GGT 89 Brought to you by Beast Ice

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Now FFXII had combat I really liked. Yes, it's similar, but also way better.

It's like this. . .

DA2 combat = McDonalds burger.

FFXII combat = Five Guys' burger.

Or something like that.

And I wasn't able to dodge shit due to the clunky movement.
McD's is good--if you were like me and that was all you could afford to eat when you were allowed to "eat out" growing up. :p
[quote name='hankmecrankme']I think my main problem with the DA2 demo, besides the weak graphics and animation, was the combat. I've played enough RPGs so I know how stale combat can be, but when it's just "stand around and hit each other until somebody falls down", but with a group of enemies, it's just kinda lame.

It's not great, but it was better than DA 1's of just press A once to choose an enemy to attack then stand around and watch until they die unless you want to use as special attack/spell etc.

At least mashing on A made it more involved and felt more like combat in say Diablo or something.

I prefer games like this to have realtime combat ala Zelda or Fable personally. Or at least like Mass Effect 2. I hate turn based stuff or the Baldur's Gate style stuff of DA1. DA 2 is still pretty much that, but at least the mash on A button makes it feel a little more involved.

I wouldn't want DMC style combat as I don't dig action games and combo based combat etc. at all.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']Now FFXII had combat I really liked. Yes, it's similar, but also way better.

It's like this. . .

DA2 combat = McDonalds burger.

FFXII combat = Five Guys' burger.

Or something like that.

And I wasn't able to dodge shit due to the clunky movement.[/QUOTE]

There was combat in FFXII?

I could swear it was a puzzle game, where you guessed at the right "gambits" and then the game played itself.
The problem with DA2 is that DA:O is a solid RPG game. DA2 is basically a step backwards in terms of RPG improvement. Don't even mention the "active combat," that was made strictly for console gamers in mind. However DA2 does excel in character voice acting (until LA Noire comes out). BUT I can wait on this game, for the ultimate edition.

Soldner X-2's only flaw, no custom music.

p.s. playing BF:BC2 while drunk made me think, why hasn't Michael Bay made a video game yet?

/edit: rpg for me means character stats and strategies. I spend more time optimizing my characters than actual playing.
I'm just going to say "The only Bioware games I've really liked were Mass Effect 1 and 2." and leave it at that.

Never played any Baldur's Gate.

Neverwinter Nights was alright, mainly due to multiplayer and mods.

KOTOR was a mediocre RPG with Star Wars. I finished it. Story was alright, game was buggy.

Jade Empire was one of the worst games I've ever played. The only thing I liked was the eastern setting.

Never played Dragon Age, was waiting for it to be cheap.

MKD2 I liked, but it was balls hard in places. No clue if it has held up at all.

Yes Soldner-X 2 doesn't have custom music, but that's no big deal since I really like the music in it. Plus it's not hard to queue up some on my PC.
[quote name='j-cart']The problem with DA2 is that DA:O is a solid RPG game. DA2 is basically a step backwards in terms of RPG improvement. Don't even mention the "active combat," that was made strictly for console gamers in mind. [/QUOTE]

Yeah, I can agree with that.

But that's why I liked the demo and love ME1 and ME2. I'm a console gamer and don't care for RPGs for anything beyond the questing and stories really.

A game like ME2 got rid of the crap I don't like about RPGs (turn based or non-active combat, inventory management, high level of stats management/party tactics management) etc. so it was right up my alley.

But I get why RPG fans etc. don't like that type of game.
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[quote name='hankmecrankme']Now FFXII had combat I really liked. Yes, it's similar, but also way better.

It's like this. . .

DA2 combat = McDonalds burger.

FFXII combat = Five Guys' burger.

Or something like that.

And I wasn't able to dodge shit due to the clunky movement.[/QUOTE]

I liked FF XII's combat but it felt like run around and watch as my guys kill stuff. In DA II I consider it different because I am doing stuff and on the PS3, it seems way more friendly to do specials instead of searching through a menu with mapping spells to the d-pad. Both are different imo and it's alright to not like one of the other.

Now while it would be interesting to see something like a DMC system in an RPG, I am not keeping my hopes up because no one has really done it yet. I think it would be a great leap if someone could pull it off.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']I liked FF XII's combat but it felt like run around and watch as my guys kill stuff. In DA II I consider it different because I am doing stuff and on the PS3, it seems way more friendly to do specials instead of searching through a menu with mapping spells to the d-pad.[/QUOTE]

The thing is, I used the gambit system almost exclusively in FFXII. I had my party on auto pilot most of the game. I loved setting that shit up, basically trying to have a strategy for every situation planned out in advance. I'm a strategist at heart, I guess.

Why do I prefer this to DA2's system? Because battles rarely dragged on in FFXII. If you had your shit set up, it was over. I don't need to "press button, see action, repeat". Combat felt elegant compared to admittedly what little I've played of Dragon Age 2's brute force combat.

If they had DLC for DA2 that had Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit play during every battle, I'd buy it.
[quote name='Cheska19']Soooo I just beat Bulletstorm.
Pretty sure the ending is going to lead to a sequel, which I would love. Really enjoyed the game and the fact that it wasn't your typical FPS. Grayson is an awesome fucking character, and I'm looking forward to something more coming out of Trishka and Gray's "friendship".
Semi-related, I named my Oshawott after Ishi :)

Edit: gunm I hope you guys are okay down there. We have a tsunami warning here as well :([/QUOTE]

I am so proud of you, you have reached waifu status.

[quote name='gunm']Oh you child-less GGT'ers, you.[/QUOTE]

Thank god for that.

[quote name='corrosivefrost']Hrm... *insert MvC3 stuff*[/QUOTE]

You're still playing that game? I already dropped that shit.

[quote name='gunm']Yeah, I don't get the DA2 hate in the GGT.[/QUOTE]

Don't get me started, woman.

[quote name='hankmecrankme']DA2 combat = McDonalds burger.

FFXII combat = Five Guys' burger.[/QUOTE]

Don't insult McDonalds or Five Guys' burger.
For those of you have played the newer pokemon, did they have come up with a workaround to what happened when you had already beaten all of the trainers and needed money/experience? I haven't played one since then and am curious as to whether they've fixed/changed stuff like that.
[quote name='distgfx']
Don't insult McDonalds or Five Guys' burger.[/QUOTE]

McDonalds is crap.


Also, Dragon Age Origins was my GOTY in 2009, but not because of the combat. I thought the combat was fun, but nothing special (I played a mage for the record, which maybe was more engaging than a warrior since you are constantly using spells and stuff). The main reason I liked it was for the story/dialogue/choices/universe/etc. On a technical level though, the game was pretty bad. Luckily that didn't bother me in the slightest.
[quote name='distgfx']That's not the point! LOL![/QUOTE]

I know what your point was. I was just sayin' that McDonalds is crap compared to Dragon Age 2 combat.

This is a valid comparison shut up.
[quote name='ihadFG']I know what your point was. I was just sayin' that McDonalds is crap compared to Dragon Age 2 combat.

This is a valid comparison shut up.

[quote name='hankmecrankme']Dragon Age's story sounds like some R.A. Salvatore level of drivel.


"I haven't played this game, but here's my opinion on why you are wrong"
[quote name='ihadFG']"I haven't played this game, but here's my opinion on why you are wrong"[/QUOTE]
Well, honestly, every D&D based or inspired RPG story is, IMO.

Just like every JRPG is about a 17 year old male with blue hair who has amnesia and comes from a small village, but ends up saving the world with his ragtag group of mostly nitwits except for the one wise badass in the group.
[quote name='distgfx']

I am totally lost now. Why did you post the wat pic in the first place and what did the common sense pic have to do with it?
[quote name='hankmecrankme']Dragon Age's story sounds like some R.A. Salvatore level of drivel.

I feel this way about everything fantasy that isn't Lord of the Rings.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']I feel this way about everything fantasy that isn't Lord of the Rings.[/QUOTE]

Dragon Age Trilogy = Lord of the Rings for a new generation.

Think about it.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']I feel this way about everything fantasy that isn't Lord of the Rings.[/QUOTE]


A Song of Ice and Fire is 10x better than LOTR.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']Dragon Age Trilogy = Lord of the Rings for a new generation.

Think about it.[/QUOTE]

I actually semi-agree with that.
[quote name='ihadFG']I am totally lost now. Why did you post the wat pic in the first place and what did the common sense pic have to do with it.[/QUOTE]

I'm trying to say, "FIGURE IT OUT!" or "Lol, u srs?"
[quote name='ihadFG']WELL YOU ARE WRONG.

A Song of Ice and Fire is 10x better than LOTR.[/QUOTE] I hate A Song of Fire and Ice. :cry:

I'm more of a Sci-Fi guy, though, so my opinion doesn't count.

[quote name='hankmecrankme']Dragon Age Trilogy = Lord of the Rings for a new generation.

Think about it.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='ihadFG']I actually semi-agree with that.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I agree with that, too.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']I hate A Song of Fire and Ice. :cry:

I'm more of a Sci-Fi guy, though, so my opinion doesn't count.

I'm also more of a Sci-Fi guy, but I just happen to love A Song of Ice and Fire and LOTR.
[quote name='ihadFG']I'm also more of a Sci-Fi guy, but I just happen to love A Song of Ice and Fire and LOTR.[/QUOTE]
I only really like LOTR and some of the Drizzt books. Sci-Fi, I'll read pretty much anything and love it, though.

The only form of literature I'm really diverse in is comics.
Well, played more Dragon Age 2 demo. Once I adjusted the camera and shit, it was better. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck using the keys to move, shit's useless.

Game is basically Neverwinter Nights 3-2, since the first Dragon Age was basically Neverwinter Nights 3. Does everything have to be so brown though?
[quote name='hankmecrankme']Does everything have to be so brown though?[/QUOTE]

For the kind of game it is, I'd say yes.
[quote name='distgfx']

OK SERIOUSLY NOW. I need things explained to me. I don't even know what is going on here.
[quote name='ihadFG']OK SERIOUSLY NOW. I need things explained to me. I don't even know what is going on here.[/QUOTE]

I DON'T KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN IT! I thought it was obvious!

[quote name='distgfx']I DON'T KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN IT! I thought it was obvious!


What do you mean by "explain it" though? I'M CONFUSED ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO EXPLAIN!

[quote name='ihadFG']What do you mean by "explain it" though? I'M CONFUSED ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO EXPLAIN!


[quote name='distgfx']


I am just generally confused as to what is going on now.
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