Gears of War - General Discussion 2 - Re-release 6/24 w/Maps and Extras (No PC Stuff)

[quote name='javeryh']I played a little last night. I'm right at the end of Chapter 5-2 on hardcore (the last checkpoint before 5-3 and the RAAM fight). I'm hoping I can beat RAAM but I had a very hard time with him on casual so I might be calling out for some CAG assistance - will I still get the achievement points if someone plays as Dom with me?[/QUOTE]

I still need both dom and hardcore achievements so I am in if you need the assistance.
[quote name='lordopus99']I still need both dom and hardcore achievements so I am in if you need the assistance.[/quote]

Cool. I'll take you up on that if we are on at the same time. I just tried beating RAAM on hardcore about 20 times and no luck.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']So I just got a GoW udpate but I don't see or feel anything different...yet

Also don't see any "special" surprise :whistle2:s.[/QUOTE]

I was looking around for any update information and it doesn't seem like a new update was released... May this be the problem?

I've seen a few people mention that every time they put a game in they are prompted to install updates that they have already installed.
[quote name='felixlighter']I was looking around for any update information and it doesn't seem like a new update was released... May this be the problem?

I've seen a few people mention that every time they put a game in they are prompted to install updates that they have already installed.[/quote]

Interesting... I had to download the free maps again because when I tried some MP I was told that the host had content I didn't. WTF?
[quote name='LinkinPrime']So I just got a GoW udpate but I don't see or feel anything different...yet

Also don't see any "special" surprise :whistle2:s.[/quote]As already mentioned, I don't think there was an update. Ever since the newest dashboard update, games have randomly (and very often for some people) prompted the update blade. Don't worry though, your system isn't messed up or anything..just something that will be fixed soon via the next dashboard update (hopefully).
I'll be there. I think I can get a friend in as well if you guys wouldn't mind having an non-CAG player

EDIT: ...after I take a shit. And I take pretty long shits.
Damn you crazy college kids and/or bums - I'd love to get in on some GAG multiplayer but the earliest I can get on is 10pm EST.
I'm always up for a game of Gears, especially if it's later at night. I let my wife go to sleep, otherwise the constant gunshots annoy her :)

Send me a friend request and mention your'e a CAG and I'll add you. By the by, yesterday was an awesome evening playing ranked matches. It's like all the retards disappeared during the superbowl and everyone I played with was cool. There was good natured ribbing between rounds, but no people flying off the handle when they got owned. Very enjoyable!
[quote name='mzbagel']I'm always up for a game of Gears, especially if it's later at night. I let my wife go to sleep, otherwise the constant gunshots annoy her :)

Send me a friend request and mention your'e a CAG and I'll add you. By the by, yesterday was an awesome evening playing ranked matches. It's like all the retards disappeared during the superbowl and everyone I played with was cool. There was good natured ribbing between rounds, but no people flying off the handle when they got owned. Very enjoyable![/quote]

LOL! For me, it's my gf. But she's pretty understanding as long as I put it on low volume.
You've got to love the people on this game. I managed to piss off a bunch of kids because I was going for the chainsaw achievement, and which I blatantly told them as such, but then after I got it they decided to unrep me or player review me badly so now it killed my rating. Simply wonderful. errrr......
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']You've got to love the people on this game. I managed to piss off a bunch of kids because I was going for the chainsaw achievement, and which I blatantly told them as such, but then after I got it they decided to unrep me or player review me badly so now it killed my rating. Simply wonderful. errrr......[/QUOTE]

yeah, people seem to like to give bad reviews the most on GoW. got one for quitting early, but i've only quit while in the lobby when it was just me and one other guy sitting there for a few minutes.
I'm lookin' to get back into this game and am tired of the ranked matches as well. Wouldn't mind a few CAGs on my friends list...give me a head's up next time you guys are making a CAG room. I'll warn you now though that my hours are weird as I work 1730-0530 so it'll mainly be my days (nights, actually) off that I play.
[quote name='mzbagel']I'm always up for a game of Gears, especially if it's later at night. I let my wife go to sleep, otherwise the constant gunshots annoy her :)[/quote]

heh, my wife says it's without a doubt the most annoying game of all time because of the constant gunfire. :D
[quote name='thrustbucket']Damn it a lot of you have your friends lists full. Screw you!

I still got a couple of spots open :)
[quote name='GenDV138']yeah, people seem to like to give bad reviews the most on GoW. got one for quitting early, but i've only quit while in the lobby when it was just me and one other guy sitting there for a few minutes.[/QUOTE]

I think it's partly the nature of the game. Some people get so worked up while playing that they need to be aggressive even in the lobby. I can't wait until I'm done getting acheivements so I can play more friendly games outside of ranked matches.
[quote name='Logg']

A good 9 page interview here.[/quote]

Good read. I can't wait for more DLC. I haven't been able to play since the weekend due to the wife sleeping on the couch downstairs due to the pregnancy and the paint fumes lingering upstairs from finishing my daughter's new room and I've been going to bed around 10 and it's making me nuts. I did log about an hour of Crackdown before dinner though and that game seems pretty cool...
feel free to add me.. usually play with some buddies from work around 5-6ish. we usually have good games, like balanced games not just one team overpowering the other...

and i hate playing with whinny cursing racist kids.. so if your like me.. add me !
[quote name='ryanbph']wonder if they will include more single player campaing with additional achievement points[/QUOTE]

Hopefully. That'd be awesome.

Really looking forward to whatever Epic has in store for us.
Reading about how the new DL content will have us using cover in new ways has me really anticipating it. I wonder if they somehow stole my idea of having a multiplayer map with kryll waiting to kill those staying in dark areas for too long. That'd probably be the most baddestass level evar.
[quote name='Logg']

A good 9 page interview here.[/quote]

For IGN, that interview is aweful. I haven't really read many of their interviews lately, but every question felt like it was from the mind of one of the little screaming kids that plays gears. Why the hell is he asking the same question over and over when Cliffy just gave a full answer.

Glad to hear that Epic isn't being overly swayed to answer to the people who want deathmatch and other modes that make no sense in the game.
[quote name='rajchakrabarti']feel free to add me.. usually play with some buddies from work around 5-6ish. we usually have good games, like balanced games not just one team overpowering the other...

and i hate playing with whinny cursing racist kids.. so if your like me.. add me ![/QUOTE]
ill be sending you a fr.
and im gonna try and get on tonight around 5-6pst.
Sweet! Some random dude just helped me beat RAAM on Hardcore - 70 achievement points! I started over on insane and got creamed by the fist Locust - that is going to be tough and I might need to play co-op all the way through. I also want to play as Dom in co-op so if anyone is looking for help I'm your Huckleberry.
[quote name='javeryh']Sweet! Some random dude just helped me beat RAAM on Hardcore - 70 achievement points! I started over on insane and got creamed by the fist Locust - that is going to be tough and I might need to play co-op all the way through. I also want to play as Dom in co-op so if anyone is looking for help I'm your Huckleberry.[/QUOTE]

I may soon need help since I'm playing on insane... if you see me on on this weekend, shoot me a line.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I may soon need help since I'm playing on insane... if you see me on on this weekend, shoot me a line.[/quote]

Cool - I'll be on at some point so I'll look out for you.
I beat it on insane already, it sucks when you need help and you get some really crappy kid or something. If anyone needs help feel free to add me to your friendslist.
[quote name='doodle777_98']I beat it on insane already, it sucks when you need help and you get some really crappy kid or something. If anyone needs help feel free to add me to your friendslist.[/QUOTE]
i especially love when your party splits up and the crappy kid dies again and again and again.
So I am playing right now on campaign mode, Nightfall Grist to be exact, and I am at the point where you push the car across the bridge as cover. I go to push the car, and the next thing I know, its flipping across the screen, in the path that it would normally be pushed.

I am trying to find a way to capture it, but at the moment I have nothing to do so.
[quote name='craven_fiend']at the point where you push the car across the bridge as cover[/QUOTE]

Didn't like the car-pushing sequences. Glitchy for me.

Is there any fix to this constant re-prompting to download the content? I still haven't managed to play the maps, but I keep getting kicked because I don't have it downloaded (apparently).

This game really is much better when playing with people whose balls have dropped. Got in a game with a group of non-annoying people and actually enjoyed myself.

Mini rant to conclude: what the F*CK is up with the attraction of singing into the microphone?? It drives me nuts.
[quote name='getmyrunon']

Mini rant to conclude: what the F*CK is up with the attraction of singing into the microphone?? It drives me nuts.[/quote]
(Kids + Mics)
ill be playing as long as the games are good today.
any cags send fr with cag in the topic.
lets see if we can get some good cag rooms going.
Trakan and zoo sorry I could not get with you guys. If Trakan was host my system was showing him as offline (for 17 minutes) even though I knew he was online (he sent me two messages) so maybe there was some conflict that didn't allow us to play together.
bread's done