GGT 87's AI Freakin' Cheats, So I Smashed My Controller. That'll Teach 'Em!

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[quote name='distgfx']Gutted games can't be compared to games with DRM. At least with gamestop you get to keep the game and it's yours. You're not even allowed to 'own' a game on a PC with some companies. Gutted games are a minor annoyance but not being allowed to install a game you paid for more than the allowed number of times is a another level. What do you do when you run out? Buy it again? It's BS, why buy the game in the first place then?[/QUOTE]
Again, it's a shitty practice I agree. But it doesn't give you the right to steal. I'm sorry, but you can't justify theft. It's a fucking video game, a luxury you don't need. It's not like you're stealing food so your family doesn't starve.

I don't like the DRM anymore than anyone else. It pisses me off too. At the same time I'm not going to start proving these BS tactics right by doing exactly what made them include the DRM in the first place.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Again, it's a shitty practice I agree. But it doesn't give you the right to steal. I'm sorry, but you can't justify theft. It's a fucking video game, a luxury you don't need. It's not like you're stealing food so your family doesn't starve.

I don't like the DRM anymore than anyone else. It pisses me off too. At the same time I'm not going to start proving these BS tactics right by doing exactly what made them include the DRM in the first place.[/quote]

...I never said stealing was right nor did DRM justify the theft. I was just saying it encourages people to.
I'm sorry, if I said you were. You have to admit your posts kind of looked like excuses for pirating. Also pirating in general pisses me off. Whether it be PC games or anime fansubs. fucking thieves...
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I'm sorry, if I said you were. You have to admit your posts kind of looked like excuses for pirating.[/quote]

Technically it is an excuse people use but it's not right. Just sayin'...
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I'm sorry, if I said you were. You have to admit your posts kind of looked like excuses for pirating. Also pirating in general pisses me off. Whether it be PC games or anime fansubs. fucking thieves...[/quote]
Amen. I hate pirates. I hate the fansub community even more than game pirates :)
While I understand why people hate DRM, it doesn't give you the right to steal stuff. I'm not calling ANYBODY here a thief or anything, its just my personal stance.

DRM sure does suck though.
Played a little bit of Max Payne. Awesome game!
It's just not so cut and dry. The used game market i.e. gamestop is parasitic too. Devs don't see a dime for new games. On the other hand, GS sells new games too. but their profits will always come from selling used games.

If we're going to get on moral high horses, we may as well look at a purchase
in terms of whether the people who created it get money or not. so then, what's worse...buying a used game at GS or downloading it?
Someone's gonna have to explain the hate for Anime Fansubs for anime that isn't licensed yet. Licensed anime I can understand.
[quote name='distgfx']Someone's gonna have to explain the hate for Anime Fansubs for anime that isn't licensed yet. Licensed anime I can understand.[/QUOTE]
I have no hate for fansubs of unlicensed material, or material that will never see US release (even though it is still illegal, ANN did an extensive look at Japanese and American copyright law). It's only when I see people downloading licensed stuff that I get annoyed.
[quote name='distgfx']Someone's gonna have to explain the hate for Anime Fansubs for anime that isn't licensed yet. Licensed anime I can understand.[/quote]
I can understand unlicensed fansubbing. While I wouldn't do it, I get it.
Licensed, well...I'm sure everybody knows that.
I still hate fansubbers. They make my animez more expensive.
Anybody interested in buying Samurai 7 off me? Its all 7 dvds, housed it the awesome box.
Its actually in my top 10 favourite series.
Rei, whats a good asking price? I've never sold any of my anime before...
Regalsin may be dead, but his spirit lives on:

[quote name='that hey hey hey dude']i admit that i haven't actively shop at amazon for while.

but i knew that sometime ago, amazon did not charged taxes for videogames.

until now.

this was a huge for my decision making. because i can certainly wait a little more than your usual release date or wait til amazon has it for cheap.

that tax-free purchases were good enough for me to shop at amazon as my first option.

am i few months late on bringing this topic here ? or anyone has a thought?[/QUOTE]
On the DRM argument for PC games, it's complete bullshit when I buy a game and it refuses to play in my pc because it thinks I'm trying to copy it due to the fact that I have 2 DVD drives in my pc. It's bullshit when the pirated copies work better with NO problems than the retail fucking discs that I pay money for. And to say I deserve this because I choose to play my games on PC is so completely ignorant. It's Securom and DRM bullshit that at the end of the day, only fucks over the consumer that pays for the merchandise.
[quote name='SL4IN']On the DRM argument for PC games, it's complete bullshit when I buy a game and it refuses to play in my pc because it thinks I'm trying to copy it due to the fact that I have 2 DVD drives in my pc. It's bullshit when the pirated copies work better with NO problems than the retail fucking discs that I pay money for.[/quote]This is a serious problem. Blizzard always seemed to have the right idea in having unique keys that could be easily cirumvented for offline, but needed to be legit for online play. Make a solid game, force people to have a legit copy to get the most from it, and you're about as good as you're gonna get.

The PC gaming industry is just a sad state, and whoever said it was because of pirates was dead on. They created this monster, whether they want to admit it or not.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I just bought that whole set new for like $40 lol. So not sure what you're going to get for it.

Why are you selling it? It's a good show.[/quote]
The Blu-Ray version is coming out in December. It'll be like $54 from RightStuf with GotAnime?. Retail is 79.99.
VERY excited.
Would $35 shipped make sense?
Just saw the Virian Collection is $26 from Amazon. But the Viridian collection is ugly as sin.
Yeah man, shit needs to change. And the good thing is that the industry has realized it. So they might even do something in a few years.

But it's ghetto, coz the PC versions of games are generally the best, but they could be irrefutably better in every way if they just fixed the nonsense going on behind the scenes.
[quote name='daroga']This is a serious problem. Blizzard always seemed to have the right idea in having unique keys that could be easily cirumvented for offline, but needed to be legit for online play. Make a solid game, force people to have a legit copy to get the most from it, and you're about as good as you're gonna get.

The PC gaming industry is just a sad state, and whoever said it was because of pirates was dead on. They created this monster, whether they want to admit it or not.[/QUOTE]
Exactly. Which is what these people who pirate the game in protest need to realize. You're doing nothing but giving companies like EA even more reason to add more DRM.

[quote name='Azumangaman']The Blu-Ray version is coming out in December. It'll be like $54 from RightStuf with GotAnime?. Retail is 79.99.
VERY excited.
Would $35 shipped make sense?
Just saw the Virian Collection is $26 from Amazon. But the Viridian collection is ugly as sin.[/QUOTE]
Oh shit, that's awesome. That kind of sucks though since I just bought the whole series like a month ago >.
I got Disgaea 3 tonight, I just couldn't resist because I saw a used copy at GS. 30% off seemed pretty good to me.

Also got Burnout Paradise because one of my friends wouldn't shut up until I got it.
Tonight is stay-at-home-movie night with the kids. Might play some more ToV after. And/or more WipeOut HD.

Good idea whoknows, I should look for Disgaea 3 used w/coupon + edge. So many games coming up though. :p
Only games I'm looking forward to this year are the new Banjo and Lbp. Prince and Mirror's edge look great and same with svr09 and maybe sonic too. Shame I have no ps3 for lbp - I love platformers! (and user created stuff)
The whole piracy issue on PC is definitely a hot topic right now, with games like Spore and Crysis Warhead and the whole SecuROM garbage that they contain. Companies don't like it when you share PC games either, even with friends. I borrowed my friend's copies of Heavenly Sword and Uncharted and beat them both. Not stealing in anyone's eyes. But if I let a friend borrow my copy of Crysis Warhead, I lose an install. And most EULAs state that only one copy of a game may be installed and played at any time, and the license cannot be transferred to another party ever. So we are technically breaking the EULA and "pirating" by letting each other borrow PC games, even if I'm not playing it when he is.

PC gaming and gaming in general needs to realize that you can't stop piracy completely. Come on, we all know it's not that hard to play backup copies of 360 games. If there's a will, there's a way. So PC game makers need to stop being so aggressive against the people who actually buy their games, and realize that, no matter what, you can't stop it at all, or even contain it. People play World of Warcraft on pirate servers, for instance.

I just hate being treated like a criminal every time I buy a PC game. Stardock has the right idea, and companies should take notice of them and how well Sins of a Solar Empire has sold due to it.
[quote name='distgfx']Why should someone like Chac have to pay for Johnny fuckface's actions? Chac bought the game and should have the right to play the game as he pleases. That DRM crap is always cracked on day 1 or 2, give it up, it doesn't work.[/QUOTE]

Why should fans of the dreamcast have to pay for piracy killing their system when they paid for plenty of games on it? Why should PSP owners have ZERO games to look forward to in the next six months because piracy has killed UMD software sales on that system? That's life.

And if DRM can prevent piracy for even a day, it's achieved its goal. Most sales on games happen in the first few days. I'm all for it. PC gamers aren't going to stop stealing on their own, so they must be forced, or drag their platform, kicking and screaming down the road that inevitably leads toward browser based/flash game mediocrity.

I really do hope the future is streaming content from a central content server that houses all the data for your game you're playing.
[quote name='jer7583']PC gamers deserve what they get. As a whole, they've pirated and stole and cracked and leaked everything and turned their market into what it is (and should be, IMO) today.

You'd be crazy if you told someone who spent so many millions and years on spore or Crysis Warhead (After the rampant pirating of Crysis) NOT to put the best piracy protection they could find in it.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Chacrana']It wouldn't be crazy when it's proven that these schemes don't fuckin' work. They achieve nothing but to annoy the legit end user.[/QUOTE]

It annoys the hardcore PC gamer/savvy computer users, even though they are probably never actually going to hit their activation limit. The idea is to stop Joe Sixpack from giving his disc to all of his friends, because there's nothing stopping him. J6P doesn't give a shit if a game is "phoning home," and I'm not sure why anyone would.
I don't really mind the phoning home and activation bit, as long as it's a one time thing. But installing DRM that can interfere with my PC and is nigh impossible to remove? That's unacceptable.
I just don't like that they can lock me out of the game. They shouldn't have that ability.

Man, I wanna play Deus Ex 1 again. I was just listening to the soundtrack again briefly, and it's so ridiculously good.
I've been playing Disgaea 3 since I got it.

It's awesome. Should do a good job of tiding me over until something more interesting comes out.
I need a small laptop for work asap.... anyone have any suggestions?

I'm going between these 3....

Acer Aspireone
Dell 9

Well I'd say either the Asus or the Dell, because putting Acer on something is basically saying "hey, this isn't any good." But the Asus EEE is supposed to be solid, from what I've heard.
From what I'm reading the Acer has a better built keyboard... it's around 2 lbs like the other two.

The main difference is it has a 120GB HD.

The others have 8-16GB FHDD.

I just need it for work/email correspondence etc...
Well, maybe it's the skeptic in me when it comes to computers, but when I see 120gb versus 8-16gb in the same sort of laptop... it strikes me as incredibly suspicious.
[quote name='Chacrana']Is there a crack out for Crysis Warhead yet, outta curiosity?[/quote]

There is a cracked version, from the Reloaded team.

Coincidentally, I probably won't even get to borrow Warhead till monday or so. I really hope it runs better than Crysis.

Bout to pop in Yakuza. Is it one of those games thats boring as fuck for the first hour or so? If so I'm just gonna play KoF or Burnout or something.
I don't have any numbers, but it definitely did run better than Crysis. Not by a huge amount, but I was happy with the performance.

But I do hope it works out to you, because you'll fuckin' love the game.
NGII is shelved and up on Goozex....

Started The Darkness and got sucked in and played for close to 5 hours! Finished the first 2 chapters. Bad ass game so far, glad I stopped NGII and started this.
I need to get sigma from goozex but I'm much too lazy.

I went to a party tonight. It was kind of fun I guess. I got to slow dance a bunch with a cute girl so that's a plus
Yeah, outside part with all the fog was a bit annoying, but other wise I liked the second chapter.

And already got a match for NGII on Goozex so I got my 1,000 points back, just out a couple bucks shipping so still cheaper than a rental to give it a long chance. I think I'm done with action games, I've tried a handful over the past couple gens and really not liked any of them much, other than God of War. I'm just not big on those kind of skill based games.
[quote name='jer7583']Why should fans of the dreamcast have to pay for piracy killing their system when they paid for plenty of games on it? Why should PSP owners have ZERO games to look forward to in the next six months because piracy has killed UMD software sales on that system? That's life.

And if DRM can prevent piracy for even a day, it's achieved its goal. Most sales on games happen in the first few days. I'm all for it. PC gamers aren't going to stop stealing on their own, so they must be forced, or drag their platform, kicking and screaming down the road that inevitably leads toward browser based/flash game mediocrity.

I really do hope the future is streaming content from a central content server that houses all the data for your game you're playing.[/quote]

Who the fuck is talking about piracy killing consoles here? We're talking about DRM and why it blows ass.
Man, I thought the normal parts of the game were pretty good, but you go to WWII and the game goes straight to hell... both the scenery and the level designs were awful.
[quote name='Chacrana']Man, I thought the normal parts of the game were pretty good, but you go to WWII and the game goes straight to hell... both the scenery and the level designs were awful.[/QUOTE]

QFT. That's also where I stopped playing the game.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']QFT. That's also where I stopped playing the game.[/quote]

Wow, me too, what are the chances? Apparently very likely.
So I loved the bit of Yakuza I played. Story seems interesting, combat is hella fun, and I like the RPG lite style it's in.

Would have kept playing but I kept falling asleep during the cutscenes and in between advancing the dialogue, guess I should head to bed.
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