Gears of War 3 - Release Date Sept. 20

Hate listening to children? What about grown adults sending me voice messages about how i am a fucking $$$$$$ because i tagged him with a smoke and killed him in One shot one kill playlist. LOL Damn CAG censors, well you can figure out what he called me. :p
[quote name='The 7th Number']Hate listening to children? What about grown adults sending me voice messages about how i am a fucking $$$$$$ because i tagged him with a smoke and killed him in One shot one kill playlist. LOL Damn CAG censors, well you can figure out what he called me. :p[/QUOTE]

And the tough guys who want to come beat me up.... Sure come find me, and when my 6'4" giant ass opens the door you will probably regret it pretty fast.

I only talk in parties to avoid a lot of people, I guess.
Personally i dont talk at all. Only sometimes when a buddy is on. I do use a headset and listen to people talk though. Sometimes it helps when you get a good player who will spot out stuff. But other times you get the kid who cries about someone killing them with X weapon, kids, tough guys, etc.
Yeah, I experienced a lot of whining yesterday. Playing a few TDM matches and one match I wound up on a team with one guy and 3 others who apparently had been talking plenty of trash with him. It was pretty ugly...but I remember using the headset to great effect in Gears 1, so I was disappointed to see that the mics have gone silent.
If people need help with Insane Horde, I'm still working on my Onyx for the money in Horde mode, so I'd definitely help you out if you need it.

[quote name='hopesfall']I remember using the headset to great effect in Gears 1, so I was disappointed to see that the mics have gone silent.[/QUOTE]
I actually remember using my headset to actually talk to people in Gears of War. Sometimes people weren't even talking about the game, just about other stuff. I vividly remember talking to people about Spider-Man 3, as the film was coming out that summer, and we were all talking about what we thought was going to happen.

Then, something happened. Assholes arrived, who just yelled at everybody, used racist and homophobic slurs, often in combination, or just blasted music or breathed into their microphone.

I usually just keep my microphone off. Even when I'm playing with people from this site. I just don't talk anymore.

In fairness, asshole were always there, as I remember being berated with vocal abuse in my first few Gears of War games, and these were from teammates. But now I just find that almost everybody on Live with an active microphone is a jackass.
[quote name='The Ebbtide']If people need help with Insane Horde, I'm still working on my Onyx for the money in Horde mode, so I'd definitely help you out if you need it.

I actually remember using my headset to actually talk to people in Gears of War. Sometimes people weren't even talking about the game, just about other stuff. I vividly remember talking to people about Spider-Man 3, as the film was coming out that summer, and we were all talking about what we thought was going to happen.

Then, something happened. Assholes arrived, who just yelled at everybody, used racist and homophobic slurs, often in combination, or just blasted music or breathed into their microphone.

I usually just keep my microphone off. Even when I'm playing with people from this site. I just don't talk anymore.

In fairness, asshole were always there, as I remember being berated with vocal abuse in my first few Gears of War games, and these were from teammates. But now I just find that almost everybody on Live with an active microphone is a jackass.[/QUOTE]

I feel ya man! I will turn on my mic and put it to the side just so I don't have to hear some of the players. I like to keep it quiet if my wife is at home bc I don't want her to hear the crazy shit that comes out of peoples mouth over a game.
Even so I do run into some gamers that I don't mind talking to.
sorry just have to rant about it! WTF is up with people stealing the C.Center! Don't get me wrong if I die and you need to use it go on. but I would build it and go on and pick up some ammo and at the start of the wave I hear someone push the button! This happen to me in 4 diff horde matches on sunday! I stopped building!
[quote name='knightsmith']sorry just have to rant about it! WTF is up with people stealing the C.Center! Don't get me wrong if I die and you need to use it go on. but I would build it and go on and pick up some ammo and at the start of the wave I hear someone push the button! This happen to me in 4 diff horde matches on sunday! I stopped building![/QUOTE]

i fully repaired a silverback like $9400+ that one guy jumped out of, and then he jacked it and got it s'ploded 2 secs later. i know what you mean.
[quote name='hopesfall']I just picked this up with a new 360 - love this game. Worth the money I paid for the system and whole weekend has been sucked away now. Anyway, do any of you have problems with your mic during online matches? I've only had it actually work for me once. Do most people just run silent these days? Or am I not realizing something here?[/QUOTE]
I do know that I had to go into my router and reconfig some of the port triggering for xbox. Not just for the NAT. I remember that 2 of the new ports I set up where for 1(MIC), 2(Kinect voice) Don't remember what the port numbers where.
[quote name='100xp']i fully repaired a silverback like $9400+ that one guy jumped out of, and then he jacked it and got it s'ploded 2 secs later. i know what you mean.[/QUOTE]
that hurts!
the only benefit i saw from the silverback jack was at least i was able to invest $9k + into it and a couple waves later the host, money well spent for furture horde waves.
Yeah, it's a heartbreaker when other people can't figure out how to use stuff effectively. The worst is levels with great turret positions and people can't use them. Like that one turret in Overpass that is like 20 feet away from a spawn position, directly in front of where they file out. Put an upgrade or two into that turret and there is no reason you shouldn't be getting Point Man every round, apart from just not paying attention.

Command Centers aren't as bad, they're new so I feel like people are still feeling them out. But yeah, I hate it when you get Leeroy Jenkins jumping in the Silverback, deciding it's invincible and he should trot right out into the open.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Command Centers aren't as bad, they're new so I feel like people are still feeling them out. But yeah, I hate it when you get Leeroy Jenkins jumping in the Silverback, deciding it's invincible and he should trot right out into the open.[/QUOTE]

Leeroy Jenkins was some one in our last horde game on blood drive. The one host dropped after the lambent berserker ate everyone wave 20...all i said was, hope this is one of Ryuu's friends that isn't going to waste my $.
[quote name='100xp']Leeroy Jenkins was some one in our last horde game on blood drive. The one host dropped after the lambent berserker ate everyone wave 20...all i said was, hope this is one of Ryuu's friends that isn't going to waste my $.[/QUOTE]
Yup, that's exactly the guy I was thinking of. :lol: The sad part of that game was, I was playing with one guy who was really good, one decent guy, and those two chuckleheads, then the host dropped at wave 18 and it sent us back to wave 8, and I instinctively sent out a couple of invites to fill up the group again, then I realized that the two good dudes had left, and the chuckleheads had stayed. Then I kind of felt bad for having invited you. :lol: We had some good waves in there before the one guy started getting all Rambo with the Silverback though.
it's all good, everytime you've sent me a invite i was either idling or doing campaign. I was actually like, invited me at wave 8, why not 1 expecting we'd roll through to 50.
Talking about jacking silverbacks there seems to be a glitch where they can force you out of the silverback if they have a higher level unlocked. I bought a silverback and as I was buying it another guy came up and upgraded the silverback but when he did it kicked me out and he got in. I guess the upgrade causes you to leave the silverback. :( On a good note he was at least a decent player.
[quote name='kklems']Talking about jacking silverbacks there seems to be a glitch where they can force you out of the silverback if they have a higher level unlocked. I bought a silverback and as I was buying it another guy came up and upgraded the silverback but when he did it kicked me out and he got in. I guess the upgrade causes you to leave the silverback. :( On a good note he was at least a decent player.[/QUOTE]

Maybe you cant use the silverback if you havent upgraded it up to rockets, that is after its upgraded to use rockets? I really dont play much horde, but its just a guess.
I generally don't use a mic when playing with randoms, but I will use a mic when playing with friends, or in an organized party. But I can't stand the random trash-talking and baloney.
If you guys need someone who doesn't steal your fortifications while playing, you can always add me. All Ineed to upgrade is Silverback, and I don't even care if I am in it.
Yeah we should get the cag group together again and play. I wish epic would patch the weapon kills to include horde and I still don't have many vengeance medals (execute your nemesis). Those are going take forever to get. But I am 3 stars on most of the rest of the non-capture the leader medals.
[quote name='kklems']Yeah we should get the cag group together again and play. I wish epic would patch the weapon kills to include horde and I still don't have many vengeance medals (execute your nemesis). Those are going take forever to get. But I am 3 stars on most of the rest of the non-capture the leader medals.[/QUOTE]

I read on the Epic Forums that they will be changing the Vengance medal with the next title update. That would help a lot.

As far as the weapons medals, just set it to be a long KOTH match, that racks up kills pretty fast.
They need to fix the servers, if they are even up. The last 2 days have been bad. I even had a match where i shot an anya from 4 feet away with 3 active gnasher shots and she didnt even go down. All day today its felt like im shooting blanks.

And mantle kick is so annoying. I love it when i try to mantle kick and my character just stutters like he forgot how to jump over, then i end up getting mantle kicked. Or i see someone coming and i evade 5 feet to the right or left and they still hit me, yet i can try to mantle kick and ill jump over and end up right beside them and not even hit them giving them the easy kill. The move is so messed up. -_-
[quote name='The 7th Number']They need to fix the servers, if they are even up. The last 2 days have been bad. I even had a match where i shot an anya from 4 feet away with 3 active gnasher shots and she didnt even go down. All day today its felt like im shooting blanks.

And mantle kick is so annoying. I love it when i try to mantle kick and my character just stutters like he forgot how to jump over, then i end up getting mantle kicked. Or i see someone coming and i evade 5 feet to the right or left and they still hit me, yet i can try to mantle kick and ill jump over and end up right beside them and not even hit them giving them the easy kill. The move is so messed up. -_-[/QUOTE]

Glad I'm not still the only one that has issues with this :applause:
@GearsViking Rod Fergusson
So @PeteNub or @quinndelhoyo can discuss but the man-up rule doesn't require a TU to change it. That can happen whenever we want.
What the hell is a man up rule?


I could care less about spectator mode, i get bored waiting for noobs to stop camping when they are the last guy left, no way i want to watch matches of others play. Why couldnt they add some camera feature to record games, and we can upload clips to youtube instead?
"The 'Man Up Rule' removes stalemates in Execution/Warzone if one team has more players alive than the other", apparently.

Makes sense. Sucks for the losing side, though.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']"The 'Man Up Rule' removes stalemates in Execution/Warzone if one team has more players alive than the other", apparently.

Makes sense. Sucks for the losing side, though.[/QUOTE]

It applies to TDM as well and doesn't just suck for the losing side. It slows down the overall pace of the game and clueless randoms can sabotage your guaranteed win if they persist in searching for the last remaining pussy on the team. Absolutely infuriating if you're having connecting issues on P2P and know the opposing team is host.

Of course it's much more insulting when you're the last man standing and the opposing team is too shook to deal with you. You're Godzilla and their bitch asses are proud citizens of Tokyo. They want a free win. They know you'll clutch so they keep away or corner camp until the clock winds down or set up cross fire you can't flank. The only logical option for you is to force a stalemate but you can't because this stupid rule encourages you to make reckless/incompetent decisions to give the opposing team an even greater advantage.

Best case scenario is you stay put, eat a match/round loss for yourself and your team then get reamed out for it. Worse case scenario is you charge toward their position or seek them out and add a free death to your k/d on top of the round/match loss. Either way the deck is stacked against you because it automatically handicaps your play style and skill level while buffing a team that shouldn't need any additional assistance winning the round/match.

...The rule needs to disappear - period.

Stalemates were always viable strategy in Gears until now. It took a certain amount of skill to outsmart and keep away from multiple hostiles on those small maps. Anyone who says different is probably an idiot. If you feel you deserve that win you should have to work for it every second of the match until it's over. The rule rarely works as originally intended because once again Epic underestimates how the public plays competitive multiplayer.

The average player only cares about three things: themselves, their k/d, their w/l. Anything proven capable of achieving that end the quickest way possible for the most miniscule amount of effort WILL be abused. So the reason it needs to go is crystal clear - it over-rewards terrible gaming habits at the expense of actual skill in nearly every scenario. Kind of like the Sawed-off Shotgun, huh?
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Too bad about the Onyx Field Engineer medal for those of us who didn't use it as a boosting exploit, but just play a lot of Horde. :([/QUOTE]
you can always clear out the system cache and just don't update and boost solo in horde for it.
[quote name='knightsmith']you can always clear out the system cache and just don't update and boost solo in horde for it.[/QUOTE]

I am confused, what changed with it?
[quote name='TheBigAndy']I am confused, what changed with it?[/QUOTE]
You can only earn it once now. It no longer resets.

Which means no more loading up Horde in split-screen, playing Checkout, starting a base and building a turret, and then having player two shoot with the turret for the full amount of time remaining while you mash the repair button to Onyx the Field Engineer medal repeatedly in about 3-4 rounds.

...not that I know anything about it.
[quote name='TheBigAndy']I am confused, what changed with it?[/QUOTE]
Once you got the Onyx medal, the count started over and every 1000 fortifications you could get the XP bonus again. 1000 fortification upgrades isn't that huge of a number to begin with, and there were various boosting methods for doing the 1000 upgrades very quickly. Now it sounds like you can only Onyx the medal once and then you're done.

It kind of sucks because it was a nice little bonus for every 1000 upgrades (not from boosting, just from playing naturally) that's now gone because some people exploited it. But the weird thing to me is, now the devs are anti-boosting? They've got a funny way of showing it, attacking this one specific little exploit, while the requirements for Seriously 3.0, which essentially mandate intense boosting, are allowed to stand?

[ETA: I don't mean that to sound like I'm putting down or blaming people who did take advantage of that medal to boost for XP. Like I said, the whole structure of the game condones and practically requires all kinds of boosting and exploiting.]
Along with what Ryu said, the boosting of it only helps you rank up, which is a medal itself, and the ranks aren't even as daunting as they were in Gears of War 2. I was pretty surprised that they removed it when I saw that last night. I never heard Rod complain about it in one of his live streams, so I don't really understand why they eliminated it.

Maybe they'll bring it back if enough people lobby about it on the forums?

Rod's got a stream tonight at 5 PM EST. Maybe he'll reveal the impossible mission goal.
RAAMs shadow achievements announced...
Also its going to cost 15 dollars unless you bought the season pass, then its free.

  • Welcome to Zeta – Complete “RAAM’s Shadow” in Standard Campaign on any difficulty. (25 points)
  • Some Friendly Competition – Completed “RAAM’s Shadow” in Arcade on any difficulty. (25 points)
  • Help from my Friends – Completed “RAAM’s Shadow” in 4 player co-op in Arcade or Standard Mode. (25 points)
  • Finger of Doom – As RAAM, kill 50 gears using your Kryll. (15 points)
  • I’m Rubber, You’re Glue – As Mauler, kill 10 Gears by reflecting their bullets using your shield. (15 points)
  • Death from Above – Using the Hammer of Dawn Command Center, kill 50 Locust. (15 points)
  • Unarmed and Dangerous – Using the Loader, kill 10 Locust. (15 points)
  • Ghosts from the Past – Play 10 matches of Versus as a member of Zeta (Barrick, Tai, Minh, or Valera) (Standard or Casual). (15 points)
  • Foreshadowing – As RAAM, execute Minh 10 times in Versus MP (Standard or Casual). (25 points)
  • Zeta Team, Go! – Complete waves 1 – 10 of Horde with 5 players as Zeta (Barrick, Tai, Minh, Valera, and Jace). (75 points)
[quote name='The 7th Number']RAAMs shadow achievements announced...
Also its going to cost 15 dollars unless you bought the season pass, then its free.

  • Welcome to Zeta – Complete “RAAM’s Shadow” in Standard Campaign on any difficulty. (25 points)
  • Some Friendly Competition – Completed “RAAM’s Shadow” in Arcade on any difficulty. (25 points)
  • Help from my Friends – Completed “RAAM’s Shadow” in 4 player co-op in Arcade or Standard Mode. (25 points)
  • Finger of Doom – As RAAM, kill 50 gears using your Kryll. (15 points)
  • I’m Rubber, You’re Glue – As Mauler, kill 10 Gears by reflecting their bullets using your shield. (15 points)
  • Death from Above – Using the Hammer of Dawn Command Center, kill 50 Locust. (15 points)
  • Unarmed and Dangerous – Using the Loader, kill 10 Locust. (15 points)
  • Ghosts from the Past – Play 10 matches of Versus as a member of Zeta (Barrick, Tai, Minh, or Valera) (Standard or Casual). (15 points)
  • Foreshadowing – As RAAM, execute Minh 10 times in Versus MP (Standard or Casual). (25 points)
  • Zeta Team, Go! – Complete waves 1 – 10 of Horde with 5 players as Zeta (Barrick, Tai, Minh, Valera, and Jace). (75 points)
I can't stand when they say it's free to the season pass buyers. but yes I understand what they are saying.
So the first dlc $10/800M$
2nd DLC $15/1200M$
so that's $25/2000M$ of $30/2400M$ for the season pass. man the last 2 must be weak!
[quote name='TheBigAndy']I still need the beat a boss wave with everyone as onyx guards. Any chance of 4 volunteers to help me get it tonight? (10:20pm PST?)[/QUOTE]

If I am on I would help. 1020 pst might be a bit late for me though
Trying to play system link and it won't let us because it keeps giving us this message on one Xbox:

"You cannot join the match because your game version is different from the host's game version."

The consoles are all updated with the latest version. It's not asking for any updates when we sign onto Xbox Live. Anyone know what could possibly be wrong?
I know that ROD said that Major Nelson was going to tell us what the impossible mission was 11/17. but I don't see anything about it. Did Xbox epic over again!
[quote name='The 7th Number']:/[/QUOTE]
What could the holdup possibly be, it's just an announcement of what the event is, not the event itself. :lol: At this rate the event will have started before they tell anyone what it is.
[quote name='TheBigAndy']I still need the beat a boss wave with everyone as onyx guards. Any chance of 4 volunteers to help me get it tonight? (10:20pm PST?)[/QUOTE]

Id be down if its after 11pm. Ill try to see if I can but its unlikely.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']What could the holdup possibly be, it's just an announcement of what the event is, not the event itself. :lol: At this rate the event will have started before they tell anyone what it is.[/QUOTE]
MS is to bizzy pushing COD in everyone's face!
It has to be related to a promotional tie-in with the films release next month, since the Impossible Mission ends on the same day the movie opens.

If the above is correct, it's more likely that the video footage they need from the movie for Major Nelson's broadcast is still needing approval or cutting, and that would explain the delay. I don't even think it's Microsoft's error on this delay.
If this event needs a special announcement, that must mean it's a big deal. I mean, why can't Epic just post what it is on their forums? At first, I was thinking the skin was going to be the Flaming Retro (lame). Now I'm thinking it's going to be something more awesome (Alex Brand skin?!).
bread's done