Fire Emblem Heroes: Choose Your Legends!

It was nearly a catastrophe.   I had 220 orbs.  Was down to 30 orbs and had gotten

-1 L!Marth merge and

-1 M!Byleth (+spd -def). 

Then with 30 orbs left it happened on my last circle:


disaster averted. 

Amazing how your results can hinge completely on one lucky pull like that.  That was nearly one month of orbs down the drain.  But I am very happy with the results now. 

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I got a second Hector in my first 15 orbs. He's +atk/-def, so he'll replace my -atk/+res one. The problem is, now I can't decide whether to spend my 60 remaining orbs, or start saving for Halloween units.

I love holiday units, but red and colorless are loaded with quality in this banner.
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I got a second Hector in my first 15 orbs. He's +atk/-def, so he'll replace my -atk/+res one. The problem is, now I can't decide whether to spend my 60 remaining orbs, or start saving for Halloween units.

I love holiday units, but red and colorless are loaded with quality in this banner.
That's amazing on the Hector. congrats

If I'm on the fence like you are atm, I would consider not pulling if I have say 7-8 of the 12 units on the banner. Otherwise I'd dump all orbs on it and get new units and powerful fodder.

But CYL3 coming up next month? i.e. Veronica, B!Hector, B!Ephraim last year. Not gonna spend on that instead of Halloween?

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Well you guys did better than me. I’ve been saving since the L!Alm banner and spent all of my almost 1100 orbs hoping to get L!Alm as close to +10 as possible and at least 1 Sothis. I got 1 Alm and not a single Sothis with 1100 orbs! Here’s what I did get...

1 L!Alm
1 Byleth
2 L!Marth
5 Caineghis
7 Eir
1 HS!Ryoma

Spending so many orbs on colorless stones is painful. So much garbage and barely any fodder.
oh gosh man, I'm so sorry. 

You have an amazing amount of self control to amass that many orbs.  On the bright side you've got one badass Eir, which is likely the most useful unit in AR. 

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good god @ the new FEH channel.

Hero Fest???  I don't know if I can even pass those units up in order to shoot for CYL3.  Tibarn and F.Tiki are musts, and I've never pulled a Nailah, best fodder in the game.  Several units are very good with high merges, DC, and Null C Disrupt.  All of the CYL3 units seem very good as well. 

This is brutal what they are doing to us, aligning all of these banners at once. 

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Wow that Hero Fest banner is stacked! Why can’t they spread these amazing banners out a bit more?! At least we will be getting a bunch of free pulls!
wow and then I wake up and Hero Fest is already happening.

Yeah um I'm going to need 75 orbs for this at least for full 15 ticket pulls.  Man I can't believe NOW is when they re-release Tibarn and F!Tiki. 

The August 8/28 Legendary banner was leaked. You can find the information on reddit if anyone is curious
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Yep.  I'll just post it here for ease of finding. 



CYL3 and Hero Fest are the real winners this month.  EVERYONE is dry on orbs.   They shook down most people with summer banners and it's still cascading from there. 

Tibarn is a must.  F!Tiki is a must.  They are both game-changing tier1 units that can slot into several different effective team compositions.

If I were able to pull a Tibarn, that would make building +10 Naesala worth it.  The things you can do with a beast team of Galeforce Tibarn, Galeforce Naesala, and Reyson are amazing.  Especially if you have Leanne or Lethe for Hone Beasts. 

I believe that F!Tiki and F!F!Corrin have really defined 2019 so far.  They are incredibly strong. 

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*sigh* This is too much for my f2p nature. I just need to keep reminding myself that $75 in orbs could net me nothing but feathers and be happy with the free pulls I get.
*sigh* This is too much for my f2p nature. I just need to keep reminding myself that $75 in orbs could net me nothing but feathers and be happy with the free pulls I get.
Yep, don’t go down that road! It leads to nothing but regret.

Nailah is the real gem, imo. Her fodder is the absolute best in the game.

The CYL units look good, but not game changing, imo. Michaiah looks like the most useful to me.

The next legendary banner looks pretty weak, compared to the one going on now. I’m glad it leaked so I’m not worried about having orbs to spend on it.
How are you guys liking FETH? I’m close to 20 hours in and I’m enjoying it, but I’m kinda over the monastery part. The battles are fun but some of the stuff in-between is started to get a bit tedious. I’m looking forward to meeting Kronya, eventually. I thought she would be found earlier in the game, since she is in FEH already.
Btw, here are my Eir and Mufasa builds now. Any recommendations to improve them? I need some special fighter fodder for the Lion boi...
I mean, my recommendation would have been to save 1-2 of those Cains for DD4 fodder. I think that may be what I put on Sothis. But I've never gotten him once. Other than that, it might be worth considering putting Bold Fighter on him so that he has dual phases. Fort Def Res 3 is a consideration too. But those are super premium skills and why almost everybody leaves him stock. HIs base kit is very good.

Eir is just Eir, nothing you need to change. I do like how you chose +res though. That's probably her best boon considering her team job.

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Pulled my first Nailah and totally intended on using her for fodder.  Then saw she is perfect IV +spd -res.  So can't do it!  Even though she kinda sucks.  It's my only copy.  We've all done that once or twice and regretted it before.  But DC + Null C-disrupt is going to be perfect for either F!F!Corrin or else build a Libra+10 from scratch to counter the horse trifecta (of Veronica, Reinhardt, and B!Lyn).

Hero Fest got me to buy my first $40 orb pack this year.   I was hoping for Tibarn and F!Tiki.  I've pulled 2 Surtr, Nailah, and Rhajat. lol...

Love that they gave us tickets.   But this month has been overwhelming.  Last chance on a 15-orb full circle in a couple hours!

I think I'm going to build Naesala today.  Finally got my first Tibarn! I already have Reyson and Leanne.  They all combo wonderfully.


Thank you story orbs and quests. 

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As a +10 Naesala owner, I 100% recommend building him and giving him galeforce and heavy blade seal. He is fantastic! Especially when you team him with Tibarn, Reyson, and Velouria or Leanne.

They make almost all of the content easy.
As a +10 Naesala owner, I 100% recommend building him and giving him galeforce and heavy blade seal. He is fantastic! Especially when you team him with Tibarn, Reyson, and Velouria or Leanne.

They make almost all of the content easy.
I thought Heavy Blade Galeforce was supposed to go on Tibarn? Can't you run them both simultaneously with Galeforce?

With all these banners, I picked a bad time to get a string of bad luck.

I am having fun with my new Infantry Pulse team. I'm going to have to use some flowers on Helbindi though, as he has the same hp as Kronya and I don't want to use hp boosting seals.

Here's Kronya from that team.
Spd/res link turns into an omni-link with Mordecai. The idea so far has been to throw a big Kronyaball out on the field and then clean up stragglers. Of course, it doesn't work on Abyssal content due to inflated statlines.
I thought Heavy Blade Galeforce was supposed to go on Tibarn? Can't you run them both simultaneously with Galeforce?
I run Galeforce on both of them. I gave Naesala the Heavy Blade seal and Sturdy Impact from an extra Tibarn, and I Ally Support Tibarn with Velouria for 1st action 2 special reduction.

I guess it would make more sense to switch the HB seal and Velourias support, but I use Naesala more often on mixed teams and it’s annoying to switch them around.
Well I just finished two big projects this week.  


Just need two more copies of Libra and then he'll be completed.   He is now my horse cancer trifecta counter.  Reinhardt, B!Lyn, and Veronica will all get wasted by him. 


I might buy one more copy of Naesala, leave him at +9, and then wait for his next free copy from a rerun quest in a year or so.   I don't like spending 350+ grails on additional copies.  Really close to pulling the trigger on giving him my only extra atk/spd solo 3 but just want to take a couple days in order to make sure.  He's a powerhouse with Galeforce, and the four bird beasts run well together.

I think I spent 380k feathers this week doing all that. 

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Well I just finished two big projects this week.


Just need two more copies of Libra and then he'll be completed. He is now my horse cancer trifecta counter. Reinhardt, B!Lyn, and Veronica will all get wasted by him.


I might buy one more copy of Naesala, leave him at +9, and then wait for his next free copy from a rerun quest in a year or so. I don't like spending 350+ grails on additional copies. Really close to pulling the trigger on giving him my only extra atk/spd solo 3 but just want to take a couple days in order to make sure. He's a powerhouse with Galeforce, and the four bird beasts run well together.

I think I spent 380k feathers this week doing all that.

Nice builds! I have Libra at +7 but haven’t really given him any skills yet. I was thinking I’d give him Hack O Lantern, but Poleax is a good idea too.
Here's the rest of Team 2 Left Feet.
[attachment=32617:SmartSelect_20190813-121000_Fire Emblem Heroes.jpg]
[attachment=32618:SmartSelect_20190813-121035_Fire Emblem Heroes.jpg]
[attachment=32619:SmartSelect_20190813-121216_Fire Emblem Heroes.jpg]

I'm not sure what to give Mordecai for his A slot. I'm wondering about going with double atk/res bond since his def is already fine.

I also wish Kronya had 4 fewer hp, then I wouldn't have to worry about merges pushing her above Helbindi.
Now that we know them all, which CYL3 is everyone going for?

I learned my lesson with my annoying "has IVs" Veronica not working on f2p stuff due to the AI, so I will be taking whichever free unit Phoenixmaster does.

Then I'll pull for Eliwood and hope for the best.
If I get none, then Micaiah. All of the units are really powerful, I like others more, but I can't play without her powers.  Camilla and Eliwood are insanely powerful too. 

really don't want to spend any orbs.  gonna do blues onry on the legendary.  But I'll do one 15-orb circle. 

3.00% rates and 4-unit banners are bad.   

Eliwood has the best art.  He finally gets rid of Superhorse too.  Love Alms glowing sword but he just isn't important gameplay-wise. 

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I spent my 100 orbs on blue and green. I got +Atk/-Spd B!Micaiah and 2x Selkie, which is my first Selkie so I’m happy! Finally some decent luck!

I am debating between picking Eliwood or another Micaiah to +1 her and get rid of the speed bane (I don’t use the f2p guides so I don’t care about that).
All I have to show for my orbs is a +hp/-spd Zelgius. But hey, think of all the things he can do that my +3 BK can't do. Like:
-Use Warp Powder
-Take one less physical and 2 less magic damage per hit
-Get doubled by things with 35-39 speed
-Die after taking 49 damage
-Be supported to BK
All I have to show for my orbs is a +hp/-spd Zelgius. But hey, think of all the things he can do that my +3 BK can't do. Like:
-Use Warp Powder
-Take one less physical and 2 less magic damage per hit
-Get doubled by things with 35-39 speed
-Die after taking 49 damage
-Be supported to BK
Damn, that sucks man. Remember when Zelgius, BK, and Hardin felt so OP? Feels like forever ago!
So here's the deal, and I'm going to try and say this as politely as I can. Pheonixmaster's pc is down so he can't run his youtube stream. I get that views are very important to streamers, but he doesn't respond to anyone asking who he picked. Presumably this is to make people watch the stream to find out, which means I no longer care about who he picks.
Your luck is sure to improve sometime, Roger.  You've been in my thoughts. 

Anyone gotten any CYL brave heroes at all?  Seems like luck has been pretty poor all around from all the accounts that I've read.   4-focus 3.00% banners are the worst. 

I'm waiting until the last day to choose my freebie.  Was hoping to pull maybe just one of them in the meantime.

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I did. I sniped with 40 orbs and got Maciah. So I choose Camilla as my free unit. 

Gonna try for the other two until the event is over.

Good luck to others.

Still no soap for me. I'll get Brave Eliwood even if I have to use my guaranteed free one for it. I can't have 2/3 of the Blazing Blade crew.

I need to start working on getting and spending more dragonflowers. I haven't really spent any yet, but I'm going to need a couple hundred for Helbindi to boost his hp. (I forgot that merging neutral IV units give +2hp on the first merge)
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Well at 5.00% I finally got my first brave hero with Eliwood.  He's +HP -def so not a good boon.  I always said that if I got one I would immediately feed him to to +spd L!Alm+1 for Swift Sparrow 3.  wdyt of the prospects of doing that?

Well at 5.00% I finally got my first brave hero with Eliwood. He's +HP -def so not a good boon. I always said that if I got one I would immediately feed him to to +spd L!Alm+1 for Swift Sparrow 3. wdyt of the prospects of doing that?
Use him a bit to try him out before you fodder him. I pulled B!Micaiah and used my freebie on Eliwood. He is actually really good. He eats some very problematic units (Tibarn, lion king, fallen dragons etc) for breakfast. He’s much better than I anticipated. It’s so nice being able to bait Tibarns in AR and just destroy them.
I'm a bad one to ask. I never fodder my last copy of anyone (that's right, Raigh, Rebecca, Arthur, Hana). Plus I need Eliwood to complete The Big Three.

In regards to SS3 though, Tier 4 skills are only going to become more common. Imagine thinking "I'll get rid of my only Spring Lucina because this new SS2 is amazing." Only to have 18 more units release with the skill. Now, I don't expect the same thing to happen here but I'd ask yourself this:

What can Alm do with it that he can't do without it. If the list of things is good enough that it's worth losing Eliwood, then go for it.
I was up above 5%, spending orbs as soon as I had another 9. (On a side note, I usually wait for 13 but...) Getting desperate and getting nothing but garbage. So this morning the game gives me this.
So, I did something I hated; bought orbs to finish the cycle.
bread's done