GGT 285 Has The Best Launch Titles Next Gen

Bazza twitch channel is sooo summer 2013. Shit is old now.
You shut the fuck up about what you people do in the summer I don't want to hear it god dammit.

Also, Flint got fucking robbed in that battle royale. At least Knuckles didn't let fucking Ezio take it.

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The 770 can max out BF4, so long as the rest of your PC is up to snuff.
I'm not sure if the 2gb/3gb/4gb stuff makes a huge difference... I'm new to this.

But yeah, I've seen people with single 770s saying they're running BF4 on max.

I think I'm starting to like JRPGs less and less. I got a PS3 a while back (it's not mine, but it's my step-dad's console) and I've tried playing some JRPGs on there, but I found them to be too "anime" for me and honestly, I just don't even care for much anime anymore as well (I still dig stuff like Cowboy Bebop and such)

I just think I hate this whole "kawaii" look for anime and I'm starting to see it's influence in JRPGs

I think I'm starting to like JRPGs less and less. I got a PS3 a while back (it's not mine, but it's my step-dad's console) and I've tried playing some JRPGs on there, but I found them to be too "anime" for me and honestly, I just don't even care for much anime anymore as well (I still dig stuff like Cowboy Bebop and such)

I just think I hate this whole "kawaii" look for anime and I'm starting to see it's influence in JRPGs
Welcome to where I am right now. I haven't played and enjoyed a JRPG in so long that I can't even remember what the last one I enjoyed was.

Welcome to where I am right now. I haven't played and enjoyed a JRPG in so long that I can't even remember what the last one I enjoyed was.
I just haven't gotten excited for one in forever (well, besides Ys) and I much rather play a JRPG on the PS1 than anything else

I've been largely lukewarm to JRPGs this generation as well, so you're certainly not alone.
The only JRPGs I really enjoyed this generation were Lost Odyssey. Nier, Resonance of Fate, and Tales of Vesperia. When we got a PS3, I decided to try some more JRPGs and like, they were all too "kawaii" for me and it turned me off

Well since the plan backfired last week, I finally got to see Thor 2 today, it was enjoyable overall. There was some dumb stuff, but also some cool stuff so it evened out, I'm happy I saw it in theatres.

The only JRPGs I really enjoyed this generation were Lost Odyssey. Nier, Resonance of Fate, and Tales of Vesperia. When we got a PS3, I decided to try some more JRPGs and like, they were all too "kawaii" for me and it turned me off
JRPGS have definitely been pretty hit or miss this gen, for everyone I loved there was one that I barely made it anywhere in. There were still enough that I enjoyed at least but a good chunk of them are similar (like all the Tales games) or on handhelds.

I liked XIII and Nier. Demon's Souls too. Valkyria was ok. 

Most anime is ass and most people who enjoy them have disorders. That's a very mean and inaccurate generalization but I'm a few beers in.

Annnnnd I just got a beta invite for Elder Scrolls Online this weekend, because of course it's this weekend when everything else is coming out and I won't really have time to try it, not to mention the fact that I signed up for a console beta and got in the PC one.

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Yeah most jrpgs and anime are pretty dumb when you get down to it. And the art styles are frequently offputting for me too. There's still some I like though. Ni no kuni had a charm to the world that I could go with. And I dug Lost Odyssey and a few others this gen. Sometimes jrpg dumbness can be entertaining to me like in the Tales games.
The only JRPGs I really enjoyed this generation were Lost Odyssey. Nier, Resonance of Fate, and Tales of Vesperia. When we got a PS3, I decided to try some more JRPGs and like, they were all too "kawaii" for me and it turned me off
Yeah most jrpgs and anime are pretty dumb when you get down to it. And the art styles are frequently offputting for me too. There's still some I like though. Ni no kuni had a charm to the world that I could go with. And I dug Lost Odyssey and a few others this gen. Sometimes jrpg dumbness can be entertaining to me like in the Tales games.
I still have to play Ni No Kuni, FFXIII-2, The Last Remnant, and Atelier Totori Plus (this one looks a bit "kawaii" to use Chizu's term, but it seems like it could have enough classic JRPG feel to make it worthwhile). Other than those, the only RPGs I've played and enjoyed in the current gen are Persona 4 Golden and FFXIII.

I played, and didn't really think highly of, Lost Odyssey. It felt like "Great Value" Final Fantasy... much the same way Legend of Dragoon did back in the PSOne era. It got a bit better toward the end, but not enough to bring it up from the mediocre experience that brought me that far. The final boss encounter was absolutely terrible too, IIRC.

I've been largely lukewarm to JRPGs this generation as well, so you're certainly not alone.

I liked XIII and Nier. Demon's Souls too. Valkyria was ok.

Most anime is ass and most people who enjoy them have disorders. That's a very mean and inaccurate generalization but I'm a few beers in.

Lost Odyssey is probably my favorite JRPG of this gen. I've played the game an unseemly amount of hours. I also enjoyed FFXIII and Eternal Sonata in terms of console JRPGs. The other ones I've played (FFXIII-2, Blue Dragon, Enchanted Arms, Star Ocean) didn't really entertain me. I will be getting Tales of Xillia next week so we'll see how that goes.

And yeah, Anime is ass unless we're talking about Soulja Boy's Anime Swag.

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Lost Odyssey was a great game. Funny, I had a SD TV at the time when I played it. Shit was hard to read, at least the stories were. Still thought it was a great "classic" game.

Never got to play Blue Dragon. Star Ocean was fun, story was shit and made no sense. Nier is sitting there. The Atelier series is also just... there. I'm waiting to pick up the Vita versions when they are on sale, same with Hyperdimension Neptunia when they are localized. Tales of Vesperia was a GREAT JRPG IMO and it was fun. Graces had the best combat system out of any Tales game and Xillia was enjoyable for the bit I played.

FFXIII was a great looking game and the combat, IMO, needed a bit more to it. It was a fun idea but it wasn't well executed. FFXIII-2 was enjoyable for what it was. I thought it was going to be a decent game but it ended up being fun.

What JRPG am I missing? 

Lost Odyssey was easily one of my favorite RPGs in general this gen as well.

I think the RPG that I got the least enjoyment out of this gen was The Last Remnant, was very disappointed in that one, and I got it on day one with the lithograph even :/

I know hella shit about that time period cuz of Dynasty Warriors, so don't front.

I was all excited when we talked about it in History this semester but then got sad when it only lasted a minute. Teacher knew about the games though, but he kept calling Cao Pi "Cow Pee" and that's fraudulent, yadadameen?

I know hella shit about that time period cuz of Dynasty Warriors, so don't front.

I was all excited when we talked about it in History this semester but then got sad when it only lasted a minute. Teacher knew about the games though, but he kept calling Cao Pi "Cow Pee" and that's fraudulent, yadadameen?
Oh, I know all about that. I did a full presentation/speech on the Three Kingdoms thanks to that game, some of that stuff is intense man! Best part is you can intentionally have fun with the names and nobody knows if you are saying them right or not :D

I've been messing around the Xbox One Smartglass app and it's actually pretty awesome. You can see all of the achievements, challenges, and DLC/demos that are up for games now. And you can also watch the videos the press have been making on their system to test out those features. Some of these challenges are gonna be tough to get due to them only having like a day to a week to get and there being so many games to play haha. Play 100 matches of Battlefield 4 in a 2 weeks? Dang that's a lot :p

I liked XIII and Nier. Demon's Souls too. Valkyria was ok.

Most anime is ass and most people who enjoy them have disorders. That's a very mean and inaccurate generalization but I'm a few beers in.
Panzer, next time you're a few beers in, you should call me on Skype so I can rant about Bioshock to you or something.

I played, and didn't really think highly of, Lost Odyssey. It felt like "Great Value" Final Fantasy... much the same way Legend of Dragoon did back in the PSOne era. It got a bit better toward the end, but not enough to bring it up from the mediocre experience that brought me that far. The final boss encounter was absolutely terrible too, IIRC.
Easily my favorite part of Lost Odyssey were the text stories.
Oh well. People hate good things every day.

I didn't really care for it
I didn't expect to, but it ended up grabbing me pretty hard. Thought the combat especially would have lost me, but I liked that position and move order mattered. More strategy than just sitting there counting DPS, which I loathe.

Love Infinite.

Sad no one mentioned Xenoblade in this JRPG speak. Or maybe they did. I don't care to scroll.
I forgot that was last gen. Xenoblade was a brilliant game IMO. The combat was fun, the story was sweet, and the soundtrack was beautiful.

Never got to play it.

I'm considering getting a Wii U sometime next year so I'll be sure to pick that up. I might just buy the game and download the rom similar to what I did with Xenoblade. #pcmasterrace

I got $300 worth of shit to sell at bestbuy friday. Xbone here I cum. Lol I get it?

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