Gears of War 3 - Release Date Sept. 20

@ - pp, the groups ive been with I've generally played wretches mostly and dominated the first couple of wave...then I switch to kantus for healing while the rest of the team finally catches on that wretches can "jump" over barbed wire. Boomer for a wave or two, and finally just the seprapede etc. by then most of the other ppl who stayed and have a grasp on teamwork played bipedal horde w/guns.

personally i just want to be able to beat beast mode at least 1st on any difficulty, then get w/a group who won't bail on insane mode.
[quote name='TheBigAndy']I have been tempted to join games, build the headquarters, and quit. 100 founder ribbons, would take forever otherwise (and it would still take a ton of time doing it that way too.[/QUOTE]
All weekend I had this happen to me!
Don't be that guy. they didn't even play a single wave! happen 7 times (No BS!) would pick a random ass spot and then they would quit.
[quote name='knightsmith']All weekend I had this happen to me!
Don't be that guy. they didn't even play a single wave! happen 7 times (No BS!) would pick a random ass spot and then they would quit.[/QUOTE]

now it makes sense, i was always wondering WTF? after a guy drops out in the first way like every other game. if we ever play and i drop it's because of my ISP but so far the connection has been very stable.
[quote name='The 7th Number']You can do it in private with a 2nd controller and it would probably be faster than searching online, rushing for the first command post and quitting.[/QUOTE]

there's no ranked disconnects for horde/beast?

apparently my ranked disconnects are from setting up my own private arcade campaign session, finding some cogs then quiting out to find the next ones.
(shrugs) personal reasons, im sure ill get over it too...i remember one time I was playing WoW and someone in a raid killed a civillian and everyone was up in arms because it was marked on their stat tab. i thought perhaps if ranked d/c's might factor into an exp ban or something. while Gears is not Reach, i'm still a bit cautious as to how they monitor things such as that.
[quote name='100xp'](shrugs) personal reasons, im sure ill get over it too...i remember one time I was playing WoW and someone in a raid killed a civillian and everyone was up in arms because it was marked on their stat tab. i thought perhaps if ranked d/c's might factor into an exp ban or something. while Gears is not Reach, i'm still a bit cautious as to how they monitor things such as that.[/QUOTE]

The worst that can happen is you supposedly being paired up with fellow quitters and 4,500 EXP penalty for Versus games. I have about 35 - 40 split between Horde, Beast and Arcade - I couldn't care less. Considering everything except private matches and vanilla campaign seems to nets you random disconnects depriving yourself of online multiplayer is the only way to avoid them completely. That MP banning bullshit though is one of the main reasons I stopped playing Reach in the first place. No one should be penalized that harshly for refusing to stay in lost cause games when they aren't cheating. Bungie went WAY too far trying to police how people choose to play something they paid for IMO.

Speaking of the Halo franchise thanks for reminding me of what I need to sell next. I have way too many games collecting dust here that I know I will never play again. XBL seriously needs to patch a delete achievement feature already.
[quote name='The 7th Number']You can do it in private with a 2nd controller and it would probably be faster than searching online, rushing for the first command post and quitting.[/QUOTE]

Ok cool, too bad you can only get the ribbon once per session. Looks like I will be spending a lot of time starting and quiting private horde matches.
@ - ink, yeah makes sense. i never had a problem w/banning while playing reach, though any online experience always attracts less favorable groupings at times and more often than not. I don't play reach much, and barely do the dailies at this point unless it takes the least amount of effort...I am glad however I got a digital copy, esp after selling my hard copy many months ago. I think going into the online gears experience and progression, just knowing what might trigger a ban hammer or the like is good to know.

as for a achievement deletion patch, yeah...i just want my effort towards the impossibly difficult DDR game to vanish forever.
Understandable man. Currently the only way you can get banned from Gears MP is good ol' fashioned non-disputable cheating e.g. mods, lag switching, idle boosting in public games. The most important thing to note is that Epic also forwards your tag to the XBL Enforcement Team which naturally graduates your minor ban to something a tad bit more permanent on a wider scale.
[quote name='knightsmith']All weekend I had this happen to me!
Don't be that guy. they didn't even play a single wave! happen 7 times (No BS!) would pick a random ass spot and then they would quit.[/QUOTE]
Sometimes I just wish companies would realize that these types of goals/achievements ruin gameplay so they wouldn't include them...
I love how they only place Boomshot on the maps where its presence is easily trounced by long distance cross fire camping. Awesome. Mercy's weapon selection was fine as is. All they had to do was remove the damn Church gate to deter camping, but nooooooooo... that shit would actually make too much sense. So let's give scrubs and power weapon campers unlimited frags on even rounds and get rid of One Shot to make it even easier! Man Up victories are great! ...Idiots. I notice they still haven't put Mortar back on Overpass or replaced it with Longshot + permanent frag combo so the map remains unbalanced.

Who the f*ck are they listening to when they make these decisions? Themselves? Do they even have the time to actually play with the public? Jesus... If their forum community had anything to do with this I pray they ignore them in the future. These changes reek of rifle and camper pandering.

Holy shit at those launch xp rates though... wow. Damn glad I played at during launch. I hope they realize boosting Execution and Warzone is a fool's errand. It won't keep them off life support. Restoring the rounds or giving us a classic playlist is the best chance they have of maintaining interest.
How about they fix the fucking spawn points... I love having an entire opposing team spawn right behind me if I happen to be near one of the points.
The one shot on mercy could kill anyone hiding behind the cover near the center back of the church, maybe thats why they took it out. It was too easy to kill people under cover, unless they constantly move back and forth.
[quote name='The 7th Number']The one shot on mercy could kill anyone hiding behind the cover near the center back of the church, maybe thats why they took it out. It was too easy to kill people under cover, unless they constantly move back and forth.[/QUOTE]

Which was exactly the point - it was one of the few effective ways of pressuring church campers without putting yourself at risk. In order for those jackasses to continue dicking around without consequence they had to hug a far wall on either side of church to stay alive. Mortar is only effective when you walk/wall bounce down from its spawn and for that back up is necessary. Assuming the campers weren't blind or stupid enough NOT to shoot you through the gate to begin with.

It's crystal clear Epic is going full retard mode for this game. They need to stop trying to fix what isn't broken and start acknowledging what is before they repeat the same mistakes they made with GoW 2. They are starting to giving me a reason to think about buying MW3 and neither of us want that.
you have a point, i do like how they changed the scorcher into an ink on drydock. I always go for the ink if i play on maps where they are near spawn. So i hated spawning on the one side with no ink on drydock.
Ok, so as far as I know there hasn't been a patch to the game yet but I have noticed changes to the sawed off since Friday. I don't know if I am just imagining things but it seems the blast area and power have been decreased. I have literally shot people point blank and not killed them on multiple occasions. Whenever someone charges at me with the retro lancer I can never kill them, I used to kill them about 90% of the time before and it was my fault when I didn't. So am I crazy or has anyone else noticed any difference?
[quote name='eliter1']Ok, so as far as I know there hasn't been a patch to the game yet but I have noticed changes to the sawed off since Friday. I don't know if I am just imagining things but it seems the blast area and power have been decreased. I have literally shot people point blank and not killed them on multiple occasions. Whenever someone charges at me with the retro lancer I can never kill them, I used to kill them about 90% of the time before and it was my fault when I didn't. So am I crazy or has anyone else noticed any difference?[/QUOTE]

So long as the match you're playing is hosted on an Epic server, I think they can be tweaking the game mechanics without putting a patch through.
[quote name='BingoBrown']So long as the match you're playing is hosted on an Epic server, I think they can be tweaking the game mechanics without putting a patch through.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='popular penguin']I think the sawed-off blast radius fans out. I'm not sure if it was always like that, but I just noticed it a few days ago because I hardly use it.[/QUOTE]

I know there is something different with it because it's my weapon of choice and I think I am pretty damn good with it but there is something off about it since Friday.
finally beat Beast (normal) mode w/randoms. Even managed to beat the last 3 waves w/just 2 other ppl...not sure why ppl would drop out during wave the later waves. we never failed and everyone seemed to be doing well.
I just unlocked the Onyx Lancer and I have to say it was not worth the time. Since the whole gun gets a black tint (like the Gold Omen) you could barely notice the liquid metal part.
heh...somehow i wish i was able to devote that much time to my gaming but considering i'm getting a lot more work, i can't complain. i'm still working on sos kills for the mutator unlock.

who knows, many the onyx wpns look awesome w/the onyx guard skins.

me and my brother play on the same 360, under two different xbl gamertags. does anyone know if i buy the season pass will it work for him too when he's playing on his tag? i feel like i've purchased other dlcs for other games and they've worked for him, but just want confirmation before pulling the trigger, also because he's giving me $10 towards it so it's cheaper for both of us. thnx
[quote name='iNFiNiTE HORiZON']question:

me and my brother play on the same 360, under two different xbl gamertags. does anyone know if i buy the season pass will it work for him too when he's playing on his tag? i feel like i've purchased other dlcs for other games and they've worked for him, but just want confirmation before pulling the trigger, also because he's giving me $10 towards it so it's cheaper for both of us. thnx[/QUOTE]

I'd like to know this as well. I always let my brother make purchases on his Xbox and then I download them on mine but I don't know how the season pass works. I am guessing that once I get the season pass he would download them and then I would just go into account history and download them on mine but I would like to be sure.
[quote name='eliter1']I'd like to know this as well. I always let my brother make purchases on his Xbox and then I download them on mine but I don't know how the season pass works. I am guessing that once I get the season pass he would download them and then I would just go into account history and download them on mine but I would like to be sure.[/QUOTE]

itll work like any dlc does. purchased and dl'd on one xbox will be available to every user on that xbox. every other xbox, the burchasing account will have to be logged in.
[quote name='eliter1']I'd like to know this as well. I always let my brother make purchases on his Xbox and then I download them on mine but I don't know how the season pass works. I am guessing that once I get the season pass he would download them and then I would just go into account history and download them on mine but I would like to be sure.[/QUOTE]

itll work like any dlc does. purchased and dl'd on one xbox will be available to every user on that xbox. every other xbox, the burchasing account will have to be logged in.
[quote name='paz9x']itll work like any dlc does. purchased and dl'd on one xbox will be available to every user on that xbox. every other xbox, the burchasing account will have to be logged in.[/QUOTE]

Good to know. Thanks.
Got to level 50 tonight, woo. With over 100 hours put into this game, and no (attainable) achievements remaining, I can feel my interest in this game dropping a bit. It would probably be a different story if I was actually good at the game, or at least improving, but I think I've plateaued at mediocrity. I think I'll mainly be going back to it for the special Epic Events and new DLC. Anyhow, it's safe to say that I've gotten my $60 worth out of it, heh.
@ ryu & PrarieDOG (and whoever else I was hording w/last night) - thanks guys, was a pretty mighty Horde experience. Sorry I had to bail after wave 32? I had to pick up the gf. Now I just need to go from 30ish > 50. Seeing fully upgraded sentries and ppl who actually use silverbacks effectively was a nice change.
Yeah, that was a pretty crazy game, we had one Level 100 guy at the beginning of the match, and another guy who was being a goof-off (chainsawing me and intentionally blocking my turret shots for the lulz, I guess) the whole time. That was the guy who got downed practically every wave too.
im surprised we got as far as we did with goofy playing...first couple rounds, since everyone was so jacked up w/upgrades I was like...i hope they don't think im a slacker, I just couldn't afford to repairs anything damaged yet. I'm glad I had a few waves where I got the point man ribbon and a bunch of cross map revives.
i'm enjoying cooperative modes in Gears more, I still don't have a good handle like some of the cover and evade ninjas i've seen playing this game. it's not even accuracy anymore, they just move around so quickly they seem to literally do circles around those who aren't very familiar w/the dive and cover system...I've even seen guys seemingly slide, hop, cover, dive and fire without skipping a beat. i feel once you beat the cooperative modes on insane, get the medals onyx'd there's always versus to return to...that'll always be fresh.
Finally beat the campaign yesterday. Boss battle was fucking stupid, hated it and I'm not looking forward to insane.

Does using mutators on campaign affect achievements? Also was there anything at the end of the credits? I skipped them.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Finally beat the campaign yesterday. Boss battle was fucking stupid, hated it and I'm not looking forward to insane.

Does using mutators on campaign affect achievements? Also was there anything at the end of the credits? I skipped them.[/QUOTE]

Nope mutate away. If you want some help let me know. And I'll be damned if I forget what was in the credits.
[quote name='Redeema']Anyone interested in doing Beast Mode on insane? I'm trying to complete that, I'll be on tomorrow morning. 8am on the West.[/QUOTE]

My suggestion, which was given to me by another CAG here, do it on Checkout. There are so many areas where you can avoid barriers by jumping over short walls and shelves.

Also, you can always try hitting up random people from your 'Last played with' list. I had 2 friends and 2 randoms when we completed it.
beat beast twice today (granted it was normal) but it was with 4 ppl each time. Mercy seems very easy...mainly because when they fortify you can draw them out and into the open. No wires to hop or sentries to worry about. Also finally able to hulk smash the entire board w/the berserker...omg, she's the terminator.

I'm down for insane mode but I'm on EST and only after regular business hours.
bread's done