Gears of War 3 - Release Date Sept. 20

[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Not to be a cheap ass heretic.....but is it really that bad? It's like..people are calling for blood in the streets of Raleigh, NC at the Epic offices. Yes, I get that there is a perceived value when you pay $150 and you believe you are getting something special for that extra $70 to $90. But it's not like they're giving out the codes free or anything.

Believe me, I really do "get it" because I'm one of those cheap-asses who will get the $150 and sell the DLC to offset my expense. But the amount of anger towards such a great dev like Epic are what surprise me.[/QUOTE]
Gamers are assholes who have the medium of internet to be heard when it comes to their bitching
Well, looks like I'm getting the limited edition. I was not planning on buying the epic edition, so the infected omen skins is a nice bonus. Don't get me wrong, I like the Marcus statue, but I'm not willing to throw down another $70 for it. I'm a "cheap ass gamer" after all. Thanks for all the updates guys.
The outrage is because of the hype over all of this stuff.

Rod's Live Streams stated something along the lines of, the skins for Veteran Gear are something that if you didn't have it, you'd wish you did.

And then, during another stream, his statement was that the Infected Omen skins were a thank you to the extra loyal fans who bought either the console or Epic Edition, to show off their loyalty during game play. It makes sense that people are going to be upset to find that after their $150+ is put forward, anyone can get the extras for around $60-80 (and obviously less, as the Limited Edition goes on sale).

It's stupid to pay that much for [extra] DLC. But if you're loyal to a series, and they hype it up that your loyalty is appreciated and will be recognizable in the actual game, it's insulting to find out that you'll actually be far less unique.

I think people are just becoming frustrated because exclusive is a word used too frequently by game studios who don't understand the definition of exclusive.

Realistically, though, had Epic come out months ago and let it be known about these things, people would have been much less upset. It's that they hyped this up for so long, and almost a month before release they're finally letting it know that there's really no reason to buy the Epic Edition (you can't even pre-order the Limited Edition at Game Stop anymore), and that there was no reason to really chase Veteran Gear for it's exclusive unlock in Gears of War 3. They're a game studio, they should've been able to see that this would have a negative resonance with series loyals, whose exclusive unlocks are available to almost everyone.

And Rod's quick exit on the Live Stream Friday seemed to reassure me that they were aware of how the response to this fiasco was going to be. It'll be interesting to see Epic's response tomorrow, if there is one.
I got my wings last year during the Labor Day event. So as far as unlocks go it really doesn't matter too much for me.

Kinda sucks about the Epic Edition bonuses but what can ya do right? Will definitely get this at midnight launch along with the console. :D

Going to replay Gears 1 & 2 story modes in the upcoming weeks as a bit of a refresher as well!
The VG unlocks have been changed: The Gold Gnasher is now only available to Veteran Gears, while the Gold Lancer + Hammerburst will be available to all week one players instead.

It's a smart move, VG players are happy while rendering Gold Lancer/Hammerburst codes on eBay useless.
what about 2.0 achievement? any reward for that? I'd imagine this to be just as difficult to attain as veteran gear?

well, if the rewards are so so-so and not that 'exclusive,' I might as well sit on it until Sep-20th.

I'm at level 92.5, and I'd thought maybe two more bonus xp events might get me there, but with this announcement....meh. my current saves will do.

edit: just checked the epic gears2 forums, they're doing increasing xp events over the next 5 weekends!! going for gold gnasher might be worth it after all.

I agree that an exclusive unlock mp character with VG achievement would have been better. you'd never know...
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I'm glad we're getting anything for Veteran. I played a ton of Gears 2 not because of some bogus potential reward in Gears 3,, but because I wanted to get my wings, and because I genuinely enjoyed the game.
[quote name='Mospeada_21']
I agree that an exclusive unlock mp character with VG achievement would have been better. you'd never know...[/QUOTE]

Well, Seriously 3.0 unlocks in-game content. My guess is that you unlock a skin for Marcus.
I'm honestly surprised the bitching got to them. It isn't much but it's better than nothing. This does mean we're still receiving the rest of the gold weapons by default, right?
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']This does mean we're still receiving the rest of the gold weapons by default, right?[/QUOTE]

I don't think so. I think Epic just changed the criteria for the weapon unlocks (due to the bitching):

Gold Gnasher: Have the Veteran Gear achievement unlocked from Gears 2.

Gold Sawed Off: Commando achievement in Gears 1.

Gold Hammerburst and Lancer: play a game online before September 27 (also unlocked if you had them in Gears 2).

Gold Retro Lancer: unlocked from the beta.

[quote name='Master Troll']The VG unlocks have been changed: The Gold Gnasher is now only available to Veteran Gears, while the Gold Lancer + Hammerburst will be available to all week one players instead.

It's a smart move, VG players are happy while rendering Gold Lancer/Hammerburst codes on eBay useless.[/QUOTE]
Kudos to you, Epic. This is actually a really smart thing to do. It must suck for the people that bought the Gold Lancer codes recently on eBay. They were going for over $50. I bet they will be kicking themselves once they hear the news.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']I'm honestly surprised the bitching got to them. It isn't much but it's better than nothing. This does mean we're still receiving the rest of the gold weapons by default, right?[/QUOTE]

Gold Lancer - Play during release week, 9/20 - 9/27
Gold Hammerburst - Play during release week, 9/20 - 9/27
Gold Gnasher - Veteran Gear only
Gold Retro Lancer - Beta exclusive
Gold Sawed-Off Shotgun - Earn the Commando achievement in Gears 1.

Of course, Veteran Gears get all gold weapons right off the bat.

EDIT: popular penguin beat me to it.
[quote name='Master Troll']Of course, Veteran Gears get all gold weapons right off the bat.[/QUOTE]

Really? That's cool, I guess. I didn't really need the extra help getting the skins :cool:
[quote name='BackInBlack']I'm glad to see the Gold Retro is still beta exclusive.[/QUOTE]
you have the 234,000 and anyone that didn't get it in the beta but has VG will have it. plus you have the 4 weekends of XP in GOW 2 so the 2% of VG will grow some. so I wouldn't say that it's a beta exclusive anymore!
I want to say "awesome!" like a small child because i didn't have the chance to get the Golden Retro Lancer in the beta, but then i would sound like a douchebag. So i won't. Instead I'll say:

I kind of wish the Gold Retro Lancer was Beta Exclusive, because then the true Gears fans would be able to show off.
People need to remember that 2% Veteran Gears stat is across all total gamertags. This includes morons that have multiple tags, and people who played the game once and never touched it again.

2% isn't as low small as it really seems. Plus, game developers need to stop using the word "exclusive," when they really mean "1 of a few ways of getting something."

And Rod Fergusson has stated that the Limited Edition of Gears of War 3 has only the Adam Fenix DLC, and not the Infected Omen skins.

...he also said the controller came with only a Infected Omen skin for the Lancer, so until we see a legit unboxing video, there is no certainty about this. I'd like to trust his word, but he's been wrong (a few times) before...
I'm gonna aim low, so I won't be disappointed with all the excess hype come Sep 20th. So in that long as the dedicated servers stay up, especially during the first week/month.
The split second I catch wind of them being down I will happily abandon multiplayer until they are back up. If they can't get that together then I won't come back.
If they don't have it together on launch or around after launch then it would make it that much more clear that the "beta test" was purely for marketing.
I wouldn't be surprised. They conned me into sticking with GoW 2 for 3+ years thinking "the next update could be the one where they finally fix lag and host advantage" flawlessly. I wouldn't put it past them to royally screw this up when playing on host in the beta was actually worse than in the previous game. They made it perfectly clear the net code in this game will always be flawed.
[quote name='The Ebbtide']People need to remember that 2% Veteran Gears stat is across all total gamertags. This includes morons that have multiple tags, and people who played the game once and never touched it again.

2% isn't as low small as it really seems. Plus, game developers need to stop using the word "exclusive," when they really mean "1 of a few ways of getting something."

And Rod Fergusson has stated that the Limited Edition of Gears of War 3 has only the Adam Fenix DLC, and not the Infected Omen skins.

...he also said the controller came with only a Infected Omen skin for the Lancer, so until we see a legit unboxing video, there is no certainty about this. I'd like to trust his word, but he's been wrong (a few times) before...[/QUOTE]
the LE only has adam fenix DLC & NO Infected Omen skin! been confirmed
The controller has all 5 weapons Infected Omen skins. been confirmed and as of 8/16/11 you could redeem your controller codes
Wait, I don't get it. I haven't been following the updates too closely, but what's this talk about issues with the dedicated servers on release? I assumed they had it figured out after the beta, but I guess not. Also, did they say Horde 2.0 will have dedicated servers as well?
Oh, nothing official has been reported to make us believe Epic will have issues with the servers at launch. We're just being abnormally pessimistic given their track record. There's also GoW 2 MP being a piece of shit and the fact that the beta servers were actually down on at least three to four different occasions giving some of us a taste of peer-to-peer host advantage hell.

Who the hell is that cutie in your sig gif btw? (the one in the white fitted)

And Hustle, I owe you some games come next month. We absolutely have to link up. I'm gunning for a global 1.8 - 2.0 k/d. The only way in hell that's going to happen is if I play with competent people.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Oh, nothing official has been reported to make us believe Epic will have issues with the servers at launch. We're just being abnormally pessimistic given their track record. There's also GoW 2 MP being a piece of shit and the fact that the beta servers were actually down on at least three to four different occasions giving some of us a taste of peer-to-peer host advantage hell.

Who the hell is that cutie in your sig gif btw? (the one in the white fitted)

And Hustle, I owe you some games come next month. We absolutely have to link up. I'm gunning for a global 1.8 - 2.0 k/d. The only way in hell that's going to happen is if I play with competent people.[/QUOTE]Oh okay. Yeah, I remember when the dedicated servers were down during the beta. Hopefully everything turns out for the best.

White fitted cap? You're referring to CL from the group 2NE1.
[quote name='knightsmith']the LE only has adam fenix DLC & NO Infected Omen skin! been confirmed
The controller has all 5 weapons Infected Omen skins. been confirmed and as of 8/16/11 you could redeem your controller codes[/QUOTE]
I know all of that. I'm the one who posted that. I'm stating that until I see an official unboxing video of the Limited Edition I can't trust that Rod definitively knows what is exclusive to what versions.

I assume he has confirmation that Adam Fenix is specifically the only DLC to come with the Limited Edition, but I'm waiting for verified proof for sure.
InkSoWell is absolutely right. Without the dedicated servers, Gears3 MP is trash. Almost as bad as Gears2 MP is today. If you want unfair gameplay and udder frustration, just play some Gears2 MP. Of course, host advantage rotates around, so it's 50/50 luck which member on the team gets it. When skill degrades into luck; you might as well go play a scratcher.

Of course, by the time we figure it out, Epic's already got our $60, $80, or $150 in their bank account. I can see it now, 'But we gave you a great campaign!' Hardy, har, har!! $$$

*hint* make sure you buy the game in the first week to claim your gold lancer and hammerburst! *wink* $$$

^^ the above post in no way condones sarcasm or bad comedy.
During the beta I thought I'd play a lot of TDM but I ended up playing so much king of the hill. I loved King of the hill on Old town, I won so many games but for some reason my stats weren't tracked in the leader boards for KOTH.

Anyway my TDM k/d was positive and I know I can keep it positive but my W/L I really want positive Might get with a few of you guys.
The prob with MP is Epic has learned how to hide their crap. In the last update for gears 2, you can no longer see the bullet lag, its instant on the wall with the gnasher, even though it really isnt. You try shooting a body and there is still the 1 second lag. So i think sometimes when you body someone in gears 3 and they walk away without any damage, thats whats going on. I could be wrong, but it happened a little too often where a guy would magically come out of one to four shots undamaged.

Either way im going to play it because i love gears, hey i put up with it in gears 2 long enough to get my wings. The best thing about Gears 3 is you can rank up by playing any mode, so beast mode and hoard might get a lot more play from me if the MP gets too annoying for me.
It is bullet lag. Whenever you pop a million shots into someone at any range not realizing maybe 2 - 3 pellets out of a full spread is actually connecting to your opponent, then it takes them a fraction of that to down you? It's lag, lag, oh and uh... lag. One of the commanding reasons two-piecing and pre-active reloading will never die out in that game. On host GoW 3 games confirmed the coding is just as if not more f*cked than the previous game. Host advantage still exists. The weapon balancing made it worse as even a deaf, dumb and blind monkey could get a kill aiming in the same spot with any spawn weapon. Don't even get me started on the mantle kick and chainsaw vacuum if they haven't fixed them.

That's why only the most stubborn, pro, naive or masochistic players would bother playing public off server multiplayer. The game dissolves to Gears 2.5 mercilessly granting the host team free kills at the expense of everyone else... again... at breakneck speed.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']It is bullet lag. Whenever you pop a million shots into someone at any range not realizing maybe 2 - 3 pellets out of a full spread is actually connecting to your opponent, then it takes them a fraction of that to down you? It's lag, lag, oh and uh... lag. One of the commanding reasons two-piecing and pre-active reloading will never die out in that game. On host GoW 3 games confirmed the coding is just as if not more f*cked than the previous game. Host advantage still exists. The weapon balancing made it worse as even a deaf, dumb and blind monkey could get a kill aiming in the same spot with any spawn weapon. Don't even get me started on the mantle kick and chainsaw vacuum if they haven't fixed them.

That's why only the most stubborn, pro, naive or masochistic players would bother playing public off server multiplayer. The game dissolves to Gears 2.5 mercilessly granting the host team free kills at the expense of everyone else... again... at breakneck speed.[/QUOTE]

I completely gave up on playing a lot of the multiplayer maps after getting my achievements. I just couldn't take it anymore. Besides, I had a lot more fun playing Horde with friends or just randoms on a nightly basis. Hell, that's where 90% of my exp came from.
I don't blame you. I still have a handful of Horde and Annex achievements to mop up along with Seriously 2.0 but I gave up on those years ago. Public Horde would have been less of joke if host migration were implemented and the Annex achievements are impossible when everyone votes for the same maps over and over again. It's more trouble than it's worth to bother now.
[quote name='popular penguin']It's dead. Capture the Leader replaced it.[/QUOTE]
That's shitty but oh well. So many new modes I guess.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']I don't blame you. I still have a handful of Horde and Annex achievements to mop up along with Seriously 2.0 but I gave up on those years ago. Public Horde would have been less of joke if host migration were implemented and the Annex achievements are impossible when everyone votes for the same maps over and over again. It's more trouble than it's worth to bother now.[/QUOTE]
The annex achievement was pretty easy especially with social. Just keep quitting out until you find the maps you need. :bouncy:
[quote name='The 7th Number']The prob with MP is Epic has learned how to hide their crap. In the last update for gears 2, you can no longer see the bullet lag, its instant on the wall with the gnasher, even though it really isnt. You try shooting a body and there is still the 1 second lag. So i think sometimes when you body someone in gears 3 and they walk away without any damage, thats whats going on. I could be wrong, but it happened a little too often where a guy would magically come out of one to four shots undamaged.[/QUOTE]

thank you for clearing that up! seriously, I was wondering wtf was going on for awhile. that's very sneaky of Epic though.

[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']
That's why only the most stubborn, pro, naive or masochistic players would bother playing public...[/QUOTE]

this post was too funny not to quote! I fit into 2 of those categories, and it's not pro or naive. LOL!
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Oh, nothing official has been reported to make us believe Epic will have issues with the servers at launch. We're just being abnormally pessimistic given their track record. There's also GoW 2 MP being a piece of shit and the fact that the beta servers were actually down on at least three to four different occasions giving some of us a taste of peer-to-peer host advantage hell.

Who the hell is that cutie in your sig gif btw? (the one in the white fitted)

And Hustle, I owe you some games come next month. We absolutely have to link up. I'm gunning for a global 1.8 - 2.0 k/d. The only way in hell that's going to happen is if I play with competent people.[/QUOTE]

For sure man. I've got a couple buddies that are real solid as well and want to be up there on the leaderboards too.

I'm just not looking forward to inevitable lagfest that will be launch day. I'm definitely going to be playing conservatively those first few weeks.
I hear you. I'm more worried about how hackers/modders are going to try to circumvent the servers to bridge host again. I accidentally found out from the beta via public TDM if you simultaneously join a game when a party is quitting the server would permanently lock people from joining the session. I ended up playing alone on a bot team against bots for five games straight before I realized what happened and left. Seemed like a major conflict between migration and bots replacing slots. It would break my heart if Gears 3 were MW2 raped in the first month. Let's hope Epic has their shit together on that front.

Gunn: Thanks for the tip btw. I completely forgot about public.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Let's hope Epic has their shit together on that front.


Judging by case history, it'll take until a 6th title update to make the game playable. Not perfect. Not even close to perfect. Just playable. But because of the mention of dedicated servers, people are assuming everything, every issue over the previous two games, has finally been addressed, as well as double addressed thanks to a Beta.

I assume that by noon of September 20th there will be complaint threads across gaming sites, because of people who got it at midnight.

I think Horde 2.0 shows that Horde was the mode most people played in Gears of War 2 to get time in the game, just because of how sloppy the versus multiplayer is.
[quote name='The Ebbtide']Hahahahaha!


Judging by case history, it'll take until a 6th title update to make the game playable. Not perfect. Not even close to perfect. Just playable. But because of the mention of dedicated servers, people are assuming everything, every issue over the previous two games, has finally been addressed, as well as double addressed thanks to a Beta.

I assume that by noon of September 20th there will be complaint threads across gaming sites, because of people who got it at midnight.

I think Horde 2.0 shows that Horde was the mode most people played in Gears of War 2 to get time in the game, just because of how sloppy the versus multiplayer is.[/QUOTE]

I'm getting it at midnight and I'm only going to be playing singleplayer. I'm going to lurk the boards and see what complaints arise around that time and then inveitably lose count of how many times people fire back at the complaints with "Relax the game just came out !!!".

Might need a co-op partner or 3!!
[quote name='The Ebbtide']

I think Horde 2.0 shows that Horde was the mode most people played in Gears of War 2 to get time in the game, just because of how sloppy the versus multiplayer is.[/QUOTE]

there's def truth to that. it takes way too long to find a 10 player match. sometimes waiting longer to find the game than actually playing the match. out of frustration, horde is pretty much the other alternative since you get to continue round after round. is what it is.

as long as I keep my expectations low and in check on the 20th...
bread's done