GGT 250 Thinks the Rayman Legends Challenge App is the future

Everyone seems to hate Loeb.
His 5 issue nova arc wasn't bad actually. Didn't hurt that it had McGuinness on art.

Wait, did someone just post TLoU spoilers on the last page? If so, cut that shit out.

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Reading the ending of TLoU, I don't know how anyone could really spoil it. Sounds incredibly anti-climactic and like it doesn't matter.

I started up Vanquish and played a bit, there's a bunch of explosives, I'm already enjoying it
Great game. Don't go use chapter select I had almost every gun upgraded. I was bored and wanted to complete some achievements I missed used chapter select lost all of my upgrades

Is super like a shitty version of kick ass?
More like kick ass is a shitty version of Super.

Just kidding. I'm not a huge fan of either (although i guess I do prefer Super).

I think I talked about Super in the GGT a long long time ago. But now that it's been spoiled, I'll just say the scene where Boltie died made me sick to my stomach. That movie was unexpectedly disturbing by the end of it.

Also Super was written and directed by James Gunn, which makes it not shitty.

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Great game. Don't go use chapter select I had almost every gun upgraded. I was bored and wanted to complete some achievements I missed used chapter select lost all of my upgrades
Ouch, good to know, not really going for achievements right now though just trying to clear up some backlog games so I'm mainly focusing on just beating them all before the new systems and such, if there's ones I like a lot I may go back and replay them for that stuff later.

More like kick ass is a shitty version of Super.

Just kidding. I'm not a huge fan of either (although i guess I do prefer Super).

I think I talked about Super in the GGT a long long time ago. But now that it's been spoiled, I'll just say the scene where Boltie died made me sick to my stomach. That movie was unexpectedly disturbing by the end of it.

Also Super was written and directed by James Gunn, which makes it not shitty.
oh cool now I'm going to youtube her death scene

I'm rewatching Super and while I like it more than the last time I saw it, it's still not all that great to me. Also, it's pretty disturbing throughout.

I'm rewatching Super and while I like it more than the last time I saw it, it's still not all that great to me. Also, it's pretty disturbing throughout.
One one hand, the fact that it's disturbing is pretty on point with what the movie is trying to do. On the other hand, the comedy elements end up mixing with it in a weird way (and the marketing is particularly misleading). It's a movie that I can appreciate in a lot of ways, but I wouldn't want to watch it again.

One one hand, the fact that it's disturbing is pretty on point with what the movie is trying to do. On the other hand, the comedy elements end up mixing with it in a weird way (and the marketing is particularly misleading). It's a movie that I can appreciate in a lot of ways, but I wouldn't want to watch it again.
That's probably a good thing. All rewatching it is gaining me is remembering how awesome Michael Rooker, Nathan Fillion, and Bacon are in it.

Also, tentacle porn.

I liked Super. I rank it close to Kick Ass as far as the real-world hero schtick goes. For different reasons, obviously. Wasn't as wild about other recent films in the genre like Defendor or Special.

TLoU is awesome, including the ending.

Is that really what Brand New is doing now? That's depressing as shit. I'm going back to Devil/God.

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Great game. Don't go use chapter select I had almost every gun upgraded. I was bored and wanted to complete some achievements I missed used chapter select lost all of my upgrades
Upgrades are never permanent. If you play on the harder difficulty, taking damage actually makes you lose upgrades, I think. Also, if you drop a level whatever weapon for something else and pick up another one, I think you start new.

It's part of the game's core mechanics.

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I posted my thoughts on Super in the movie thread, but I will sum it up here. Drastic tonal changes in any sort of medium, especially movies, is not a good thing. It starts off comical, weird and outlandish which is all amazing, but then it starts getting incredibly serious. Way too serious to consider it better than Kick Ass. Kick Ass blended everything nicely.

I'd also just like to toss out that I hated the Kick Ass comic, but loved the movie. That might be because of Matthew Vaughan.

And Boltie isn't dead. The Crimson Bolt took her to the Lazarus Pits. That is how the movie really ended.

I posted my thoughts on Super in the movie thread, but I will sum it up here. Drastic tonal changes in any sort of medium, especially movies, is not a good thing. It starts off comical, weird and outlandish which is all amazing, but then it starts getting incredibly serious. Way too serious to consider it better than Kick Ass. Kick Ass blended everything nicely.

I'd also just like to toss out that I hated the Kick Ass comic, but loved the movie. That might be because of Matthew Vaughan.

And Boltie isn't dead. The Crimson Bolt took her to the Lazarus Pits. That is how the movie really ended.
Kick Ass is indeed more tonally consistent (or at least blended together much more smoothly). However, there are a lot of different things I didn't like about Kick Ass. Firstly, I didn't enjoy the awkward teenager stuff or much of the humor. In fact, aside from Big Daddy, I didn't really like most of the characters. Additionally, while the tone of the movie never gets super serious or as disturbing as something like Super, I did find the clash between the humor and the murders (especially by an eleven year old girl) to be a bit weird. Part of what I like about Super is that the tone change reflects the fact that hey, being a vigilante super hero would actually result in some messed up stuff happening. Kick Ass touches on this too, but I think the juxtaposition in Super actually hammers that point home better despite the problems that it causes for the overall consistency of the movie as a whole.

I prefer the Kick-Ass comic to the movie. The second series kind of ruined things for me, though. Which I kind of expected since that seems to be most Millar things for me. My biggest problems with the Kick-Ass movie is that he gets the girl and he doesn't walk in on his dad fucking that one chick. I also much preferred the humor in Kick-Ass to the humor in Super. I guess that all stems from the fact that I don't really like Ellen Page all that much, though. Her legs are creepy.

Great game. Don't go use chapter select I had almost every gun upgraded. I was bored and wanted to complete some achievements I missed used chapter select lost all of my upgrades

I'm enjoying it so far. I think I'm about to finish the first Act. Feels like I'm doing more button mashing than playing, though. The game really could have used a few more tutorial or practice stages, instead of one brief tutorial and then just throwing you into the middle of 20 enemies.

I'm enjoying it so far. I think I'm about to finish the first Act. Feels like I'm doing more button mashing than playing, though. The game really could have used a few more tutorial or practice stages, instead of one brief tutorial and then just throwing you into the middle of 20 enemies.
I remember the tutorial being pretty thorough. Don't forget to chuck cigarettes at the enemies to prove how badass you are

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Prey for 3 bux, get it! Whos gettin MK on vita for 5 bux today? :O
The correct answer to that should be everyone. I already own it digitally, but fuck, that's amazing.


The Steam midweek deals are pretty good too -- Dust for $7.50 and Baldur's Gate:EE for $5. If I didn't own them already, I'd buy them both. :)

I hate it when there's an awesome sale for stuff I already own.  

Luckily, I got them pretty cheap to begin with.

I hate it when there's an awesome sale for stuff I already own.

Luckily, I got them pretty cheap to begin with.
I only got 10% off Dust, but Dean deserves the money.

I paid $20 for MK9 on Vita when the price dropped because Sony implied that the Vita version was going to be on sale for $10 or whatever and then it was only for the PS3 version... and I had already sold the physical card. I'm sad I could've saved $15, but I'm happy to have supported a great port on the platform.

I already have MK on Vita (but no Vita), so the only thing I plan on picking up today are on LIVE. I still need to head to GS to pick up MSP, though. Aaaand I have to figure out how much to get.

Tomb Raider needs to hurry up and go onsale.

Shadow of the Colossus for $5 and Borderlands 2 for $10 is a good day. I'm tempted by the R&C collection for 7.50 but I beat all those games back on the PS2....

I'm pretty sick of BL2 campaign because my friends and I play it every week.  Even $10 is not stoking my flame at all.

Still, I have an assload of space left on my 250GB slim.   I wish 360 had more movie/tv sales, then maybe I would use that space....

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I haven't even really gotten into the first one yet, got it free off PS+ awhile ago. It'll probably be weeks if not months before I actually play it. Just more reasons not to get a new system this year between older games I'm catching up on and new ones I'm getting.

I'm pretty sick of BL2 campaign because my friends and I play it every week. Even $10 is not stoking my flame at all.

Still, I have an assload of space left on my 250GB slim. I wish 360 had more movie/tv sales, then maybe I would use that space....
what about for 400

I know just enough for si to mean yes. Thanks, gunnm bro! I love you! Just picked up Borderlands 2 on digital. So stoked to get this stuff so cheap.

I know just enough for si to mean yes. Thanks, gunnm bro! I love you! Just picked up Borderlands 2 on digital. So stoked to get this stuff so cheap.
I was going to buy the digital but too lazy to go to gamestop and sell my copy

Not sure if xcom is region free which sucks. If lego batman is 400 I'm in there!!

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That's actually what I just did. Dumped my 360 copy at GS and just picked up the digital. I might even buy the Psycho now! I'm down to co-op anytime anyone wants. I have all of the DLC.

I'd wait to find out from other people on the X-Com thing. I bet Lego Batman 2 will be 160.

Damn it you guys...stop making me want to buy stuff for 360!

I'm not doing it I'm not doing it.   :nottalking:

Ooo GT6 demo comes out today lalalalala

Not bad I'm one of those guys if the game isn't in the disc tray I won't play it.
Yeah, I got $13 for it after trade bonuses. Pretty great since I picked it up for a fiver.

Ooo free Walking Dead 400 Days today too lalalalala
I think you mean Episode one of the Walking Dead? At least that's what people were going on about in the PSN thread earlier. If it is 400 days, fuck yes.

Edit: yep, 400 Days isn't free.

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tried out zod a little bit, pretty good, not bad. earth 2 flash skin is sick. gonna play some Walkin Dead 400 days and then some MK on vita and then some more MK on pc tomorrow.

bread's done