FRINGE - Now On Netflix...Watch it again!

I realized this week that I really would hate for Fringe to be discontinued, I enjoy having new episodes every week. I really hope that they get enough ratings for more seasons. It's probably one of the only shows still being produced that I really enjoy.
[quote name='ImLuhkee']I realized this week that I really would hate for Fringe to be discontinued, I enjoy having new episodes every week. I really hope that they get enough ratings for more seasons. It's probably one of the only shows still being produced that I really enjoy.[/QUOTE]

Same here. TV has taken a nose dive in the past 2 or 3 years. FRINGE is one of the few shows I actually look forward to - especially with LOST done now. I need my weird sci-fi fix!
Wow. Fringe somehow continues to plumb new depths of weirdness.

Can't wait to see where they're going with this.
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[quote name='humidore']Balls, i wanted Hurley to be Bell.[/QUOTE]

Hadn't thought about that, now I am extremely disappointed they didn't do that.
[quote name='humidore']Balls, i wanted Hurley to be Bell.[/QUOTE]

That would have been cool. It was an odd cameo - he was on screen for less than 10 minutes. Still, this show is awesomely weird. Anna Torv now gets to play her third character of the season.
What happens to Olivia when Bell takes over her body though? Is she going to be in/out or is it Bell until he completes whatever it is he needs to complete?
[quote name='LinkinPrime']What happens to Olivia when Bell takes over her body though? Is she going to be in/out or is it Bell until he completes whatever it is he needs to complete?[/QUOTE]

My guess is that Olivia has been completely replaced until they can get Bell out or he voluntarily leaves.
YES!!! Suck it, naysayers!

Fringe is no longer on the bubble! Fox's sci-fi series has been renewed for a full 22-episode fourth season, has confirmed.
In January, Fringe moved to Fridays, often called the programming "death slot" since previous shows such as Firefly, Dollhouse and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles were also shifted to this day and were subsequently canceled. Despite hitting a series low in the 18 to 49 demographic on Friday, Fringe has been averaging 4.34 million viewers this season.
Fringe airs Fridays at 9/8c on Fox.
EDIT: I see EDJ already posted but that's OK, this news deserves double recognition.
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I'm glad to hear Fringe got renewed (a show I've always wanted to see, that I'll probably check out on DVD/Blu-Ray) but this is the same network that renewed Arrested Development for a full third season and eventually cut it down to 13 episodes. Hope Fringe fares better.
Check out John Noble on L.A. Noire:


Or is that another FRINGE universe 0_o!

Yeah pretty awesome episode. The 'Scanner Darkly' type animated sequences were kinda cheesy but cool. Overall very solid episode, can't wait for the final 3 of the season.
The only thing I didn't like about the animated part was Walter's hair, something about it just bothered me.

I wonder if the mystery guy has had a hidden observer like appearances in any of the past episodes?
I really enjoyed this episode too, but more as a guilty pleasure. The "Inception" plot was a bit ham-fisted, but it worked for what it was. The "A Scanner Darkly" animation was a bit too rough for my tastes, but I understand this is a weekly TV show and they don't have the time nor the budget for better. Better to have Nimoy's voice than not have him at all.

Can't wait for the next three weeks, though!

The twist at the end was great, especially how nonchalant Olivia was about the whole thing.
SO what the crap is going on now?
Peter is in the year 2021? Is this our universe? The alternate universe? A combination of the two? Any thoughts as to who is going to die? I imagine they will kill off someone in our universe but keep them going in the alternate one kind of like Charlie. Could it be Astrid????
[quote name='Javery']SO what the crap is going on now?
Peter is in the year 2021? Is this our universe? The alternate universe? A combination of the two? Any thoughts as to who is going to die? I imagine they will kill off someone in our universe but keep them going in the alternate one kind of like Charlie. Could it be Astrid????

It's either our universe, a hybrid, or some different universe altogether since the WTC towers didn't go down on 9/11 in the alternate universe. I can't see them killing off Olivia, Peter, Walter,or Broyles from the normal universe, so I guess Astrid would make sense. Maybe Fauxlivia?
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']*sigh* As much as I love Fringe, this reeks of the Dollhouse season 2 finale.[/QUOTE]

Don't you mean series finale? ;)

I'm going to reserve judgment until I see how it actually plays out. It could be sort of interesting. I love alternate universes and apocalyptic futures!
[quote name='Javery']Don't you mean series finale? ;)

I'm going to reserve judgment until I see how it actually plays out. It could be sort of interesting. I love alternate universes and apocalyptic futures![/QUOTE]
Yes, but I didn't want to imply that it was Fringe's series finale as well.

I love love love alt-universe stuff, but I'm a little worn out an apocalyptic futures methinks.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']I love love love alt-universe stuff, but I'm a little worn out an apocalyptic futures methinks.[/QUOTE]

yeah, I'm with you there... it has been done to death lately but I do like it when there is time-travel and the possibility of preventing said apocalyptic future. The alt-universe stuff is MUCH more interesting.

- Independent Nevada
- No North and South Dakota - it's just Dakota!
- Star Wars: Legion of Droids
- Brooklyn Dodgers
- Springsteen Station
- Daily flights to the moon

There is so much to love about the alt-universe...
I still haven't watched the most recent episode so I haven't read any posts but...

what happened to your "h", Javery (and how would one pronounce your name)? I've always wondered.
Yeah, not feeling the ending to this episode. I really really hope that they don't continue with this future and somehow at the end of the season finale we're back at our timeline.
TMQ doesn't like time-travel either.

[quote name='TMQ']In the Alternate Universe, TMQ Is Written by a Really Handsome Guy: Friday is the season finale of "Fringe," the best sci-fi series on television. Though "Fringe" is entertaining, yours truly was hoping the show would be canceled. The writers clearly are desperate for material -- they've introduced time travel, always a bad sign. Producer J.J. Abrams has promised that when "Fringe" ends, everything that's happened actually will make sense -- unlike when his "Lost" ended. That's why I was hoping the series would end now, while it was still vaguely conceivably the action could be wrapped up in a coherent manner.

Instead Fox renewed "Fringe" for a fourth season. This leaves it increasingly likely that what to J.J. Abrams qualifies as "makes sense" will mean the series slams to a halt amidst blazing special effects with most loose ends unexplained. Late in the current season, for instance, action centers on a 250-million-year-old device, capable of destroying the world, that can be controlled only by the show's two leads -- whose DNA sequences were encoded into the device 250 million years ago. What are the odds that head-scratcher ever will be explained?

The premise of the series is that there is a parallel universe in which a second Earth is similar, but not identical, to ours. History there is somewhat different, though fast food tastes exactly the same in both universes, the show's best joke. Each character has a similar, though not identical, doppelganger on the other side. With a season finale airing Friday you'd assume, in cliffhanger fashion, that the shocker will be the death of a beloved character. But on "Fringe" a beloved character could die -- then next season be back, replaced by her mirror image from the other universe.

Here was the nuttiest line from this season's "Fringe," spoken by a Harvard scientist wearing a lab coat: "The human body is held together by magnetism. If a person experienced a strong magnetic charge, that person would become incapable of dying." The statement -- the show oozes pseudo-science, and even has a "science" web page -- is gibberish, or else everyone who's been through an MRI would be immortal. The tiny amounts of electrical current in our brains and nerves produce weak magnetic fields, but these have nothing to do with "holding the body together," which happens via chemical bonds. "Fringe" can assume anything it likes about the "science" of interdimensional teleportation. But references to known science should be accurate.

Here was the nuttiest subplot: A scientist played as an occasional character by Leonard Nimoy (the original Mr. Spock) discovers a way to come back from the dead. He does elaborate research and builds the necessary equipment, which must be activated by a living person. A year after the Nimoy character's death, the good guys discover and activate the resurrection system, which they find only by chance. Why? Facing death in the presence of his best friend in the finale of Season 2, the Nimoy character forgot to mention there was a device that would bring him back from the dead. And he left no notes or instructions.

Obviously, the scriptwriters cooked up this subplot as a way to get Nimoy back into the show. This kind of "I suddenly remembered that ..." filler is the reason I wish "Fringe" would just wrap it up and end.[/QUOTE]
Holy shit!!!!!!

OMG that went beyond my expectations, what a fucking awesome cliffhanger, my mind is blown right now, I can't wait to see what's next and I hope to God that
Peter comes back!
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Holy shit!!!!!!

OMG that went beyond my expectations, what a fucking awesome cliffhanger, my mind is blown right now, I can't wait to see what's next and I hope to God that
Peter comes back!

I don't. I hope the writers play for keeps. Though the show would probably lose something in the short run without Peter.
I didn't like the finale.
So basically Peter is now removed from the "history timeline" except to the observers, but for some reason we now have double universes needing to figure out how to survive. I do expect Peter to return William Bell style next season.

I consider this a Fight Club style ending with nothing really to show as it does not create a flowing storyline. I feel the shows writers have totally gone off course this past season from the greatness built in the first two. I think the plot could have been much better; I question my interest in season 4.
I found myself with many questions after the finale. The one i kept asking the most was "are Walternates eyes closed or open?" The mans a mad squinter.
Very interesting indeed. I never knew that there were key words in the ending credits, is this new to this episode or has it always been?
I think there are clues all over the place if you bother to look. The positioning of the light around the weird pictures that bookend the commercials represent letters and can be unscrambled to form a word related to the show for every episode - I'm sure there are others.

I loved the finale - it sets up Season 4 and doesn't leave me too aggravated about unanswered questions. I mean if the show was canceled now it could have been a series finale - you assume Walter and Walternate will work things out and Peter has fulfilled his purpose...
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Very interesting indeed. I never knew that there were key words in the ending credits, is this new to this episode or has it always been?[/QUOTE]
They were talking about the opening credits. Do shows even have ending credits nowadays?
Finally got around to watching the season finale. Was pretty entertaining. I am really looking forward to season 4.

Unfortunately we won't find out how Broyles got(more like why he needed) his cybernetic eye.

Walternate doesn't seem like the kind of guy to negotiate or offer an olive branch. So to me, it didn't make sense he would have come over to our universe. Other than that I am not going to nitpick, I will just sit back and enjoy the ride.
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