Gears Of War - General info and Discussion #1 (MODS LOCK PLS)

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It's from BradyGames. They make strategy guides. Thats what they do. You can't fault them for trying to sell you on the Marketplace the same thing they do in book form.

Anyway, its a strategy, not a tutorial, not a cheat code, and not something that should be found in the instruction manual. This is one of the few things on the marketplace that is COMPLETELY harmless.
That's fine if its from Brady Games. I actually like the idea of buying parts of a strategy guide on the marketplace. I was under the assumption it was from Epic, something similar to what EA did with their sports games. I hate EA and the way they are treating consumers. I really wish their game sales would plummet but that is probably wishful thinking. Anyways, thanks for correcting me about the strategy video.
[quote name='cgarb84']That's fine if its from Brady Games. I actually like the idea of buying parts of a strategy guide on the marketplace. I was under the assumption it was from Epic, something similar to what EA did with their sports games. I hate EA and the way they are treating consumers. I really wish their game sales would plummet but that is probably wishful thinking. Anyways, thanks for correcting me about the strategy video.[/QUOTE]

Believe me, I agree what EA is doing is a sham, and those Madden tutorial videos they put up were a joke. Those are things that should have been added into the game as part of training. I'm worried that game manuals are going to end up not being included anymore, and the only way you will be able to learn to play is with 100 MS points.

I can see how easy it is to mistake one thing for the other with so many companies trying to pull this BS. My first reaction was also "fuck Epic"
[quote name='Trakan']You can load just Chapter 1 starting on hardcore, yes. Just select the first checkpoint and finish the chapter. Beating the acts on Insane will unlock the casual achievements, yes.[/QUOTE]

Thanks! I am about 2 chapters away from finishing Act 1 on Hardcore.

After that I am going to start Insane :)
[quote name='asianxcore']Thanks! I am about 2 chapters away from finishing Act 1 on Hardcore.

After that I am going to start Insane :)[/QUOTE]

You know insane is actually not that bad. At least as of the first act.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Damn I'm getting my ass kicked on the last boss, even on casual. I tried the advice given in this thread. Anyone care to help co-op?[/QUOTE]

I tried the advice given and 15 attempts later I realized I suck with the sniper rife and the lancer would be a much better option. Torque bow and lancer got rid of him on the very first try, at least on casual.
[quote name='y2jrevolution']You know insane is actually not that bad. At least as of the first act.[/QUOTE]

That's good to hear. Hardcore was really fun, but I am a little worried about Act 2/4/5 on Insane. I have a couple friends coming over on Saturday who want to play, so maybe I'll try Co-Op with them.
[quote name='jalu6']I tried the advice given and 15 attempts later I realized I suck with the sniper rife and the lancer would be a much better option. Torque bow and lancer got rid of him on the very first try, at least on casual.[/QUOTE]

I beat him finally wiht torque and sniper, I basically got lucky and got a lot of shots off before he got close to me the first time.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']I beat him finally wiht torque and sniper, I basically got lucky and got a lot of shots off before he got close to me the first time.[/QUOTE]

I used a sniper rifle against him and threw one grenade. I just kept sniping him from where you start off. When he got close I would sprint from the right side all the way to where the Troika was. I would hide/lure him to where I was and sprint all the way back. Took maybe about 10 tries, but putting a lot of distance between myself and RAMM, worked out.

Does anyone know if a list of all the Cog Tags has been posted anywhere? I've been able to find about 26/30 of them, and I'd like the last achievement :)

Courtesy of


Prison area
COG Tag 1 - Right after you make your choice of paths (i chose training) there is a tag straight ahead under the Gear logo. Can't miss it.

COG Tag 2 - In the room where the locusts cut through the door. If you are looking directly at the door they cut through, you can find it back and to the left. It's under the stairway across the room you came down.

COG Tag 3 - As you exit the above mentioned door into the courtyard, there is a stairway to the left. Run up the stairs and turn left right at the top. The COG tag is in the near side corner (if enemies are North, it would be in the SW corner of the patio area.

Trial By fire
COG Tag 4 - your team points this one out to you. In the first small courtyard, look to the right of the Gear logo.

COG Tag 5 - You cross a bridge over a road and enter a building. Once you enter the building with all the pillars and the two emergence holes, it's just behind the second emergence hole in some weeds.

COG Tag 6 - You fight through the roadways with he Trioka guns and get to the open area with the fountain in the center. There are 4 emergence holes here. The COG tag is in the far left corner (your left as you enter the area)

Knock Knock
COG Tag 7 - You're told to gain entrance to the house of sovereigns. You'll enter an open area with stairs leading up to the building. To your far left you'll see a white van with the Gear logo painted on it. Follow the massive hole in the street on the left all the way up, sticking to the edge. The COG tag is in the corner made by where the wall extends over part of the stairs.

COG Tag 8 - In the hallway where Jack has to open the door, there are a ton of annoying wretches. If you're facing the door that Jack is opening, it's in the far left corner. Alternatively, you can follow the wretch footsteps on the floor right as you enter this hallway and they'll lead your right to it, just to the left of the door you came in through.

COG Tag 9 - there's a small room that you enter where you'll find the body of Rojas. As you come down the stairs into this small area, turn right immediately. The COG tag is behind the pillar to your right.

China Shop
COG Tag 10 - Beginning of the China Shop chapter - The Berserker kills a soldier. Go back into the area where he was killed, and you can pick up his dog tag near his body. It's in a dead end alley on the left, near some flames.

COG Tag 11 - There will be 3 smashable doors. as you proceed through this area. You may feel a bit of stress as you're doing this. To the left of the third smashable door, in a little alcove, immediately before you exit the Tomb area.

COG Tag 12 - Just after COG Tag 11, you exit into an open courtyard. Follow the semi-circle wall and head left. The tag is on the other side of a block just after you see the logo. If the room was a clock, the Tag would be between 8 and 9, right against the semi circular wall.


Tick Tick Boom
COG Tag 13 - After your choose a path (either one, doesn't matter) and reunite, You'll enter a small room with two stairways in it, one in the very middle of the room that leads down to a couch. Shoot up the couch, and it's underneath.

COG Tag 14 - There's a room with a catwalk that square shaped. When you exit, you head down some stairs into the street. Turn around and run back the alley formed by the stairs you came down and the wall of the next building. The Tag is at the end of that alleyway, behind a rock.

COG Tag 15 - Just before you enter the Settlement, you come up the stairs where the Boomer was and its behind a newspaper machine. Facing ahead as you come up the stairs, it'll be to the back and left (the exit area will be to your right).

COG Tag 16 - On your way to checkpoint 2, facing the first emergence hole, you'll see a propane tank in a shed to your left. Shoot the tank and enter the shed.

COG Tag 17 - When you enter the area where you have to use the spotlight, after you guide Dom through, move the spotlight to the far left (as you're holding the light) area near where you entered. The COG Tag is in that corner area. just to the left of the lit room of the blown out building, on the street.

Dark Labyrinth
COG Tag 18 - This one is hard to explain. There's a car with a propane tank in the trunk. You've gotta be quick. Facing the car while still in the light, look right, and you should see the tag up against a wall. You've got to shoot the tank in the car, grab the tag, and run.


COG Tag 19 - In the open, rainy area next to the sea, there is a dock behind the building with the elevator in it, on the far right. Get down on this dock and follow it all the way out. Tag is at the end.


COG Tag 20 - In the room with the rotting floorboards, the Tag is in the far right corner (as you enter the room).

COG Tag 21 - When you enter the room with the carts, go down the stairs to the car area and turn around. The Tag is to the left of the stairs as you face them.

Darkest Before Dawn
COG Tag 22 - After you ride down the drilling platforms, stick to the wall on the right. There will be a path leading down to the right, follow that to find the COG tags and some grenades.

COG Tag 23 - In the next area after Tag 22. you'll enter an open area with a small building on the right side. Just to the right of the stairs leading up to that building, you'll find the tags.

COG Tag 24 - After you choose your paths, and reunite, you'll fight through a narrow hallways with a lot of cover. Just after the hallway and before you exit the area, turn around and the tags are on a narrow ledge over the pool. (to your right as you leave the hallways, or to your left after you turn around)


Campus Grinder
COG Tag 25 - As you enter the first area, on the right there are two small staircases. The Tags are behind the second small staircase.

Bad To Worse
COG Tag 26 - As you enter the second area, before you go down the sidewalk with the columns to enter the conservatory, there is a rusty car on in the street. If you're facing the columns, it's back and to your right behind that car.

Imaginary Place
COG Tag 27 - In the second section of the estate, there's a shield shaped room (square top, semi circle bottom) with 4 columns in it, and a desk. Destroy the desk. Tags are underneath.


Train Wreck
COG Tag 28 - It's on the left side of the 5th train car, after the last door is opened.

COG Tag 29 - in the third passenger car on the right, before you go up the ladder.

COG Tag 30 - There's a room on the left side of the fifth and final car in the third part of the train. It's at the end of that room.

I've got most of them memorized by now, if you're having trouble, tell me the number and I can probably elaborate.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']I beat him finally wiht torque and sniper, I basically got lucky and got a lot of shots off before he got close to me the first time.[/QUOTE]

The AI sort of decides how easy or hard he is. He seems to attack Dom until he eliminates him then comes straight for you. If Dom survives longer, you have a much easier time getting those headshots off. Another example of how much easier this game is with co-op.
[quote name='Mojimbo']
I've got most of them memorized by now, if you're having trouble, tell me the number and I can probably elaborate.[/QUOTE]

It's not that I am having trouble finding them. I just beat the game on Hardcore last night and have 26/30 Cog Tags. The real trouble is that I cannot remember which ones I have or have not gotten already. Boo.

Also about the Co-Op achievements..

I am having a couple friends over this weekend to play Co-Op Gears. Will I get the achievement for the Dom Co-Op if I don't control Dom myself, or if it is on the same Xbox.
[quote name='asianxcore']The real trouble is that I cannot remember which ones I have or have not gotten already. Boo.[/QUOTE]

At least there are only 30 to find. I had 99 of the 100 fruit in Kameo and went through the world twice trying to find the one I missed and could never find it.

I have 13 COGs right now (after playing casual) and only remember picking up 9. Of course, it doesn't help that my memory sucks.
Anyone ever had trouble connecting to games other people are hosting? Just now I can't connect to a game that someone is inviting me too yet last night I able to get into the game fine.
[quote name='Mex25']Anyone ever had trouble connecting to games other people are hosting? Just now I can't connect to a game that someone is inviting me too yet last night I able to get into the game fine.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, alot of people have that problem apparently, myself included.
[quote name='Mex25']Anyone ever had trouble connecting to games other people are hosting? Just now I can't connect to a game that someone is inviting me too yet last night I able to get into the game fine.[/quote]

Luckily, I don't but every now and then, I guess the rooms fill up quick, I can't get in 1 or 2 ranked games about every ten times... I have gotten into every game I've been invited to though
[quote name='Mex25']Anyone ever had trouble connecting to games other people are hosting? Just now I can't connect to a game that someone is inviting me too yet last night I able to get into the game fine.[/quote]

It seems hit or miss for me, I haven't been able to get into a ranked game yet (only tried a handfull of times), but I can usually get into player matches after a couple of tries (the games must be filling up before I get in).
I thought it was just me with the connection problem, but it seems its happening to everyone. I tried a bunch of ranked matches and got into maybe two.
[quote name='JTWise']At least there are only 30 to find. I had 99 of the 100 fruit in Kameo and went through the world twice trying to find the one I missed and could never find it.

I have 13 COGs right now (after playing casual) and only remember picking up 9. Of course, it doesn't help that my memory sucks.[/QUOTE]

I really wish Epic gave us a Chapter Selection menu. It would've been really nice to pick and choose what parts of each chapter you could play. It also would've made finding the COG tags a WHOLE lot easier.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']I really wish Epic gave us a Chapter Selection menu. It would've been really nice to pick and choose what parts of each chapter you could play. It also would've made finding the COG tags a WHOLE lot easier.[/QUOTE]

Uhh dude... there IS. It's under the single player menu, down at the bottom. I just used it last night to get the last two tags I missed on my playthrough.
Are any of the COG tags found in one of the areas where the path splits and you have to choose which way to go? I'll try to find them all myself if I don't have to tediously go through acts multiple times just to search through every path.
[quote name='orntar']that is for acts. i dont think you can choose chapters[/QUOTE]

huh? select the act and it goes to a chapter selection screen...
So this picture supposedly confirms Gears of War for PC which is pretty likely since Halo 1 & 2 made the jump:


Question is, when?
I don't doubt it will come to pc....... but not more than 18 months from now.

This is MS's golden ticket system seller, they aren't letting it go to pc any time soon.
I have trouble hosting games... i think. I hosted a game once and waited about 1 minute for someone to come, and no one did. How long does it generally take?
[quote name='help1']I have trouble hosting games... i think. I hosted a game once and waited about 1 minute for someone to come, and no one did. How long does it generally take?[/quote]

pshh, 1 minute and you give up?

i have hosted and waited 10 and nobody would join...i have also waited in someone else's lobby for about 15 mins before the game was full
I am starting to think that my first 100 kills with XXXXX will be with grenades. I am really getting luck tagging ppl and having them walk/run into their teammates.
I just beat the game and while the ending was pretty sweet I'm dissapointed that you don't see Cole or Baird at all in the ending. Those 2 fucking ruled.
I've gotten the dreaded DRE. I though it was finally over after constantly getting it with Dead Rising.

Though it isn't nearly as often and has only happened once I'm still scared.
Anyone else noticing a ton of team stacking in ranked maches? I don't know how I feel about this.. it pisses me off to see these elite players all sticking together in games, giving you no chance against some random hicks from kentucky or something who don't even talk.. i hate that.

My opinion is either they should let you invite friends to ranked matches, or take the host names off the server list for ranked games. Let it happen for everyone or take it away.
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