FREE - Second OF 8 Episodes of The Tester @ Playstation Store *Later this afternoon*


CAG Veteran
Not sure if this is posted yet.

Saw this on their
Starting this afternoon, you can download the first of eight episodes of The Tester from PlayStation Store or watch it with your friends in the PlayStation Home Theater all for free. We want to hear from you, so please comment and let us know what you think.
In the meantime, enjoy the show!

Update 2/25: You can now download Episode 2
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The topic is missing a very important word. You're not downloading the first eight. You're downloading the first OF eight.
[quote name='mkelehan']The topic is missing a very important word. You're not downloading the first eight. You're downloading the first OF eight.[/QUOTE]

LOL.. oops sorry about that.
So wanting a tester job at Sony you have to go through all this hassle screw it Ill stick to Atlus tester.
Just my two cents but I watched the preview maybe expecting this to be decent. But from what I can see it looks like a trainwreck in the making. Also isn't video game tester kinda a shitty job i mean from what i hear you just play the same section of a game over and over looking for glitches. Not to say I won't dl the first episode just to see what kinda crap they come up with for a relatively lame job. Thanks for reminding me it comes out today OP!
[quote name='orcishlad']Eight episodes of Ciji crying.

*sigh* I wish I had a PS3.[/QUOTE]

What? I didn't notice she was on the show. I guess competition was pretty low. It'll will take a few episodes before she creates a situation that causes her to cry, so it should only be 5-6 episodes of crying.
It's going to be crappy but it's free TV so it's something for me to watch while I'm eating or whatever. When you don't have pay TV like me, you'll be surprised how desperate you get for any type of programming that's halfway decent or slightly interesting.

[And don't say Netflix or Hulu because my crap 1.5 Meg down DSL connection (and I can't get cable as my apartment is ATT/Dish Network exclusive) sucks for streaming and I'd rather download stuff from the 360/PS3 video stores overnight and watch them at my convenience rather than the fuzzy and stuttering stream quality I would get.]
[quote name='Soujiro_Seta']Just my two cents but I watched the preview maybe expecting this to be decent. But from what I can see it looks like a trainwreck in the making. Also isn't video game tester kinda a shitty job i mean from what i hear you just play the same section of a game over and over looking for glitches. Not to say I won't dl the first episode just to see what kinda crap they come up with for a relatively lame job. Thanks for reminding me it comes out today OP![/QUOTE]

Isn't a trainwreck in the making the only draw of this show? Who would want to watch them play the same boring level over and over?
I think I'll watch the first episode just to see how bad it is.

I mean, it can't be worse than Jersey Shore right?

[quote name='Junkie2']So wanting a tester job at Sony you have to go through all this hassle screw it Ill stick to Atlus tester.[/QUOTE]

Seriously? Can you hook a brother up?
The 1 GB download for it sucks. My cable goes to hell after 4 pm so I'm a third done. Unlike the premature hater, I'm excited for this stuff. I watched that Ultimate Gamer show on Syfy? last year and thought it was just decent enough to keep watching. The drama that the Ciji chick made really ruined the show half way through so hopefully she is booted off this show asap.
Ultimate Gamer made me cringe at how bad those people really were. Jesus, 8wayrun was aflame about the last fight in SCIV between the two guys. That fight made me die a little inside.
[quote name='Diad']calling it now, episode 8 has the last two fight to the death.[/QUOTE]

That'd be the cruelest joke of all. Because after winning this "prize" of a testing job the "winner" would wish they had died instead.

I can't imagine the show is any good. Maybe if it were like 80% Jaffe and they let the dude do his thing and cuss up a storm it would be worth watching at least once.
Going to give it a chance, hopefully its not TOO bad. Seriously though? A show about being a game tester, with no actual gaming challenges?
[quote name='bringerofdeath']this show sucks they didn't even have game challenge[/QUOTE]
I know, when they said there would be no controller, all I could think was "someone for the love of god say, 'are we playing natal?'"
ok, first this wasn't a gigabyte.. it was 350mb for the HD episode. I ended up watching it last night before a round of Dante's Inferno..what was crazy is that I only planned on watching it for 5 minutes. but then it just kind of drew me in, where I didn't want to stop watching..its a decent show. makes me wish I worked for Sony!!
[quote name='token2k6']ok, first this wasn't a gigabyte.. it was 350mb for the HD episode. I ended up watching it last night before a round of Dante's Inferno..what was crazy is that I only planned on watching it for 5 minutes. but then it just kind of drew me in, where I didn't want to stop watching..its a decent show. makes me wish I worked for Sony!![/QUOTE]

its 900mb

its not decent
Its terrible. And this post is stupid because this isn't a deal; all the episodes are going to be free.

"PS3 and PSP owners can download The Tester from PlayStation Store starting February 18th for FREE. PlayStation Home users will also be able to watch the series with other PS3 owners in the PlayStation Home Theatre."

Notice, they didn't say "download the first episode for free", but they said "download ... starting Feb. 18th for free". Furthermore, why would they put it in the theatre in Home if it wasn't free to watch?
I had assumed that this would be free all the way. Is Sony actually thinking that someone might pay for whatever they're shilling???
Maybe Sony knows something we don't. Now I am interested. Maybe some crazy stuff will go down in the end with sex and alliances and backstabbing all for the chance to play Strawberry Shortcake for 100 hours straight.

Nah, screw it. It'll suck and it will all be free and ignored by the masses.
[quote name='dizee']its 900mb

its not decent[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I found it pretty unbearable. Im not much for reality tv though, so maybe I am biased.

It worries me that the runtime comes in at close to 22 minutes, the normal runtime for a cable television show. Its almost as though this was pitched for cable; got denied; produced anyways in hopes of getting picked up; the final product was denied and then Sony just put it on the PSN so that it wouldnt be a complete waste.
That guy Barmy was really creepy. The judges were probably so happy when he didn't do well so they had an excuse to boot his ass.
[quote name='gettinmoney662']Luge is hot, maybe it's that NY accent.[/QUOTE]

I hate people with that accent. I live in Brooklyn and I rarely hear anyone with it.
its downloading, but ive heard nothing but negativity about it. not even sure if i wanna go ahead and let it finish DLing. Oh well, ill watch it and then delete it probably and not even bother with the next episodes.
At least I have something that'll occupy me for 22 mins. Wow, this show sucks.
That Barmy guy was creepy and when he was about to cry when he lost, his kids must be disappointed.
I wonder how they chose these contestants, they are all weird in some way. I guess normal people were out of the question. They should've chose a hotter host too, if they want people to watch it.
[quote name='greyzieoriental']At least I have something that'll occupy me for 22 mins. Wow, this show sucks.
That Barmy guy was creepy and when he was about to cry when he lost, his kids must be disappointed.
I wonder how they chose these contestants, they are all weird in some way. I guess normal people were out of the question. They should've chose a hotter host too, if they want people to watch it.[/QUOTE]

For real, she's cute but she needs to stop showin off those flabby breasts.
[quote name='greyzieoriental']At least I have something that'll occupy me for 22 mins. Wow, this show sucks.
That Barmy guy was creepy and when he was about to cry when he lost, his kids must be disappointed.
I wonder how they chose these contestants, they are all weird in some way. I guess normal people were out of the question. They should've chose a hotter host too, if they want people to watch it.[/QUOTE]
I also noticed that quite a few contestants including the host has some kind of overbite. Whoever was in charge of the hiring and picking the contestants probably has an overbite fetish. Woodchucks FTW!
I think Penny Arcade sums this one up pretty well. Haha.

[quote name='koji126']I think ChicoBlue from Penny Arcade sums this one up pretty well. Haha.

bread's done