Game of Thrones discussion thread - Season 5 debuts April 12th

I think my only complaint with this show is that, having not read the books, things move rather fast and it's hard to keep track of names and plots. The first season did a better job since its task was to introduce the whole of the story, but now it's moving a bit too quickly. I feel like I'm missing stuff and I'm sure it's because of what they have to cut. Still a great show, but damn is it hard to follow at times without watching it during the encore.

Also, anyone else notice Peter Dinklage got top billing in the opening credits? They know who the real star of the show is now. ;)
It does seem to move fast, in fact, having read the books, it seems to move even faster. These are such long books though that they have to cut things and quicken the pace on the show to fit a book into a single season.
[quote name='Clak']The dire wolf CGI was a little iffy, the dragons were ok though.

I thought it looked pretty good, and certainly had the right scale. Can't wait to see Ghost that size.

[quote name='Jodou']
Also, anyone else notice Peter Dinklage got top billing in the opening credits? They know who the real star of the show is now. ;)[/QUOTE]

Well the two guys who got top billing last season both died. ;)

I agree it's a well-deserved honor for Dinklage though.
[quote name='Clak']It does seem to move fast, in fact, having read the books, it seems to move even faster. These are such long books though that they have to cut things and quicken the pace on the show to fit a book into a single season.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, for instance this 'burning of the seven' was just thrown in and didn't really make sense. That and the woman there was just introduced and I still don't even recall her name if it was said. Only things I know about her is 'woman in red' and 'acid for blood'. Not sure about that last one. . .

I'm sure this is all a love-letter to fans, but for anyone who doesn't know what's going on it's pretty confusing.[quote name='bvharris']Well the two guys who got top billing last season both died. ;)[/QUOTE]
It wasn't the scale that felt off, it was the coloring or lightingI think, it didn't fit the lighting of the scene I think. They were in a dimly lit area and yet the wolf looked too bright.
[quote name='Jodou']Yeah, for instance this 'burning of the seven' was just thrown in and didn't really make sense. That and the woman there was just introduced and I still don't even recall her name if it was said. Only things I know about her is 'woman in red' and 'acid for blood'. Not sure about that last one. . .
Yeah I don't' know if they ever even called her Mellisandre or not, but that scene in the book came quite a bit later. I didn't like how quickly the maester died either, in the books they build up to it, there wasn't any of that in the show, he basically died without us knowing anything about him really.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Was the scene with Cersei and Littlefinger in the book? I never recall him being put in his place by anybody.[/QUOTE]
Now that I read some responses, it makes sense that the scene where 'knowledge is power' vs 'power is power' wasn't in the books. I was thinking to myself "is this bitch insane?" He's way more powerful than her at this point, like a medieval gangster of sorts lol.
[quote name='Jodou'] I was thinking to myself "is this bitch insane?"[/QUOTE]

Yes. They've significantly downplayed on the show so far just how unhinged she is. Though at least Tyrion kind of alluded to it last night.
so the chick with the necklace
is she a witch ? and im assuming the necklace burned the wine out before she could be poisoned i noticed they said shes a fire preistess so would she be a dragon worshiper too?
awesome fucking episode damn those wolfs are freaking huge btw werent dire wolfs real at some point? the imp still stealing the show like always and that bit with little finger was hilarious.
[quote name='Clak']It wasn't the scale that felt off, it was the coloring or lightingI think, it didn't fit the lighting of the scene I think. They were in a dimly lit area and yet the wolf looked too bright.[/QUOTE]

they should have done him cgi in the shadows but for the closeup shots they should have made something kinda could have used an open mouth bared fang drool moment too.
I am excited to Brieene! I really hope she is what I'm expecting from the book. I have seen the actress that is playing her, she is tall so I hope it fits well. I liked everyone's look, Davos was cleaner than I was expecting, I'm sad about Stannis. As I read the books I always put Mark Strong as the actor, I haven't seen enough of this Stannis to really judge him but I don't think he is as big as I was expecting.

I wish they opened the episode up like they did the book, with Melisandre and all that business. Loved how the 2nd book started and then went to all our favorite characters.
[quote name='Jodou']Also, anyone else notice Peter Dinklage got top billing in the opening credits? They know who the real star of the show is now. ;)[/QUOTE]

I noticed that, and then after his first scene I texted my friend who's read the books and
I was happy to hear that Dinklage's character is the only one still alive 5 books deep. That's awesome for Dinklage both for his actual acting career, and he will be able to become fairly wealthy from it
[quote name='DestroVega']
I was happy to hear that Dinklage's character is the only one still alive 5 books deep. That's awesome for Dinklage both for his actual acting career, and he will be able to become fairly wealthy from it

Here's still alive, yes, but he's hardly the only major character who still is. I'm double spoilering this, just in case:
There are certainly plenty of deaths, but the vast majority of the current main cast of the TV series will still be around in season 5 (assuming there is one).
Is everyone else expecting Brienne to be much different from the book? Just like with Tyrion, I'm betting she looks much nicer than she's portrayed in the books. I'm thinking Xena-like, she'll be a fighter but look good too.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one a little disappointed with Davos and Stannis.
[quote name='Clak']Is everyone else expecting Brienne to be much different from the book? Just like with Tyrion, I'm betting she looks much nicer than she's portrayed in the books. I'm thinking Xena-like, she'll be a fighter but look good too.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one a little disappointed with Davos and Stannis.[/QUOTE]

Well we have seen a short glimpse of her from the previews and looks like they did a pretty good job. Theres a big difference between Tyrion and Brienne in that her looks are far more relevant to her character. Tyrion really only needs to be small.

I dont get why anyone would complain about Davos or Stannis since we barely saw them.
[quote name='Jodou']So, anyone else notice Peter Dinklage got top billing in the opening credits? They know who the real star of the show is now. ;)[/QUOTE]In order of well-know actors, Sean Bean was at the top, followed by Lena Headey, Peter Dinklage, Mark Addy and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau. Dinklage's Emmy win puts him at the front of the credits, since Sean Bean nor Mark Addy isn't on the show any longer.
Add me to the list of people who never read the books although i've started to a dozen times.

Love this show and totally expected a slow tease into this season. Hopefully next week is about 400% more Arya story and lots more of the blonde with the dragon.
[quote name='Clak']Is everyone else expecting Brienne to be much different from the book? Just like with Tyrion, I'm betting she looks much nicer than she's portrayed in the books. I'm thinking Xena-like, she'll be a fighter but look good too.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one a little disappointed with Davos and Stannis.[/QUOTE]

As far as appearance, I thought Davos was great. Stannis I'm disappointed since I thought him being bald with a close-trimmed beard helped make him more different from Robert. But he's fine as he is, he certainly seems to act like Stannis. I just hope they keep my favorite line of his when he meets with Renly.
I liked it a lot, especially after watching the first season again on blu ray up until yesterday morning. I liked how it set the tone for the rest of the season but omg the dragons were soooo cuuuutttteee >_
[quote name='icedrake523']As far as appearance, I thought Davos was great. Stannis I'm disappointed since I thought him being bald with a close-trimmed beard helped make him more different from Robert. But he's fine as he is, he certainly seems to act like Stannis. I just hope they keep my favorite line of his when he meets with Renly.[/QUOTE]
The picture seen here is more of what I pictured Davos as, he just looks too clean cut I think.

I pictured him looking a bit more roguish, the guy is a smuggler after all. Stannis is ok I suppose, just seems a bit smaller than I expected. His disagreeable attitude did seem a little forced though, almost like the actor wasn't into it.
HBO Poland leaked episode 2 early, I should of waited but yeah, the show is only getting better!

I have to say, the softcore porn is almost getting ridiculous now.

I felt like every five minutes there was something sexual going on. Two really disgusting (yet awesome) moments come to mind, although one of them is incest and incest is nothing new.
It's funny, if parents knew about the graphic novel they'd probably demand that libraries not carry it. There's nudity in it that I don't even remember from the show, like Catelyn naked.
[quote name='Indignate']Agreed.

I felt like every five minutes there was something sexual going on.[/QUOTE]
Shit, this is something that somewhat ruined Borgias for me. There was an episode like what you're describing where it was just one sex scene to the next. Really adds nothing to the show. :\
[quote name='Clak']It's funny, if parents knew about the graphic novel they'd probably demand that libraries not carry it. There's nudity in it that I don't even remember from the show, like Catelyn naked.[/QUOTE]

She was naked in the first book. When Maester Llewyn brought her Lysa's letter she answered the door naked. Old man was like "Daaaaaaamn!"
[quote name='panzerfaust']HBO Poland leaked episode 2 early, I should of waited but yeah, the show is only getting better!

I have to say, the softcore porn is almost getting ridiculous now.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but HBO wasn't sure how many book fans would start watching, so kinda marketed the show to pull in True Blood viewers.
So, is speculating that we haven't heard a renewal notice despite the debut's great numbers (3.9M initial viewing) because HBO is potentially negotiating for season 4 as well as season 3 at the same time. This would take some time because the show's runners, Weiss and Benioff, only have contracts for 3 seasons and would thus need to re-negotiate their contract to sign on for a 4th season.
[quote name='Anexanhume']So, is speculating that we haven't heard a renewal notice despite the debut's great numbers (3.9M initial viewing) because HBO is potentially negotiating for season 4 as well as season 3 at the same time. This would take some time because the show's runners, Weiss and Benioff, only have contracts for 3 seasons and would thus need to re-negotiate their contract to sign on for a 4th season.[/QUOTE]

Not a big deal. It'll get done.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']She was naked in the first book. When Maester Llewyn brought her Lysa's letter she answered the door naked. Old man was like "Daaaaaaamn!"[/QUOTE]
The book yeah, but not the show that I remember, that was my point. I don't think there is any more sex in the show than the book really, with some form the book even being left out, like I said previously.
Is it just me or has two episodes passed and nothing happened? All this buildup is killing me since we only get one hour a week. Even though they're moving through the material fast, the story just feels stalled right now. Hope that cliffhanger actually leads to something exciting next week!

I love this show but it makes me want to watch it like I did season one. I saved um all up and had a 2 night marathon. All these shows do this to me, i'm impatient! LOL I suppose I really should read the books. I did that with Walking Dead but now i'm almost to present day in comics and kinda bummed it's almost over in that format as well...

My GF did comment about there being ALOT of sex in this episode compared to previous. Doesn't bother me but I can see where some people have problems with it. Alot of it adds nothing to the story but it's simply how things were back in those days. I have power, I will fuck you or you will die for betraying my command. We did get a kick out of dude getting fresh with
his sister
I thought the same about the sex at first then I remembered the lesbo scenes last season and I guess it's the same. The thing that kills me about these shows, ultra-glamorized sex with chicks who are 10's and shaved lol. It's hilarious. It was nothing like that.
[quote name='Jodou']Is it just me or has two episodes passed and nothing happened? All this buildup is killing me since we only get one hour a week. Even though they're moving through the material fast, the story just feels stalled right now. Hope that cliffhanger actually leads to something exciting next week![/QUOTE]

i kinda feel like that not that i didnt enjoy the shows but im anxious to see some part of these diff stories finish. will the little girl finally meet up with her brother? is it me or will she end up with that bull helmet guy ? the one thing that always satisfies is the imp every scene hes in is money he never disappoints.

was happy to see a black guy in there too really didnt expect it. these past few episodes have been like watching someone picking teams for a kickball almost seems like theres going to be multiple wars going on at once 4 or 5 diff groups fighting for their own cause.

ewwwww on that guy finger banging his sister and an even bigger ewwwwww on her for letting him.

its getting harder with each episode to not read those damn books but i like being able to watch it with new eyes so i will hold out. oh yeah that redheaded chick is fucking smoking best tits on the show so far next to that dragon chick.
[quote name='lokizz']these past few episodes have been like watching someone picking teams for a kickball game.[/QUOTE]Lol, that's exactly what it's like right now. There's just nothing to really get excited about but the cliffhanger is promising. Suddenly I think I know why their camp is the last one standing. . .
[quote name='DestroVega']I thought the same about the sex at first then I remembered the lesbo scenes last season and I guess it's the same. The thing that kills me about these shows, ultra-glamorized sex with chicks who are 10's and shaved lol. It's hilarious. It was nothing like that.[/QUOTE]

Well the girl Theon had sex with wasnt a 10
Which eventually means we're gonna have weeks between new episodes, ugh. Wish they'd just make enough episodes of a show so that they have one episode a week for X weeks. None of this 3 weeks til the next new episode crap.
[quote name='Clak']Which eventually means we're gonna have weeks between new episodes, ugh. Wish they'd just make enough episodes of a show so that they have one episode a week for X weeks. None of this 3 weeks til the next new episode crap.[/QUOTE]HBO didn't run S1 with any breaks in the weeks between episodes. It was 10 weeks in a row with new episodes, and it should be no different here.

This isn't broadcast TV, it's HBO. ;)
[quote name='Clak']I could swear there was a few weeks break somewhere, they do with many of their shows.[/QUOTE]

Some holidays or against huge events they skip a week
[quote name='panzerfaust']I thought plenty has happened in the last two episodes 0_o

It's more an issue that there's only 10 episodes per season.[/QUOTE]

Let's just hope HBO will finish the show, still upset about a lot of shows they left undone!!!
[quote name='skiizim']Let's just hope HBO will finish the show, still upset about a lot of shows they left undone!!![/QUOTE]

carneival & deadwood
bread's done