Game Database / Community Moderation / Product Editing: So many questions... so little answers... now waiting for CAG 4.0...

It seems that products will get release date info if and only if they also get the Amazon price tracker info. For whatever reason, a lot of entries are lacking the Amz info. Also, it seems like the problem symbols for the nav search (e.g. apostrophes, "&"s, etc.) are also preventing products from getting ANY retailer price info.

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I think I've tackled most, if not all, of the � entries, excluding my favorite �, ∑, π, ˚, ∆, ˙, ∂, Ω, ≈, √, ∫, ≤, and ≥ entry:
Guitar hero �∑�������π�˚∆˙��∂���Ω≈�√∫∫���≤≤≥≥��� (PS3)
I'm still puzzled how those other symbols got through, especially the degree symbol since that one was converted for other product titles. I think I'm gonna leave this one alone. :lol:
When I first started all this, I knew that there was no way there could be half a million titles/products in the database. Why are there so many empty "Sorry, we couldn't find that!" pages? Less than 10% of the total 535k+ of those are actual entries.
With 535487 being the latest entry, here's a breakdown of what I've found to be non-empty entries:

Product ID range           No. of actual entries

1 - 100k:................................................20434



WARNING: Large quantity of data. May slow down your browser and take some time to load.

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Any way to put limitations on who can make edits? I'd like to suggest limiting new users from making edits, just as they are limited from doing other things on the site. Also - and this may drive away edit makers - is it possible to force users to rack up a certain score via votes before being allowed to actually make edits? A few CAG Ultra Noobs are making edits that are not "proper" and it's kinda annoying (2015, 2018). Another edit (2019), although correct, is just uninformed and going against what we've been working towards, until that's all fixed and sorted out.

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What the hell is going on here?! So many things wrong... many iterations of a single and no other game (bottom of page loaded results are all also the same), 3DS platform for a PC entry, an absurdly high and inaccurate price, non-functioning retailer link, price drop discrepancies, etc. Seems to be occurring under "Sort by: Scan date / Price drop" categories only. Haven't noticed something so drastically off before.
Also, clicking the various "Sort by" and "Show" price (i.e. new, used, trade-in) categories does not visually deselect the previously highlighted/selected categories.

[attachment=22074:2016.05.24 CAG price tracker.png]

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Any update or word on those tools? Still could really use a multi platform select and add feature. I just accidentally added a game for a platform that it's not on. Also, one title has so many variations retailer wide, I imagine the price tracker will only get info for one of them.

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How active has it ever really been though? :lol: I've only slowed down because the updates aren't here. It's hard getting the motivation to do anything community moderation related when those updates would make edits and submissions much easier. Then there's the neglected site wide features that add to the frustration.

Not much is happening with existing features because work on the next version of the site is underway. 

The most relevant game database features in the new site are:

- Integration with external APIs (specifically IGDB at this point), for populating game data.

- Per-user level access to the CAG backend to allow proactive (and trusted) users to have complete control over what's in the game database/moderation queue.

bread's done