do is save orbs until late November.  But unfortunately I don't have the self-discipline. 


I'd like to pull exclusively for red + blue, or red + mythic for L!Marth merges. But also to get L!Tiki, Sothis, and L!Naga copies.   That's an incredible lineup for ideal 2-color sniping.   All five of those units are extremely powerful +10s. 

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FINALLY one of the ticket banners paid off.  Going to have a fun weekend playing this game for the first time in awhile.  I have Dragon Valor finally, and two dragons to level.


Got her on the second green orb of my third ticket, about 10 green orbs total.   +atk, - res. 

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Wow congrats to both of you on the great luck. I spent all of my 130 orbs going for Nagi, but got pity broken by B!Ephriam. I’m not mad though since I’ve been wanting some Special Fighter fodder. Now I just have to decide if I want to give it to my +10 Surtr or +6 Lion King. I also got my last needed Libra and 2 more Reysons (+7).

I’d like to hear how you guys like using Nagi. She seems like a good counter for L!Alm.
Your Surtr is insane. I'd give it to someone else though.  Preferably someone with high speed.  I've been using Nagi for awhile now and its really weird.  She takes two attacks from everything, dies to reds,  and dies to dragonslayers or armorslayers.   I'm not sure that special fighter is ideal on her with that low speed.  She's not as strong as I previously thought.  The really strong units like Surtr can win against the weapon triangle. 

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I got on the Nagi luck train too. Got her on my first free pull. I wasn't so lucky with the other four free ticket pull.

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I haven't had a chance to mess with Nagi yet, but I'm wondering if Vengeful Fighter and Distant Defense seal would be better. Sadly, I have no spare VFs so I'll probably just stick with SF3 and DD3.

I really only want her as an astra season alternative to Caineghis anyway.
Apparently I need to figure out how Rokkr Sieges work because I'm not coming anywhere close to the 150k damage mark for the new accessories.
The best I can do is about 100K. It takes some high investment builds.

You need a bunch of effective weapons, brave weapons, Aether/healing builds, Guard/Special Fighter, CC + DC, and merged units that don't take enough damage to die in the process. I only have a couple units that do most of those types of things.

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Going to try something later today around B!Eliwood, giving him Astra and Heavy Blade seal, and using dancers to try and kill Nah using his dragon effectiveness and high dmg special. 

my Libra +10 and L!Marth +4 are the only units I have that are invaluable to scoring highly on this mode. 

Eliwood died on turn4 but I still got it by a hair. Could get 200k with a couple more tries, just gotta keep him alive.  WTA + Dragon effective weapon + TA3 + Astra + guard 2 + refresher  = the key.  Gotta scale that damage. 



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I was able to do 160k damage on intermediate for Nah's stage. I used Cordelia with Brave Lance and Galeforce paired with Naga to give her dragon effectiveness. Rest of the team was NYAzura and Veronica.

Now to figure out the other one.
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I hit the 160k mark on Ephraim just in the nick of time. Used +10 Titania, Ranulf, Leanne, and Dancehardt. Got lucky with the map where I could use the tree to keep the Rokkr away from my 2nd dancer.

Good luck everyone, hope you get there. The alternating enemies wasn't a big deal before, but with the new enemy specific goals they should let you pick who you fight to avoid wasting axes.
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I found out something tonight that I wanted to share. Nailah is a very good unit against 2/3 of the Rokkr bosses. Glare keeps the Rokkr pinned down so your second dancer can go wherever they want and the boss won't chase after them.

These flaming eyepieces have also confirmed that I was apparently playing the mode completely wrong.
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No Cherry Jello Queen for me. It wouldn't have bothered me so much, except that I spent 30 orbs to look at 7 circles and there were no green orbs in any of them.

I did get a second Eir so it wasn't a waste. Now maybe I can make an effort to get to tier 21 in AR.

Edit: oops, forgot what color her gel was
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No Lime Jello Queen for me. It wouldn't have bothered me so much, except that I spent 30 orbs to look at 7 circles and there were no green orbs in any of them.
I did get a second Eir so it wasn't a waste. Now maybe I can make an effort to get to tier 21 in AR.
She seems pretty redundant anyway, with Yune and L!Micaiah around. I’m personally skipping this legendary banner.
It's early still, and I realize she's boosted, but I already like Nagi. I just beat a blazing light special spiral Ophelia + Legendary Alm AR defense. That's something I had a very hard time doing in Astra season before using her.
So, I was playing before the app update last night so I didn't know the new structures were put in. There's duo skill buildings, which means they're allowed in AR. Plus, the building that hinders them requires you to have your own duo hero on defense.

Not to overreact, but doesn't Hector and Kronya pretty much take out every unit without Hardy Bearing?
I managed to get H!Hector after using my 5 free tickets and about 30 orbs. His Dual skill is bullshit. He can use it and then move/attack in the same turn. It’s a pretty terrible addition to the game, imo. It’s going to be fun running into AR teams using multiple H!Hectors along with dancers and Kronya
Yeah this Duo skill stuff is fucked.   Worst change to the game in a lonnnng time.  People are not going to be pleased.  It further widens the gap between the haves and the have-nots. 

So I really enjoy Hall of Forms, but I do have to roll my eyes about this; In a format where only the first unit to score a ko gets skills, they give us 3 mages and enemy units that don't aggro.

If they could take the hit they wouldn't need the skills. I'm at Chamber 15 and will share my current units later on.
I am really liking Hall of Form too. Unfortunately, it took me a few chambers to realize only the first unit that got the ko will get the skill boost at the end.

It would be awesome if they let you pick one unit to keep at the end of chamber 20.

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So I've had good luck on the Halloween banner. I've pulled an Ophelia, Owain, 2nd Zelgius, and flying Olivia.

And now, those Forma I promised:
The next time we do this, I'm going to put a higher priority on movement assist skills. There's so many rally x and rally x/ys that they're not easy to come by. It'd have to be a highly premium skill for me to pass up a reposition.
So today's a good day to grind SP for some of these new units. Base kits are fine for several of them (earlier ones I mentioned, Dancer Ishtar, Flora)

What I don't know though, is what to do with Ophelia. I don't have any units with Special Spiral (which means I'd need two of them before I'd inherit). I guess Death Blow, Luna, and a Wave? Doesn't seem any better than Ishtar though in the infantry blue mage category.
What's your Ophelia asset?  Yeah don't waste any resources until you get a SS you can spend.  It's transformative.  She's not really useful until you have it.  You're going to want Life & Death 3 on her when she does. 

Also I would spend my very first SS unit before dupes on giving it to her.  She's probably the best unit in the game for abyssals and chain challenges. 

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-spd/+res, which doesn't help.

Also, this halloween banner has just been loaded with non-focus 5*s for me. I got another merge for my (now) +4 Laegjarn. If I'm not going to get Hector, I'm glad that it hasn't been just an endless string of 3-4*s.
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Thank you quiz orbs.
So, do we know if this is broken enough to be a must use/must upgrade buildings for AR?
Don't get me wrong, I like the accessories in this game. But I think I've hit the point where I have too many hats and not enough heads.

So now I think I'll switch from trying to find a person for every accessory, to trying to find an accessory for every person.
Things that have happened this week:
Pulled a +spd Ranulf to replace/merge my +hp/-res one. I also got a fallen Corrin.

My dragon team changes more than any of the others, and gets used less than the others as well. With the new refine for Kana, I'm thinking Fallen Corrin, FKana, Halloween Myrrh, and Legendary Tiki. Other options are Naga, Nagi, +1 myrrh, Christmas Fae, and dream Fcorrin.
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you have a lot of dragons that I don't have.

I am hoarding 3x Nah though.  All I do these days is dream about which Bonus Doubler units to build.  There are so many options.  Other than that the game hasn't been kind to me lately.  Frustrating when you pull reds for Halloween Hector and you get pity breakers of Exalted Chrom, Flora, Exalted Chrom, but no Hector.  

I really don't like these duo skill hero additions to the game.  It's a blatant cash grab by adding some really powerful units.   Plus, I just read the other day that Ephraim/Lyon goes away after the banner and isn't entering the normal summoning pool.

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I did spend some orbs on the Null Skills banner though and picked up a worthless -atk Mareeta and Adrift M!Corrin though.

So I've been looking at all sorts of builds and characters, trying to see who I want to give Flashing Blade 4 + Null Follow-Up to.   I now have the goods to build an ideal +10 dragon with Bonus Doubler and NFU.  Exploring all sorts of options.  Really really really mad at myself for saccing one M!Kana over a year ago for a Fort Dragons inherit, or else I would have probably built him by now.  But 2200 grails is a lot.  It's too much. You know they're going to ramp up the quality (rating) of GHB and TT grail units in 2020. 

Prolly going to wait and see if I can get some Sothis merges.  This November mythic banner is my next target; I just didn't manage to save anything for it.  Red and blues are completely stacked.


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bread's done