GGT 304 Can't mention its a mutant until 2035

I fucking LOVE the Vita's standby mode. It is so damn good.

I'm not sure how I'm going to balance Danganronpa, Bravely Default, and Lightning Returns. x____________x
Lightning Returns first. Danganronpa for when you aren't playing Lightning Returns and Bravely Default someday.

If you talk about my secret recordings then it becomes illegal.
I was just recommending they be used for a podcast. Then i can become rich and famous and gain followers. I will then have a TV show made about my followers and I called The Followers or The Following.

Started Binary Domain. Only finished Chapter 1. So far it seems pretty janky, but the combat has promise. Kind of annoying that the button prompts don't update from the keyboard bindings.

Life Advice: Never go onto the "awesome" fan art thread on GAF
Sounds like I need to check this out, I'd be right at home, haha. I have a folder which currently contains 738 instances of "awesome" fan art (to be fair some of it is in fact awesome). I haven't gone looking too recently though, but I feel like I've seen a lot of the really out there stuff at this point, haha.
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On tonights episode, GM of VGCW and current VGCW Champion Gabe Newel has an announcement concerning his next VGCW title match. Solid Snake gets in the ring with Gray Fox in a one on one match to get some of the ring rust off of Gray Fox and Proto Man gets his match against Air Man after it was canceled at End Game 6.

All this and more, tonight on VGCW!
Good to see that we'll get to work out our Gray Fox-induced blue balls Tonight.

I almost bought GTA5 since it's only $35 at NewEgg, then I realized Ground Zeroes will be out in about a month and I probably won't get to GTA before then so I said fuck it.

Also, picked up a code for ALBW last night. Looking forward to starting it up sometime today.

Taxes all done now. New job is going fantastic and soon I'll be ballin' out of control.

Also, got my codes the Cloud and Yuna DLC for Lightning Returns. I just need the game now...

I caught my first Shiny in Pokemon X. Life is good.

Do you have it on PS3?

We should play.

I have to warn you though, I'm pretty good at perfecting people named Luxuria.

I normally skip over his post but thanks for that double take.
Have it on 360 but my Live lapsed. I'll grab it if it goes on sale again. Wouldn't mind playing more.

Edit: Shit, it's on sale right now, isn't it? I'll try to grab it before it's gone.

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A Clawitzer, which looks pretty rad. I've done everything else the game has offered so I'm shiny hunting now.
Nice, that's a cool one. I was in the same boat as far as completion goes. Had fun with the Battle Maison, but at a certain point I knew I was just killing time until Bravely came out.

What happened?!  Crotch and weevles both got banned, and gunm got temp banned (but we all knew that was going to happen because of his continued trolling in the Amazon Warehouse deals thread).
They got weevles too?  What is going on?

The Crotch and weevles don't really seem like the type that would do something to warrant a permaban, so I'm genuinely surprised and curious.

I think its funny how every couple of years the mods come down on the GGT. The important thing to note is we are still here. Members come and go, but the GGT is forever.

Video games.
Dudes, today has been awesome. I found a $20 buried in the snow in my local Hospital's parking lot, so I took it to pay off my Ground Zeroes preorder and then, I used the rest to buy a couple of the Scribblenauts Unmasked blind box figs and got a sweet Vampire Batman and GL Maxwell! They're super awesome! Then I won 6 tickets to the premiere of the Need for Speed movie on base here, but no one wanted to see it with me since it was at noon on a weekday, so I have then away.
Lightning Returns getting bad reviews from the same reviewers who gave bad reviews to the first two FF13 games isn't something I pay attention to. Haters gonna hate.
History is all about Ice Road Truckers and pawn brokers now. If you need to price your rare Mario Bros/Duck Hunt cartridge, I gotta call in an expert to tell you its a fake.
Curious about the Lightning Returns reviews. I'm admittedly not the biggest fan of the world they've built, but the game seems alright to me. I wouldn't mind giving it a college try one of these days. I still couldn't get into XIII or XIII-2, but maybe when I circle around someday I'll feel different. I really disliked XII when it came out, but now I'm a pretty big fan.

I just finished FF 13-2 last weekend, and it had such a suck ending. I hope Lightning ties up all the loose plot holes. The combat seems pretty tight, but the demo is really too skimpy to judge it. I don't think I will be disappointed, but I don't have real high expectations.

If SE wanted it to get great reviews, they would have named it "Sazh Returns". Er'body loves Sazh more than Light anyhow.
bread's done