GGT 285 Has The Best Launch Titles Next Gen

I'd like to make a motion to change the name of the GGT to the "Opposing Opinions for Opposing Opinion's Sake Thread." 

OOfOOST 285.

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thank god registered early this year and got classes I wanted with teachers that have good ratings on rmp

Now I just need a job...

Btw Joel
I just got to the part where you control redhood
This batman game is pretty fucking good why is it getting bad reviews? I haven't read any hrm I guess I can do that now

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thank god registered early this year and got classes I wanted with teachers that have good ratings on rmp

Now I just need a job...

Btw Joel
I just got to the part where you control redhood
This batman game is pretty fucking good why is it getting bad reviews? I haven't read any hrm I guess I can do that now
Yeah man, those reviews were ridiculous. Game's awesome.

lol, so my boss called me today and told me i'm over hours for the year and not to come to work anymore. then later this afternoon i get a call and an interview set up from a nearby bank.

barely remember filling that application out.

What do you mean by that?
apparently we can only work so many hours a year, and past that it turns into overtime pay. he doesn't want to pay anyone overtime. so i'd return in january but it looks like i might have a better job opportunity somewhere else, hopefully.

I'm looking to it for reference right now. Just wanna be sure I'm getting as much fidelity as possible. No sale that I've noticed.

Thanks, dudes.

Next time you're a few beers in, you should call me on Skype so I can play DnD with you guys or something.

I finished coming up with DnD and then I asked myself why we haven't DnD yet and then I asked myself why Irrational made Inifinite on the side.

For real, though; Our DnD was an episode of DnD GMed by Crotch, in the very worst way.

DnD is one of my staunchest allies.
Agreed with all.

I think Windjammers is better than any game that has ever been mentioned in a GGT.
After watching other people play Windjammers on the internet for a collective 6 or so hours, I want to play Windjammers so bad.


I'm getting a horrible urge to play the original Xcom again...


I'm getting a horrible urge to play the original Xcom again...
Do you have it on PS3? I have it via Plus & the new one on 360.

For those wanting to get Enemy Unknown, it's on sale this week at GS used on either console.
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Any of you guys play Dark Souls on PC? Weigh in on how it runs?
Buy it, you fool.

Then go play it at 60fps and high resolution and revel in the glory.

Side note: there were murmurs of people being banned from GFWL for using the Durante mod. Anyone have any concrete details on this?

lololol MSU didn't read that it was the ORIGINAL that Crotchy Crotch wanted to play. 

Yo, when you gonna DM us a game of DnD, Crotch? You only got to do it once so Josh or I can learn and then you'll be adventuring forever! I already have ideas for awesome stuff!

Joel's idea: He gets all of the ladies you guys create in your DnD game and he kills all of you, so the whole time, you have to listen to him brag on Skype

My real idea: Have a campaign that revolves around having to seduce a Spider Queen and milk the velvet silk from her spider woman nips. Josh or Indignate MUST be the one to do this.

lololol MSU didn't read that it was the ORIGINAL that Crotchy Crotch wanted to play.

Yo, when you gonna DM us a game of DnD, Crotch? You only got to do it once so Josh or I can learn and then you'll be adventuring forever! I already have ideas for awesome stuff!
God dammit, did Indignate get to you, too?

Why don't you ask j-cart?

God dammit, did Indignate get to you, too?

Why don't you ask j-cart?
Actually we asked you to do that a while back when we played Betrayal. We still want you to do it because you're our Canadian buddy!

Plus, Skype would be slumming it for j-cart and I don't want to download Mumble.

bread's done