GGT 171 asked Shrike to be its Valentine. . .

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[quote name='Indignate']I'm naming my kids Hank and Distgfx.

I'm also going to get smashed with some Kraken and that new Harold and Kumar movie.[/QUOTE]
I'll make sure you get smashed alright, be up in dem guts like a tapeworm.

[quote name='corrosivefrost']It's a shame that Joel wants to name the boy after the zodiac sign instead of the god of war.[/QUOTE]
Eh, my oldest brother got named after a constellation. It stops sounding weird pretty quickly for most people.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Can I do the Arrival DLC mission before I finish the game? Or should I wait until after I beat ME2 on insanity to tackle that?

Like where does it make the most sense based on the "story"?[/QUOTE]
It can definitely be done at any time and make sense, but as far as pacing and good storytelling goes? Do it last.
[quote name='heavyd853']My name was pulled from a hat.

I'm not sure I'll ever recover from finding that out.[/QUOTE]
I didn't have a name for, like, a week. I was almost named fucking Mario. Like the hockey player.
That would have been a fun one.

Hey, it's a me, Canadian Mario! (You are Canadian, right?)
I suppose in Canada where hockey is more popular, it might not be so bad... at least they didn't name you Jaromir. :lol: Side note: Lemiuex is my favorite hockey player of all time. Dude is just motherfucking aces. Beats Gretsky, in my mind, any day of the week.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']That would have been a fun one.

Hey, it's a me, Canadian Mario! (You are Canadian, right?)
I suppose in Canada where hockey is more popular, it might not be so bad... at least they didn't name you Jaromir. :lol: Side note: Lemiuex is my favorite hockey player of all time. Dude is just motherfucking aces. Beats Gretsky, in my mind, any day of the week.[/QUOTE]

I don't know what any of that is.
Played a ton of ME2 yesterday/last night.

Have everyone in the party except Legion now, did the collector ship mission and the Overlord DLC mission, and several of the planet scanning anomaly detected missions.

So now I'm at the point of just finishing up everything before doing the IFF mission. But still a lot to do, all but 3 loyalty missions and Shadow Broker DLC etc.
Aye, I'm from the part of Canada that none of y'all ever visit unless you weigh at least 300 pounds and want to shoot a lot of things. And Lemieux has always been my favourite, too.

Mario still would have been a terrible name, though.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Played a ton of ME2 yesterday/last night.

Have everyone in the party except Legion now, did the collector ship mission and the Overlord DLC mission, and several of the planet scanning anomaly detected missions.

So now I'm at the point of just finishing up everything before doing the IFF mission. But still a lot to do, all but 3 loyalty missions and Shadow Broker DLC etc.[/QUOTE]

Wait, what?
You recruit everyone before doing most of the loyalty missions? Why?
I'm currently sitting on everyone except Legion/Tali/Samara and am doing Mordin's loyalty mission now. Next up will be Garrus or Jacob, not sure, but before I recruit Tali or Legion and go into that Collector ship mission, I'm going to have everyone loyal that I can.
[quote name='panzerfaust']lolwut, normal names are boring. who has a kid and is like...."HOLY fuck I LOVE THE NAME JOHN."

me and my 7 siblings are all named after the bible =[[/QUOTE]
Pretty much the same with my siblings. The only one that's not named after a prophet is my sister.
what the fuck, ME2 -- I was pretty sure it's not supposed to force me into the collector ship until after I recruit 2 of the final 4 people. I still should have had time to do more loyalty missions, you bitch. >:[
[quote name='The Crotch']I always make a point of getting Samara and Thane fast-like for their ship upgrades.[/QUOTE]

Yep. I scan the hell out of planets, so I went and got them before doing any more loyalty missions. Then decided I might as well get Tali and finish recruitment and then focus on loyalty missions.

It's my third time through the game, so order doesn't really matter (not that it ever did).

[quote name='corrosivefrost']what the fuck, ME2 -- I was pretty sure it's not supposed to force me into the collector ship until after I recruit 2 of the final 4 people. I still should have had time to do more loyalty missions, you bitch. >:[[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I had the same thing happen last night.
The fight with the Praetorian on the collector ship is going to give me an aneurysm. :(

Ok, check that, next fucking stop? Getting the fuck out of here.
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It's taken me like 15-20 hours of Fallout New Vegas to even get an idea of what the point of the game is. Now to set up the endgame (Which will likely be another 20+ hours)
I don't think I'm anywhere near the end game. I just started the Mr House/Yes Man quest and realized how I want the game to end.
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']Any of you guys buy Deathsmiles 2? Digging the 1st but not sure if I wanna drop the money for part 2.[/QUOTE]

I've got it. It's somewhat easier than the first, but it's still really good.
[quote name='ihadFG']I've got it. It's somewhat easier than the first, but it's still really good.[/QUOTE]

Ya it's a fun game, I'd say I like it as well or maybe just a little better than the first game, although on-line co-op didn't seem to work very well, at least when me and ihadFG tried it, haha (made the a game even easier due to all the slowdown, although when the game sped up again it was easy to die).
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Hey crotch/other ME2 pros -- infiltrator + miranda + garrus on garrus loyalty mission vs the two YMIR mechs on insanity... give me tips -- go![/QUOTE]
My memory of that specific situation is somewhat... spotty. So, general "YMIRs are cunts" advice follows.

1: Keep your squadmates the fuck away from you. This goes heavily for scions and the collector general as well, albeit for slightly different reasons.

2: Retreat paths. Have them. Know when to use them. Order both squadmates to run down the retreat path, then get moving, then assign them cover, then take cover. Repeat as often as needed.

3: I vaguely... vaguely recall Garrus' loyalty mission having an unflankable high-ground position. Turn around and run to it with your squadmates (again, make sure you're throwing them in the general direction before you start running; you can give them cover when you get close) as soon as they spawn in, and take your time. Unless I'm thinking of totally the wrong situation, the bit of cover on that platform is unassailable. If you're still dying, you're probably just being too aggressive.
There is nothing more dangerous in a cover-based shooter with regenerating health than the enemy that ignores cover and just walks towards you.

Meanwhile in Tribes land, fuck the machine pistol that snipers get. fuck that thing so hard. And fuck how much XP you need to unlock the juggernaut's good equipment.
[quote name='The Crotch']My memory of that specific situation is somewhat... spotty. So, general "YMIRs are cunts" advice follows.

1: Keep your squadmates the fuck away from you. This goes heavily for scions and the collector general as well, albeit for slightly different reasons.

2: Retreat paths. Have them. Know when to use them. Order both squadmates to run down the retreat path, then get moving, then assign them cover, then take cover. Repeat as often as needed.

3: I vaguely... vaguely recall Garrus' loyalty mission having an unflankable high-ground position. Turn around and run to it with your squadmates (again, make sure you're throwing them in the general direction before you start running; you can give them cover when you get close) as soon as they spawn in, and take your time. Unless I'm thinking of totally the wrong situation, the bit of cover on that platform is unassailable. If you're still dying, you're probably just being too aggressive.[/QUOTE]

It's at the very end when Harkin's mouthing off and he drops the two YMIRs -- the platform you come in on raises up so you can't get back to where you were you were, which is where I would go -- they come down the ramp and there's very little cover. It's a giant pain in the balls. Collector beam didn't help, sniping doesn't help -- at one point I had it down to just me vs. the two of them, but 1 was almost dead and I was AI Hacking him... since then, it's just a massacre over and over though. :(

Edit: I took another look for the high perch and found the one you were remembering -- those platforms are always tricky to see which ones you can actually climb by doing the in cover/over cover technique. I was trying to get up there before but was trying the wrong approach. Got it first try once I got up there. fuck you Harkin -- you're lucky I don't let paragon actions go to waste... cause I was really feeling the idea of letting Garrus kneecap your punk ass. ^_^

[quote name='panzerfaust']its a cover shooter with regenerative health

im with hank[/QUOTE]

Clearly you've never played it on insanity.
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I'm been eating these hot pockets but I really don't know if this is too many, ny motor skills are starting to slow and I feel like every one is out to take my shit.
We got the album lined up, 9 songs, just ran through them all. Once we get this shit laid down, y'all can have a copy if you'd like. ETA is summer sometime. ^__^
is that good or bad?


To compare with dmaul:
Stopped in the middle of Samara's recruitment mission -- everyone else recruited. Of those, all loyal save Tali.
So, if I'm figuring what's left, I've got:

Samara recruit
Tali loyalty
Samara loyalty
Shadow Broker
Legion loyalty
Final mission (Insanity trophy)
Arrival (3 trophies here)

At this point, I have pretty much all the upgrades and can't see myself needing to do many more side missions than I already have, so I think that's it. I can be done with Mass Effect 2... :3
[quote name='corrosivefrost']is that good or bad?[/QUOTE]


...unless it's nothing like Skrillex cuz it's worse.

Then bad, in that situation.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Man... fuck Tali's recruitment mission. It's pissing me off. :lol:[/QUOTE]
Have fun on Tali's loyalty mission.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']
To compare with dmaul:

I think this is what I've got left:

Samara Loyalty
Mordin Loyalty
Garrus Loyalty
Grunt Loyalty
Thane Loyalty
Jack Loyalty
Shadow Broker (may save this for after end game to mirror my first playthrough, where I romanced Miranda, then Tali then switched back to Liara)
Legion loyalty
Final mission (Insanity trophy)
Arrival (3 trophies here)

I'll finish any sidequests I come across though as I'm very completionist with this series, and again want to mirror everything I did on my 360 playthrough.

Should finish it up by the end of this coming weekend hopefully. That will give me some time to knock another shorter game or two out of my backlog over spring break next week--still have to work on a lot of research stuff to catch up, but not teaching that week will free up a bit of time at least.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I think this is what I've got left:

I'll finish any sidequests I come across though as I'm very completionist with this series, and again want to mirror everything I did on my 360 playthrough.[/QUOTE]

I'm the same, but on playthrough #4, I'm mainly concerned about finishing my platinum run and getting the arrival DLC done. I'm finding that anything that's a smaller side mission that won't have ME3 consequences is beginning to lose importance to me. Like that stupid triple YMIR mech crate mission. And the protect the Quarian from the wild Varren mission.

After 3 trips through the game (2 360, 1 PS3) with my main femShep fully maxed out at level 30, I don't see any reason to do the little extra missions a 4th time. :lol:


Crotch, the only reason tali's recruitment was pissing me off was mostly because of the colossus. That and squad AI being stupid and me being stingy with medpacks.
The mech crate mission is terrible, but I never had trouble with the varren mission. Two people with tungsten ammo can burn through armour pretty god damn quickly.

The colossus fight is kinda weird. I always head straight to the bridge-thing on the far right side as soon as the fight starts. Getting across can be a little irritating, but once you make it to the end, nothing much can touch you.
[quote name='The Crotch']The mech crate mission is terrible, but I never had trouble with the varren mission. Two people with tungsten ammo can burn through armour pretty god damn quickly.

The colossus fight is kinda weird. I always head straight to the bridge-thing on the far right side as soon as the fight starts. Getting across can be a little irritating, but once you make it to the end, nothing much can touch you.[/QUOTE]

That's the way I ended up going -- I usually went left in the previous 3 playthroughs... problem was trying to round the corner to get a sight on the remaining geth troopers and destroyer while being that close to the colossus. I went right side on a whim the next time and although it got kinda close, once I was directly to the right of the colossus, it suffered brain damage and didn't use it's repair function. :lol:
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