Gears of War 3 - Release Date Sept. 20

[quote name='thrustbucket']Maybe you can point me to an awesome medium range cover to cover shooter that Gears was initially presented and marketed as then?[/QUOTE]

It would be my pleasure. After all many of us here have already done so for people like you on multiple occasions. Unfortunately when the bulk of an inconsolable raving mob isn't the least bit interested in listening to reason none of you can expect sympathy from the rest of us.

I'll recap:

1) Always play with a full party of competent individuals.

2) Always play Warzone.

3) Camp like a bitch on various parts of the map (specifically near points of interest such as power weapons and grenades)

4) Fire your weapons in unison at anything that moves.

5) ???

6) Profit!

Easy fix. Your ideal gaming experience is still there waiting for you turn off the lights and get busy. The problem is many of you lack the necessary skill and teamwork for imposing your will on the opposing team. By yourselves or with a team it's crystal clear the scenario doesn't matter. You don't have any clue how to enforce your play style on the battlefield. So instead of actually admitting your game needs work you lash out on the community and game mechanics praying the developers will coddle you to victory if you bitch loud enough. It's you my delicate little flower. You're the problem here. Not the game, not the community, just you. When it comes to Gears of War 3 judging from the all improvements made to cater to your kind this is your truth.

I'm sorry you can't expect the community to change their general style of play to suit yours overnight or the developers to overhaul, eliminate, exaggerate or camouflage key mechanics for your personal enjoyment when neither of them have to. Your game is already present and properly accounted for on the disc. You can access it any time you want it so I guess I'll find myself reiterating this point until the end of time:

The only thing I see stopping you from enjoying Gears multiplayer is yourself.

When I want a rushing gibfests contests, it was done better in mortal kombat, and even that game has no insta-fatality.
You wouldn't have to deal with these "rushing gibfest contests" if you'd squad up and get better at the game, but we both know besides cold hard cash that the loudest branch of a developer's forum community decides the future of a franchise.

So keep grasping for that brass ring for all your scrubby ass friends while shoveling your future complaints on Epic's forum. The rest of us will happily continue carrying your bum asses in pubs as you suck all the fun out of the game one unnecessary buff or nerf at a time. ;)
[quote name='DOMINATOR912']I know the GOW3 controller brings extra skins, but can't find info on what they are. Anyone know which they are?[/QUOTE]

they are the infected omen skins for the 5 starting weapons, lancer, retro lancer, gnasher, hammerburst, and sawed off.
That's only if you're a gold fanatic though. Would have been nice if they included Infected or made new ones for the achievement but my god would the bitching never end. I'm just content we actually got an exclusive out of the deal now.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Not as far as the "Shotguns of War 3! hahurhur!" scrubs and their many sympathizers are concerned. I fear the almighty butthurt has forever clouded their judgment. ;)[/QUOTE]

Is there any indication that they've fixed this problem? Or any weapon balancing information besides the couple of things that were said after the beta ended?
Check out epic's forums. Apparently the sawed-off no longers scores 1-hit downs if the victim has full health. You can still get blown to bits from a 1-shot.

There is also speculation that the unlock for seriously 3.0 is a gold variant of the hunter (locust).
The only new weapon balancing tid bit that comes to mind is them eliminating the spontaneous downing ability of the Sawed-off outside its kill range. Supposedly now it will only down previously damaged (mostly those in a critical health/nearly full omen state) opponents. Everyone else within kill range will get bodied as they should. Nothing was mentioned about the Gnasher or any other weapon from the MLG event in Raleigh.

EDIT: Damn you Penguin! He beat me to it. Eh... might as well quote the OP of the thread now:

- Spawn protection counter.. 3 seconds.
- Trenches now has two new spawns, with a tunnel on far left and the ordinary exit far right.
- Sawn off WILL down you, but it has miniscule damage, the only chance you will go down off a S/O is if you're being shot by another opponent and it delivers that little damage needed, otherwise you're Bodied.
- Trenches now has pernament digger launcher at the trenches entrance
- Trenches now has a pernament scorcher inside the "cave"
- All First Hills on every Map in a KOTH gametype will ALWAYS Be the same and of equal distance to each team.
- Points to Win are now underneath the Scores in the top left of the map, 120 to Win in KOTH.
- Thrashball concessions cover has been tweaked a little, as well as around the map on Thrashball
- Thrashball now has an alternate spawn route, leading up towards the concessions
- There is no change to the Power-weapon elimination by dropping the scoreboard on Thrashball
- Hills after the first Hill are Randomized.
- All Grenades have a time delay, not just Frag Tags.
- Man up Rule means that the team with the most enemies alive at the end of the round wins.
- Execution shows who is alive on screen now.
ProTip for the day: Wallbouncing avoids Stopping Power from the HB and Lancer

The pro tip is either new to me or a new addition to Gears I hadn't noticed because you couldn't get away with that in 2.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']It would be my pleasure. After all many of us here have already done so for people like you on multiple occasions. Unfortunately when the bulk of an inconsolable raving mob isn't the least bit interested in listening to reason none of you can expect sympathy from the rest of us.

I'll recap:

1) Always play with a full party of competent individuals.

2) Always play Warzone.

3) Camp like a bitch on various parts of the map (specifically near points of interest such as power weapons and grenades)

4) Fire your weapons in unison at anything that moves.

5) ???

6) Profit!

Easy fix. Your ideal gaming experience is still there waiting for you turn off the lights and get busy. The problem is many of you lack the necessary skill and teamwork for imposing your will on the opposing team. By yourselves or with a team it's crystal clear the scenario doesn't matter. You don't have any clue how to enforce your play style on the battlefield. So instead of actually admitting your game needs work you lash out on the community and game mechanics praying the developers will coddle you to victory if you bitch loud enough. It's you my delicate little flower. You're the problem here. Not the game, not the community, just you. When it comes to Gears of War 3 judging from the all improvements made to cater to your kind this is your truth.

I'm sorry you can't expect the community to change their general style of play to suit yours overnight or the developers to overhaul, eliminate, exaggerate or camouflage key mechanics for your personal enjoyment when neither of them have to. Your game is already present and properly accounted for on the disc. You can access it any time you want it so I guess I'll find myself reiterating this point until the end of time:

The only thing I see stopping you from enjoying Gears multiplayer is yourself.

You wouldn't have to deal with these "rushing gibfest contests" if you'd squad up and get better at the game, but we both know besides cold hard cash that the loudest branch of a developer's forum community decides the future of a franchise.

So keep grasping for that brass ring for all your scrubby ass friends while shoveling your future complaints on Epic's forum. The rest of us will happily continue carrying your bum asses in pubs as you suck all the fun out of the game one unnecessary buff or nerf at a time. ;)[/QUOTE]

Actually thanks for the tips.

I played gears 1 religiously. I must have logged 200 hours easy. Gears 2 not so much. A combination of longer wait times between matches (no player matches) and more shot gun flanking turned me off to it.

I'm going to give gears 3 multiplayer a solid try. I'm an average player at best. I usually play pog. I just get really frustrated when the entire opposing team's strategy is shotty's out and running/zig zagging/rolling to flank you and one-shot you. Pretty soon gears went from a cover based shooter to the best players basically being able to time and process rolls with shotgun blasts like a damn computer. Even if I could do that, it's not fun.

I know it can be stopped, but having to stop that almost every game gets pretty boring and some maps make it nearly impossible to stop.

I will take your advice about the camping though. The only time I did ok in Gears 2 was from holding back and laying down cover fire for others.
glad to hear about stopping power, i remember a lot of times during the beta where i would try to roll left or right of the gunfire and i couldnt move. hopefully this means i will be able to move left or right without being stopped.
Where is the best place to pre order it? From what I've seen I think I'll get it from Amazon since they have the character skin and the $20 credit.
I've always played GoW on my friends xbox as a guest (and even then not much at all), what is the significance of gaining levels? I'd assume there are unlockables, but is there anything that helps you gameplaywise or is it just cosmetic?
[quote name='Healingduck']Where is the best place to pre order it? From what I've seen I think I'll get it from Amazon since they have the character skin and the $20 credit.[/QUOTE]

best deal is the walmart bundle, GOW3+Gears controller+20 dollar eGift card+Grenadier skin for 99 dollars.

If you dont want the controller then either amazon or walmart have regular copies with 20 gift cards. Personally i would go with walmart, i like their pre order skin the most.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Actually thanks for the tips.

I played gears 1 religiously. I must have logged 200 hours easy. Gears 2 not so much. A combination of longer wait times between matches (no player matches) and more shot gun flanking turned me off to it.

I'm going to give gears 3 multiplayer a solid try. I'm an average player at best. I usually play pog. I just get really frustrated when the entire opposing team's strategy is shotty's out and running/zig zagging/rolling to flank you and one-shot you. Pretty soon gears went from a cover based shooter to the best players basically being able to time and process rolls with shotgun blasts like a damn computer. Even if I could do that, it's not fun.

I know it can be stopped, but having to stop that almost every game gets pretty boring and some maps make it nearly impossible to stop.

I will take your advice about the camping though. The only time I did ok in Gears 2 was from holding back and laying down cover fire for others.[/QUOTE]

Warning: TL;DR ALERT!

I'm sorry if I came across as a dick. It just irks me when potentially good players fall into terrible habits from playing alone in public for so long they think there's only one viable way to play this game. It's never been that way... and if it has it's because lag and flaws in the net code forced the community to make due with what they had. The advice I gave you is coming from an average to slightly above average player. I'd be lying through my teeth if I said I was a pro at everything I've ever done in life. There are plenty of people here I'm sure could mop the floor with me despite years of experience, but I can hold my own. That came from years of trial and error, practice in private matches against better players who are unnaturally good at this game, and playing with a great group of guys who taught me the subtle intricacies behind the driving mechanics of the game.

They taught me how to wall bounce, they taught me the value of proper positioning, they taught me how to rush properly and when to fall back, they taught me the importance of spawn weapons, where to plant and how to pop 'nades without dying, host advantage, the whole nine. The rest you will pick up as time goes on. I understand not everyone is lucky enough to hit it off with high caliber players, but you don't necessarily need to surround yourself with the best to improve. That's what the internet and this thread is for man. Don't be afraid to ask questions or pair up with some of us. Just don't let the community fool you into believing you actually have to put up with dying a million times to a shotgun.

For now what players like you need to remember after you've learned the pros and cons of your favorite rifle is confidence. Confidence, confidence, confidence. It's f*cking invaluable in this game - seriously. This is the only shooter I know of where you can accurately assess the skill level of a player based on the way they approach you so stand your f*cking ground. Don't let a shotgunner intimidate you into missing shots and f*cking up reloads because on a server lag shouldn't be an issue. To you, he or she should translate to another easy kill. Why run when you already have the advantage of solid cover and a ranged weapon? Zero lag eliminates the possibility of opponents juggernauting through clips to reach you. It's my job as a shotgunner to make you believe cover and your positioning doesn't matter. It's your job to remind me it does matter at all costs.

Make them play your game.

Take the time to learn how to zone properly whether solo or on a team. Try to remember how many shots need to connect to earn a down with your rifle. Be aware of your surroundings at all times, acknowledge choke and flank points, pre-active if you half to just make sure you always hold the advantage. Learning how to recognize the right cover, when to retreat, when you are and aren't susceptible to being mantle kicked will go a long way.

Above all else always keep them within your rifle's kill range. That's your job. There is nothing in this game that will survive continuous focus fire from multiple opponents so exploit it. Keep them the f*ck away from you at all costs. Watch your corners, throw smokes to let their character help pinpoint where they may be hiding. Avoid high traffic areas alone. Bait aggressors into grenade traps, set them up for cross fires, camp near power weapons before picking them up and if you need to bail then always run in the direction of your nearest teammate for back up or distraction.

Never attempt to be a f*cking hero unless you're on a team you trust and don't take on more than you can chew. 1v2/3/4 will rarely end in your favor - avoid them at all costs. Do NOT pick up randoms unless absolutely necessary as they won't reciprocate. Also... you are going to need to learn how to use every weapon competently sooner or later including the shotgun if you want to survive close quarters. That's just the way it is.

Ugh... sorry for droning on and on. These are just some general trial and error dos and donts for MP. Hopefully they'll help you avoid being on the receiving end of an ass kicking in the future. Just don't give up on the game. What you're going through is no different than how I loathing camping in CoD. I may quit playing for months at a time because of it, but I can't blame the game or the community for not catering to my play style. You just have to be stubborn enough find creative ways of dealing with it then exploiting them straight to success. Give it time man. You'll get it.
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anyone have a link to the soundefx the GoW3 console makes when you open the tray? so far I've only found the power up sound.
[quote name='100xp']what is the significance of gaining levels? I'd assume there are unlockables, but is there anything that helps you gameplaywise or is it just cosmetic?[/QUOTE]

I think your level affects who you get paired up with on matchmaking. A high level player will tend to get paired with low level players in order to "balance the teams". Whenever I reach a high level, I often find myself paired with low ranks while the other team is filled with moderately high level players. I guess the game expects me to carry my team because I'm such a high rank. Or maybe I'm just unlucky :3
It's bullshit is what it is Penguin. Epic bullshit (no pun intended). The same bullshit that makes us leader in every beginning round of Guardian matches because of that ridiculous title update. Because apparently we must love running for our dear lives with no back up from the opposing team while the moronic novices on ours run FROM us. It's also why I won't be playing CTL in this game without a full team. It's a painfully thankless job with a wounded k/d and a migraine as our only reward. They should have kept it the way it was - random. That way we at least we stand a better chance of not giving away the first round for free.
Man, I seriously need to play with a party. I always, ALWAYS play with randoms & I'm tired of getting paired with retards. The only good thing that came out of it was I learned to play smart. I could hold my own and became a bit of a lone wolf, since I usually have an incompetent team. Any Gears of War vets want to send me a friend request? I promise I can pull my own weight.
The only time I bitch from a loss on a full team is if lag and host abuse are to blame since the beta proved how many players are completely lost without it shielding them from well deserved deaths. One of the reasons I try to limit how much I play GoW 2 in preparation for this. It can get me raging in seconds. So not worth the trouble without a team and even then it's usually a lost cause against host, but at least the company helps stem the tides.

I'm definitely going to send you a FR Penguin. Contrary to popular belief I actually do care very little for the particular skill set of my team so long as they are honest about it and make a genuine effort to help the team. Just communicate, try your best, pick people up when you can and we're golden. I couldn't care less how many kills you do or don't get because one man can't carry an entire team.

Randoms on the other hand I will kick up a shit storm about almost instinctively. Especially when they steal kills, hog weapons and grenades they can't use, refuse to pick up people and other examples of asinine self destructive behavior sure to f*ck us all over in an instant. Oh, camping directly behind you when you need to retreat thus contributing to your demise is another favorite. It's one thing to suck complete ass; we can fix that. It's whole other thing to never want to improve then sabotage our possibilities of success every waking moment when no one is forcing you to play this game.
Well like i said, when i got to it redirects me to Can you go there yourself and see what url it gives you once the site loads, then post that url?

I got my controller, dpad seems okay, but i tried it with mortal kombat and its not anything spectacular. But it should do the job. I know there were more than enough times when i press the dpad to switch weapons in gears and i would end up getting the wrong weapon. one thing that bothered me was the right trigger squeaks, same thing happened when i bought the halo reach controller. That one had a squeaking right trigger also. Hopefully some wear and tear will fix that though.
wait, the retailers are giving away skins right? does that mean the player models for those are already in the game, just different looking, or NO?
There is a baird and dom in the game, the pre orders are for different versions. As for the kantus and grenadier... not sure about kantus, i did see a guy similar to Grenadier elite in a recent video, but he had like a scuba mask on. So these are all possibly in the game normally, just a different version of them.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Well like i said, when i got to it redirects me to Can you go there yourself and see what url it gives you once the site loads, then post that url?[/QUOTE]

That's the only url it gave me. Tried it again a second ago twice (even logged into my FB account) and no change. Weird it's redirecting you like that for no reason.
[quote name='KingBroly']Gears 3 Season Pass:

I'm contemplating waiting a year because I'm worried they're going to push DLC over matchmaking working like with Gears 2.[/QUOTE]
Hmm, not so sure about this. I hope we get a better idea of what the DLC is actually going to be (single player content, vs. maps, Horde maps, character/weapon skins) before needing to make a decision.
Definitely going to take a wait and see approach with this, but if all goes according to plan after a month or so and the initial DLC offerings are substantial I could totally see myself going for this. The free skins however are only a bonus if they aren't an in-game unlockable or have irritating requirements attached to them like playing a certain number of game types I hate.
So you get liquid metal guns and save 15 dollars, sounds good to me. I only have 2000 points though, and really wanted to use them on something cheap and fun LOL.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Hmm, not so sure about this. I hope we get a better idea of what the DLC is actually going to be (single player content, vs. maps, Horde maps, character/weapon skins) before needing to make a decision.[/QUOTE]

My thoughts exactly.

If it's going to just be four multiplayer map packs, I'm not interested. If it's a mix of single player and multiplayer I might bite.
On Epic Game forums Joe Graf of epic games said as of right now the 4 dlc packs with the season pass are going to be and release like this... Map Pack, Campaign, Map Pack, Map Pack. Even if they was 800MSP apiece it would still be saving $10 with the pass, since its a savings of 33% im guessing you will save around $15. Not bad
Rod just tweeted...
GearsViking Rod Fergusson

Season Pass is 4 DLCs. A mix of Campaign, MP and Horde/Beast. Season Pass just offers them up at a discounted price.!/GearsViking/status/108303864775720960

Sounds like a good deal to me. But to me Gears 3 will be a game i keep going back to for years. I dont really want to buy DLC maps for games that release every year, seems like a waste.
Confirming that Campaign DLC is coming especially after mentioning all the extra time they had to "polish."

That's always good to hear.
I never thought I'd say this about a game, but I hope the campaign DLC is available day one. I want to play through the definitive campaign when I first get the game, not have to wait months and months.
[quote name='drktrpr1']I never thought I'd say this about a game, but I hope the campaign DLC is available day one. I want to play through the definitive campaign when I first get the game, not have to wait months and months.[/QUOTE]

Pretty sure i read the first DLC will be in november.
the season pass confused me, for a second i tohught we had to pay $30 FOR the season pass and then the dlc, my mistake is quickly a sigh of relief
What better way to say thank you to your fans for buying a $60 game that they had an extra half of a year to add to than to ask them for an additional $30 on top of their purchase.

Why is no one complaining about this? They're literally telling you right now that they have maps and campaign content that they're intentionally withholding so that they can get an additional $30 out of their loyals. This isn't a, "sure is nice of them to offer a 33% discount on the future maps and levels they took from the campaign." It's more of a, "I wonder how much more money we could get from these pathetic peasants?"

Extremely disappointing.
[quote name='The Ebbtide']What better way to say thank you to your fans for buying a $60 game that they had an extra half of a year to add to than to ask them for an additional $30 on top of their purchase.

Why is no one complaining about this? They're literally telling you right now that they have maps and campaign content that they're intentionally withholding so that they can get an additional $30 out of their loyals. This isn't a, "sure is nice of them to offer a 33% discount on the future maps and levels they took from the campaign." It's more of a, "I wonder how much more money we could get from these pathetic peasants?"

Extremely disappointing.[/QUOTE]

Welcome to the new age of video games. It will only get worse. Pretty much all developers have dlc well into development, if not finished, before the game is released.

This use to bother me but not anymore. There is really not any way for a developer to make more money. They won't make any more money buy adding all their DLC to the game at launch. They make more money through DLC or another game.

It's obviously a careful balance of making sure that the games they do release feel like they are worth the money in the first place. But yes, a lot of DLC is near completed or done by the time a game ships.

Also, the campaign dlc likely doesn't extend the story, it probably just adds to it; probably just a 'cut scene'.
^This. There is no amount of bitching potent enough to change this formula any time soon. For those loyal diehard fans who already plan on buying all DLC the discount and free skins (who apparently were exclusive to employees) is better than nothing. If you can get it cheaper via code even better.
To add to the whole DLC conversation, EA/DICE did everyone who bought Bad Company 2 so dirty with the VIP code and all that bullshit. All the "map packs" were already on the disc and you had to wait for them to unlock it. That was such a scumbag move if you ask me, but here we are, people still play it, hell I still have it because friends still play it, and people are going to buy Battlefield regardless.

We do it to ourselves basically.

On topic: I've been devising a plan to break into the Epic Studios and steal a copy of this game because I want it so fucking bad.
bread's done