Fun topic. Video game Myths.


I have wanted to do this topic for a while now.

There are a lot of video game myths, things that you hear all the time but cant really be prove. Host advantage, broken game play over lack of skill, bunny hopping, ect ect.

What do you have think is the the biggest video game myth and can you prove or disprove it?

I personally think Host advantage is a crock. Everyone comes up with a ton of reason for why they just got killed and host advantage seems to be at the front. The fact that most people claim that a certain person is host when they clearly are not leads me to believe that there is no such thing. Also when I am host...I rarely every do better than I normally do.
Shouldn't this be in the General Gaming Forum?

And I think host lag/advantage is real, but to a much lesser degree than people believe.
Host advantage is quite real. I know I was hosting a private COD4 match and had too many people for my internet connection. I was whizzing around the map killing everyone and they couldn't even move. We ended up playing the next match me vs 16 of them and I beat them easily because they couldn't even control their characters.

This is an extreme case, but it does illustrate the point that if you don't have a good connection to the host, all the skill in the world can't save you.
Hmmm..let's see. This doesn't apply anymore....but I remember anytime someone did really good at a game back in the SNES days, they were "using codes" or even worse...using "Game Genie." least that was the accusation from the angry victim!
Reviving Aeris, best myth ever. You could make up any crazy thing ie. beating both weapons with just cloud and no kotr, post it on gamefaqs and people would try it.
host lag is quite real. On my brother's connection, most of the time i do really well in the player matches for halo 3. I play player matches there as he doesn't have a Live account, and i do, so we use mine.
Anyway, in the big team events, most of the time i am with the "upper pack" on my team, but some games, i just get owned by one person (or team of people on the same unit) and can't seem to pick them off.
But that doesn't happen all too often.

I guess i havn't really heard any myths though....
The first thing I thought of when I seen the topic, I htought of all the BS Mortal Kombat 2 codes I used to get suckered into in the 5th grade. Press y 1000 times, then x 5 times and start and select and you can unlock
This talk of host advantage reminds me of something really stupid during the SOCOM2 days. Apparently, some genius thought that whoever said the last word during the chat prior to the match was going to have an advantage or lag the game. I forget which. I still never understood it.
All of the Pokemon myths.

I actually beat the Elite 4 well over 40 times in Red because I thought it would unlock a secret world.
did somthing really happen if you pressed all the buttons at once when that guy in Mortal Kombat flew on the screen and said "Woopdeee!"????
[quote name='the_deej']did somthing really happen if you pressed all the buttons at once when that guy in Mortal Kombat flew on the screen and said "Woopdeee!"????[/quote]

Can't remember what you had to push but you had to input something when he came up and you would be able to fight Reptile I think? Way to long ago to remember the actual details but yes that wasn't a myth.

My fav myth of recent memory was people believing you could unlock Sonic in SSBM. People would swear up and down that it was possible lol
Host advantage exists, but can be overcome with skill.

I wonder is there are reeeeally millions of ET carts buried in the New Mexico desert.
[quote name='yukafls']GTA San Andreas......Talk about myth city.[/quote]

lol oh man... after spending all day at work on Gamefaqs, I came home and spent an entire night looking for Bigfoot. :lol:
Same here, and looking for the Bigfoot monster truck(if you drive it in back o beyond, he is most likely to appear) and searching for the UFOs. I also tried to look for the serial killer(supposedly leatherface:roll:) but it still no luck.
[quote name='KaOTiK']Can't remember what you had to push but you had to input something when he came up and you would be able to fight Reptile I think? Way to long ago to remember the actual details but yes that wasn't a myth.

My fav myth of recent memory was people believing you could unlock Sonic in SSBM. People would swear up and down that it was possible lol[/quote]

Heh, believe it was MK3; forget the exact button combo, but if you pressed it one of the creators' (not sure whether it was Boon or Tobias) heads would show up in the bottom corner and say "Toasty". Your next fight would then be against Smoke, essentially a Scorpion copy/a copy of the robot guys, in grey with smoke puffs billowing around him. As much as smoke could billow with pixelated 16-bit graphics.
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Mew Island >_>

And what's up about all the guides on Sonic Adventure 2 Battle? They say you'll see some cat in some levels, but I've NEVER seen one.
I can't believe no one brought up the infamous nude codes from back in the day.

The Tomb Raider one had to be the most famous, but I think these were going around for a long time (Night Trap on the Sega CD had the rumor going for awhile).
No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, or what anybody says, you can't shoot the dog in Duck Hunt. Just give it up.
I don't want to count April Fools jokes as myths.

I remember hearing Saddam Hussein bought 4,000 PS2s at the launch (when they were hot & hard to find.) He did this with aspirations of creating a super computer.
[quote name='lordxixor101']I can't believe no one brought up the infamous nude codes from back in the day.

The Tomb Raider one had to be the most famous, but I think these were going around for a long time (Night Trap on the Sega CD had the rumor going for awhile).[/quote]
That's what I thought of immediately. "Wats the nudez code?!!"
Just a few I thought of off the top of my head:

  • Lunar: Eternal Blue - The Dark Scimitar
  • Final Fantasy VII - Revive Aerith
  • Final Fantasy VI - Play as Gen. Leo
  • Super Mario Bros. - Beat the "negative world"
  • Sonic 2 - Hidden Palace Zone
I remember ocarina of time has a few myths. Something like you can find the triforce somewhere and you can go to that other dimension somehow and like an arwing (starfox) flying around or something.

The most recently awesome myth of this generation is definitly that MGS4 is an exclusive. That one always gives me a laugh. ...

please let it be a myth..
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[quote name='sleepy180'] and like an arwing (starfox) flying around or something.


[quote name='emdub']No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, or what anybody says, you can't shoot the dog in Duck Hunt. Just give it up.[/quote]
In the arcade version you can. The dog then pops up with a cast and bandages. Serves that dog to defy humanity! Laughing at me and THEN standing on two legs to do so?! MADNESS! THE SENTENCE IS DEATH!

[quote name='sleepy180']
The most recently awesome myth of this generation is definitly that MGS4 is an exclusive. That one always gives me a laugh. ...

please let it be a myth..[/quote]
You and me both...
[quote name='emdub']No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, or what anybody says, you can't shoot the dog in Duck Hunt. Just give it up.[/quote]

You can in the arcade version! He gives you a frowny face :(
Revive Aeris is hardly the best FFVII myth, as there's some truly harebrained ones out there, like the equippable Masamune for Cloud, getting Sephiroth to join your party, or the Wooden Chocobo.

But yeah, there have been some wacky Aeris resurrection "techniques" that have been passed around...
Whats the MGS4 one??? Also, where is the Triforce so you can get that Arwing??? Its pretty cool, the recent one I have heard is that in GTA IV you can date Kate after she has died. Something about a phone call right after it happens, like the next day.
In Diablo 2, if you go to Act 1 and drop all your items near charsi in the corner, and if you hold alt then press F4 those items will duplicate. You need at least 2 people in the room though.
Yoshi is at the Top of the Castle in Super Mario 64.

No matter how much I tried I could never reach the top of that castle.
[quote name='joe2187']Yoshi is at the Top of the Castle in Super Mario 64.

No matter how much I tried I could never reach the top of that castle.[/quote]



He is.

Isn't he?
[quote name='yukafls']That one is true, you need all 120 stars and then you can use the cannon to launch yourself onto the roof.

See for yourself[/quote]

Yeah but that's the easy way. The hard way is to wall rebound your way from the ground , to the hills , and up to the castle roof. Doing it this way makes more since , if you do this early in the game , the triple jump and lives you get from yoshi actually end up being useful. Whereas once you have all the stars , whats the point?
[quote name='anomynous']Wait,

is the Arwing in Ocarina of Time real?[/quote]

Apparently there's a Gameshark code that allows you to change a character from a certain village into any character in the game. Among this options is the Arwing, for whatever reason.
bread's done