GameStop Trade & Promos XXVII: Values available on the website and on Android/iOS app.

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CAG Veteran
181 (100%)

The new thread format will be a work in progress but this first post will be the promos that are active and useful information, but also wikified. The second post will currently be frequently asked questions but may move it into the first post. Post three will be historical trade-in values from before the list.

Trade-in Values Available at:

Also on GameStop app on iOS and Android

Upcoming Promotions/Information:

From GameStop employees on CAG: Information (will post it when they update it)

Guaranteed $30/$40 on select games (Varying End Dates) said:
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It's legit. My team was "reminded" of the importance of refurbing shit. We've been guilty of not refurbing enough so we need to refurb more.

We just hit the thieves with refurb fees on the stolen shit and be done with it. They complain, we retort with something along the lines of "well since its brand new but it has no case we probably shouldn't take it". They fold every time
Oh, it's one of those "remember" things. Like the ESRB policy refresh they emailed about last week.

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Reminder just means making sure to refurb things that need to be when trading it. Trading things in and defecting after is what costs the store money.

11-Year-Old Finds Baggie of Meth in Video Game From Louisiana GameStop

Apparently gs sent out a memo saying that stores were not hitting their refurbished fee quota. So they are actively giving refurbished fees for minor scratched items and to consoles. Anyone experience this.

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Just a quick question. I saved a trade-in value of $15 for Deadpool (X1) on the app but after searching it, it showing as $13 now. If I go in store and trade it in and it shows $13, could I show the saved estimate to get the higher value?
Just a quick question. I saved a trade-in value of $15 for Deadpool (X1) on the app but after searching it, it showing as $13 now. If I go in store and trade it in and it shows $13, could I show the saved estimate to get the higher value?
Nobody can answer that 100%, it is YMMV. I have had luck getting them to honor it but not without an argument.

Man, I have really felt like there have been not many opportunities lately for strong game discounts or solid flipping opportunities. What is going on with the gaming world... Or am I the only one who's feeling like that?

What do you think that means? 80% off ALL trades need to be sent back and not sold in the store.
No, it means that a refurb fee must be attached at the point of sale, instead of attaching it later, which results in less than 100% refurb fee attach rate.

It's a percentage that keeps decreasing as you move stuff to defective that was not otherwise marked as defective initially.

It's hard to explain, I did my best haha
Man, I have really felt like there have been not many opportunities lately for strong game discounts or solid flipping opportunities. What is going on with the gaming world... Or am I the only one who's feeling like that?
Hasn't been a solid string of 10/10 games in a long time. They trickle out slowly, so there isn't a huge base of demand for used games in a short period of time. Hell, the only 10/10 game of 2016 I can think of are Hitman (episodic digital only), Uncharted 4, and maybe Overwatch and Dark Souls 3. By this time last year we had Witcher 3, Destiny, Bloodborne, MGS 5, Arkham Knight, Dying Light, and Super Mario Maker.

Meanwhile a bunch of games that SHOULD have been GOTY candidates turned out to be kinda big turds and consumed lots of dev resources, like No Man's Sky, Battleborn, Division, SF5, Quantum Break, Star Fox, TMNT, Mirrors Edge.

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Nobody can answer that 100%, it is YMMV. I have had luck getting them to honor it but not without an argument.
I just called one and they had absolutely no idea what the saved values thing was all about, talking about I need a Pro card for the value in store. Ugh.
No, it means that a refurb fee must be attached at the point of sale, instead of attaching it later, which results in less than 100% refurb fee attach rate.

It's a percentage that keeps decreasing as you move stuff to defective that was not otherwise marked as defective initially.

It's hard to explain, I did my best haha
Thanks. I was trying to figure out how to explain it lol.

Basically, if we move the product later the store eats the refurb fee. If the product was marked defective at trade the customer paid the fee.

Doesn't mean "mark everything defective so we make more money!"
But there are some idiot employees that will read it as refurb the shit out of everything that comes through the door...
The hopeople would be the store manager and asl will put a stop to that. No one wants to ship out a ton of defectives and not having any product to sale.

This is a report that is sent out weekly so it's not exactly something new going on.
I have first hand witnessed on many occasions Gamestop employees charge me a refurb fee for boomerangs I had just picked up at another store and then a few days later I go to rebuy the same games for more boomerangs and they give me the same effed up disc. Some of the these discs in question I can't imagine that they didn't charge a refurb fee to begin with and still placed in on the floor as opposed to sending it to Texas.

I can only speak for my region. We are not told to refurb everything. They just want us to refurb what should be at the time of transaction so the store doesn't take a loss later moving an item to defective.

If stores are just defecting things and then moving them out of defective it needs to be brought up.
I can only speak for my region. We are not told to refurb everything. They just want us to refurb what should be at the time of transaction so the store doesn't take a loss later moving an item to defective.

If stores are just defecting things and then moving them out of defective it needs to be brought up.
So at the time of the transaction, anything with a refurb fee attached is automatically moved to as defective? Or is it just a fee and no one is adding it as defective in the first place?

The memo said the refurb rate needed to be 80% which is fucking rediculous
If it goes back to the warehouse defective because of a return from a customer for damage reasons = bad.

Bad because it was traded in the first place without refurb fees.

If it is damaged out later in the store and sent to warehouse = bad.

Bad because it was taken in trade by a dumbass.

If a trade is in good condition but not refurbed, sold then returned because it was actually not in good condition = the customer fucked it up and blamed Gamestop for their inability to be responsible with their own shit = bad

Bad because we didn't babysit the assholes, and had to make an exception for them to avoid the awful survey that we probably got anyway because they broke their shit and wants to blame us.

Take in a game that is legit working and not charge a refurb fee but it is actually good and plays good and is purchased and never returned = good.

Take in a busted pos and charge a refurb fee = good.

Good because it's a legit refurb fee on a legit trade.

They put a number on the refurb rate based on how much shit we send in to be refurbished, not overall trade. 80% of stuff sent to the warehouse needs to have the fee.
With the amount of pure shit discs I've seen out of numerous website orders, without it being a once-in-a-million occurrence, whoever is doing their refurbs should be beaten to death with a refurb machine.  

Far, far more shit discs come out of warehouse shipments that for shipments done via store fulfillment of an online order, though the stores aren't close to blameless for having some pretty heinous-looking discs stay in circulation. 

360 and Wii discs are the worst, without question.   The joys of DVD vs BD media, I would think.  Wii U discs are a particular odd duck since I've had great looking discs fail to play and discs that look a little on the rougher side play without issue. 

If the discs didn't look like they had intimate encounters with a coarse-grit belt sander, it's hard to tell where the refurb started and previous owner abuse ended. 

Just a quick question. I saved a trade-in value of $15 for Deadpool (X1) on the app but after searching it, it showing as $13 now. If I go in store and trade it in and it shows $13, could I show the saved estimate to get the higher value?
Every store has given me the app value (some after polite persistence). Only 1 in my area will give me the promo value on top of the app value as well (e.g. 20% bonus towards NBA 2K17). The extra from the promo isn't accurate but it's usually quite close. I give them a perfect survey just for having the customer-centered attitude to give it an honest try,

So at the time of the transaction, anything with a refurb fee attached is automatically moved to as defective? Or is it just a fee and no one is adding it as defective in the first place?
I assume that anything with a refurb fee attach is supposed to automatically be moved to defective.

There's three possibilities here.

A) Someone traded in a fucked up disc and the employee didn't charge a refurb fee, whether out of ignorance or just apathy.

B) Someone traded in a fucked up disc, and the employee charged a refurb fee, but didn't move it to defective, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

C) Someone traded in a fucked up disc, and the employee charged a refurb fee, moved it to defective and someone moved it back, maybe because they're a bad person, maybe because they were low on inventory for the game otherwise or maybe because they think it works and the refurb fee shouldn't have been applied in the first place.

I would like to think that it's mostly A. But I'm sure there are places where it is B and/or C.

Deader works at the perfect GameStop, in the perfect district, with perfect managers. They do no wrong!
I think you aren't understanding what I'm saying. Gamestop isn't perfect. We all know this. But there are things that corporate wants us to do and things they don't want us to do. Refurbing items for the sake of refurbing is not one of the things they want us to do. If a store(s) are doing that they need to be corrected.

And yes if an item has a refurb attached to it its automatically marked as defective to be sent out. It needs to moved out of defective to be sold and only managers can move items to and from defective.
I think you aren't understanding what I'm saying. Gamestop isn't perfect. We all know this. But there are things that corporate wants us to do and things they don't want us to do. Refurbing items for the sake of refurbing is not one of the things they want us to do. If a store(s) are doing that they need to be corrected.

And yes if an item has a refurb attached to it its automatically marked as defective to be sent out. It needs to moved out of defective to be sold and only managers can move items to and from defective.
And that's where the gray area becomes a problem. Only two individuals need that ability, not up to 4 or 4 depending on how many SGA you have. It's awful. Anyone shady can screw it for everyone.

I always hated having to move shit to/from defective when I know it is opposite of whatever it was taken as because I had an SGA who was having a bad day. I doubly hated when the bad day SGA messed with my inventory only to screw something worse than it needed to be screwed
And yes if an item has a refurb attached to it its automatically marked as defective to be sent out. It needs to moved out of defective to be sold and only managers can move items to and from defective.
So basically, if any store is pulling this sort of shenanigans, it's the managers' doing. That makes sense as I think they have the most incentive to do so.

I'm with Deader on this, I don't think it's some sort of conspiracy by corporate to sell people defective games. It damages the reputation of the GameStop brand as a whole, and while you might be thinking "What reputation?", keep in mind that we're outliers and most people like GameStop.

Maybe some stores are specifically selling defective games or charging unnecessary refurb fees to avoid going below that 80% quota, but that's on the individual stores.

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Yeah I had a manager at a store around me mark all the adapters I traded in with a refurb.  He said anything  marked with a refurb gets sent out as defective. It never remains in store. The manager did  it this way so he didn't have to deal with the returns since they were bootlegs. This isn't the protocol but it worked. Long story short anything like deader is saying marked with a refurb fee doesn't go back on the floor nor is there a disc buffer in the back of the store, it is suppose to be marked as defective and sent out. If the employee or manager isn't doing this when they do charge a refurb fee, then they aren't following corporate policy. And don't when they do it tell them how to do their job, but just go to and burn them. 

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I'm here just waiting for another same tiv whether you ask for credit or cash
lol you will be waiting a while, they usually only do it once or twice a year and one just recently ended. Highly doubt we see another time this year seeing as how soon they will have no reason to entice people to come shop in their stores since its about to be holiday game rush season.

lol you will be waiting a while, they usually only do it once or twice a year and one just recently ended. Highly doubt we see another time this year seeing as how soon they will have no reason to entice people to come shop in their stores since its about to be holiday game rush season.
And you don't think that they will want some inventory for their holiday game rush?
I don't get it. They tried to charge me a refurb fee for fingerprints yet anytime I try to buy a used game it looks rough. Carts have dirty contacts and discs have scratches. I'vs even seen rough PS4 discs with deep scratches and they have BD coating. How does that happen?
I don't get it. They tried to charge me a refurb fee for fingerprints yet anytime I try to buy a used game it looks rough. Carts have dirty contacts and discs have scratches. I'vs even seen rough PS4 discs with deep scratches and they have BD coating. How does that happen?
Honestly my theory is that gamestop is slapping refub fees on everything and not actually refurbing products so they dont have to give out as much cash or credit because Im sure they have lost their ass this year with all the rampant flipping and boomeranging that occured earlier this year esspecially with them doing the cash same as trade stuff a few times this year.

In the grand scheme of things the amount of things being flipped are likely very small.
agree there is no way flipping will lose them money. don't forget there are ppl who pay overprice game. I rarely see ppl trade in game. Even I saw people trading game, they are trading low-value game/system.

You mean cag flippers didnt damage the $65 million gs made in profits last quarter? Phew.
The video game industry as a whole took a hit this quarter compared to last quarter. Console sales as a whole are down this year compared to last as well as physical games. Last year had huge releases like Witcher, Mortal Kombat X and Batman.

Edit: totally misread what you said. Most of that $65 million was due to sock sales ;p.

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I'm the reason that Gamestop keeps buying more Pops by the way, I figured none of you would mind since nobody actually buys games to play from them anymore.

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