Gears of War - General Discussion 2 - Re-release 6/24 w/Maps and Extras (No PC Stuff)

[quote name='thrustbucket']Agreed. I had stopped playing because shotgun rushes got really boring. Now maybe I'll play again. And maybe people will actually find moving from cover to cover important, as the game was intended.

Before, you could charge most people and zig zag because the lancer usually wouldn't take you down. And that's lame.[/quote]

I play a lot but I certainly agree that the shotgun battles get old after a while. I think I will start using the Lancer and trying to change the battle strategy.

Covery hardly seemed important at all before, maybe it will now...
[quote name='dastly75']I'm glad they increased the lancer power, I thought they were gonna decrease it after increasing it with the last patch.[/QUOTE]

Yeah to me, I have a lot more fun with this game with the lancer, and distance battles. Getting up close to someone should usually be avoided and extremely risky. Maybe now it will be.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Agreed. I had stopped playing because shotgun rushes got really boring. Now maybe I'll play again. And maybe people will actually find moving from cover to cover important, as the game was intended.

Before, you could charge most people and zig zag because the lancer usually wouldn't take you down. And that's lame.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, being able to rush from mid-range with the shotgun was incredibly stupid. The shotgun still has it's place but not you have to catch your opponent somewhat offguard, which is how it should be. It's also nice to be able to defend yourself against some of the power weapons if you haven't been able to pick up a weapon yet.

The game is just way better now, I will probrably play 10 times as much as I did before the update.
I think I'm the only guy who dosn't like lancers one bit, but do love more cover use.

It's even worse in player matches... I get pissed when almost all guns are swapped for lancers... that's just stupid IMHO.
The thing was people just didnt know how to use the lancer before that was the only problem with it. Alot of people would try to strafe side to side and rush you with a shotgun. All you had to do was backaway firing without aiming to keep the distance. If the person did get close enough you change to your shotgun and you have a advantage as the person is already almost dead. Now I can takeout people who are pretty good with a shotgun close quarter with my lancer. Im waiting til one of my friends who has a crazy host comes on to face his lancer. I doubt I will get within any sort of distance of him with this new lancer...
[quote name='-BigC-']The thing was people just didnt know how to use the lancer before that was the only problem with it. Alot of people would try to strafe side to side and rush you with a shotgun. All you had to do was backaway firing without aiming to keep the distance. If the person did get close enough you change to your shotgun and you have a advantage as the person is already almost dead. Now I can takeout people who are pretty good with a shotgun close quarter with my lancer. Im waiting til one of my friends who has a crazy host comes on to face his lancer. I doubt I will get within any sort of distance of him with this new lancer...[/quote] Agree with you completely. People also forget to waste some clips for some active bullets. About 10 active bullets and maybe 1/4 of a clip can down someone pretty easily.
[quote name='spyhunterk19']I can't seem to get good at this game online.[/QUOTE]

Don't feel bad. it just comes down to practice and a lot of playing time. Anything less than say, 5-8 hours per week, and you'll just be "okay"

Above that and you'll get better. I am not saying the great players aren't skilled, because they are, but they got there also by just playing a lot and learning from their mistakes.
[quote name='spyhunterk19']I can't seem to get good at this game online.[/quote]

This game isn't really one that requires a whole lot of skill either, at least compared to a game like Halo. The shotgun is really dependent upon the speed of your connection. Find out who the host is and stay the hell away from his shotgun. The Torque and the Longshot have a bit of lag between pulling the trigger and the shot actually hitting the target. Also, at one point, the game was so full of glitches, (maybe there are still a bunch, I don't play online anymore) that if you didn't know how to exploit them, you would lose every game.

One thing I'd definitely recommend is hosting your own games and getting some friends to join in with you.
This game does suffer from being imprecise (spelling?) Doesn't take long to get that good at and many times there isn't a huge differernce between a bad player and a great player. Though some things people can do with the sniper are pretty incredible. Rolling a getting headshots and so forth. Someone I play with calls it Gears of Luck. Sort of fits at moments doesnt it? I do LOVE the game though so I'm not complaining just stating what I notice.
[quote name='Brak']I haven't noticed anything different with the Lancer.[/QUOTE]

It now takes about 20 shots of non active reload to down a person which is significantly less than it took in the past.

The new patch helped my game out significantly since I dig using the lancer, but I still hate that they got rid of the slide. It is the one glitch I wish they would stop taking out and figure out that people actually like that it is in the game and if anything they should have improved the success rate people have with sliding.

I also don't like that they left melee cancels in for host and not anyone else. That is just unfair and makes host way too powerful.

edit: And is anyone else missing reloads that should have registered (it has happened 2 or 3 times post patch for me and other people I play with have encountered the problem as well). I think they messed with something when fixing shotgun chainsaw.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']

edit: And is anyone else missing reloads that should have registered (it has happened 2 or 3 times post patch for me and other people I play with have encountered the problem as well). I think they messed with something when fixing shotgun chainsaw.[/quote]

Yes has happened to me.
lancer is fine now, its more like playing the single player on insane(bullets from every which way so you always need cover). I barely use the lancer and i think the update was the right thing to do.

Player matches suck and will always suck. I can never enjoy player matches because the host are always bitchy people who will boot you if they dont get their way. Ive been booted by a host sniper who was mad that i chainsaw'd him, got killed once for picking up the weapon host wanted(and didnt even know) and then booted, and plenty of other stories that make me hate player matches.

As a matter of fact i just joined a player Annex to get my achievements and guess what? I got booted right away because the 2 people in the room were boosting to get the achievements.

rank > player and hating player matches does not make someone an elitist. In the same respect i dont mind if you hate ranked because of stacking but it just all depends on the experiences of the individuals playing. I stack with my friends and have been stacked against but ive made plenty of friends in ranked so its not always bad.
help1 were you hosting a raven down 9 round 2 minute match earlier (execution)? I think I saw you when I was searching for a friends room.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']help1 were you hosting a raven down 9 round 2 minute match earlier (execution)? I think I saw you when I was searching for a friends room.[/quote]

yea he was, i was playing with him
i was trying to system link this game with my friends 360 at his house and for some reason we couldnt get it to work. we used a basic ethernet cable, did we need a different cable? crossover cable? other thing it might be is he hasnt updated his 360 in forever cuz he doesnt have it connected to internet. is it cuz he hasnt updated and mine is up to date? any thoughts? thanks.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']help1 were you hosting a raven down 9 round 2 minute match earlier (execution)? I think I saw you when I was searching for a friends room.[/QUOTE]

knew you sounded familiar

not my best match tho lol
Subway 7 round execution. I think I had 11 total kills, second to the leader. At one point I had the sniper where the sniper spawns, and its a 3 on 1, not at my favor. All 3 are rushing me so I had on the wall behind where it dents in and take out my shotty. They seem confused as they come towards me so I pop out and shoot the first guy, they are all taking wild shots some barely hitting me, so after 3 shots kill the first guy, then I press A and take cover on the truck next to the sniper and blind fire my second kill, then me and the third guy don't have any ammo left so I melee him, we both reload, he melees me, then I back up and two shots later hes down, then I blow his head off.

I love run on sentences.
[quote name='nyprimus4']Subway 7 round execution. I think I had 11 total kills, second to the leader. At one point I had the sniper where the sniper spawns, and its a 3 on 1, not at my favor. All 3 are rushing me so I had on the wall behind where it dents in and take out my shotty. They seem confused as they come towards me so I pop out and shoot the first guy, they are all taking wild shots some barely hitting me, so after 3 shots kill the first guy, then I press A and take cover on the truck next to the sniper and blind fire my second kill, then me and the third guy don't have any ammo left so I melee him, we both reload, he melees me, then I back up and two shots later hes down, then I blow his head off.

I love run on sentences.[/QUOTE]

outnumber scenarios where the underdog wins always turn out awesome. congrads.
[quote name='garrett_in_the_hat']Can you earn the new achievements in player matches or are they only unlockable during ranked matches?[/quote]

[quote name='CaseyRyback']help1 were you hosting a raven down 9 round 2 minute match earlier (execution)? I think I saw you when I was searching for a friends room.[/quote]

Oh, sorry I didn't check this thread. It was prob me, I usually host raven down 9ers.
Did they update "Seriously..." to not include kills from quit games?

I have 9550 kills on the leaderboards and I'm sure I've had more than 450 kills from games that didn't get posted on the boards.
[quote name='zewone']And just as soon as I type that, my next match, I unlock it.[/QUOTE]

I got mine at the same time that you did and so did a friend of mine. Glad you got your achievement as I know two people who post patch have more than 10K and have yet to unlock their seriously achievement.
[quote name='Staind204']Anyone NOT good still playing this online? I just started up yesterday, its really fun but I never get any good weapons :([/quote]

Heh, dont worry, this is a game that is easy to get good at.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']I got mine at the same time that you did and so did a friend of mine. Glad you got your achievement as I know two people who post patch have more than 10K and have yet to unlock their seriously achievement.[/quote]

I'm now over 9700 and I still haven't received it. I'm sure I've killed more than 300 ppl in matches that weren't recorded. I'm gonna be so pissed if I turn out to be like one of your friends.
How in the world do you play this online? I go to quick match and literally sit there for 10+ minutes. I got in a game on COG and the people bitched until I moved to the Locust and then no one would be on my team. I went to another room and waited atleast 10 min and no one ever joined. I wish the online was like Halo 2 or something so I could actually play.
[quote name='The Successful Dropout']I'm now over 9700 and I still haven't received it. I'm sure I've killed more than 300 ppl in matches that weren't recorded. I'm gonna be so pissed if I turn out to be like one of your friends.[/QUOTE]

The unrecorded matches don't seem to count like they used to. Once you get up to 9950 I bet you will get it.

And one of the people I knew who didn't get it, got it once they hit 10,500.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']The unrecorded matches don't seem to count like they used to. Once you get up to 9950 I bet you will get it.

And one of the people I knew who didn't get it, got it once they hit 10,500.[/quote]

Yeah, I'm gonna be one of those people too. I now have over 10,100 kills and still haven't got it. I'm a little pissed to say the least.
Is anyone anticipating a new patch or DLC after seeing what PC uesrs get in their edition? I believe they're getting new single-player content, a new multiplayer type, and new maps. Is there any signs of at least some of that will come to the 360? =[
bread's done