Game of Thrones discussion thread - Season 5 debuts April 12th

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[quote name='Clak']Oh I'm still pissed about Carnivale, I loved that show. Clancy Brown is awesome.[/QUOTE]

hell yeah last i heard the show would be finished in a book or something. i always wanted him to be sabretooth.
Sometimes I wonder if the book is just written so well or if the writers on the show are that good. Every jab from Tyrion is just so fulfilling it makes me sad when we move on to another scene. At least things are finally falling into place and feels like its building up steam to something epic.

I haven't read books in years, but after this show is done I'll have to get a set of these.
Best way I can describe it is that Tyrion wields words like some characters in the series wield their swords. He's sharp, precise, and deliberate.
tyrion is the one thing that consistently makes the show worth watching. all the other interesting stories all feel like theyre on pause and now the little girls is going in reverse lol. its hard to wait for the big payoff but i hope itll be stretched out over many episodes and not just one mega mind blowing last episode. titty totals were very low.

so i take it the one girl will eventually be reunited with her wolf somehow yeah?
[quote name='panzerfaust']lol there isn't a single redeemable quality about the Greyjoys. I hope they end up on the bottom of the sea.[/QUOTE]
Believe me, Theon doesn't many happy days ahead of him.
Still an amazing series. Tyrion is an awesome character. I can't wait to see what happens next. This show is starting to surpass Breaking Bad as the best on TV right now imho. It's also holding viewers and is a juggernaut on Sunday nights.
I wonder if last night's episode will turn off some of the more vanilla fans out there. I did wonder how the shadow being born was going to be shown and now that is has been down now feel like some folks may just not like the graphicness, strangeness, or magicalness of it.
[quote name='Dokstarr']I wonder if last night's episode will turn off some of the more vanilla fans out there. I did wonder how the shadow being born was going to be shown and now that is has been down now feel like some folks may just not like the graphicness, strangeness, or magicalness of it.[/QUOTE]

If anything, the scene was even creepier than described in the book. I thought it was great, and Davos' reaction was brilliant.

I thought it was a very good ep overall. The only scene I didn't like was the Joffrey-Ros one:
Two of my only complaints with the series so far have been how they try to shoehorn Ros (a completely fabricated, and in my opinion useless, character) into everything and how they've portrayed Joff as essentially the embodiment of evil (he's certainly got a cruel streak in the books, but mostly he's just spoiled, petulant and ineffective). The combination of the two was very obnoxious, and it's really not about the content of the scene - I'm not especially squeamish. I think everyone gets it at this point re: Joff, that scene didn't tell us anything that we didn't already know about him. I guess they just had to meet the boobs quota for the week. :roll:
[quote name='Dokstarr']I wonder if last night's episode will turn off some of the more vanilla fans out there. I did wonder how the shadow being born was going to be shown and now that is has been down now feel like some folks may just not like the graphicness, strangeness, or magicalness of it.[/QUOTE]

When that scene happened my jaw hit the floor, but in a good way. I thought it was creepy and very well acted and animated.
[quote name='bvharris']If anything, the scene was even creepier than described in the book. I thought it was great, and Davos' reaction was brilliant.

I thought it was a very good ep overall. The only scene I didn't like was the Joffrey-Ros one:
Two of my only complaints with the series so far have been how they try to shoehorn Ros (a completely fabricated, and in my opinion useless, character) into everything and how they've portrayed Joff as essentially the embodiment of evil (he's certainly got a cruel streak in the books, but mostly he's just spoiled, petulant and ineffective). The combination of the two was very obnoxious, and it's really not about the content of the scene - I'm not especially squeamish. I think everyone gets it at this point re: Joff, that scene didn't tell us anything that we didn't already know about him. I guess they just had to meet the boobs quota for the week. :roll:

The Joffrey scene repulsed me, which I think is the point. It's all leading to a showdown between Joffrey and Tyrion.
a little OT but is anyone else getting the GoT game for the art book?


I haven't read the books but if Joffrey wins in a showdown with Tyrion, that would ruin it for me.
Joff in this show does seem turned up to 11. He's a little spoiled brat in the books, and certainly loves toying with and torturing people, but he's sadistic little bastard in this show. The shadow birth scene, I don't know. It certainly had the creepiness down, I guess when I read that scene from Clash of Kings I just didn't really try to picture it in my mind. Seeing it on screen just had me kind of awestruck.
[quote name='bvharris']I thought it was a very good ep overall. The only scene I didn't like was the Joffrey-Ros one:
Two of my only complaints with the series so far have been how they try to shoehorn Ros (a completely fabricated, and in my opinion useless, character) into everything and how they've portrayed Joff as essentially the embodiment of evil (he's certainly got a cruel streak in the books, but mostly he's just spoiled, petulant and ineffective). The combination of the two was very obnoxious, and it's really not about the content of the scene - I'm not especially squeamish. I think everyone gets it at this point re: Joff, that scene didn't tell us anything that we didn't already know about him. I guess they just had to meet the boobs quota for the week. :roll:

The scene with Joffrey expounded on his character because it showed he's not just into looking like he is in a a position of power in public. That scene was in private and was done to make a point to Tyrion rather be an overt expression of his power. It also clearly put his desire to humiliate into the sexual realm. In the book, he is in his early teens, so the obviousness of this would be quite debatable in the book. So yes, it did show us something we didn't know about him.
I kind of pictured the shadow scene like Kif giving birth in Futurama, with lots of squishy sounds, and then black liquid all over the place. I can't remember much from the first two books, but outside of the stuff with Daenerys, isn't that scene one of the first instances of magic being directly deployed in the books? I seem to remember little supernatural stuff before that happened, but it's been so long since.
[quote name='Anexanhume']
The scene with Joffrey expounded on his character because it showed he's not just into looking like he is in a a position of power in public. That scene was in private and was done to make a point to Tyrion rather be an overt expression of his power. It also clearly put his desire to humiliate into the sexual realm. In the book, he is in his early teens, so the obviousness of this would be quite debatable in the book. So yes, it did show us something we didn't know about him.

It still felt incredibly pointless. I don't expect every character to be depicted exactly like they are in the book, but it does feel like they're exaggerating Joffrey's character way more than they are with anybody else. Much of that goes hand-in-hand with making Cersei seem more sympathetic at times than she was in the book.
[quote name='Strell']I kind of pictured the shadow scene like Kif giving birth in Futurama, with lots of squishy sounds, and then black liquid all over the place. I can't remember much from the first two books, but outside of the stuff with Daenerys, isn't that scene one of the first instances of magic being directly deployed in the books? I seem to remember little supernatural stuff before that happened, but it's been so long since.[/QUOTE]
It's probably the most overt use of magic in the books, aside from
Beric Dondarrion being essentially a zombie.
I can't really think of any others aside from the stuff with Dany.

edit- Oh and The Others of course.
[quote name='Clak']It's probably the most overt use of magic in the books, aside from
Beric Dondarrion being essentially a zombie.
I can't really think of any others aside from the stuff with Dany.

Bran's chapters get progressively more magic-y as you go along as well. Especially in ADWD.
Oh yeah I did forget the wargs, I guess there's a fair amount of magic really. It's just not D&D style magic, nobody throwing fireballs or something.
[quote name='confoosious']Is it safe to read book 1 yet?[/QUOTE]

Assuming you mean that you were waiting until it had all be covered in the show, then yes.
smoky snatch skeletons
lol. glad to see the elder lannister will be in the coming episodes ive liked that guy since something wicked this way comes hes a freakin awesome actor. gotta give props to the dragon tramp too that was a fucking cool speech she gave. question though what is it dragons need to eat to get stronger? im guessing its people.
[quote name='lokizz']question though what is it dragons need to eat to get stronger? im guessing its people.[/QUOTE]

Dragon Wheaties.
[quote name='bvharris']Assuming you mean that you were waiting until it had all be covered in the show, then yes.[/QUOTE]

yep. I'm a little afraid I won't be able to stop once I start book 1 though.
[quote name='confoosious']yep. I'm a little afraid I won't be able to stop once I start book 1 though.[/QUOTE]

You should be. The books are pretty addictive.

If it helps, I don't think having read the books has diminished my enjoyment of the show at all.
[quote name='bvharris']
It still felt incredibly pointless. I don't expect every character to be depicted exactly like they are in the book, but it does feel like they're exaggerating Joffrey's character way more than they are with anybody else. Much of that goes hand-in-hand with making Cersei seem more sympathetic at times than she was in the book.

There's no way we could have seen that in the book, as there were no relevant POV characters for that scene. What happens in that scene may well have come from a discussion with George about Joffrey.
[quote name='bvharris']You should be. The books are pretty addictive.

If it helps, I don't think having read the books has diminished my enjoyment of the show at all.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. But I'm a person who generally prefers reading a book before watching a TV or movie adaptation.

I often find a book boring if I've seen the movie/show first since you know what happens. Where as I enjoy a movie/show either way.
[quote name='lokizz']question though what is it dragons need to eat to get stronger? im guessing its people.[/QUOTE]

IIRC, they only eat cooked meat, not raw. They'd normally burn it with their fire
[quote name='icedrake523']
IIRC, they only eat cooked meat, not raw. They'd normally burn it with their fire

so they need to burn it with their own fire right or could someone cook it and feed it to the?
[quote name='lokizz']
so they need to burn it with their own fire right or could someone cook it and feed it to the?

Someone can cook it.
[quote name='bvharris']You should be. The books are pretty addictive.

If it helps, I don't think having read the books has diminished my enjoyment of the show at all.[/QUOTE]

I'm usually one to have read the books first. I do love not knowing where the ride is going though. HBO did a great job with this series.

so, what's the scuttlebutt on the game? Anyone have medium/high hopes for it?
[quote name='lokizz']that kid who plays joffrey would have been a badass draco malfoy.[/QUOTE]

I thought it was the same actor for a good half of the first season.

But then again, I've never really seen a full Harry Potter movie.
[quote name='Indignate']I thought it was the same actor for a good half of the first season.

But then again, I've never really seen a full Harry Potter movie.[/QUOTE]

the first 2 are the best , the last 1 ( technically 2) are good as well the rest are shit imo. the kid who does joffrey is such a fucking spoiled asshole hes really starting to stand out in the show to me im curious to see how much more he will do while in power.

he reminds me of those kids who torture animals when theyre kids only to become killers later.
Did they change Jeyne Westerling's name? What the fuck is the purpose of that? Asha Greyjoy's name was changed too. Why does the show have to dick with everything now? Margaery Tyrell being made older and scenes being made up for her just feels weird. Yeah, we get it, Renly like the pole and not the hole. And worthless Ros again, being put in yet another scene to beat to death something the audience already knows. Yeah, we get it, Joffrey is a prick. He pointed a crossbow and Sansa and had a Kingsguard knight beat her in a rather disturbing realistic manner, so having him beat some anonymous whore was kinda pointless. Would have rather they focused on The Hound's relationship with Sansa. Because
the Battle of Blackwater is not too far off and they're running out of time with that whole mini-arch
I also would have liked for Stannis and Renly's parley to have been longer like the book. They even cut out my favorite line of Stannis.

Renly: I've even taken Margaery as my wife. You'll be happy to know she came to me a maid [virgin].
Stannis: In your bed she's like to die that way.

Plus they cut out the par where Stannis threatens Cat that Robb would be next.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Did they change Jeyne Westerling's name? What the fuck is the purpose of that? Asha Greyjoy's name was changed too. Why does the show have to dick with everything now? Margaery Tyrell being made older and scenes being made up for her just feels weird. Yeah, we get it, Renly like the pole and not the hole. And worthless Ros again, being put in yet another scene to beat to death something the audience already knows. Yeah, we get it, Joffrey is a prick. He pointed a crossbow and Sansa and had a Kingsguard knight beat her in a rather disturbing realistic manner, so having him beat some anonymous whore was kinda pointless. Would have rather they focused on The Hound's relationship with Sansa. Because
the Battle of Blackwater is not too far off and they're running out of time with that whole mini-arch

i noticed they hinted at that in the previews for this current season but aside from that bit early on they've pretty much left that alone. id like to see more on that .
[quote name='icedrake523']I also would have liked for Stannis and Renly's parley to have been longer like the book. They even cut out my favorite line of Stannis.

Renly: I've even taken Margaery as my wife. You'll be happy to know she came to me a maid [virgin].
Stannis: In your bed she's like to die that way.

Plus they cut out the par where Stannis threatens Cat that Robb would be next.[/QUOTE]

lol thats a funny damn line.once this season is done ill read the first 2 books to see what i may have missed in the show.
Alright, so what the hell -- the end of episode 4 implies the fire god of light is real? Does that mean the other gods in the world are real too? Not looking for book spoilers here, but what are the rules of the heavens here? Because from the dialogue of other episodes, i figured people just prayed to their culture's little shrines and took religion with a grain of salt.
bread's done