GGT 232 Gets Drunk All Weekend and Doesn't Bother to Post in Itself

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[quote name='BlueScrote']
That sounds pretty awesome. I haven't played since alpha like... 2 years ago.[/QUOTE]
You should play. I've happened on some crazy stuff in my latest world. One thing that impresses me over alpha (from, as you note, 2+ years ago -- wasn't it like summer or fall 2010 when minecraft really took off?), is that the mob pathing is improved. They don't fuck around.

My current HQ in the world I'm playing now is connected to a vast network of open caves and underground ravines, so mobs occasionally pop up out of nowhere even though I have my network EXTREMELY well-lit. In exploring through the caves to find out where these mobs are coming from, I'll eventually get to a dark nook/cranny or small channels that somehow open to a cliff outside somewhere. In those moments, you can appreciate the AI pathing. They can travel a hell of a long way from spawn.

I'm tempted to finally hit the Minecraft wiki, I'm curious to know what crops are available. I'm in full-on Harvest Moon mode (minus the girlfriend) in this current world, and all I've got growing are pumpkins, sugar cane, and wheat. I also have chickens. Chickens everywhere. Need more crops.

It's actually a nice setup, I built my farm/HQ in a huge gully, or more like a massive crater out of nowhere. I should get a screenshot and edit it in. If I die in this world I'm gonna be super pissed.

The HQ close-up. Note the full-grown birch trees inside the complex. Tall ceilings, floor to ceiling windows. Cost a fortune, took forever to find a contractor. Worth it.

Better view of the compound grounds. Could plant more wheat/pumpkins/sugar, but don't see the point right now. Right now's the time for adventuring, I need new crops and fresh blood. Maybe lure a cow back to the compound if I can figure out how.

Quake fisheye view of the compound and walls. Yes they're that tall. Yes I'm paranoid. Keep in mind the whole compound sits in a crater that's perhaps 10-15 blocks lower than the surrounding forest. Or what used to be forest before I burnt it back. Again, I'm paranoid. I'm not dying!
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[quote name='hankmecrankme']This is so true with so many things. Ugh.

Chicken alfredo for lunch sounds good.[/QUOTE]
lol, did you just woke up?
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I've met the guy who makes those. He used to live right near me and went to the same college as me. His first video was a fight that took place down the street from my house. I believe he works at Hasbro now.[/QUOTE]


Monty works at RoosterTeeth doing that RedvsBlue shit.
[quote name='The Crotch']

He's back, motherfuckers.[/QUOTE]
that is the new civilization expansion pack? right?
[quote name='Indignate']???

Monty works at RoosterTeeth doing that RedvsBlue shit.[/QUOTE]
As I said, I THOUGHT he worked at Hasbro. Either he doesn't anymore or I was just mistaken. Sadly I'm not perfect...

Shaka's UA gives him -50% maintenance on melee units and +25% EXP gains. His UU is the impi, a ranged pikeman. Assyria's UU, the siege tower, gives a bonus to all nearby melee units against cities.

EDIT: Looks like Portugal's in, too.

[quote name='hankmecrankme']I'm pretty sure the worst job ever would be working at a McDonalds inside of a Walmart.[/QUOTE]
Easy access to burgers and triple xl shirts. I think thats the best job ever
stealing clothes is easy
you just put them on under your own shit

even better now because most walmarts put in dressing rooms
if your employer encourages you to go on welfare,
you should be stealing shit from them on an hourly basis
[quote name='mrspicytacoman']stealing clothes is easy
you just put them on under your own shit

even better now because most walmarts put in dressing rooms
if your employer encourages you to go on welfare,
you should be stealing shit from them on an hourly basis[/QUOTE]
I used to say my friend's girlfriends were all from Downer's Grove, because those were some straight up downer chicks. Like seriously, every day was a cloudy day for them.
Also worst job I've ever had was at a cutting tools factory. Illinois summer in a hot ass tin building, slaving away at these cutting tools, ran an oliver machine and sandblaster, high stress, high chance of fucking up, $10 an hour, 9.5 hour days. Money wasn't bad, but fuck everything else. Loved sandblasting though, I could do that all day.
[quote name='mrspicytacoman']its a rough area round here bro.
its not all cornfields and sunshine like dekalb[/QUOTE]
Fixed. Also they have that big ass convo center they spent megabucks on, yet they don't fucking use it. Montgomery Gentry? fuck outta here.
yea that place is huge, parking lots as far as the eye can see
last time I was there was for some stupid ass job fair
I had to go to for class, that was almost two years ago

actually i think skrillex or that mouse guy was there once I think
that was during freshmen year it was a big deal
panzer prolly remembers
[quote name='mrspicytacoman']yea that place is huge, parking lots as far as the eye can see
last time I was there was for some stupid ass job fair
I had to go to for class, that was almost two years ago

actually i think skrillex or that mouse guy was there once I think
that was during freshmen year it was a big deal
panzer prolly remembers[/QUOTE]
Considered moving to Dekalb for fun, since I hate Rockford and being near it. Place is a shithole. Depending on how things go, I might. . .

Hello, welcome to Gamestop. Now get the fuck out of here, because this place sucks. Power to the Players.

And mouse guy is too vague. There are like, 3 of them. Modest Mouse, Danger Mouse and Deadmouse.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']I'm pretty sure the worst job ever would be working at a McDonalds inside of a Walmart.[/QUOTE]
I worked at Gamestop for 5 and a half years...
lol fuck rockford
my roomate was a black kid from rockford
I enjoyed his stories about the ghettoness

pretty sure it was deadmouse
it was definitly a dubstep thing
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I worked at Gamestop for 5 and a half years...[/QUOTE]
mcdonalds is alot worse than gamestop....
you don teven do anything at gamestop
you sit around and try to get preorders
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I worked at Gamestop for 5 and a half years...[/QUOTE]
They always have hot chicks with big tits and low cut shirts working at my Gamestops. Dumb as bricks though. Traded in my 60 GB PS3. "Uh, this PS3 doesn't work." Hold down the power button until it beeps, I forgot to reset the settings because I'm using HDMI at home, and you have it hooked up composite video. " ?__? " was the look I got back. Just do it, bitch. Yes, your tits are nice, but I don't want to spend all day in a Gamestop staring at them.

[quote name='mrspicytacoman']lol fuck rockford
my roomate was a black kid from rockford
I enjoyed his stories about the ghettoness

pretty sure it was deadmouse
it was definitly a dubstep thing[/QUOTE]
Oh it's a total fucking ghetto. Number 5 is my favorite. And also 100% true.
is rockford really the second biggest city in illinois?
thats crazy.

also i hate gamestop employees. their never truegamer enuf
for my standards.
Last time I went there the dude didnt know what rez was

not to mention their almost always console peasants
[quote name='mrspicytacoman']is rockford really the second biggest city in illinois?
thats crazy.

also i hate gamestop employees. their never truegamer enuf
for my standards.
Last time I went there the dude didnt know what rez was[/QUOTE]
I think it's number 3 now, Aurora took over, pretty sure. Also pretty slummy. Charge me a buck ten to enter AND exit? GTFO of here. Never threw quarters so hard before. That's after getting asspounded by a $3.60 toll. Roads are still shit, I can't see where this money goes. . .Jessie White's bank account seems likely.

I got the confused look when I asked for Yakuza 2, was great. Two chicks working, neither had a clue until I said it came out two days ago, then they dug for a sec, she pops up with it and says "This?" Yep.
No iPass, I don't go on toll roads enough. It's $1.80 with one. Oh and I love how they hit you up as you leave and enter the state on the Wisconsin border. Classy move.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I worked at Gamestop for 5 and a half years...[/QUOTE]

But now you're balling as a pharmaceutical rep or something.
[quote name='mrspicytacoman']mcdonalds is alot worse than gamestop....
you don teven do anything at gamestop
you sit around and try to get preorders[/QUOTE]
You've clearly never worked at Gamestop.
I never would.
But theres a huuuuuge difference between "working" which is going to your job to earn money
which is gamestop.
and WORKING, which is busting your ass for 8-9 hours in a greasy smelly, deadly hot confined space.
I dont know how all these fast food places get all these workers for minumum wage
its amazin
[quote name='GUNNM']I really like his metal gear awesome other than that I'm not much of a fan[/QUOTE]

[quote name='ihadFG']I didn't even know about him until now, and I wish it had stayed that way.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='whoknows']But he was on The Tester![/QUOTE]
Wait, seriously? I didn't know that! No wonder his fame skyrocketed.

[quote name='ActionKazimer']Sure is grumpy in here today.[/QUOTE]
YEP! Swag.

[quote name='hankmecrankme']Whoknows works at Walmart. He has a 100% legit reason to be angry.

I'd be shanking people daily. Wanna live? Get a shiv.[/QUOTE]
I almost resorted to this in Kmart. Shit was just ridiculous every day. Didn't help that the store was in the fucking ghetto either. fuckers loved to steal carts and take them home.

[quote name='hankmecrankme']I'm pretty sure the worst job ever would be working at a McDonalds inside of a Walmart.[/QUOTE]
Little Ceaser's inside a Kmart is pretty awful. People would always get overly upset when it closed 2 hours before the actual store closed. Never knew so many people ate at that place until I worked there.

[quote name='hankmecrankme']I used to say my friend's girlfriends were all from Downer's Grove, because those were some straight up downer chicks. Like seriously, every day was a cloudy day for them.[/QUOTE]
Sounds like all of the chicks I've dated!

[quote name='corrosivefrost']This is really cool to me, it's what I was talking about last night, where you can see the partially complete DLC character (Squiggly) for Skullgirls in action, with crude sketches in the animation and missing hitboxes and stuff. :)[/QUOTE]
THAT'S SO COOL! I really love seeing this experimental stuff. God, I want to make a fighting game so bad.

[quote name='panzerfaust']angry/stupid/clueless customers fascinate me. i couldn't get through a day of retail without them.[/QUOTE]
Neither did I. The amount of angry people you have to deal with daily in retail is almost ridiculous. I don't understand how so many people could be stupid.
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