Game of the Year list so far?

[quote name='panzerfaust']It's a shame FFXIII will not even be a nominee because it's linear =([/QUOTE]
It wouldn't get my vote this year anyway.
Best portable: MGS Peace Walker
Best new IP: Darksiders
Best action: GOW III
Best RPG: Mass Effect 2
Best Platformer: SMG2 (though I have high hopes for LBP2)
Best Open-world game: Red Dead Revolver
Best PSN game: Joe Danger
Best XBLA game: Limbo
Best follow-up: RDR (Bioshock 2 is pretty good too)
Best TPS: Splinter-Cell Conviction
Best FPS: Bad Company 2
Best Story/narrative: Heavy Rain

I'll probably add more or edit this once I think more about it
[quote name='panzerfaust']It's a shame FFXIII will not even be a nominee because it's linear =([/QUOTE]Yeah, and I thought the game was so good too.

My list goes (and this is VERY hard to come up with too based on what I played):
1. Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep (just barely)
2. Final Fantasy XIII (I find it very underrated, love the characters, story, and battle system too much. Best FF since X).
3. Heavy Rain
4. Yakuza 3
5. Star Ocean: The Last Hope International
6. God of War III
7. ModNation Racers
8. Bayonetta
9. Halo Reach
10. Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker

A few honorable mentions are Hexyz Force, Valkyria Chronicles II, Phantasy Star Portable 2, 3D Dot Heroes, White Knight Chronicles, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, and Hot Shots Tennis: GaG.
My list is shaping up like so:

#1. Super Mario Galaxy 2(Wii)
#2. Bayonetta(Xbox 360)
#3. Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom(Wii)
#4. Deathsmiles(Xbox 360)

Not a finalized list, but that's how it stands, at the moment.
Im sure I will end up adding games to this list, but I'd say so far in no particular order:

-Mass Effect 2
-Final Fantasy XIII
-Heavy Rain
-Super Street Fighter IV

I haven't played Reach yet, but I'm sure it will be a GOTY contender, and even though I just started KH: BBS I KNOW it will be one of my favorite games this year.
360: Halo: Reach (no idea really. Haven't paid attention to 360 exclusives)
PS3: God of War III
Wii: Super Mario Galaxy 2
DS: Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver
PSP: Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep
PC: StarCraft 2
Multiplat: Red Dead Redemption
Overall GOTY: Red Dead Redemption
[quote name='elessar123']Oh yea, and the invisible walls and randomly incorrect gravity. One of the worst parts of the game, easilly. You can fly to make it a little easier...[/QUOTE]

Once I finally got to the one of balconies (getting there was quite nerve wracking), I double jumped and turned into the crow to make it to the boss battle. Overall, it was a very fun game and most likely will make my top ten list later this year.
My favorite: Persona 3 Portable

Runners-up (and also games that aren't the second enhanced port/remake of a game that came out just 3 years ago):
-Yakuza 3
-Dragon Quest IX

[quote name='panzerfaust']It's a shame FFXIII will not even be a nominee because it's linear =([/QUOTE]
No, it won't even be a nominee because it is a piece of horseshit.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']

No, it won't even be a nominee because it is a piece of horseshit.[/QUOTE]

Haha, harsh :applause:

It's my personal pick. And Mass Effect 2 would be a runner up.
halo reach atm. soon to be replaced by fallout new vegas i am sure. i cant wait. :)

edit: though i did like me2 alot as well..... cant comment on alan wake yet (getting it monday)
Mass Effect 2 and Red Dead are my top two. It is so hard for me to pick which I enjoyed more. God of War 3 and Heavy Rain would be my next two.
I didn't care for Alan Wake. The gameplay was SOOOO effing repetitive and that alone takes it off a GOTY for me.

Mass Effect 2 was good, but the general story was very underplayed here and I didn't like that. They focused way too much on the side stories for each character in the team. That takes it off GOTY for me.

Halo Reach is absolutely epic. The difference between Halo 2 and 3 was minuscule, but 3 to Reach was extremely different. The story was soooo much more epic feeling and the multiplayer kind of speaks for itself. Def GOTY contender for sure. My only gripe is the Forge editor maps can't be shared online.

Red Dead Redemption was also extremely fun. The story sucked complete ASS after you returned to your family and it definitely started WAY too slow, but the rest of it was a lot of fun. I would put this under Halo: Reach.

Bioshock 2 = Bioshock 1 w/ multiplayer and far less provocative storyline. I enjoyed the game, but def not GOTY for me.

I think the game that truly deserves GOTY is Starcraft 2. The campaign was incredible in story, graphics, and features. The multiplayer, while similar to SC1 in play style, is extremely fun and still feels fresh, and the immense map editor has already turned out some amazing games. This game checks off every category with flying colors, whereas the others (except Halo Reach) fall short in some categories.

In the end it'll be between Halo and SC2. Fallout New Vegas, I suspect, will be a long Fallout 3 expansion.
I'm not that excited about a $60 Fallout 3 expansion (that's what it is, deal with it). ME 2 is probably the only game I played this year that really hung with me long after I finished it. There have been other solid titles, but nothing I've really been impressed with.
[quote name='Erad30']I'm not that excited about a $60 Fallout 3 expansion (that's what it is, deal with it). ME 2 is probably the only game I played this year that really hung with me long after I finished it. There have been other solid titles, but nothing I've really been impressed with.[/QUOTE]

mass effect 2 was just a 60 dollar mass effect expansion.
I know it isn't out yet but obviously Gran Turismo 5 should be a contendor? Yeah it's not for everyone but it certainly represents the values we all look for in games. But what do I know, I've been too busy playing MAG to care.
[quote name='SkankinRex']I know it isn't out yet but obviously Gran Turismo 5 should be a contendor? Yeah it's not for everyone but it certainly represents the values we all look for in games. But what do I know, I've been too busy playing MAG to care.[/QUOTE]

Most likely. However, its not out yet, so we don't know how good it'll be. It'll most likely be my game of the year, as GT2, 3, and 4 all have been my goty each year they were released.
[quote name='thingsfallnapart']mass effect 2 was just a 60 dollar mass effect expansion.[/QUOTE]

Every sequel is just an expansion of the previous game. Publishers have been ripping us off!
[quote name='SkankinRex']I know it isn't out yet but obviously Gran Turismo 5 should be a contendor? Yeah it's not for everyone but it certainly represents the values we all look for in games. But what do I know, I've been too busy playing MAG to care.[/QUOTE]I haven't been keeping up with GT5 news(no PS3), but if it has the same brain-dead A.I. we've been complaining about for the 12 years the series has been around then, no, it doesn't deserve contender status. The A.I. has been the only major issue with the series this entire time and they still haven't fixed it, even after four installments(all of which I own).
[quote name='Darknuke']
Halo Reach is absolutely epic. The difference between Halo 2 and 3 was minuscule, but 3 to Reach was extremely different. The story was soooo much more epic feeling and the multiplayer kind of speaks for itself. [/QUOTE]


To me the gameplay felt epic, but the story was very thin compared to Halo 1-3. Just try to defend a planet, then try to get an artifact off planet etc.

No biggies as none of the Halo games have great stories and gameplay is what matters most.
Red Dead Redemption hands down, but Mass Effect 2 and Super Street Fighter 2 would be the best RPG and Fighting game of the year.

Lara Croft is probably my favorite XBLA game of the year also
[quote name='Erad30']I'm not that excited about a $60 Fallout 3 expansion (that's what it is, deal with it).[/QUOTE]

I'll gladly deal with it. Fallout 3 was easily my GOTY for '08. Any opportunity to get more of that action is fine by me.

But seriously, to call a game that many of us will like once again sink 100 hours into as an "expansion" is a bit silly. The game's been in development for quite some time and many things have been improved upon, most notably vastly improved over-the-shoulder shooting, so you aren't compelled to use VATS in every, single tough situation.
[quote name='jkanownik']1) Red Dead Redemption
2) Starcraft 2
3) Alan Wake
4) Halo: Reach
5) Mass Effect 2
6) Bioshock 2[/QUOTE]

Revised list after spending more time with Halo:

1) Red Dead Redemption
2) Starcraft 2
3) Alan Wake
4) Mass Effect 2
5) Bioshock 2
I've only played a few games released in 2010, and my nominations for GOTY are God of War 3 and Red Dead Redemption. Other M was looking like a sure thing from the trailers and everything, but it ended up being quite a let-down for me.
bread's done