GGT 141 drank too much Kraken and posted about porn games and rape strategy... again

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[quote name='KrizB']Won some free merch for completing that Borderlands survey the other day;[/QUOTE]

get out of here you spammer
I'm considering cancelling my Amazon pre-order for Bit.Trip Saga since they haven't shipped it yet, but what would happen to the $20 credit that I used for it?
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I'm considering cancelling my Amazon pre-order for Bit.Trip Saga since they haven't shipped it yet, but what would happen to the $20 credit that I used for it?[/QUOTE]Gets instantly put back into your credit.
So long as it hasn't expired.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']
Seymour on the other hand is probably about the weakest and most pathetic antagonist in the entire Final Fantasy series.[/QUOTE]

Spoilers below.

Seymour brought a lot to the game's story, particular to the cycle of life and death theme that the game revolves around. His goal was also to end suffering, but through death -- Yunalesca did so through false hope, and Yuna ultimately decided to end suffering through determination. I thought he was a wonderful addition to the story, and his personality made fighting him all the more rewarding.

People always have to associate an FF villain in relation to a previous one, even though each game has hugely different ways of approaching their own narrative. I don't even think Seymour could be considered the "primary" antagonist, as the whole game is about defeating Sin.


And FFVII was a great game, convoluted story aside. I don't think it's aged particularly well (all PSX FFs suffer from occasional dull battle pacing and deliberate dungeon segments) but I have no other major gripes with it.
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Finally decided to finish up the last 3 chapters in Bloodrayne Betrayal. Definitely an awesome game, although I never actually found it to be hard. Really looking forward to Aliens Infestation now. WayForward has yet to disappoint me.
[quote name='ihadFG']That's how I feel too. I enjoyed FF7 a lot, but it's not a particularly well crafted game, especially with the storytelling.

I think Ocarina of Time is pretty much perfect though.

And yeah, screw ihadFG. He sucks.[/QUOTE]

Right on, on all counts. ;)

I like Final Fantasy 7... but it's by no means perfect.
If we're comparing it to 10, however, maybe it is. ;)


Resistance 2 co-op is actually really fun... considering keeping the game for a bit now. :rofl:


Panzer -- I was using Seymour as the closest thing to a main identifiable villain in FFX -- I had to go look the story up, because I only remember bits an pieces (thankfully, for me. ;)) -- and it jogged my memory a little bit. He got burned by Yuna saying no to his marriage proposal and decided to want to become Sin/control Sin and destroy everything... closest thing to the stereotypical power-hungry villain archetype in FF. :)
[quote name='dallow']Gets instantly put back into your credit.
So long as it hasn't expired.[/QUOTE]
Thanks. I don't want to wait 8-9 days for this to ship if I can get it around here, though a quick search of local stores shows that I should just keep the order. :whistle2:(
[quote name='corrosivefrost']And again, you show why I hardly ever agree with you on anything.

Ocarina of Time deserves just about any bit of praise anyone throws at it. In my opinion, it's one of the most revolutionary games I've ever played.

Seymour on the other hand is probably about the weakest and most pathetic antagonist in the entire Final Fantasy series.[/QUOTE]
Did I say Seymour was a good villian? I don't think the series has ever had good villains. That being said, I think Sephiroth/Jenova is one of the worst. Probably would be the worst if not for Kuja/whatever that fucking thing is that just appears at the end of FFIX. As for OoT, I fail to see anything it did revolutionary except revolutionize the speed at which I could fall asleep.

Also good thing you don't agree with me. Last thing I need is a horrible taste in games :D
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Right on, on all counts. ;)

Panzer -- I was using Seymour as the closest thing to a main identifiable villain in FFX -- I had to go look the story up, because I only remember bits an pieces (thankfully, for me. ;)) -- and it jogged my memory a little bit. He got burned by Yuna saying no to his marriage proposal and decided to want to become Sin/control Sin and destroy everything... closest thing to the stereotypical power-hungry villain archetype in FF. :)[/QUOTE]

More spoilers below.

You are trying way too hard to hate on a game merely because it wasn't your cup of tea (for whatever reason, I forget). I can tell because you're saying things that are flatly wrong and showing no interest in what the game's actually about. Seymour wants to kill people because a girl rejected him? :roll:

And once again, he's not the primary villain. That would be Tidus's father, a man transformed into a monster. There is the romance, their is the cycle of life and death, and ultimately there is the peace made between father and son.

Highly unoriginal, I know, to have the main protagonist give the villain a high five at the end.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Did I say Seymour was a good villian? I don't think the series has ever had good villains. That being said, I think Sephiroth/Jenova is one of the worst. Probably would be the worst if not for Kuja/whatever that fucking thing is that just appears at the end of FFIX.[/QUOTE]

Sigh, I really do love FFIX, the style is great and it does a fantastic job of capturing the old school vibe, but that plot totally goes to hell after Queen Brahne dies, culminating in a final boss battle which makes no sense at all.

FFX on the other hand is actually really solid, I didn't fully get into it the first time I tried to beat it, but the second time I basically fell in love with the game. I really do love how it has a strong focus on the questioning of beliefs and making your own destiny rather than following the one which is set before you.
[quote name='Indignate']Is this heading towards cat porn games?

Cuz that would be weird.



go fuck yourself

[quote name='CaptainJoel']I feel great right now. Just 100% awesome.[/QUOTE]

go fuck yourself
[quote name='panzerfaust']More spoilers below.

You are trying way too hard to hate on a game merely because it wasn't your cup of tea (for whatever reason, I forget). I can tell because you're saying things that are flatly wrong and showing no interest in what the game's actually about. Seymour wants to kill people because a girl rejected him? :roll:

And once again, he's not the primary villain. That would be Tidus's father, a man transformed into a monster. There is the romance, their is the cycle of life and death, and ultimately there is the peace made between father and son.

Highly unoriginal, I know, to have the main protagonist give the villain a high five at the end.[/QUOTE]

I don't have to try hard to hate on it -- from the minute it's story started being about "fayth" and religion, I was done. I really wanted to like it -- after loving FF7-9, I was so psyched that finally a PS2 iteration was made. I bought it with Christmas money that year and I took it home. About the time you hit the fishing type village, I was already disappointed with the story and didn't see my opinion changing. By the time I got to the fight on the beach (whatever it was) I was having these feelings like "I hate this, I don't want to, it's my Christmas present, I'm so disappointed. :(".

When I made it to fight the final boss and got my ass handed to me, I promptly set the game down for a year before I tried to finish it again. That said, I can't say I remember much about the story, other than the distinct impression that I hated it because it was focused on religion (much the same way I didn't care for 12's story; I remember that game being about politics/goverment and the occupation of neighboring lands (and ensuing rebellion) in a post-war detente more than anything... but again, I started ignoring the story wishing I'd just finish the game already. :lol:)

Yeah. So maybe it wasn't quite so black and white, but after looking it up and *trying* to remember, it was Seymour's asking Yuna to marry him was the catalyst for the confrontation which leads to one of several boss battles against him. You kill him, he doesn't decide to "move on" to the afterlife and wants to become Sin. Close enough for me. :)

I'm not going to knock you for liking it, it's cool if you do; I just don't share the same opinion. :cool:
[quote name='corrosivefrost']When I made it to fight the final boss and got my ass handed to me, I promptly set the game down for a year before I tried to finish it again.[/QUOTE]

I don't even know how to respond to this, like I didn't really do anything too special at the end of that game (per say) mostly just switching to an all melee team, getting their final weapons, and then using the special spheres that let you activate a sphere someone else has gotten to teach everyone Tidus's final ability.

Then all you do is cast full party haste, and have everybody use Tidus's final ability with everyone for every turn which results in you getting an almost infinite number of turns... the fwo final bosses (and basically all of the summons in between, Magus Sisters may have gotten one) didn't even get a single turn to do anything. I basically don't even know what those final bosses can do.

That said I still couldn't beat most of the crazy monsters in the Monster Arena, some of those guys were demonic, and their health was insane.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']I had Yuna kill the last bosses with her 99,999 damage physical attack. :cool:[/QUOTE]

Ya it would have been fun to power someone up that was one of the weaker characters. My final team was Tidus, Wakka, and Auron. And Wakka was the only weak link since he didn't have his final weapon for Break Damage Limit... really should have played just a bit more blitz ball I think I was really close to getting it (which is depressing because that means I played a ton of blitz ball without getting a reward).
[quote name='hankmecrankme']I had Yuna kill the last bosses with her 99,999 damage physical attack. :cool:[/QUOTE]

[quote name='icebeast']Ya it would have been fun to power someone up that was one of the weaker characters. My final team was Tidus, Wakka, and Auron. And Wakka was the only weak link since he didn't have his final weapon for Break Damage Limit... really should have played just a bit more blitz ball I think I was really close to getting it (which is depressing because that means I played a ton of blitz ball without getting a reward).[/QUOTE]

[quote name='hankmecrankme']I was working on adding new power ups to the sphere grid because I had used them all for some characters.

[quote name='CaptainJoel']All of my characters were sphere level 99 by the time I was done with the game and all playthroughs. :D[/QUOTE]

Why I hate this game. It was stupidly easy.
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