GGT 222 is the Official Arnold Schwarzenegger Thread.

[quote name='GUNNM']Doubt it.[/QUOTE]
You get that link I posted in the last thread?

Finished Tomb Raider. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Now onto God of War next week.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']You get that link I posted in the last thread?

Finished Tomb Raider. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Now onto God of War next week.[/QUOTE]
Yeah she's ranking herself too low. She's #1 easily
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']You get that link I posted in the last thread?

Finished Tomb Raider. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Now onto God of War next week.[/QUOTE]

I'll be curious to hear your impressions on GoW...

Are you normally a big fan of the games? I only ask because I know sometimes our tastes vary greatly. ;)

I usually love the GoW games... can't even count the times I've played through them all, but the Ascension demo left a bad taste in my mouth (visuals didn't seem up to par [seemed jaggy], i hated the bug enemies [awkward hitboxes], and combat somehow felt like it was off though I can't say why). I've bought every PS3 God of War day 1 until now... after playing the demo I immediately cancelled the preorder I had for the CE. I still want to play it, but I don't want to play it at full price.

And if for some reason you're feeling charitable and don't want the PASBR characters that come with it, you could donate them to me. (Really don't want to pay $5 for Isaac...) :lol:
[quote name='GUNNM']Yeah she's ranking herself too low. She's #1 easily[/QUOTE]
I don't know. I think Hyoyeon has her beat
[quote name='GUNNM']I would love to see AC!D on xbox live[/QUOTE]

Never gonna happen, and if it does lol cuz Ac!d 2 is the good one anyway.

You asked for the wrong one!
[quote name='whoknows']Never gonna happen, and if it does lol cuz Ac!d 2 is the good one anyway.

You asked for the wrong one![/QUOTE]

They should really put those on the PSN store and make them available for Vita. I'd buy them, out of sheer curiosity and love of MGS.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']You get that link I posted in the last thread?

Finished Tomb Raider. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Now onto God of War next week.[/QUOTE]

Much like frosty I'm not too hyped on ascension, despite having enjoyed every game in series.

Same thing with gears of war i guess.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']I'll be curious to hear your impressions on GoW...

Are you normally a big fan of the games? I only ask because I know sometimes our tastes vary greatly. ;)

I usually love the GoW games... can't even count the times I've played through them all, but the Ascension demo left a bad taste in my mouth (visuals didn't seem up to par [seemed jaggy], i hated the bug enemies [awkward hitboxes], and combat somehow felt like it was off though I can't say why). I've bought every PS3 God of War day 1 until now... after playing the demo I immediately cancelled the preorder I had for the CE. I still want to play it, but I don't want to play it at full price.

And if for some reason you're feeling charitable and don't want the PASBR characters that come with it, you could donate them to me. (Really don't want to pay $5 for Isaac...) :lol:[/QUOTE]
I love the GoW games. The only one I was meh on was Ghost of Sparta. All the others are great IMO. I really didn't mind the demo, though I can see what you mean. It definitely didn't feel as good as the previous games. I'm hoping the full game will let me adjust to it.

As for the characters, I didn't even know it came with any lol. I'll probably give them to you unless for some reason I decide I want PASBR.
[quote name='whoknows']Never gonna happen, and if it does lol cuz Ac!d 2 is the good one anyway.

You asked for the wrong one![/QUOTE]

[quote name='corrosivefrost']They should really put those on the PSN store and make them available for Vita. I'd buy them, out of sheer curiosity and love of MGS.[/QUOTE]
Acid 2 is so good. The first one is pretty rough, but the second fixes everything wrong with it.
[quote name='BlueScrote']Much like frosty I'm not too hyped on ascension, despite having enjoyed every game in series.

Same thing with gears of war i guess.[/QUOTE]

That's because they're just cash grabs. They realized they were done with the series and were like "oh shit! That was our easy way to get money!"

Then they realized they could just make prequels. Bam! Instant money for them.

P.S. Don't forget to buy your season pass!
We've run out of story so lets just make prequels! But not metal gear nah uh they said LET'S MAKE A SEQUEL and then thus MGR was born.
god bless those japanese
Hey guys, I have a great idea for a new TV show.

Looking for feedback.

Ok, so it's about some branch of law enforcement that deals with crimes.

The show will start with a crime being committed and then the opening theme will play. The main characters will talk to some characters that will only be on that show for that one episode. At the end they'll find the bad guy and done. Then the next 12 seasons will be the same thing.

What do you all think? Should I pitch it to the people who can make it happen?
[quote name='whoknows']Ac!d is close enough.[/QUOTE]

Isn't that the one with the cards? I don't think I ever tried that one, remember hearing a lot of bad stuff about it, is it worth trying? Either way, I'm off for now and it looks like this thread moves rather fast, I'll have to see more of what I've gotten myself into later.
Make sure the detective can figure out the crime without actually examining evidence or looking for a motive and then only have that person interview a couple of eye witnesses (make sure there are eye witnesses in every episode). Oh and don't be seen a racist so make sure every crime is committed by a white person in an ''urban'' setting.
[quote name='MoCiWe']Isn't that the one with the cards? I don't think I ever tried that one, remember hearing a lot of bad stuff about it, is it worth trying? Either way, I'm off for now and it looks like this thread moves rather fast, I'll have to see more of what I've gotten myself into later.[/QUOTE]
It says METAL GEAR in the title. Isn't that enough to want to try it? Unless you hate metal gear? You don't hate metal gear do you? You don't look like a person who hates metal gear.
[quote name='MoCiWe']Isn't that the one with the cards? I don't think I ever tried that one, remember hearing a lot of bad stuff about it, is it worth trying? Either way, I'm off for now and it looks like this thread moves rather fast, I'll have to see more of what I've gotten myself into later.[/QUOTE]
The second one is definitely worth it.
[quote name='MoCiWe']Isn't that the one with the cards? I don't think I ever tried that one, remember hearing a lot of bad stuff about it, is it worth trying? Either way, I'm off for now and it looks like this thread moves rather fast, I'll have to see more of what I've gotten myself into later.[/QUOTE]

Ac!d 2 is great. I didn't care for the first game.

[quote name='GUNNM']Make sure the detective can figure out the crime without actually examining evidence or looking for a motive and then only have that person interview a couple of eye witnesses (make sure there are eye witnesses in every episode). Oh and don't be seen a racist so make sure every crime is committed by a white person in an ''urban'' setting.[/QUOTE]

Sounds good. I'm thinking of also having one of the main characters being male and one female. They'll act like they don't want each other for a few seasons but eventually they'll give in.
[quote name='whoknows']

Sounds good. I'm thinking of also having one of the main characters being male and one female. They'll act like they don't want each other for a few seasons but eventually they'll give in.[/QUOTE]
Sexual tension during a rape case is always a sure fire way to kill 30 mins in an episode.
[quote name='BlueScrote']How do you do this? My card has a mini-hdmi-out (although the cable doesn't fit into the port very well).[/QUOTE]
I use one of these. Provided your card can output audio, you're good. Anything from Nvidia 4xx and up and AMD 4xxx and up should work fine.

Then just go turn the shit on. Easy.

[quote name='GUNNM']Goron sword >

Lux and Indignate had some fun[/QUOTE]

The messed up thing is after being disruptive for like an hour in the deals section they don't even get temp banned.

I been temp banned before just for telling people their package deserved to be messed up. Which wasa quote taken out of text.
[quote name='whoknows']I feel like I missed something last night.[/QUOTE]

Cuz I told you? It's not a feeling, it's knowledge that you have.

[quote name='GUNNM']Lux and Indignate had some fun[/QUOTE]

More like bonded really.

[quote name='snakemaster2389']im gettin a haircut today yay, maybe now boys will like me more :)[/QUOTE]

Are you going Scene?

[quote name='GUNNM']Doubt it.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='Rei no Otaku']You get that link I posted in the last thread?

Finished Tomb Raider. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Now onto God of War next week.[/QUOTE]

You just go straight through hot new title from hot new title.

It scares me.

[quote name='needler420']The messed up thing is after being disruptive for like an hour in the deals section they don't even get temp banned.

I been temp banned before just for telling people their package deserved to be messed up. Which wasa quote taken out of text.[/QUOTE]

Disruption is subjective. Also, what you said was hurtful. I would never wish ill on anyone.

Oh, and...

[quote name='Indignate']I've been drinking, so I can't be held accountable for my actions, much like drunk driving.

I also contributed to keeping the thread not dead on this blackest of nights, wouldn't want it not appearing on anything that isn't the front page of CAG.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I love the GoW games. The only one I was meh on was Ghost of Sparta. All the others are great IMO. I really didn't mind the demo, though I can see what you mean. It definitely didn't feel as good as the previous games. I'm hoping the full game will let me adjust to it.

As for the characters, I didn't even know it came with any lol. I'll probably give them to you unless for some reason I decide I want PASBR.

Acid 2 is so good. The first one is pretty rough, but the second fixes everything wrong with it.[/QUOTE]

Awesome... I'll be glad to hear your opinions on it... I remember thinking the PSP games were decent for being done by a secondary studio... they were a bit rough, but I've only played them in the HD collection (Origins).

And thanks for considering sending that code my way. :grouphug:.

As far as Ac!d goes, I'm just curious about them... add it to the list of PSP games that should be on the store and playable on Vita. I'd insta-buy them day one just based off rep... (along with Crisis Core, Mega Man Powered Up, and a few others maybe). I'm still considering grabbing PW now for $20 that it's on the store, especially since the transfarring works if you have a USB flash drive to transfer it from PS3 to PC.
[quote name='needler420']The messed up thing is after being disruptive for like an hour in the deals section they don't even get temp banned.

I been temp banned before just for telling people their package deserved to be messed up. Which wasa quote taken out of text.[/QUOTE]
When you're teachers pet you get away with a lot. When you're the redheaded step child like you and whoknows you guys get banned for making one offtopic post.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Awesome... I'll be glad to hear your opinions on it... I remember thinking the PSP games were decent for being done by a secondary studio... they were a bit rough, but I've only played them in the HD collection (Origins).

And thanks for considering sending that code my way. :grouphug:.

As far as Ac!d goes, I'm just curious about them... add it to the list of PSP games that should be on the store and playable on Vita. I'd insta-buy them day one just based off rep... (along with Crisis Core, Mega Man Powered Up, and a few others maybe). I'm still considering grabbing PW now for $20 that it's on the store, especially since the transfarring works if you have a USB flash drive to transfer it from PS3 to PC.[/QUOTE]MM UP was such a good remake even if they did ruin mega man's name. I had fun with the downloadedable and yes FREE characters as well.

Btw I don't know if you're still going for S on reveganace I just found out the hard way you can still get S on file 04 before entering the elevator even if you're hit. I tried all day yesterday and this morning to no damage it finally gave up and just killed the final GRAD and then got S at the end I was so happy
[quote name='GUNNM']When you're teachers pet you get away with a lot. When you're the redheaded step child like you and whoknows you guys get banned for making one offtopic post.[/QUOTE]

Whoknows never gets banned. What are you talking about?
[quote name='Indignate']Game F A Qs doesn't count as a real place to get banned from.[/QUOTE]
Oh it was you that got banned from AWD's last time.
A mod just made a post about deleting 86 offtopic posts. I wonder who's they were
[quote name='GUNNM']Oh it was you that got banned from AWD's last time.
A mod just made a post about deleting 86 offtopic posts. I wonder who's they were[/QUOTE]

Nope, I don't post in AWD. That place is disgusting.

I like Trakan, I'm sad that he had to waste his time deleting so many post.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I don't know. I think Hyoyeon has her beat

You need to post here more. I love when you link pictures.

K-Pop forever.

[quote name='whoknows']Never gonna happen, and if it does lol cuz Ac!d 2 is the good one anyway.

You asked for the wrong one![/QUOTE]

Ac1d was great. Shame they never made a third. I only played the first one though and would love if they put both up on the PSN.

[quote name='whoknows']Hey guys, I have a great idea for a new TV show.

Looking for feedback.

Ok, so it's about some branch of law enforcement that deals with crimes.

The show will start with a crime being committed and then the opening theme will play. The main characters will talk to some characters that will only be on that show for that one episode. At the end they'll find the bad guy and done. Then the next 12 seasons will be the same thing.

What do you all think? Should I pitch it to the people who can make it happen?[/QUOTE]

I'd watch it. You should pitch it to M.Night Shyamalan. It'll be fantastic!

[quote name='GUNNM']I still need to start TR[/QUOTE]

I need to get TR.

[quote name='needler420']The messed up thing is after being disruptive for like an hour in the deals section they don't even get temp banned.

I been temp banned before just for telling people their package deserved to be messed up. Which wasa quote taken out of text.[/QUOTE]

We weren't being disruptive at all. We were getting some deals. Sweet, 1337 deals.

[quote name='GUNNM']MM UP was such a good remake even if they did ruin mega man's name. I had fun with the downloadedable and yes FREE characters as well.

Btw I don't know if you're still going for S on reveganace I just found out the hard way you can still get S on file 04 before entering the elevator even if you're hit. I tried all day yesterday and this morning to no damage it finally gave up and just killed the final GRAD and then got S at the end I was so happy[/QUOTE]

I've been working on the VR missions first.
My Revengeance playthrough, I'm kind of stalling hoping to find a Grey Fox code. ;)
I've only S-ranked R-00 and the first battle in R-01 so far.
I'm 17/20 on the golds for VR missions. 18 will be last, I hear 17, 18, 19 are some of the worst (17 was annoying as hell) -- figure I'll do 19 then 20 and circle back to 18.
Indignate got banned for completely disrupting a thread last night
tried to stop him but he wouldnt listen
I suggest we post pictures of leda now and again
Just so we don't forget about him completely
(which might be kinda hard)
So I beat Silent Hill 4 today. This is probably relevant to
no one.

Ending kinda sucked. I really wish there wasn't so much supernatural ritual stuff in most of the Silent Hill games. Otherwise pretty good game.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']To that extent though? lol[/QUOTE]
Not to that extent lol.
[quote name='whoknows']Play Downpour next. It's sweet.

/not sarcasm.[/QUOTE]
I liked Downpour as well. Just the enemy designs sucked ass. Other than that it was a surprisingly good game.
bread's done