General Discussion for ATL CAGs In Memoriam Matthew Cherry

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9 (100%)
Hey guys, I figured since we totally hijacked that DS Lite thread to talk about everything from cider to live local music....we might as well have a dedicated thread for it. Especially since I think we definitely have the most robust discussions in the Southeast CAG forum!

I'll kick it off by describing my recent EB experience:

I hit the Northlake EB (the one with the cool manager) today to grab some B2G1 goodness. I ended up getting Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (XB), RE2 (GC), and RE3 (GC), all complete and mint for 86.65. Considering that MvC2 goes for $50-60 on ebay, I thought this to be a pretty good purchase! As I was leaving, the manager guy told me that the North Dekalb store had some rare shit right now too, and that I should check it out. What a nice guy!

Anyway, I f'n hate that EB, but I figured it was worth a trip (its not that far from home). I ended up getting complete mint copies of REZ (PS2), LoZ Promo disc (GC, the one with Master Quest), and Cubivore (GC) for $72.20. Cool.

I also got 3 used DS games (preparing for the Lite on Sun) for B2G1. All three of the games (Trauma Center, Advance Wars, and MarioKart) were complete. But, somehow, as the dipshit was ringing me up, the Trauma manual somehow disappeared from the box! Since they insist upon slapping those damned clear stickers on the edges at sale time, I didn't notice the missing manual until I was on the way home. Jackasses!! Well, they had another complete used copy, so hopefully they can help me out tomorrow....but I'm not counting on it.

In the meantime, this dude with a baby was trading in 20 Xbox games (and getting ripped off, I might add), and the clueless employees there couldn't seem to get it all worked out. That poor bastard must've been there for about 45 minutes, and still hadn't gotten the right trade in credit. UGH.

My two trips today really showed me how utterly opposed two EBs within a few miles of one another could really be. And that is why I always go out to Northlake!


On to more beer talk!! :cool:
[quote name='Tybee'] That's why we're getting this lovely little group together: to watch each other's backs, both in terms of holding a space in line and for actual protection. Also, we're doing WalMart so we'll be inside in the layaway area, right? And if that's not enough reassurance, I'm 6'5", 255, so you will be safe with me.


I wish you were seeking a PS3!!! I'm only 4'10" and about 100 lbs...and definitely need safety in numbers!
[quote name='B-Random!']Haha, no way! Where are you from back north? I'm from Boston (Quincy) myself.[/quote]Lived in NH for late 80s and the entire 90s. I worked in Cambridge and then Burlington. (BBN)

And please, call me gwen. It's not easier to type and say. And it's what my friends call m. =)

[quote name='tinyandi']For those seeking Wiis, they are on sale on all day. They are doing 25 at a time, and they had some up at 9:45am and then again at 11:00am. I hope this helps.[/quote]

I just registered and I'll be watching. Tybee, if I get lucky I'll pick up two units, sound good? The bundle isnt' bad at all.. basic system and Zelda.


1 Wii Remote
1 Nunchuk
Wii Sports Game Disc w/ 5 games (Baseball, Tennis, Golf, Bowling and Boxing)
Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess Game
Power cord
Sensor bar
Standard AV composite cable
Thanks for the heads up, Tybee. I suck at search.
Looks like the 1Up person got mixed up with the PS3 bundle (which apparently has an extra controller) and the Wii, but I guess we'll see.
Ah, new console time is so exciting.
OK so I think the Walmart thing sounds like a good plan to me, how early did you want to get there? When you say morning do you mean like early morning (6 or 7) or late morning (9 - 11). I vote on late morning, but thats just me. If we have someone that lives near the targetted walmart, we can have a "scout". Also, whichever WalMart we pick we need to make sure it has a decent sized gaming section, since I think that will be the best indicator of how many Wii units they will be getting.

As far as the robberies go, I agree completely, the reason I am up for camping out with you folks is for protection, company, and for saving my spot when i have to run for a wii. Also, who all is bringing a DS?
[quote name='TravistyOJ']OK so I think the Walmart thing sounds like a good plan to me, how early did you want to get there? When you say morning do you mean like early morning (6 or 7) or late morning (9 - 11). I vote on late morning, but thats just me.[/quote] I also vote for late morning. But that's out of laziness and not wanting to look at the inside of a Walmart for 18 hours straight.

As far as the robberies go, I agree completely, the reason I am up for camping out with you folks is for protection, company, and for saving my spot when i have to run for a wii. Also, who all is bringing a DS?
I'm definately bringing the DS. I was thinking of bringing the laptop to watch a movie, but I think that's better left at home, and maybe I'll bring some playing card games or smaller board games.

[quote name='Tybee']And if that's not enough reassurance, I'm 6'5", 255, so you will be safe with me.[/quote] Awesome. We'll all pitch in a buy some kevlar for you, so we can hide behind you without feeling guilty... Though Mrs Tybee will probably have some objection to that plan.
[quote name='guinaevere']GAH!!!

I just registered and I'll be watching. Tybee, if I get lucky I'll pick up two units, sound good? The bundle isnt' bad at all.. basic system and Zelda.


1 Wii Remote
1 Nunchuk
Wii Sports Game Disc w/ 5 games (Baseball, Tennis, Golf, Bowling and Boxing)
Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess Game
Power cord
Sensor bar
Standard AV composite cable[/QUOTE]

Works for me, but based on the clusterfuck that was the preorder, I'm not holding my breath. :roll:

[quote name='TravistyOJ']OK so I think the Walmart thing sounds like a good plan to me, how early did you want to get there? When you say morning do you mean like early morning (6 or 7) or late morning (9 - 11). I vote on late morning, but thats just me. If we have someone that lives near the targetted walmart, we can have a "scout". Also, whichever WalMart we pick we need to make sure it has a decent sized gaming section, since I think that will be the best indicator of how many Wii units they will be getting.

As far as the robberies go, I agree completely, the reason I am up for camping out with you folks is for protection, company, and for saving my spot when i have to run for a wii. Also, who all is bringing a DS?[/QUOTE]

Let's split the difference and say ~9:00 or 10:00. I will be bringing my DS. What games should we bring?

In terms of robberies, honestly, I'm less worried because this is the Wii. If it was the PS3, that would be a different matter. Think I'd make a will out first before heading out to wait for that one.

[quote name='guinaevere'] Awesome. We'll all pitch in a buy some kevlar for you, so we can hide behind you without feeling guilty... Though Mrs Tybee will probably have some objection to that plan.

Wait, was that a fat joke?

Back of the line for you, missy. :speaktothehand:
already got mine on guaranteed to get a Wii (which im keeping) and a PS3 (which im sellin on ebay) on their specific launch days!....i cannot frikin wait...and i need to go pick up another WII remote and nunchuka to go along with my pre-order...hmmm anyone know of any good places to get these cheap?
You all need to come to Conyers. We have the second highest sales in the region. I don't know how the console sales are but the stores huge.

Also, we have a gamestop across the street if Gwen wants to hook up with someone.
[quote name='Tybee']Works for me, but based on the clusterfuck that was the preorder, I'm not holding my breath. :roll:[/quote]
I'm heading out in a second but I'm thinking when I come back home tonight I'll keep checking way late at night/morning.

Let's split the difference and say ~9:00 or 10:00. I will be bringing my DS. What games should we bring?
Fair enough. RE is fun for a little bit but each player needs their own cart. MK is fun, even though I STINK at racing games. And you don't all need a cart for multi play, though having your cart means you get to use your unlockables. I'll bring Bomberman (multi play off of one cart) because that's a very fun game to play in teams. Animal Crossing... if anyone is good with this, we could plan ahead for some item swapping (Opal is still bugging me about a Gaudy Sweater!).

]Wait, was that a fat joke?

Back of the line for you, missy. :speaktothehand:
Shut UP that was nothing of the kind. Honestly as I read your earlier post I thought two things:
a) brawn doesn't stop a bullet.
b) no wonder they run from you at Hmart.

[quote name='TravistyOJ']No need, Ill bring Clubhouse Games :)[/quote]
I haven't picked that up yet... but the thing about bringing actual card games... they don't use the battery and wifi'ing pulls more juice than playing alone. AND if we're going to be there for hours and hours we're only going to get so much mileagle out of the DS. ...unless we all bring our chargers and Wally kindly allows us to plug in.

[quote name='lawyeron']Also, we have a gamestop across the street if Gwen wants to hook up with someone.[/quote]!!!

Now THAT was a cut. I'm hurt. =P
Alright, I think I've decided that with my aversion to cold weather, a 24 hour Walmart will be the best place for me to camp. Any suggestions on some Walmarts than are less busy than others? Some that are more remote? I've been to only ONE Walmart while I've lived here in Atlanta (just over a year now!) so I would really love so advice!
I remember "camping" for the PS2 at Wal-Mart. I know I'm showing my age. It was inside, there was plenty of magazines to read, and if you were hungry you could get something to eat. Good times.
FYI the new Frys in Alpharetta opened yesterday. They are doiing grand opening 1 day sales today and tomorrow. They did one yesterday as well and had some really good deals...
[quote name='lawyeron']I was only teasing. :) No hard feelings?[/quote]
Oh please, none taken! I thought it was funny.

Had to give you a little grief for it, though.

Andi, abouts where are you located? And.. nevermind, I'll pm you...
[quote name='guinaevere']Oh please, none taken! I thought it was funny.

Had to give you a little grief for it, though.

Andi, abouts where are you located? And.. nevermind, I'll pm you...[/quote]

I'm in the Vinings area, and dont' worry, my boyfriend will be with me to protect me! My dog will also be with us (waiting in the car).

However, I'm willing to travel far as long as it guarantees me a PS3. Any suggestions on Wallys?
[quote name='kjauburn']FYI the new Frys in Alpharetta opened yesterday. They are doiing grand opening 1 day sales today and tomorrow. They did one yesterday as well and had some really good deals...[/QUOTE]
Gah! I was up that way last night, but now I'm back down here in the 'hood.

Anything awesome worth mentioning? I guess I'll go see if there's an online ad somewhere.
Fiddle faddle. I was just checking the GA and Alabama state CompUSAs clearance... and huntsville Alabama has a pearl blue GBA SP on clearance for $50 PLUS 25% off (making it 37.50) ... but it's almost 4 hours away from me.

I only need one to trade pokemon with kids in the neighborhood and I'm hoping a pink one will be on sale on Black Friday. But I was so excited for a second there... =(
Looks like the PS3 demo units at Target may be coming soon. I was at the new Super Target in Acworth today and saw the new controller locked into place in front of a demo station. Nothing on the screen, but there was a red light coming from behind the PS3 display case. Couldn't see if there was a system behind the sign.
[quote name='kjauburn']FYI the new Frys in Alpharetta opened yesterday. They are doiing grand opening 1 day sales today and tomorrow. They did one yesterday as well and had some really good deals...[/quote]

Thanks for the head's up. But jeez....Alpharetta? That's almost as bad as Duluth. Would it kill them to put one ITP, or at least in a direction other than North? :roll:

Getting really, really excited for Nov. 19 (18). All of sudden, I'm glad I didn't manage to get a preorder. It just will feel right to end that long crucible with a box in my arms, rather than a slip of paper. :D
[quote name='rupan_sansei']Nothing on the screen, but there was a red light coming from behind the PS3 display case. Couldn't see if there was a system behind the sign.[/quote]I would be surprized if it were a system. I know interactives are often set up before launch but still.

[quote name='Tybee']Getting really, really excited for Nov. 19 (18). All of sudden, I'm glad I didn't manage to get a preorder. It just will feel right to end that long crucible with a box in my arms, rather than a slip of paper. :D[/quote]I am too. But if I do manage a pre-order at TRU on the 12th, that would be sweet, too. Of course that would require waking early and I like to avoid that at all costs.

All in all though, I'm getting pretty hyped about the wii. And part of me is so exstatic (sp?) that Nintendo is getting some big time lovin' out there. (Now that I think about I'd have to say that I like Nintendo probably best of all gaming console companies. Sega had some great systems too, but Nintendo has always made games that were simply fun and enjoyable to play. Anyway, that aside, I'm glad for N.)

Especially after years of hearing the un-informed go on about how Nintendo should get out of the hardware market and focus only on software as that's all their good at.

[quote name='TravistyOJ']Here's Walmart's rumored gameplan for the PS3 and Wii.[/quote]BwahhahaAHAHahaha! 10pm? There will be lines for systems at least 24 hours prior to their ticket time. If not 48 in some cases.
[quote name='guinaevere']I am too. But if I do manage a pre-order at TRU on the 12th, that would be sweet, too. Of course that would require waking early and I like to avoid that at all costs.[/quote]

Wait...TRU is doing MORE preorders? *runs off to find thread*

All in all though, I'm getting pretty hyped about the wii. And part of me is so exstatic (sp?) that Nintendo is getting some big time lovin' out there. (Now that I think about I'd have to say that I like Nintendo probably best of all gaming console companies. Sega had some great systems too, but Nintendo has always made games that were simply fun and enjoyable to play. Anyway, that aside, I'm glad for N.)

Especially after years of hearing the un-informed go on about how Nintendo should get out of the hardware market and focus only on software as that's all their good at.

I think a lot of people are going to come to have this same revelation in the coming months.

BwahhahaAHAHahaha! 10pm? There will be lines for systems at least 24 hours prior to their ticket time. If not 48 in some cases.

Yeah. I think 24 hours will be the minimum wait for a PS3...48 is more realistic. And though it sounds crazy, even that may not be enough in some venues.
[quote name='guinaevere']TRU Part II[/QUOTE]

I don't see enough there to indicate that there will actually be MORE preorders on the 12th. In fact, most evidence points to the contrary. Common sense leads one to question why would they would allow people to line up for two days and go though Hell, tell them they have no more preorders, then release MORE preorders two weeks later? I don't see it happening.

I think this is just another case of easily excitable fanboys (I count myself among them) overthinking things. There will be no additional TRU preorders on the 12th or any other day.
All I wanted to come in and say is that I'm very, very mad at all of you and your Wii and PS3 quandaries. I just NOW was able to afford a 360, so I'm way behind and won't be able to afford a PS3/Wii until next year sometime....

Ergo, I am unable to play in your reindeer games for the upcoming releases..
:whistle2:( :whistle2:( :whistle2:(

.......Ah, who am I kidding. I can't stay at you guys!

Good luck with your purchases!!
[quote name='Ubiiquitous']All I wanted to come in and say is that I'm very, very mad at all of you and your Wii and PS3 quandaries. I just NOW was able to afford a 360, so I'm way behind and won't be able to afford a PS3/Wii until next year sometime....

Ergo, I am unable to play in your reindeer games for the upcoming releases..
:whistle2:( :whistle2:( :whistle2:(

.......Ah, who am I kidding. I can't stay at you guys!

Good luck with your purchases!![/QUOTE]

Well, don't feel too bad. I don't have a 360. I suspect the Wii will be my only console for quite some time.
[quote name='Ubiiquitous']All I wanted to come in and say is that I'm very, very mad at all of you and your Wii and PS3 quandaries. I just NOW was able to afford a 360, so I'm way behind and won't be able to afford a PS3/Wii until next year sometime....[/quote]
First a big Woo-Hoo and enjoy the 360!!

Second, if you're near Kennesaw (or even if you aren't), stop on by and laugh at the silly CAGs sitting all day in a WalMart. It'd be a fun time to meet and catch up with each other. And after hours and hours of looking at the same people, we'll be tired of each other and wanting fresh entertainment. =)

[quote name='Tybee']I don't see enough there to indicate that there will actually be MORE preorders on the 12th. In fact, most evidence points to the contrary. Common sense leads one to question why would they would allow people to line up for two days and go though Hell, tell them they have no more preorders, then release MORE preorders two weeks later? I don't see it happening.[/quote]
Excellent point. I did some birthday [strike]shopping[/strike] browsing today for my younger bro, Jaeli (we have the same birthday, Nov 9) and hit the Douglasville TRU. Speaking with a department manager he said they have no plans or knowledge of a second Wii pre-order. He could have been honest, he could have lied.

For fun, I asked him about the partnership between Nintendo and TRU for the Wii launch and what all it entails. The answer was basically, they're getting a few more.

I also caught up with a local Sony rep and found out the US numbers for the ps3 have been cut to 250,000 units, down from 300k. This may be old news, but it was the first I'd heard of it. The last time I checked unit numbers was hearing the 100k for Japan was cut to 85,000.
[quote name='guinaevere']I also caught up with a local Sony rep and found out the US numbers for the ps3 have been cut to 250,000 units, down from 300k. This may be old news, but it was the first I'd heard of it. The last time I checked unit numbers was hearing the 100k for Japan was cut to 85,000.[/QUOTE]

That's news to me, as well. I had heard about the Japan drop, but not the U.S. cut. That rep may want to add a line to his business card.

"Yes, we know we suck."

[quote name='Tybee']That's news to me, as well. I had heard about the Japan drop, but not the U.S. cut. That rep may want to add a line to his business card.

"Yes, we know we suck."


Shortly after the initial numbers were released, Sony said they were estimates or projections and not the actual numbers. Of course that story was buried where you had to look for it.
[quote name='guinaevere']First a big Woo-Hoo and enjoy the 360!!

Second, if you're near Kennesaw (or even if you aren't), stop on by and laugh at the silly CAGs sitting all day in a WalMart. It'd be a fun time to meet and catch up with each other. And after hours and hours of looking at the same people, we'll be tired of each other and wanting fresh entertainment. =)



Unfortunately, I live about 40 minutes, or so, away in the Lilburn/Snellville area. If I was going to get one, I definitely would join you. I did the same for the PS2 release back in 2000 at Best Buy Stone Mountain. It was very cold, but it was fun and an experience I will remember forever. Good luck and have fun!! ......and if I win the lottery in the next 10 days, I will see you out there! ;)
[quote name='Ubiiquitous']Unfortunately, I live about 40 minutes, or so, away in the Lilburn/Snellville area. [/quote]
If I could do an Arnold Schwarzegger voice, I'd do it here and say, "you are weak!" I'm easily driving 40 minutes. Of course, I'm going to actually buy one and not just meet a bunch of weirdos. *giggles*
You guys won't come to Conyers. :( Well guess what. While you are all huddled at the crowded stores, I will be buying up Walmart's inventory.

I'm taking preorders of the PS3 for 3,000.00 dollars.
So are we set on the Wal Mart in Kennesaw? I am just wondering since I have a friend coming down from SC that night, and he would probably meet me at the Wal Mart that night, it would be a heck of a drive to come down 85, go across the top of the perimeter and back up 75, but if we are off of 85 it would save him tons of time. Just wondering, does one of us live near Kennesaw? Also, the wal Marts off of 85 are really easy to get to and are closer together as well.

I hate being the new guy in the forum and asking you guys to change your plans, so if we really want to do Kennesaw that is cool too. :)
[quote name='TravistyOJ']So are we set on the Wal Mart in Kennesaw? I am just wondering since I have a friend coming down from SC that night, and he would probably meet me at the Wal Mart that night, it would be a heck of a drive to come down 85, go across the top of the perimeter and back up 75, but if we are off of 85 it would save him tons of time. Just wondering, does one of us live near Kennesaw? Also, the wal Marts off of 85 are really easy to get to and are closer together as well.

I hate being the new guy in the forum and asking you guys to change your plans, so if we really want to do Kennesaw that is cool too. :)[/QUOTE]

I have no particular affinity for Kennesaw, and the ones up 85 are (marginally) closer to me, so I would not mind changing the location. What say the others (which I guess are Gwen and Andi)?
[quote name='golddbz2000']no lets keep it in kennesaw, thats much easier to get too. It would be more fun too.[/quote]
GoldDBZ, last time I talked to you, you weren't even planning on camping out. Are you trying to sabotage this mission?
[quote name='lawyeron']You guys won't come to Conyers. :( Well guess what. While you are all huddled at the crowded stores, I will be buying up Walmart's inventory.[/quote]
I'm usually up for a drive, but considering we're going to be strung out from getting up early and then sitting for over 12 hours in a wal-mart, I know I'd best not have too far of a drive home.

[quote name='Tybee']I have no particular affinity for Kennesaw, and the ones up 85 are (marginally) closer to me, so I would not mind changing the location. What say the others (which I guess are Gwen and Andi)?[/quote]
If y'all pick another location, let us know asap, as I'll need to be able to find it and do a test drive.

Forgive me being over-cautious, but being a woman I really don't want to be driving through unfamiliar territory in the middle of the night.

[quote name='TravistyOJ']GoldDBZ, last time I talked to you, you weren't even planning on camping out. Are you trying to sabotage this mission?[/quote]
ha! I think he's just trying to get us all to one Wally so he can grab up all the wiis at all the other stores.
Look on the front page there are people already camping! We have no chance. Someone give me the scoop on the amazon preorders.
[quote name='guinaevere']If y'all pick another location, let us know asap, as I'll need to be able to find it and do a test drive.[/quote]

OK, What do you guys think about the WalMart on Lawrenceville-Suwanee. Its right off 85 (Exit 111), and its got like 3 other WalMarts within like 6 or 7 miles from it. Also, from what I saw, it has a decent sized game section, and its a Super WalMart.

Directions are: Go up 85 N, Exit 111, Turn Left, Go like .1 Miles, then Turn Right on Satellite Blvd, then its on your right.

Any takers? :)
how about the ones in Macon? I hear those are wonderful, lol.

And don't go to the ones up I-85; they suck bad. real bad. so don't bother coming up here, er, up there.

ha! I think he's just trying to get us all to one Wally so he can grab up all the wiis at all the other stores.
- cmon now...there's plenty of wii's to go around. why, i saw there are going to be 60 at a BB near me...
I'd love to join ya guys, but I already have a Wii. I'm only camping for a PS3. Let me know if there's any takers for that.
[quote name='golddbz2000']how about the ones in Macon? I hear those are wonderful, lol.

And don't go to the ones up I-85; they suck bad. real bad. so don't bother coming up here, er, up there.

- cmon now...there's plenty of wii's to go around. why, i saw there are going to be 60 at a BB near me...[/QUOTE]

I agree. It's foolish to camp for a WII.

I also think its foolish to camp for a PS3 but for the exact opposite reason: You are unlikely to find one.
I'm not camping for a PS3. If I really wanted one I would just get my sister in law to pull one at Target.

I'll buy one when Final Fantasy 13 comes out.
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