GGT #42 loves Miku!

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[quote name='Kendal']Make sure you drop P3 in the mail before you end yourself. ;)

Oh, man, I freakin' got so mad and throwed it out the window. The game disc is still in okay condition, it should work, so I'll send it out on Saturday.

Ahem, anyway, I finally finished that damn econ paper, so that class is finished now... and I sure as hell won't miss it.

And of course, I shipped out P3 Monday morning.
Very sorry to hear about you getting scammed Mana. Hopefully you guys can get it sorted out and your stuff or money back.

Picked up the M22s, M22 stands, and the VP150 for $730 off of someone on audiogon. Really good price considering the stands are almost $200 and the speakers would of been $800 alone going with B-stock. Thanks again Chac for the help.

Played a little rock band at a friend's house and found out the guitar is faulty in the bundle I bought. Sucks I have to get it repaired but oh well. Hopefully get my 360 back tomorrow.
I've barely played much lately, but I blame my schoolwork. Too busy workign on my film animating, writing, dressing up, filming, editing, shooting more... etc.

and ontop of all that I'm doing an entire flash website and a document type film for alanzo morning >_< fuck!
Got training on the other side of town the rest of this week and have to carpool since the parking rates in Downtown Honolulu are on the right side of insane. Game time will have to bow to sleep time from tonight until maybe Friday. :/
Add me to the list of those who have been too busy for much gaming lately. Although I did put in about an hour into Breath of Fire 4 yesterday, but thats about it for the last couple days. Today I've got to take my truck in for a brake job and new tires, so I'll get some time in with Etrian Odyssey while I wait on that.

Anyone else hear about the rumored GTA IV PS3 bundle?


Too bad its a 40gb. It it was an 80gb with a DS3, I'd jump on this one. I guess I'll just keep waiting on the MGS4 bundle.
oh hey GGT!

So, my apartment posts this notice on our door. "Hey, pay your rent (with this handy $40 surcharge!) or give up the space in 5 days!" Except, we paid the rent... a week ago. I thought this was going to be a pain in the butt thing, but I look this morning at our checking account and the rent check was cashed! Brilliant! Someone changed the apartment number on it, inverting the first and last numbers ("correcting it" for me?), so maybe it got credited to the wrong account. Hopefully it's an easy fix. :)

And I got my paper "done" last night. It's a horribly, horribly rough draft, but I've got till Friday to clear it up.

I started FF7:CC briefly when I got home last night just to see what it was like. I actually kinda dig the combat. It might become my portable game of choice for a while; we'll see.

Hopefully my DS3 comes today. I'd like to play more MGS tonight if at all possible :)

Only 1 section of one paper left to write, 2 bigger projects, and a few tests + 26 class days left. Yee-haw.

Krymner: if I'm not mistaken, that bundle is Europe only.
[quote name='daroga']

Krymner: if I'm not mistaken, that bundle is Europe only.[/quote]

Bleh. Well enough then. Give the trash to Europe and let us have the good MGS4 bundle. :cool:

Sorry to hear about your rent payment. Something similar happened to me once, and I just showed them the bank statement and a copy of the check and everything got cleared up.

And they need to use voice actors in the next Zelda game.

[quote name='Krymner']Add me to the list of those who have been too busy for much gaming lately. Although I did put in about an hour into Breath of Fire 4 yesterday, but thats about it for the last couple days. Today I've got to take my truck in for a brake job and new tires, so I'll get some time in with Etrian Odyssey while I wait on that.

Anyone else hear about the rumored GTA IV PS3 bundle?


Too bad its a 40gb. It it was an 80gb with a DS3, I'd jump on this one. I guess I'll just keep waiting on the MGS4 bundle.[/QUOTE]It's for Europe, and Europe has no 80G PS3 (only the 40GB).
Well I've got an 8 hour flight back to the UK tonight, I have my PSP and will mostly be playing Silent Hill Origins and Crisis Core.

Then tomorrow I'll be able to donwnload Ikaruga from XBLA, good times.

I'm tempted by Culdcept Saga as well, anyone know if you have to put hours in to get the most out of it ?
[quote name='benjamouth']Well I've got an 8 hour flight back to the UK tonight, I have my PSP and will mostly be playing Silent Hill Origins and Crisis Core.

Then tomorrow I'll be able to donwnload Ikaruga from XBLA, good times.

I'm tempted by Culdcept Saga as well, anyone know if you have to put hours in to get the most out of it ?[/quote]


What game wouldn't you have to put hours into?

Unless you want the game to play itself.
[quote name='InuFaye']What?

What game wouldn't you have to put hours into?

Unless you want the game to play itself.[/quote]

I'm not a fan of anything longer than about 25 hours, after that I'll lose interest, I suppose I should have quantified there.

A game that plays itself eh? Interesting idea, certainly make whoring for cheesemints easier.
Ah gotcha.

Well Culdecept is a good game to play while doing other things.
Like playing Advance Wars or something on a portable with turns.
[quote name='InuFaye']Ah gotcha.

Well Culdecept is a good game to play while doing other things.
Like playing Advance Wars or something on a portable with turns.[/quote]

I think I'll give it a go, maybe they'll be some opportunities to play online games with other Cags.

EDIT - Seen the price of Rock Band in the UK, 180 quid (roughly $360), that's damn expensive
Wow EA is raping for Rock Band in other countries, but they have to make up for the weak dollar.

I keep hearing things about how Nintendo is not sending consoles here because they make more money in other markets, where the currency is worth more then toilet paper.
Good morning, GGT. Still playing Disgaea 2... about fifty hours in as of this morning. Thought I'd be wrapping it up soon (I think I'm very close to the end, plot-wise), but sidequest bills are popping up in the Dark Assembly and I'm sorely tempted to go after them and get them approved. I really need to finish this game before GTAIV comes out D:
That bundle art looks fugly. The game cover art isn't so bad on a dvd sized case, but blown up like that . . . yikes.

Is there a GTA IV ps3 discussion thread? I've only found the one located in the 360 forums.
Don't like the DS3 inu? I got my white one from Japan and love it compared to the sixaxis. The extra weight is one of the biggest things I liked though.
Let's see, what do I have on top for April New Games?

GT5 Prologue
Persona3 FES

Maybe HoD2/3 @ next week's CC sale.

Until then, more HSG and MGSE...
I am on Chapter 20 on Uncharted. The end levels seem weird. It is like someone
dropped acid and watched I am Legend and in their altered state of mind thought turning the game into a fucking monster chase just for the hell of it.
I picked up Lair and Motostorm yesterday at Target for $30 a piece. I still don't know if I like Motostorm all that much. I have played the demo, but not the full game. The controls seem hit or miss. I think I will like it, for the price at least. I rent Lair awhile back and liked itm ore than I thought I would. So $30 new is a fair price for me. I love getting a backlog! ;)
I'm having regrets on pre-ordering the LE of GTA IV,I'll look at the stuff and then have them in my garage :) So I think I'll get the regular version.
[quote name='Kendal']I am on Chapter 20 on Uncharted. The end levels seem weird. It is like someone
dropped acid and watched I am Legend and in their altered state of mind thought turning the game into a fucking monster chase just for the hell of it.
I picked up Lair and Motostorm yesterday at Target for $30 a piece. I still don't know if I like Motostorm all that much. I have played the demo, but not the full game. The controls seem hit or miss. I think I will like it, for the price at least. I rent Lair awhile back and liked itm ore than I thought I would. So $30 new is a fair price for me. I love getting a backlog! ;)[/quote]

Wait for the analog control patch.

Otherwise you will want to strangle whoever at Factor 4.9 Thought It was a good idea to use the sixaxis for control and no alternative out of the box.
I have good news GGT!

1) The apartment figured out the problem. That changed apartment number was the issue and it did get credited to another account. Everything's all patched up and we won't be evicted! Hooray!

2) My silver DS3 arrived today! The weight is so much niver than the original controller. I'm not sure I'll get the chance to mess around with it tonight (date night with my wife! :) ), but it's here to get my MGS on when I get the chance.

3) Suddenly the massive list of things to get done for school seems to have shrunk. Things that I thought would be impossible are more doable. Now to just get the motivation to do it.

4) I want to get Crisis Core. This is good news, but I don't want to pay $40. Is there a deal out there begging to be had?
My gamestop had a copy used for $35 plus you could use the weekly coupon for 25% used psp games. But of course, this is YMMV.

Unless you can find it used at gamestop and use the coupon for 25% off psp game coupon, and stack with EDGE.
Well, I'm still quite depressed right now over being scammed. I tried calling the PD where it happened (like others), but I was told I was suppose to contact MY local PD, and unfortunately, I'm away from home until Thursday (so I gotta wait until then). The only reason I'm waiting is because of the evidence I have is on paper. I'm honestly questioning whether I will do online trades again (unless it's a friend) and I'm quite worried I'll never get my stuff back. It looks like 14 or so CAG members were scammed, and I pretty much feel bad for them all.

I haven't played a game yet today, but if I have some time tonight, I'm going to play Hot Shots Golf: OoB.
Does anyone have an opinion on the .hack games?

I despise MMOs, but as a single player game, it necessarily has to lack the social aspect of them, despite seeming to take place in one.
daroga: Glad that was cleared up...

TMK: Sucks about being scammed...


Score! Found two Yukie Kawamura photo books at my local Book Off! today!

I'm done with that place for the month...
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Does anyone have an opinion on the .hack games?

I despise MMOs, but as a single player game, it necessarily has to lack the social aspect of them, despite seeming to take place in one.[/QUOTE]
I didn't like the first series much (story was all right), but I definitely like the 2nd series.
I can't believe that they are comparing Ninja Gaiden II to God of War, on EGM live.

Its like comparing Tekken to Mortal Kombat.
They were comparing it to the story (at least initially).

In that case, God of War is infinitely better than Ninja Gaiden. Luckily, NG isn't about the story at all.
w00t!!! EA marketing intern is coming by my hall on campus tonight with Army of Two! Which means at the least a free t-shirt and best case a free copy of the game!!!
[quote name='daroga']They were comparing it to the story (at least initially).

In that case, God of War is infinitely better than Ninja Gaiden. Luckily, NG isn't about the story at all.[/quote]

Both games are stupid story-wise, its all about story.

I can't believe that you have a preview build of NGII, and you can only talk about
LOL @ Story, and Real Dolls, learn how to preview.
[quote name='InuFaye']Both games are stupid story-wise, its all about story.

I can't believe that you have a preview build of NGII, and you can only talk about
LOL @ Story, and Real Dolls, learn how to preview.[/QUOTE]

one of those guys was posting about it on gaf. All he had to say was "lol it's the same game, nobody but hardcores will be able to tell the difference." Which is basically what you can say about any sequel....nice work EGM!
I agree with you possum. I personally can't wait to play it.

I dont care what someone who only plays Company Of Heroes all day has to say about Ninja Gaiden 2.

All I care about is the gameplay.
listening to the podcast...every two seconds it's "god of war" this and that. alright, we get it. :lol: It would be nice if some more hardcore NG players could get their hands on it and give a real preview.
[quote name='benjamouth']Well I've got an 8 hour flight back to the UK tonight, I have my PSP and will mostly be playing Silent Hill Origins and Crisis Core.

Then tomorrow I'll be able to donwnload Ikaruga from XBLA, good times.

I'm tempted by Culdcept Saga as well, anyone know if you have to put hours in to get the most out of it ?[/QUOTE]

The matches can last hours if you don't know how to win, but you can save mid game so it's not crazy.

Putting in a lot of hours isn't necessary unless you want to own every card.

Took me about 50 hours to beat the single player and I didn't even watch the cutscenes. :shock:
i didn't play any other the NGs besides the original on xbox but...

to me the game always underscored what's wrong with previews. they always talk about doing moves that cut limbs off and all the varied magic and multiple weapons

but when i actually played NG 99% of the time i would just use that izuna drop combo or some variant like that.

too much hype over things that don't matter
Dammit, I can't wait for this semester to be over. Only a few more weeks until I actually have time to play something. The first thing on that list will be NG on DS.
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