GGT 249 welcomes everyone

So the Atlus thing is really causing quite a stir.  I doubt a company that well loved is gonna be allowed to just die.  Some consortium will snatch up the valuable parts of it.

I knew my 360 was on the way out and sure enough, it just happened. Won't connect to online at all and after trying 5 different Ethernet cables and doing all the trouble shooting I could I finally broke down and made a call to tech support and they said it's most likely the Ethernet card that's fried. They said it'd either be $115 to fix or I could try a wireless adapter. Don't know which I'll do, but this does bum me out quite a bit since I had some games I wanted to download and finish.

I knew my 360 was on the way out and sure enough, it just happened. Won't connect to online at all and after trying 5 different Ethernet cables and doing all the trouble shooting I could I finally broke down and made a call to tech support and they said it's most likely the Ethernet card that's fried. They said it'd either be $115 to fix or I could try a wireless adapter. Don't know which I'll do, but this does bum me out quite a bit since I had some games I wanted to download and finish.
dump it at gs for some credit, and upgrad to the xbone, or ps4

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dump it at gs for some credit, and upgrad to the xbone, or ps4
I already have the PS4 preordered and I don't really want the Xbone. I wouldn't be getting enough credit to really justify the trade since it's the only Xbox that my siblings can play right now and I still have a pretty big backlog on it.

ONLY 25 points short now guys :/ halp halp
You must not have been close at all I assumed one and you were there looks like you're SOL. I'm saving my others

I already have the PS4 preordered and I don't really want the Xbone. I wouldn't be getting enough credit to really justify the trade since it's the only Xbox that my siblings can play right now and I still have a pretty big backlog on it.
Your best bet is to either wait for a really cheap wireless adapter at AWD or abandon online forever

First 15 min of forced "feels" aside, I just have not been connecting with the story in TLoU at all.  I'm perplexed why I'm not invested in any of these characters or whatever the hell is going on.  I don't think it's spoiler-ish to say that the early part of the story is one cliche after another with "twists" you can see coming a mile away.  I think I've seen most every trope of the zombie/survivor drama portrayed in this game with nothing really new or cool so far.

Oddly enough, I do not have that same feeling towards Uncharted which you can level many of the same complaints, and it's basically that the TLoU is based on the Uncharted engine with so many of the exact same gameplay elements, except for this trite overly somber/serious story.

But wow, the graphics and character animations are boss.

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Even if you hate the story the graphics have been amazing on TLOU its amazing to see what the future is assuming not every video game company goes bankrupt.

I didn't feel connected to the characters in TLOU it just felt like I was watching a great movie and thought ellie was badass the whole time

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You must not have been close at all I assumed one and you were there looks like you're SOL. I'm saving my others

Your best bet is to either wait for a really cheap wireless adapter at AWD or abandon online forever
from his comment i guess abandon online forever might be his solution for now.

Does Fire Emblem have recurring characters and linked stories? Or is it sort of like Zelda games where there's always Zelda/Link/Gannon in some form with people like Marth and Roy or whatever?
Depends on which ones we're talking about here.

For the newest one, I believe it's a sequel to the first and third games in world only.

As for the others, the 4th and 5th are connected, as are the 6th and 7th, 9th and 10th respectively.

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Ordered another 2560 x 1440p monitor. Here is to hoping dat 670 SLI doesn't choke on all the awesomeness.

Shit is going to be out of control :cool:

Now that I has regular job, I might invest in a 2560 x 1440 monitor. What'd you get, Catleaps?

I went grocery shopping today. Spent wayyy too much money. I still haven't eaten dinner, been too busy playing Wolverine. Also, still too damn hot.
It's damn hot here too. Working in a factory when it's hot sucks ass. Ugh.

I feel bad for both of you. I am a good cook and do it pretty much every night and my girlfriend is a fucking amazing cook, too! Never a shortage of amazing stuff to eat while she's around. Though, I consider that just to be one of the pluses of dating a Mexican.
Love Mexican food. You've got a keeper there, Joel. ^___^

I had my lady over for rib eye steaks last night. She loves my cooking. ^______^

It's not surprising that you ran into each other cuz you both love Gaf.

That's like saying you found your boyfriend in bed with another man.

Not surprising, as you were both fucking him.

It's a good analogy.
This makes perfect sense actually, when you take into consideration that GAF is half tranny.

I just post here and one other place that's virtually a shell of what it used to be but it's like hanging out at a place that still has the regulars but used to be a lot more popular.
Sounds like most of CAG, actually. . .

It's pretty much the GGT and "shudder" the deals forum. . .:puke:

We should bring back Myspace.
I think JT already did that.

We should bring back Friendster instead.

I'd be down. It'd give me a reason to sharpen my coding skills again.

I was playing some Dishonored today and was amazed that for some reason the head bobbing movement in that game makes my mom, sister, and brothers all extremely motion sick for some reason, but I feel nothing at all.
So emo.

Oh, it's good to see that guy who plays Ragna is in both Hitman and Halo 4 with his one generic soldier voice.

Dude has about as much range as Laura Bailey.
I'm sure he can't take a dick like Laura Bailey can though.

I am not so keen on Kojima handing off dev duties for another MGS remake to whomever just comes along. The developer Just Add Water wants to do it, but all they have accomplished is Gravity Crush and a handful of Oddworld remakes and HD upscales.
Nope nope nope. Strangler's Wrath HD was fucking broken on PC for like, 10 months before they fixed it. :nottalking:

JAW can eat a bag of dicks.

I'm disturbed as to why they decided to make Cortana ugly. I find it hard to care about her as a character now.

y puter ladee hav dah bukk teef

Depends on which ones we're talking about here.

For the newest one, I believe it's a sequel to the first and third games in world only.

As for the others, the 4th and 5th are connected, as are the 6th and 7th, 9th and 10th respectively.
There are that many Fire Emblem games? I've only played the second gba game, the Gamecube one, and the DS one that I believe was a remake of one of the NES ones.
Seven was the first one to come out over here.

The DS one that came out over here is a remake of the first game. There was another remake for the DS of the third game (sequel to the first) which didn't leave Japan though.

But yeah, there's that many. Awakening is the 11th.

And the forth one is the best.

Made it to Gold! Thanks gunnm for your heart
no problem dawg

Seven was the first one to come out over here.

The DS one that came out over here is a remake of the first game. There was another remake for the DS of the third game (sequel to the first) which didn't leave Japan though.

But yeah, there's that many. Awakening is the 11th.

And the forth one is the best.
Awakening saved the franchise. It was going to be cancelled if this game sold poorly. AWAKENING 2 PLZ

does it have online coop/multiplayer?
4 player don't know if online off online inline

What a weird follow up question to something that wasn't answered.

CEO this weekend dawg I think CEO 2012 is when I first started posting here it was around EVO of last year for sure

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Seven was the first one to come out over here.

The DS one that came out over here is a remake of the first game. There was another remake for the DS of the third game (sequel to the first) which didn't leave Japan though.

But yeah, there's that many. Awakening is the 11th.

And the forth one is the best.
Is 7 the one with Eliwood and Lyn? That was my first FE i played and also my favorite one.

I also played the first DS one on my friend's DS that i borrowed. Never played the other games.

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Kjelle ended up being my actual favorite. I have a thing for strong chicks in armor though. It's why I liked Hilde's broken ass in SoulCalibur IV, and why I stuck with her shitty version in SoulCalibur V.
I liked Olivia in Awakening, both in design and gameplay, it was fun using her and getting her exp since she starts so weak and is basically an all out support unit.

So the Atlus thing is really causing quite a stir. I doubt a company that well loved is gonna be allowed to just die. Some consortium will snatch up the valuable parts of it.
Huh, I just looked that up now, it's pretty crazy.

CEO this weekend dawg I think CEO 2012 is when I first started posting here it was around EVO of last year for sure
Get ready for that Fightermania tomorrow night :whee:

But then get read for the army of Scorpions in Injustice. Because people don't know how to block teleport punches.

Get ready for that Fightermania tomorrow night :whee:

But then get read for the army of Scorpions in Injustice. Because people don't know how to block teleport punches.
No idea what figtermania is. I don't care about injustice its pretty interesting to watch though a lot better than shitty SF4 or tekken

Watch the Fightermania trailer, dawg. Friday night at CEO, they are having one-on-one marquee fights and an Injustice royal rumble. All in a steel cage. 

He looks like he wants to cuddle.

Or something. I can't do this. 

So there is a new Child's Play movie. I'm not sure why they would make another. Bride of Chucky and Seed of Chucky were absolute shit.


Oh shit. There is a con next week by where I live that's going to be a part of that whole 20th anniversary of the Power Rangers. 

Green/White Ranger 4lyf. 

They are also going to host a P4A tournament. I should take part and perfect some people, just like I do to Indig.

I remember playing that Power Ranger game that was released for the Genesis. Shit was so bad but so fun. 

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I was a green ranger fan since my little mexican eyes first saw him. I even had  the dagger at one point.

I even watched his mma debut on stream which he won but his wife kept yelling ''WIN FOR HIM WIN FOR JESUS CHRIST'' over and over.

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LOL. I don't remember that.

The guy got super buff. I had no idea he had done some MMA till about a year ago. He was the one that made me want to grow my hair out. Well, at least back then. Guy was like my hero.

Okay, so there hasn't been any word on the SMT IV 3DS coming over to the states, which leaves the question - Pop Tart or the Pink/White 3DS?

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LOL. I don't remember that.

The guy got super buff. I had no idea he had done some MMA till about a year ago. He was the one that made me want to grow my hair out. Well, at least back then. Guy was like my hero.

Okay, so it there hasn't been any word on the SMT IV 3DS coming over to the states, which leaves the question - Pop Tart or the Pink/White 3DS?
He's only fought once that was easily like 4-5 years ago couple of months ago I was curious as to what the rangers were up to. Had no idea yellow ranger (which is pretty racist) died in a car crash. I knew red ranger does gay porn doe.

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Speaking of Power Rangers, Tommy and some other old rangers like Cassie and T.J. are coming back for the ranger war arc or whatever in the new season.

I think i liked him better as White than Green honestly. :eek:

He's only fought once that was easily like 4-5 years ago couple of months ago I was curious as to what the rangers were up to. Had no idea yellow ranger (which is pretty racist) died in a car crash. I knew red ranger does gay porn doe.
Also the whole Jason being a porn star thing has already been proven false. That was someone else that looks like him.

He's a firefighter now i believe.

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I looked on Netflix at Power Rangers for laughs before and there are just way too many episodes, it's a little ridiculous.

And spin offs.
Yeah, I have no idea what's what, there's the main series, spin offs, movies, tv movies, and of course some knock offs as well, it's just kinda surprising there are like 700+ episodes as I really haven't heard anything about them since when I was a kid growing up

Assassin's Creed has some of the best late title cards.

I'm kind of excited to get into this game, since I just refreshed myself on the Revolutionary War in the history class I'm currently in.

I'm more of a fan of the Civil War though.

Is that weird to say?

Something something feet.

3 was alright. Connor isn't a likable guy I liked him way more in the DLC

Did you get it free from the german marketplace?

Hold up.

I get to help put together Benjamin Franklin's almanack? The one that says that you should get with older woman cuz they try harder in bed?


Yeah, I have no idea what's what, there's the main series, spin offs, movies, tv movies, and of course some knock offs as well, it's just kinda surprising there are like 700+ episodes as I really haven't heard anything about them since when I was a kid growing up
Seriously? I watched pretty much all of them as they came on. I think the place I stopped watching was Wild Force. Ninja Storm was especially badass.

Assassin's Creed has some of the best late title cards.

I'm kind of excited to get into this game, since I just refreshed myself on the Revolutionary War in the history class I'm currently in.

I'm more of a fan of the Civil War though.

Is that weird to say?

Something something feet.
Nah, dog. I actually loved the Civil War, too. I wish there was another one. *siiiigh*

3 was alright. Connor isn't a likable guy I liked him way more in the DLC

Did you get it free from the german marketplace?
I hated Connor no matter what. He's a dickhead.

bread's done