Forza Motorsport 3 - Out Now!

QUESTION: If you have the standard edition, can people who have the limited edition sell/gift you copies of the bonus cars?
[quote name='crunchb3rry']QUESTION: If you have the standard edition, can people who have the limited edition sell/gift you copies of the bonus cars?[/QUOTE]

I sniped a Viper ACR for 11000cr (it looked like it was a car you won judging by how many were in the auction house. not that I care since I could sell it and make a boat load of money.), went directly to the ring, and had myself a fucking blast! That alone tells me this is a fucking better game all around than FM2. It acted like a Viper was suppose to. (Yes, I've driven a Viper thanks to Skip Barber.) Great fucking stuff.

I spent a good part of the weekend (i.e., the part where I wasn't taking my kids out for Halloween) in front of the TV with my 9 year old boy playing FM3, and we had a blast. I did the weekend races, and he picked and ran most of the weekday races. I agree with Turn 10's characterization--this is truly car porn. Video games get a bad rap sometimes--especially from my wife--but she was amazed at how much my son was able to commit to memory. Sitting in the auction house trying to snipe cars for less than they cost in-game was easy; he pretty much remembered them all.

When all was said and done, and it was time for us to pack it in, we were at level 26. I checked the percentage complete, which was 8 percent? Holy crap. There is a lot of game here folks.
[quote name='Kromax']Wow!

I checked the percentage complete, which was 8 percent? Holy crap. There is a lot of game here folks.[/QUOTE]

Yea that's what the GamesRadar review said being like somewheres around 15% after about 22 hours of playing the game.
So I did some more to my Christmas themed car. I added it to my store front and I'm pretty happy with it being my first full car design. There's a Christmas tree on top and candy cane type thing on the back.

Greetings fellow Cheap Ass Gamers.

I know many of us are working on getting through the single player "campaign," but trust me--that's going to take a long time. I'm somewhat worried that some of us will abandon FM3 for Modern Warfare 2 when it drops next Tuesday. That being said, I'd like to take advantage of the brief window and get some multiplayer in, preferably without having to connect with random people. Some of you may already be on my friends list, but if you're not, and you'd like to experience some FM3 multiplayer, shoot me a FR. I'm trying to schedule a session for Friday night, at about 9:00 eastern time. Let me know either here or via XBL if that time works.

Finally, does this deserve its own thread? Your thoughts please.
No, that doesn't deserve it's own thread.

Personally, given that the two games are completely different genres, I can't see many folks who are truly in to Forza jumping ship to go play MW2 for long periods of time. I'll be balancing between both of them once I pick up MW2, but I can't give up on Forza. It's just too good of a game.
[quote name='mtxbass1']No, that doesn't deserve it's own thread.

Personally, given that the two games are completely different genres, I can't see many folks who are truly in to Forza jumping ship to go play MW2 for long periods of time. I'll be balancing between both of them once I pick up MW2, but I can't give up on Forza. It's just too good of a game.[/QUOTE]

I hope your right. Personally, although I plan on getting MW2, I may hold off until I've run my course with FM3.
Is anyone else annoyed by the removal of the ability to increase the size of a stock wheel ?

I guess it was kind of cheating by adding weight to down-class your cars .
[quote name='Kromax']Greetings fellow Cheap Ass Gamers.

I know many of us are working on getting through the single player "campaign," but trust me--that's going to take a long time. I'm somewhat worried that some of us will abandon FM3 for Modern Warfare 2 when it drops next Tuesday. That being said, I'd like to take advantage of the brief window and get some multiplayer in, preferably without having to connect with random people. Some of you may already be on my friends list, but if you're not, and you'd like to experience some FM3 multiplayer, shoot me a FR. I'm trying to schedule a session for Friday night, at about 9:00 eastern time. Let me know either here or via XBL if that time works.

Finally, does this deserve its own thread? Your thoughts please.[/QUOTE]

Personally I'm waiting until BF to get this from Sears (unless there's a better deal), and am in no hurry for MW2, so I think there'll still be a few people playing this. I'll hit you up when I get it...if YOU'RE still playing it..heh..
Just got the Limited Edition Driver's Seat.
It is better than I thought.

I did a goofy video review on Amazon for anyone that might be on fence of buying one of those seats.
I'm sure if you already own the game, you wouldn't want the seat that comes with the game.

Here's my review (scroll down to customer reviews)
So now that I made my first design with a christmas santa theme I thought I'd go for a jigglypuff one. I made a singing jiggly puff with a micriphone and added it to my storefront but am now working on a design with music notes and other pokemon stuff to add. Here's the jigglypuff I made:

Do any of you guys using racing wheels for FM3? If so, which wheel do you use and would you recommend it. I really want the Logitech G27, but I don't think I'm ready spend $250 on a wheel just yet.
I hate to burst your bubble but you can't use the G27 on a 360 even if you wanted to. You'd have to go for the Fanatic wheel which would be "similar" but cost about $400. As for me... I have the 360 wheel. Do I use it like the other two PS wheels I have? No...
[quote name='airdino23']I did a goofy video review on Amazon for anyone that might be on fence of buying one of those seats.
I'm sure if you already own the game, you wouldn't want the seat that comes with the game.

Here's my review (scroll down to customer reviews)

Actually it's a well done review. I wish I could afford that setup. One thing I notice - there is no clutch pedal. I saw some other review (professional) where they had a setup with a clutch pedal. Rather wish that for all that money you ended up with a full set of pedals.

[quote name='keithp']Personally I'm waiting until BF to get this from Sears (unless there's a better deal), and am in no hurry for MW2, so I think there'll still be a few people playing this. I'll hit you up when I get it...if YOU'RE still playing it..heh..[/QUOTE]

Ditto for me. I'm going to get this on BF from Sears (probably actually that Thursday, online). Even then I'm going to play plenty of single-player before I start playing online for real.
There aren't any night time tracks, are there? One would think that should be an easy way to add replay in the campaign mode by adjusting the time of day; and then hopefully in the fourth iteration they'll go one step further with rain and fog.
[quote name='Shrapnellistic']There aren't any night time tracks, are there? One would think that should be an easy way to add replay in the campaign mode by adjusting the time of day; and then hopefully in the fourth iteration they'll go one step further with rain and fog.[/QUOTE]

Not that I've seen. If I remember correctly, Turn 10 stated that they couldn't do weather and make the game fit on a single disc. I could be getting that confused with Gran Turismo, but I'm almost positive it was them.
I haven't see night or rain, but boy do they do a good job of blinding from the sun on some tracks. I kind of like the extra challenge in that.
[quote name='Shrapnellistic']There aren't any night time tracks, are there? One would think that should be an easy way to add replay in the campaign mode by adjusting the time of day; and then hopefully in the fourth iteration they'll go one step further with rain and fog.[/QUOTE]

Hehe can we say PGR 4 here?;)
Here is my replica of Dale Earnhardt Jr. 2002 "Gossamer & Friends" Looney Tunes edition. It's on sale on my storefront for 10,000cr .... do a search for Gossamer



hey fellow CAG's!, i'm looking for any cool cars you guys have, awesome designs, movie, tv cars. etc.
& i'm willing to pay for your time that it took you to make them,
ill send payment with paypal & you then gift me the cars. let me know what you have & how much. i will totally appreciate it, thanks in advance. IM or email me. serous people only, thanks
[quote name='tokitoki50']So I had to wait for a friend to get here from Colorado, so in my insomniac boredom I created the first Forza CAG vinyl group! It's in my storefront for free, or you can msg me and I'll gift it to you. It's not nearly as pale as the picture shows, there's like a weird glow.


it's awesome!! i just sent you a friend request on live, could you please send me it? thank you so much!

xboxlive : fullhavok
Oh, ok. cool I'll have to check mine. I remembering signing up for that one. I think i did and FM2 one but it was a stang or something now that I think about it.
Crazy this thread has died down.

I hear great things, picked it up on just now. Sh0k, I'll be buying one of those cars. Not a Nascar fan, but I am a Looney Tunes fan and that car hits the spot.
That ZUNE HD Audi is amazing. I want it.

I am playing all my races on this game in event list play. Is that better than season play? It seems to be alot easier.
[quote name='saunderscowie']That ZUNE HD Audi is amazing. I want it.

I am playing all my races on this game in event list play. Is that better than season play? It seems to be alot easier.[/QUOTE]Season play seems to enforce the car PI ratings. So I typically have been doing season play and then when I don't find anything I am interested in, I go back to the event list to dominate since you can use whatever PI car so long as it matches the other criteria.

BTW, haven't been keeping up with the Forza news, but has Take 10 been gifting cars often in the past few weeks? I just checked and I had a list of about 10 new cars that were gifted to me. Pretty cool.
Hey guys

I just got Forza 3 from Amazon's black friday deal. Pretty sweet I can finally retire Forza 1.

Anyways, I have a problem. On the box it says that there is a code inside to download additional cars and tracks. Inside there is a card with a code to download the classic car pack and the extra tracks pack.

I went in and put in the code and it started to download. "Okay" I thought, "why don't I go race a little while it downloads" so I go try to start a game in Forza 3. But when I launched Forza 3 it said that it was stopping the download. "Oh well" I thought, "it's in the active downloads list I'll resume it later". So I go race a couple tracks then quit so I can let the download continue. Except, the download is not listed in the active downloads list! I tried to go back and put the code in again to start the download anew but it says that the code has already been redeemed. WTF? Now it seems like I've lost the download, and can't get a new one. Worse yet, I don't even see it in the available downloads for Forza 3, meaning even if I wanted to go like buy it again or something, I couldn't even do that.

WTF? Anything I can do? I didn't know stopping the download on the first time would cancel it forever, as it seems like every other download on the 360 is added to that active downloads list where you can pause and resume it later. Now what? Can I get help from MS on this or will they just say "sorry you can only use the code once" (a.k.a. screw you!).

[quote name='Ruahrc']Hey guys

I just got Forza 3 from Amazon's black friday deal. Pretty sweet I can finally retire Forza 1.

Anyways, I have a problem. On the box it says that there is a code inside to download additional cars and tracks. Inside there is a card with a code to download the classic car pack and the extra tracks pack.

I went in and put in the code and it started to download. "Okay" I thought, "why don't I go race a little while it downloads" so I go try to start a game in Forza 3. But when I launched Forza 3 it said that it was stopping the download. "Oh well" I thought, "it's in the active downloads list I'll resume it later". So I go race a couple tracks then quit so I can let the download continue. Except, the download is not listed in the active downloads list! I tried to go back and put the code in again to start the download anew but it says that the code has already been redeemed. WTF? Now it seems like I've lost the download, and can't get a new one. Worse yet, I don't even see it in the available downloads for Forza 3, meaning even if I wanted to go like buy it again or something, I couldn't even do that.

WTF? Anything I can do? I didn't know stopping the download on the first time would cancel it forever, as it seems like every other download on the 360 is added to that active downloads list where you can pause and resume it later. Now what? Can I get help from MS on this or will they just say "sorry you can only use the code once" (a.k.a. screw you!).


CHeck your recent downloads, hit the guide and check out account or something like that and then go to downloads to see all the downloads you have ever done. Just redownload it from there.
Thanks I'll check for that, hopefully it shows in there.

[quote name='VipFREAK']Uh... err. You know there was a 2?[/QUOTE]

Yeah I know there was a 2... only thing is I didn't have a 360 until a few weeks ago so I couldn't play it :) In fact I don't think I even got Forza 1 (I got it from Goozex) until after 2 was even released, I got it last year sometime I think.
Man, am I just loving this, I can play for hours. I was a bit disappointed when they took away my Audi R8. I really appreciate that you can do the quick upgrade and it will only install the parts up until the limit.
bread's done