GGT #42 loves Miku!

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[quote name='RelentlessRolento']drink Cafe con Leche... that's the only stuff I touch.

if any of you damned "americans" come down to miami, make it a point to have cuban coffee. Your world literally will be smashed in terms of what you thought coffee was. It's too much for me.[/QUOTE]

Argentinian coffee is the same way, it's basically all espresso.

*sips weak italian coffee*
Black Coffee is delicious - but I prefer green tea. A more moderate form of MENERGY.

God of War sucks. All of them. The forced emotional connection to his daughter who you barely see throughout the game is laughable. Then you've got a button mashing sequence forced on you that's suppossed to be emotional, but is really just pathetic. No game should ever again have "look at all this flashy shit going on and push the button when we tell you" sequences, they're just lazy.
I like my coffee with 2 spoons of sugar and milk, and sometimes with whipped cream. I can drink it black with sugar in a pinch, but I prefer some milk or creamer to take the edge off.

I need to play a game, but I don't know what to play. Maybe I'll do a run through of Super Metroid. I average about 2 hours, and I'm not rushing through at that speed. I've just played it enough times to know where everything is.
I rarely drink coffee, but when I do, its with a lot of cream and sugar. I've just really never been a fan of hot drinks, with the exception of hot green tea. Mmmm.

Haven't played much anything the last day or so. The Braves/Mets game was awesome. We sat next to some guys who were complete baseball nuts, and could tell you the complete history and stats of every guy who stepped up to the plate. They kept making jokes at the Met's expense, and even my girlfriend (who is a Mets fan) was rolling off her seat in laughter. Good times.

I'm gonna try and advance some more in Breath of Fire 4. I haven't played it in the last few days, and I would like to have it beat by the end of the week if I can, so I can move on to my third playthru of Final Fantasy IX.
[quote name='InuFaye']Is coffee a taste that grows on people, like vegetables?

I just don't understand how you can stand the taste of it.[/QUOTE]

Vegetables growing on people....*imagines carrots growing out of armpits* awesome....

Black Coffee is delicious - but I prefer green tea. A more moderate form of MENERGY.

I love both too. I usually drink it with a bit of cream since it cools off the mug faster (I usually have to rush in the morning.) Green tea at night is great!

Well now it is official...

Dant... err Sonia.

So's Rachel with guns.

is it just me or is Team Ninja's character model style starting to look "budget"?
MM yo' linky no worky any mo'.

But I can visualize Rachel wit guns.

I agree w/Inu, at least about Sonia--she look like a Real Doll instead of a real woman.

Actually, Rachel looked better IMO. :p

HSG is the perfect game for me right now, mellow and casual. Also got a quest completed in Oblivion last night.
The last quest I finished in Oblivion was "Activate God Mode and use the Fingers of the Mountain spell and kill everyone you see." The spell's so powerful that I juggle horses with it.
for those wanting HoD 2/3 for $20, CC has it the week of the 13th for $20 according to Speedy (and has he ever let you down?)

Also while browsing this thread I saw "Bolo gif" the guy from Enter the Dragon? I'm going to assume its got something to do with his face when he breaks that guys neck. That face is priceless.
Back from NYC!
It was so much fun.
Now school

As for games, I have to play something....I dunno.
Oh yeah, Lost Odyssey and Sega Tennis.
So, is the XBLA version of Ikaruga in HD, or is it just the same as before? Basically, is there any reason to ditch the GC version? I could not care any less about co-op modes or achievements...
Anyone want to write this paper for me? That'd be great and would free me up to read EGM, play a game or two, and then turn in early.
"Is the Calvinst Doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints Scripturally Defensible?"

So, yeah, maybe I should just handle that.
[quote name='daroga']Anyone want to write this paper for me? That'd be great and would free me up to read EGM, play a game or two, and then turn in early.[/QUOTE]
Writing can be fun and epic, see:

[quote name='daroga']"Is the Calvinst Doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints Scripturally Defensible?"

So, yeah, maybe I should just handle that.[/QUOTE]

An excerpt from my essay:
Yo, so lik' John Calvin (who stole my damn first name, as it turns out!) was all like "we'z predestined an' all dat!" An' everyone elze was lik "man, u karraazy." So no, it wundt striptually defenseable.

If you want me to finish it for you, lemme know.
picked up shadow of the colossus today for $4.98
id play it but i need to get ahold of some ps2 component cables 1st :lol:
[quote name='daroga']"Is the Calvinst Doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints Scripturally Defensible?"


ouch. some kind of western civ or philosophy course? I took one of those a few semesters ago, but I think I ignored the book we had to read on Calvinism.
An excerpt from this damn essay that I'm actually writing, but will be absolutely done with soon (thank God):

The result is that constant capital will be increased dramatically, but because labor will be less of a necessity with more efficient production techniques, variable capital will increase at a diminishing rate (Marx, 628).
[quote name='Chacrana']So, is the XBLA version of Ikaruga in HD, or is it just the same as before? Basically, is there any reason to ditch the GC version? I could not care any less about co-op modes or achievements...[/QUOTE]

The IGN review says it's "A solid translation of the Dreamcast-era graphics.", that "looks largely the same as it did years ago." So I'm guessing it's Ikaruga in 720p without a whole lot improved.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']The IGN review says it's "A solid translation of the Dreamcast-era graphics.", that "looks largely the same as it did years ago." So I'm guessing it's Ikaruga in 720p without a whole lot improved.[/QUOTE]

I s'pose I can try the demo. If it's just upscaled, well... then it's a definite no-purchase... and that's what it sounds like.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']The IGN review says it's "A solid translation of the Dreamcast-era graphics.", that "looks largely the same as it did years ago." So I'm guessing it's Ikaruga in 720p without a whole lot improved.[/quote]
Please contact me for permission before you use this on the back of the box of your new J-RPG:

The duality of destruction and creation characterizes the nature of the heat generated in tapas. Though it may destroy a sacrificial object or enemy, the heat also purifies them, so that they may ascend to heaven—meaning they have been created anew or reborn.
[quote name='Apossum']ouch. some kind of western civ or philosophy course? I took one of those a few semesters ago, but I think I ignored the book we had to read on Calvinism.[/quote]Nah, it's for our dogmatics class since I'm still in that whole "training to be a pastor" gig. The answer to the paper's topic is "no" but I'm guessing I have to flesh that out a bit.

Chac, I might quote you in this now. ;)

May 22 this'll all be over...
[quote name='Chacrana']I s'pose I can try the demo. If it's just upscaled, well... then it's a definite no-purchase... and that's what it sounds like.[/QUOTE]

Plus, add in the DRM nonsense, and it's a pass for me as well. I'm fine with my GC version.
[quote name='daroga']Nah, it's for our dogmatics class since I'm still in that whole "training to be a pastor" gig. The answer to the paper's topic is "no" but I'm guessing I have to flesh that out a bit.

Chac, I might quote you in this now. ;)

May 22 this'll all be over...[/QUOTE]

You have to quote me, because I came to the same conclusion that you did (No), but I did it before you.

Lucky for me, the stupid History of Economic Thought paper I'm doing now is due tomorrow, and I'm really just fixing up minor stuff at this point... and it's the second draft of the paper, so really, it's not very important. That damn class' papers will finally be over after this.

[quote name='daroga']Nah, it's for our dogmatics class since I'm still in that whole "training to be a pastor" gig. The answer to the paper's topic is "no" but I'm guessing I have to flesh that out a bit.

Chac, I might quote you in this now. ;)

May 22 this'll all be over...[/QUOTE]

Cool, I didn't know you were doing that. My last day of the semester in may 18th, but I'm sad--only one semester left after this one :( but the last one will be great--a really easy sociology course where you don't even have to show up (which is good, because I'm tired of sociology), a modern Japanese lit course, a Japanese cinema course, and a class about Taoism.
Ok, my initial hype for Ikaruga 360 is now flaccid. Since I suck @ achievements and can't find anyone who plays when I do, I will stick to my GCN version. Yay Wii. Or Whee Wii.


Saves you a bunch of money on car insurance XBL Marketplace Points.
man, I hate this paper an' I'm sick of bein' single an' I've got no talents. I think i might cut myself till I can't no more.
[quote name='Chacrana']man, I hate this paper an' I'm sick of bein' single an' I've got no talents. I think i might cut myself till I can't no more.[/quote]

Gawd. Can't wait till Thursday when my exams finished + the project in my sig is finished, then I can finally start playing games again. I've been itching to reinstall Carmageddon 2 or Deus Ex.
Finished my papers and projects which were due this week, got a test coming up on wens and then I should be clear to finish HL2 Episode 2, and start either BLACK or Odin Sphere, really looking forward to having some time to game
last day of school for me is Wed of next week :)

I'm pissed though because I have a protfolio review on the 30th of this month... I'm going to be dead tired due to playing GTAIV all night the night before.
Hey GGT,

I was going to take a break from posting (due to all the stress I had lately), but had to come back because it looks like I was involved in a trading scam here. :whistle2:( Many others were too so I had to post and provide what I know. Sucks because I was really hoping I'd never have to do this. I was waiting for payment for a while, but never received it. This loss certainly sucks, but thankfully it wasn't as big as some. Now, I'm a little iffy about trading again. :whistle2:(

In college related news, I did get my week 13 checkoff today, so I'm now at 250/250 points, which is half of 500 points total in Senior Project Phase II lab). All I need to do is pass the final presentation (along with doing draft oral and report, along with final report) and I should finally be able to finish college. My posting and gaming will be kept to a minimum for a while, in order to accomplish this.

Anyway, no gaming for me on Sunday due to project stuff. Today, I did play some Sega All-Star Tennis (PS3) and unlocked more stages and stuff. I'm really enjoying the game a lot more than I thought and love all the Sega classic stuff contained in the game.

Also, welcome to the GGT bornrunnin31 (another one of my good PSN friends). :D
wow, congrats to all the grads!
i graduated two years ago.
i only found a job near the end of last year -_-;

so my advice would be... start your job search now! =)
[quote name='The Mana Knight']
Also, welcome to the GGT bornrunnin31 (another one of my good PSN friends). :D[/quote]

I've decided to broaden my horizons on CAG and poke my head into various threads. :cool:

To post something game related, picked up God Hand this weekend at CC but haven't had a chance to touch it. Everyone online seems to bash ign's review (they gave it a 3/10). I'm just hoping its sorta similar to No More Heroes in the story/humor aspect.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Hey GGT,

I was going to take a break from posting (due to all the stress I had lately), but had to come back because it looks like I was involved in a trading scam here. :whistle2:( Many others were too so I had to post and provide what I know. Sucks because I was really hoping I'd never have to do this. I was waiting for payment for a while, but never received it. This loss certainly sucks, but thankfully it wasn't as big as some. Now, I'm a little iffy about trading again. :whistle2:(

what a rat fucker that guy is. Hopefully it works out for ya.
[quote name='Chacrana']man, I hate this paper an' I'm sick of bein' single an' I've got no talents. I think i might cut myself till I can't no more.[/quote]

Make sure you drop P3 in the mail before you end yourself. ;)

I played very little video games today. My dad had some heart surgery(not open heart) and got stints put in and arteries cleared. It was rough. Then I had to ship a controller and get some packaging material for the WWE Ultimate Fan Edition sets for people. I did get my white DS3 and one of three slutty plastic figures. It started rough, but ended up being great. More so my dad is doing well and went from 25% heart function to 75% today. This trumps my day when I got my TV. It is like I am getting my dad back, again.
so when i went to pick up shadow of the colossus today i saw some dude burn his gift card on turk which i think paid off the whole thing
[quote name='bornrunnin31']I've decided to broaden my horizons on CAG and poke my head into various threads. :cool:

To post something game related, picked up God Hand this weekend at CC but haven't had a chance to touch it. Everyone online seems to bash ign's review (they gave it a 3/10). I'm just hoping its sorta similar to No More Heroes in the story/humor aspect.[/QUOTE]I wanted to play God Hand, but I kept passing it up. My turn-off is not the IGN score, but the difficulty (I suck at many games, like CoD4 for instance. :p ).

[quote name='InuFaye']I don't feel like playing games anymore.

What is wrong with me?[/QUOTE]I haven't played many games lately due to time. I'll get back into it later.

[quote name='Mr. Anderson']I haven't played a game in almost two weeks, and I have no desire to do so.[/QUOTE]
I thought I was bad going one day without playing a game.

It sucks because I'm busy with college and have to deal with filing complaints tomorrow, if it works. :whistle2:( It looks like the scamming was much worse than I thought. Everyone in the GGT has to see this.
Oh, damn! That sucks really bad TMK, especially seeing that guy apparently has scammed thousands out of cags now.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I wanted to play God Hand, but I kept passing it up. My turn-off is not the IGN score, but the difficulty (I suck at many games, like CoD4 for instance. :p ).

TMK, if human mode in DMC4 gave you trouble, Godhand will melt your ps2.
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