Gears of War 3 - Release Date Sept. 20

Dude... I've never wanted to play a game this badly before in my life. Ever. The need has graduated from lurking on the official forums to watching beta matches every chance I get. Epic has a lock on my money so the only way they could seriously screw up is on their servers. Personally Gears is a truly a one of a kind experience I can't find anywhere else so regardless of how dire the situation is I'll probably find a way to man up in support.

Speaking of the forums it appears a green version of the Liquid Metal skin is going to be up for grabs in a future promotion. Stay tuned.
People are going on about "Walls of Brotherhood" and Midnight Madness releases. Not sure what the hell they are talking about.

When they say midnight madness are they referring ONLY to Gamestop or any place that does a midnight release ie BestBuy/WalMart?
[quote name='The Ebbtide']What better way to say thank you to your fans for buying a $60 game that they had an extra half of a year to add to than to ask them for an additional $30 on top of their purchase.

Why is no one complaining about this? They're literally telling you right now that they have maps and campaign content that they're intentionally withholding so that they can get an additional $30 out of their loyals. This isn't a, "sure is nice of them to offer a 33% discount on the future maps and levels they took from the campaign." It's more of a, "I wonder how much more money we could get from these pathetic peasants?"

Extremely disappointing.[/QUOTE]

Why would anyone complain about this? This has been going on for a while now, so its no surprise. But i have to say for 60 dollars im going to get a game with their biggest campaign ever, arcade mode, multiplayer, horde, and beast mode on day one. To me that is well worth my 60 dollars. Most games dont even pack in that much gameplay in their games. And they want to offer me a deal so i can save 15 dollars on all their DLC they have scheduled, sounds great to me. I dont think they are chopping stuff off the final build to make us pay for it later. They just know exactly what they want to do with DLC for the future. Who knows if any of this DLC is ready to go or not, maybe a map or two is finished, but the DLC isnt ready because the other 1-3 maps arent done. Its easy to say hey they are holding stuff back to try to squeeze every penny out of us, but you really have no idea if they are doing that or not.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Why would anyone complain about this? This has been going on for a while now, so its no surprise. But i have to say for 60 dollars im going to get a game with their biggest campaign ever, arcade mode, multiplayer, horde, and beast mode on day one. To me that is well worth my 60 dollars. Most games dont even pack in that much gameplay in their games. And they want to offer me a deal so i can save 15 dollars on all their DLC they have scheduled, sounds great to me. I dont think they are chopping stuff off the final build to make us pay for it later. They just know exactly what they want to do with DLC for the future. Who knows if any of this DLC is ready to go or not, maybe a map or two is finished, but the DLC isnt ready because the other 1-3 maps arent done. Its easy to say hey they are holding stuff back to try to squeeze every penny out of us, but you really have no idea if they are doing that or not.[/QUOTE]

When it comes down to it, people are going to complain and raise a fuss, but still pay for the DLC, be it a pass or individually.

So what's the point? I don't know what I'm going to do, but I'm such a big gears fan I may break down and get the pass, since I've been sitting on 1800 points for such a long time anyway and I refuse to buy any of the COD crap they put out, so why not.

While I agree they could just include all their DLC on the disc on launch, but with that argument, they could keep pushing the release date back and keep adding more maps and more content and pushing the date back and adding more content and more maps, so on and so forth.

I just want the damn game already, I'll worry about the DLC later.
It's getting pretty close to release, I guess a Flashback Map Pack isn't going to be announced. It sucks that Gears 3 will launch with 2/3 the maps that Gears 2 had. I guess they figure why do that when they can make money off them as DLC.
I have a feeling we'll get a Flashback for Gears 3 if not during launch week then within a reasonable time period for free. The devs of course won't confirm anything but they have yet to outright deny the possibility when asked either. I for one refuse to believe Gridlock was the most popular among the community out of the entire roster. We've still got about three weeks left so I wouldn't count them out just yet.

Anyway... here's additional confirmation of the weapon balances noticed during the MLG Raleigh event:

Gears gamer and youtube user Arcticvbi recently had a chance to ask Gears 3 dev Quinn Delhoyo some questions about weapon balance changes from the beta to the full version of the game. Delhoyo was able to provide some good answers. If you’re a fan of the Sawed-Off Shotty, Retro Lancer, or Hammerburst then prepare to be enraged…

  • DBS no longer insta-downs from just outside of its kill range. Instead it will do a small amount of damage at that range, meaning it will only down the opponent if they are already badly hurt
  • Retro Lancer hip-fire recoil was increased drastically. You now either have to aim it, or burst fire to control it at mid-range
  • Hammerburst perfect reload slot moved to the back of the active section of the meter (was at the front in the beta). Hammerburst active reload damage reduced.
  • Lancer headshots now modify lancer damage by 1.5x
The Retro Lancer and DBS were two of the most controversial weapons during the beta so it makes sense that they get some tweaks. I’m not sure I saw much abuse with the hammerburst so the nerf there is a little odd.

With the nerfs to the retro and hammerburst and the boost to the Lancer, the Lancer really went from a gun that was an afterthought in the beta to a gun that was being used extensively (and very powerfully) at MLG Raleigh.
...And a video of the Liquid Metal skins included in the Season Pass deal:
Myself and a friend of mine thought the Hammerburst was a beast in the beta. Fine as is. Irritating to see it receive a nerf while the Lancer with flawless accuracy and a clip spanning the length of time and space managed a strong buff. Meh.
I can see Gridlock being the community favorite. It's definitely one of the best Gears maps IMO. I'm not really diggin' the dark as shit vibe it's got goin' on though. There's 4 maps from Gears 1 that haven't been in a Gears game since. I'll take those and River. Make it happen, Epic.
The only way in hell I'd tolerate River again is if it's paired up with Blood Drive, a Clocktower remake, or both. Even if it's the only old map included in a new pack I would seriously reconsider a purchase to guarantee I never play on it again. Somehow it symbolizes everything I loathe about Gears of War 2 conveniently condensed in map form.
[quote name='hustletron']To add to the whole DLC conversation, EA/DICE did everyone who bought Bad Company 2 so dirty with the VIP code and all that bullshit. All the "map packs" were already on the disc and you had to wait for them to unlock it. That was such a scumbag move if you ask me, but here we are, people still play it, hell I still have it because friends still play it, and people are going to buy Battlefield regardless.

We do it to ourselves basically.[/QUOTE]

to be fair, the whole VIP thing was included in all new copies. this is an entirely different topic (companies punishing people who buy used).

I do think the whole DLC Pass idea is a sham (not really a scam). I wonder if it is the publishers that decide this before hand and/or the develop has a say.


I'm not sure what the hate for River is all about. There were are several viable team strategies and with the boomshot nerfed the map was balanced. I also loved getting a headshot right after some guy picked up the other longshot.

Wasn't too fond of Bloodrive at first but had some good matches on i. it's just a bit too campy imo
River was only bad because of the netcode. The bow is a fucking super weapon if you have host and now that will be nerfed.

River, Blood Drive, and Jacinto are the only maps I care to see in Gears 3 from 2. From 1 I would be up for some Clock, Old Bones, and Raven Down.
I'd agree with the tweak to the Retro Lancer, and Chainsaw Lancer.

In the Beta, it was hella easy getting kills using the Retro and firing from the hip 'aka 3rd person perspective.' I was doing this on King of the Hill and unlocked the Gold Retro in record time; to my own surprise. Aiming it in 1st person was completely different, the recoil was damn all over the place and made it tough to use. The Retro is great against Noobs.

I'm glad the Chainsaw Lancer got a boost, cause it was like firing BB pellets in the Beta. Friggin' weak ass and almost nearly worthless. Bet they saw the usage drop, and needed to bring it back up to par for good usage. Gee, the Chainsaw Lancer is the iconic weapon of Gears.

I'm also glad pistols are more useful this round, since it makes matches requiring meat shields a lot more enjoyable and playable.

Peace, counting down the days to Sep 20th!
I thought River was terrible for a whole lot of different reasons. Permanent Boomshot (whoever controlled the spawn and could actually aim won the match), houses promote copious amounts of camping, too many immediate one shot, one kill power weapons available every round, far too easy to spawn camp with Torque, Boom and frags, heaven for glitchers of all kinds, etc.

I can't imagine any improvements made would stur up enough interest for me to risk ever playing it again in 3 especially with randoms. I simply flat out hate the map. I've won enough matches to know how to play it properly and always do. I just don't want to play on it period. The only reason I tolerate it in GoW 2 is because I honestly don't have a choice. It's a launch map and since nothing but glitched down veterans, new 100s and complete noobs remain in the player pool map packs rarely show up. When they do everyone immediately ties them in hopes of a launch map. Waste of time even trying to vote against it when alone.
[quote name='Gamer SDP']to be fair, the whole VIP thing was included in all new copies. this is an entirely different topic (companies punishing people who buy used).

I do think the whole DLC Pass idea is a sham (not really a scam). I wonder if it is the publishers that decide this before hand and/or the develop has a say.


I'm not sure what the hate for River is all about. There were are several viable team strategies and with the boomshot nerfed the map was balanced. I also loved getting a headshot right after some guy picked up the other longshot.

Wasn't too fond of Bloodrive at first but had some good matches on i. it's just a bit too campy imo[/QUOTE]

My point wasn't regarding the VIP thing itself, but about the fact that what that VIP code entitled people to was ALREADY on the disc. It wasn't a download at all.

I'm a little put off about the HB nerf and the Sawed Off nerf, logically if you're an inch away from where it would kill someone with the Sawed Off, it does next to no damage, but if you were to move an inch closer it gibs the target?

There was nothing wrong with the HB it still took quite a bit of bullets to down someone the way it was......
IDK about the hammerburst. It seemed like when i got shot by it, i would go down so fast, but when id use it it would take some time to down someone. Where as in Gears 2 i used it as a weapon from far away and up close it was a beast. Melee+hammerburst was just as good as using a gnasher. Problem with the hammerburst for me is when id down someone, id have to reload, giving people time to revive or steal my downs. LOL
I'm glad to see the original Lancer getting a boost. It has been my weapon of choice since Gears 1 for two reasons; 1) It's amazing at suppressive fire 2) Whenever the game lags so much that it looks like you are teleporting everywhere, I just rev-up my Lancer and hopefully bump into someone.
The more I think about the HB tweak the more it irks me given the ease in which I dispatched people from sniper ranges using the beta Lancer in KOTH matches. Simultaneously buffing it more while nerfing one of the Hammy's trademark strengths feels like overkill in a game that's already pushing quite far away from close quarter combat. Just sounds like another subtle nod to Shotgun of War criers who haven't developed the skills to deal with blind rushers.

In a stand off between competent players, the Lancer player should be at an equal if not slightly greater disadvantage against a Hammer who can't afford to expose themselves and HAS to make every shot count. They don't have the luxury of fully auto spray and pray options with the accuracy and clip to band-aid mistakes. They also lack a close quarter insta-kill option with a vacuum bathed in holy water and invincibility frames to cover their ass. So why buff the rifle even more? Because some people are too ignorant to appreciate its most obvious, but undervalued strengths like suppressive firing for instance? Or has a combination of Gears 2 "Hammer > Lancer" conditioning and anti-shotgun Retro dependency poisoned the minds of the majority opinion?

Ugh... whatever. It's pointless to continuing whining when the game isn't available to play yet. I'd simply appreciate it if a Lancer player who participated in the beta could explain to me why they should suddenly be able to compete with a semi-auto rifle known for pumping out more damage per bullet than their own. Especially one packing a smaller clip who's active reload section has been pushed farther back than ever before in a game where their gun doesn't spit out Care Bears and Tropical Fruit Skittles anymore.

The Sawed-off tweak I have no problem with because one shot downing is one of the most aggravating aspects of Gears. It flat out shouldn't happen on a full bar of health regardless of the circumstances. Decreasing said odds outside of the gun's kill radius immediately benefits both sides. Users don't have to deal with eating a free death trying to kill the same person twice and previously out of range victims can scratch themselves off of that list permanently on full health. One can only hope this addresses the problem of people randomly eating shells within the kill range rather than increase the likelihood of it overall.
The thing is they already accomplished that in the beta IMO. All three rifles were extremely effective in their designated ranges and scenarios (aside from Retro blind fire being broken). Buffing it more seems like they are desperately trying to make it something it isn't (great at any range) at the expense of undermining the value of its brethren. Leaving the Hammer as is or extending its active reload slot a little more down the bar would have been a better compromise to me, but who knows. We have no idea just how much they nerfed its active damage yet so it might not be that big of a deal. I just wouldn't be surprised if this buff promotes more pre-activing and camping in the future.
HB was already a beast in the beta. It'll get nerfed by 21st when a shit load of people log onto epic forums and bitch about it
Ok instead of talking about OP weapons, what is a weapon that someone could use almost exclusively for kills that would be most respected?

For example, if a dude continues to kill you with ________, you are impressed.
That's a pretty good question. I'd say if I see anybody going on a rampage with any of the three pistols (Snub, Boltok, Gorgon now that it isn't OP and as a result less fun :() on server/off host they will automatically earn my respect.

Of course if it's a Snub people will cry "MOD! HOST! HAX!"

If it's a Boltok you'll never hear the end of "You pre-activing $$$$$$!"

And the new Gorgon has "OMFG STOP CAMPING" written all over it.

It's no different with grenades though a killing spree with Ink and Incendiaries would take equal amounts planning, timing and skill plus it's hilarious to witness. With the Boomshot nerfed (decreased blast radius and less cluster explosions upon impact) to the point only Longshot specialists could reliably squeeze a kill out of it, I guess that's a fair option IMO. Speaking of Longshot they are in the clear since 90% of the time a solid sniper only needs to camp for a second to get a kill. I can't hate on that.

Mortar and One Shot are also contenders since you can spot both a mile away. Blind fire kills with either are epic to watch. Scorcher is 50/50 since they beefed up its stopping power to the point where it can slow opponents to a crawl even in mid-roll. I had so much fun maining it alongside a regular Lancer in KOTH games. Oh, and any Sawed-off user well versed in hit and run tactics to the point where he or she can bounce away from a missed shot, reload, bounce back and kill is worth dying from. The gun takes way more skill than people realize in 1 on 1 encounters especially against Gnashers, Retros and Hammerburst.

I personally couldn't care less what someone thinks of me when I kill them. If it's in the game I'm going to use it.
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does anyone know if frags exploded on impact like inks and incendiaries? also I wonder how planted inks will fare.

I didn't like how the gorgon was changed in the beta. maybe Epic might change it like 2's version.

I'm curious as to how the one shot will be used in the campaign. it would be interesting if mechs appeared in NPC enemies lol (non slaying modes only)
I recall the fuse being so short it were as if they exploded on impact so I'd go with yes. Don't quote me on that though. Pretty sure devs said all varieties of grenades share the same plant timer and they weren't changing it from the beta. So fully prepare to have your grenades popped by its brethren (including Smokes... god did I hate that) and for tons of people to stroll right past them on launch. ;P
I'd agree that the balance in the Beta was already pretty good; except for the chainsaw Lancer. Hopefully, the 'rebalancing' won't mess up what's already very good.

I think the dedicated servers made all the difference. Host and lag advantage was virtually gone.
[quote name='GUNNM']HB was already a beast in the beta. It'll get nerfed by 21st when a shit load of people log onto epic forums and bitch about it[/QUOTE]

I got to play GoW3 at PAX.

The Hammerburst seemed toned down to me. It seemed only slightly less accurate, but it's power did seem noticeably decreased.

The Retro Lancer has also been nerfed. Your aim goes to absolute shit even after 3-4 shots. I'm sure I can adjust over time, but with the short amount of time I had to play, I definitely noticed that the spray and recoil of the gun was much harder to control compared to the Beta.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']I got to play GoW3 at PAX.

The Hammerburst seemed toned down to me. It seemed only slightly less accurate, but it's power did seem noticeably decreased.

The Retro Lancer has also been nerfed. Your aim goes to absolute shit even after 3-4 shots. I'm sure I can adjust over time, but with the short amount of time I had to play, I definitely noticed that the spray and recoil of the gun was much harder to control compared to the Beta.[/QUOTE]
beta retro lancer had to be on point of GOW 1 gnasher as most devastating CQB weapon ever glad it got nerfed
[quote name='Mospeada_21']I'd agree that the balance in the Beta was already pretty good; except for the chainsaw Lancer. Hopefully, the 'rebalancing' won't mess up what's already very good.

I think the dedicated servers made all the difference. Host and lag advantage was virtually gone.[/QUOTE]

I'm soundin' like a broken record here I'm sure, but no way. The shotgun is still the most overpowered shit I've ever seen.
Seeing Raam made me think about how much I loved the 1st game when it came out. Also wonder what happened to the kryll (sp?) - they were kind of a large part of the first game and then never seen in the second.\

Edit: just looked up that the ending of the first game explains where they all went. Now I know. Still, I miss General Raam though. He seemed pretty bad ass.
[quote name='Dokstarr']Seeing Raam made me think about how much I loved the 1st game when it came out. Also wonder what happened to the kryll (sp?) - they were kind of a large part of the first game and then never seen in the second.\

Edit: just looked up that the ending of the first game explains where they all went. Now I know. Still, I miss General Raam though. He seemed pretty bad ass.[/QUOTE]
Epic cut kyrll and berserkers because they claim the light mass bomb killed them all but everyone complained enough and now they're back in part 3
I thought the beta Retro Lancer was great, because you actually stood a chance against a shotgun at medium range. I think it's a shame if they've nerfed it too much. The shotguns are and have always been overpowered in these games. Having a reasonably powerful assault rifle was actually a nice counterbalance. What they really need to do, in my opinion, is greatly reduce the accuracy and power of the Gnasher at medium ranges. It should not be possible to one-shot somebody down from 20-30 yards, yet I see it all the time in Gears 2. Should take two shots.
Retro Lancer always got bad accuracy after a couple of shots. The thing is that it's just so much more powerful than the Standard Lancer that made it a beast. My guess is that it was like that because of the Gold Retro Lancer that made it so powerful.
[quote name='KingBroly']Retro Lancer always got bad accuracy after a couple of shots. The thing is that it's just so much more powerful than the Standard Lancer that made it a beast. My guess is that it was like that because of the Gold Retro Lancer that made it so powerful.[/QUOTE]

The accuracy was bad, but in the Beta you could always corral it and aim it pretty well even if you're just holding down the trigger.

I welcome the nerfed Retro Lancer, but I do think they made the aim almost too wild. Again, short play time, so it may just take some time to adjust to.

They need to nerf the power of the Perfect Reload Gnasher, that thing was out of control in the Beta.
I think this debate about which assault rifle is best is actually healthy... People can't decide which one is best, which is good and means things could be getting close to balanced.

I think we can all Shaq-fuing agree that the Gnasher is still wayyyy overpowered, though :booty:

Epic trailer (HAH!), btw.
bread's done