Gears Of War - General info and Discussion #1 (MODS LOCK PLS)

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Well see as how we have never played a sec of this game.....for all you guys know multiplayer could turn into chainsaw, camping fests and stop and pop gameplay could be really boring...Im just saying COD3 should be good even if it has new developers
[quote name='slickkill77']Well see as how we have never played a sec of this game.....for all you guys know multiplayer could turn into chainsaw, camping fests and stop and pop gameplay could be really boring...Im just saying COD3 should be good even if it has new developers[/QUOTE]
CoD2 was good, but CoD2: Big Red One was trash, and the same team that made Big Red One is making/made CoD3, so it's probably not going to be as good as CoD2. Plus Epic knows what they are doing when they make games, so they have a catalog of good games, and are experienced.
[quote name='slickkill77']Well see as how we have never played a sec of this game.....for all you guys know multiplayer could turn into chainsaw, camping fests and stop and pop gameplay could be really boring...Im just saying COD3 should be good even if it has new developers[/quote]

That argument was made so early in the game's development. It is not even a concern to those who have kept up with the updates. Cliffy and Co. has gone over it numerous times as well as GameSpot and IGN. The stages are designed so that you are rewarded with advantageous position for outflanking your opponents as opposed to just laying low. For every spot/cover that you think you can camp at, there are multiple opposite cover that the opponent can also camp at or attack from.

There's enough fodder for cover yet not enough to camp. Example: there are blotches of blown up walls and materials like cars for cover but there are hardly any continuous large spread of wall (like in Ghost Recon 2) while the rest of the stage is just trees and shit so that one team can totally dominate one side, cover the area, and camp, waiting for the someone to show their face.

Go check out page 17 and look at the multiplayer maps if you don't believe me. Better yet, just watch the multiplayer game play vids on youtube.

By the way, do we really need to bring up "camping" again? That issue always splits the forum into two sides and it ALWAYS gets ugly, always.
9.8 from IGN
9.2 from GS

Stopped by GS and asked about GoW, but no luck. At first the girl said today, but the guy next to her quickly said Wednesday. I'll try again tomorrow. Oh well, just two more days!!
[quote name='slickkill77']Well see as how we have never played a sec of this game.....for all you guys know multiplayer could turn into chainsaw, camping fests and stop and pop gameplay could be really boring...Im just saying COD3 should be good even if it has new developers[/quote]

Or COD 3 could be the same game as 1 and 2... you never know.
[quote name='slickkill77']Im still not getting this game. I am going with the more reliable Cod3[/quote]

i'm glad you came into this thread just to say that
yay EB just called right as I sat down in front of my computer. They said tomorrow between noon and 2 it would be available. Also they have extended the extra 20% on trade ins for another week and we are now taking preorders for Halo 3 IT COMES IN A HELMET he says. lol
MY GS says they'll have it tomorrow and may do a midnight sale tomorrow night cause they can't sell it until Wednesday??? I know that the guy is completely wrong, but he works at GS so he'll never believe that I know more about this than him.... Anyway, I'm going to call again tomorrow and see what they've got to say. Hopefully someone slighltly less dumb as fuck will be working tomorrow.

Oh, and everyone should go DL the newest episode of the 1up Show at They have about a 10 minutes segment on Gears and they specifically address the concerns of the game becoming repetetive and boring. Sounds like the guys who had high expectations were all satisfied, and the cynics seemed to enjoy it a lot more than they expected. I can not wait.
hehe typo on now

Gears of War
Experience a rich dynamic world with an unprecedented level of detail. Characters come to life with unbelievable model quality and a physics-integrated animation system.
360 CE - $0.00
360 - $59.99
[quote name='Zoglog']hehe typo on now

Gears of War
Experience a rich dynamic world with an unprecedented level of detail. Characters come to life with unbelievable model quality and a physics-integrated animation system.
360 CE - $0.00
360 - $59.99[/quote]

cheap. if you preorder its 65.00 but... i should have waited!
I traded in $140 worth of stuff into EB games today, If I go back and ask why I didn't get my extra 20% will they give it too me? The two clerks seemed to be too busy fighting over why Zelda TTP was or wasn't a good Wii title to add any trade in bonus.
at the EB games next to me thier getting it on tuseday. trust me ive called them 100s of times to verify this. you have to preorder it to get it on tuseday!(youcabt preorder it anymore it ended saturday) just say'n
[quote name='slickkill77']i didnt say it would flop but it wont be the est game ever....and the reviews arent up so however said that is wrong[/quote]

what? are? you? talking? about? its going to sell more than graw,or maby halo 2. its got a bunch of hype!:drool:
[quote name='Michaellvortega']I traded in $140 worth of stuff into EB games today, If I go back and ask why I didn't get my extra 20% will they give it too me? [/QUOTE]

Is there supposed to be an extra 20% given towards the pre-order of GOW? I went to EB and traded stuff in today as well, but they only gave me the 10% from the Edge card.

Also to anyone curious, I was able to find the GOW Best Buy faceplate. Should be at all BB's now. Picked one up for $19.99, looks snazzy...wish the paint job was better in some spots though.
[quote name='slickkill77']I just watched gameplay on g4 and that looked really repetitive and boring....but whatever[/QUOTE]

So it's repetitive like..... You can only shoot guns? Or.... You are always being shot at? Or.... There are always bad guys trying to get you?

Yeah then halo 2 is pretty damn repetitive too....
[quote name='Gears~of~war']what? are? you? talking? about? its going to sell more than graw,or maby halo 2. its got a bunch of hype!:drool:[/QUOTE]
How many accounts do you plan on making?
this is pissing me off every single EB/GS around me 10+ are getting it on tuesday in the afternoon and its going to their pre orderer's The ONE EB i reserve at told me they wont sell it till weds because they just had a confrence and its street dated for weds.. and they will get fired blah blah blah... i might get angry tommarow
Just called GS and they told me they sent someone earlier tonight to pick theirs up and I could pick it up bright and early tomorrow morning. Woot!!
[quote name='Michaellvortega']I traded in $140 worth of stuff into EB games today, If I go back and ask why I didn't get my extra 20% will they give it too me? The two clerks seemed to be too busy fighting over why Zelda TTP was or wasn't a good Wii title to add any trade in bonus.[/quote]Yes (is that 20% deal still running?). As long as your have the original receipt with you, they should be able to fix their mistakes. Your supposed to put all the credit towards the pre-order, and then whatever is leftover can go to your card for future use.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']To call in to work or not call into work.................. I have so much sick time and personal time accumulated thats going to expire Dec 31st.[/QUOTE]

Do it.
[quote name='RiCeBo1']I didn't preorder this game...will it sell out at Circuit City?[/QUOTE]
Doubtful. I'm sure every store is going to have plenty of copies.

If you're getting it at CC for the faceplate on the other hand, you better go as early as you can.
[quote name='RiCeBo1']I didn't preorder this game...will it sell out at Circuit City?[/quote]No. I'm pretty sure you'll be able to find it, however, I'm not too sure about the quantities of the free faceplates if that's what you're looking for.
This deal is also happening right now at EB/GS:

Trade 3 games, get 20% Extra Credit.

*Offer expires 11/19/06. Games Only, No Exclusions. bonus credit only good on actively traded system categories. Offer not good on cash trades. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Trade-ins subject to manager approval. See store associates for details. No dealers.
I just called Circuit City and they said they're getting gears in at 5PM tomorrow. Sweeeet. No need to deal with my incompetent EB games.
CheapyD or anyone else who knows Wombat for that matter,
if you can update Wombat's thoughts on the game (without spoilers please), that would be greatly appreciated.
[quote name='javeryh']So is this going to be hard to find tomorrow?[/QUOTE]


Cmon, when was the last time ANY game was hard to find in this day and age?
[quote name='Roufuss']No.

Cmon, when was the last time ANY game was hard to find in this day and age?[/QUOTE]
I think he meant because most places are saying Weds. and he wants it tomorrow.
[quote name='zewone']Doubtful. I'm sure every store is going to have plenty of copies.

If you're getting it at CC for the faceplate on the other hand, you better go as early as you can.[/QUOTE]

Any idea of how many faceplates will be avaliable for non-preorder people?
I have to admit, its pretty sweet, even Mrs Wombat who hates these kinds of games, was impressed with the graphics. Its controls really well, and the reload feature adds more than you might think. I only finished the fist segment but I have to say I am impressed.
[quote name='arrrggghhh']Any idea of how many faceplates will be avaliable for non-preorder people?[/QUOTE]

Probably a bajillion. All of the Circuit City's actually restocked with that Saints Row faceplate, I have no doubt they will stock and restock this one too.

When they did the Saints Row deal, my CC had about 5 or 6 faceplates to start with just on the shelf with the other faceplates.

I'm hoping I can make a good bit of money ($20 or so) selling the CC Gears of War faceplate while GoW fever has hit everyone... I waited too long on the Saints Row faceplate and only got $14 or so (it was hitting $25 + for awhile).
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