GGT 285 Has The Best Launch Titles Next Gen

I feel you on all of those fronts. We're putting away for the wedding next year too. I've been lucky enough to be able to cover most of these games with trades and promos, but I could still be saving a bit more responsibly.

At any rate, I'm convinced 2013 is one of the best years gaming has seen so far. It's the right time to build a backlog.
I'm in this club too. Wedding next year and buying a house. All about that DINK income though.
Got my Battlefield 4 in the mail, now if only I could play it :p

Mario is lookin REAL good, man this friday is gonna kill me

I want to pick up SC2 HD, but I'm not sure anyone will play it with me. Anyone else getting it?
I might get it, on 360 though. Love Spawn! (I know he's in both versions) Don't know if I'll pay 20 though with everything else coming out now.

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I used to play this at the arcade it had none of the special characters. I could never beat this girl I think she used ivy. My cousin had the gamecube version with link. I was always envious of that. I'm assuming Link or Heiachi aren't in this?
Heihachi and Spawn are in it. I played a couple of times in my local arcade and beat anyone that played me, then I went to Cali to visit the ex fiancee and played it in the arcade there. I won the first couple of matches, but then some old Mexican guy showed up and destroyed me with Ivy. Shit was cray.

Should I pick up Far Cry 3 and MGR (yeah, I sold my copy while I could still get a lot for it) for $20 or pick up SC2 HD for the same price tomorrow?
Far Cry 3 and MGR.

I love SoulCal2, but Far Cry 3 is the shit if you haven't played it.
Yep. My GOTY 2012. Still so happy that Gamefly sent it to me by accident.

MGR:R DLC is now free if you haven't played it.

I wouldn't support Scamco charging $20 for SC2 HD.
Yeah, it's probably a bad idea for me to buy it.

...but Weapon Master is the shit!
It really, really is.

yeah cross gen obviously. If I play the shit out of AC4 now can I upload it on the cloud and continue on one
Don't think so, pretty sure stats only carry over for the multiplayer in BF4 and CoD, nothing else. This way the achievements won't autounlock or get all screwy.


#tonightisthenight #vgcw #balls #skullking


I was doing that thing where I don't post in here again.

Let's Skype later today! You can hear me play Remember Me!
I would, but I'm pretty busy. I've got to do a lot of laundry and my lady wants to Skype tonight. Tomorrow night good? Maybe we could rope in Mikey and Josh, too?

We should all go to Cali and invite Leda, for recreational purposes...
I like where this idea is going...

So I'm looking through possible graphic cards. Any of you have any opinions on a good graphics card for around $200-500? Maybe a bit more if possible (I'll be doing the shopping during Cyber Monday so yeah). 

Oh damn, it brought those games? I was interested in buying AC4 so that would be awesome.

Do you guys run one or two of 'em? Is it even worth getting a 3gb one? I also want to play BF4 on max settings. 

So I'm looking through possible graphic cards. Any of you have any opinions on a good graphics card for around $200-500? Maybe a bit more if possible (I'll be doing the shopping during Cyber Monday so yeah).
Someone can comment if I'm wrong, but this is probably a useful chart:

Look for the best deals on the cards near the top of that. I've had a GTX 660 since last year and it's solid, so anything above that should be great. The 770 is a good recommendation.

Oh damn, it brought those games? I was interested in buying AC4 so that would be awesome.

Do you guys run one or two of 'em? Is it even worth getting a 3gb one? I also want to play BF4 on max settings.
The 770 can max out BF4, so long as the rest of your PC is up to snuff.

bread's done