Grand Theft Auto IV - Gen. Discussion & Info (PS3) OUT NOW PS3 review score = 99.6%

Yes I ended up buying it. Installing to the hard drive. I was wondering why people would post on here saying that it is installing on their hard drive but I guess it does take a while,
OK....maybe I'm stupid to buy a game for a system I plan on getting today, but to hell with it. I picked up the SE version for PS3 last night at Wally World at midnight. The extras it came with are well worth the extra $30 imo, btw.

But, what is this I see about games freezing and what not? I saw some topics about that on BOTH the PS3 AND 360 GTAIV boards on G'faqs a bit ago. I just thought it was a bunch of fanboys trying to rile one another up.
If it is and it DOES turn out to be a massive number of bad discs, then I fear that will be the final nail in Take 2's coffin before they're sold or taken over by the monolith known as EA. If that happens, then the next GTA could be back in Vice City with a superstar cast and I still wouldn't buy it or at least not brand new.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']If it is and it DOES turn out to be a massive number of bad discs, then I fear that will be the final nail in Take 2's coffin before they're sold or taken over by the monolith known as EA. If that happens, then the next GTA could be back in Vice City with a superstar cast and I still wouldn't buy it or at least not brand new.[/QUOTE]

TT has more than enough money (via GTA4 revenue) to replace bad discs. EA simply wants the GTA and all the TT franchises. So TT will always be on EA's radar, regardless of what occurs.
I'm perplexed as to how the PS3 ( in any way shape or form) could have turned out better than the 360 version. I thought that they started development on the 360 version and ported to the PS3? you have to appreciate Rockstar for taking their time and getting the game right. For both systems, a lesson that EA could definitley learn from (Looking at you team Madden!)
[quote name='Thomas96']I'm perplexed as to how the PS3 ( in any way shape or form) could have turned out better than the 360 version. I thought that they started development on the 360 version and ported to the PS3? you have to appreciate Rockstar for taking their time and getting the game right. For both systems, a lesson that EA could definitley learn from (Looking at you team Madden!)[/quote]

If I remember correctly, it was built side by side for each system rather than just ported from one to the other.
To those of you that are having problems, someone posted this on that link from the Sony boards:

I had this same problem so I called Rockstar. The lady on the phone told me to erase the game data (the original install and the game saves) and then start over. I did what she told me to do and the freezing problem went away.

And can the person who made this thread please include this information in the original post?

Edit: I have a 60GB NTSC launch unit.
[quote name='StrandedBrit']Yeah, apparently it's more prevalent on 60 gigers.

EDIT: Still don't know how widespread it is though. I gots me a 60 and didn't crash.[/quote]
60 GB HDD's are failing and Sony is not going to replace them .... you heard it here first!!!

J/K, it's possible that there was some corruption on the data transfer so it makes sense. I would like to see the failure / reinstall rate of PC games because I dinstinctly remember needing to reinstall a few games in my time.
Ugh. I was going to go at lunch and pick up the PS3 version, since I really prefer the Dualshock for GTA games, but since I have a launch 60gig, I really don't feel like taking the chance. Maybe if Rockstar can announce a fix by the time I get done with Chik-Fil-a, I'll not buy the 360 version.
[quote name='johnnypark']To those of you that are having problems, someone posted this on that link from the Sony boards:[/quote]

Nope. Doesn't work for me, or others that I am reading about online. Seems like a stall move to me.
My favorite line of dialog thusfar:

Vlad: nose is bleeding! Is my nose bleeding?
Nico: No...not yet.

LOL! :lol:
I think some of you guys sent me an invite last night but when I got in I couldn't actually play, I was just observing. I have to get used to the multiplayer. I wish they had like a whole new menu for multiplayer, because it gets annoying going back into single player then going into multiplayer. I also encountered like a 3 minute load time to respawn, which sucked.

So what's the deal with Rockstar Social? I just signed up. Is it supposed to record everything you do? On the website I don't see anything for that, so maybe they're going to add leaderboards or whatever later on.

Would it be better to keep autosave on? I turned it off because I thought if I screwed up by getting a package and forgetting to mark it off or whatever else may come up that I could just reload the game.
Played the first 15min or so on my 60gb (not a launch) and ran fine. Hopefully nothing comes up later. When I picked mine up from Blockbuster some guy came in there upset because his 360 copy didn't work. He blamed it on "two little scratches" he could see on the disc and that he "had seen these on factory sealed copies before"

Oh well, I do hate to see this happen to any high profile launch no matter what system. Just let us play the damn game!
I was trying to get on to the multiplayer part of the game at it could not connect at the moment anyone else having this problem?
[quote name='js1']I was trying to get on to the multiplayer part of the game at it could not connect at the moment anyone else having this problem?[/quote]

Yeah...I'm getting "could not connect to network". I was online last night ~2am without a problem...the PSN must be getting hammered today.
I just got back from Bestbuy with GTA IV and I'm hesitant to open it due to the "freeze" glitch....... I guess I can wait til the end of the week before opening it to see if Rockstar releases a patch...... If nothing changes by then, I'll probably go exchange for the 360 version.

I do have a launch 60 gig PS3
Anyone get the GTA4 PS3 console skin from Target? Just wondering how it looks and fits on the PS3.
The local radio station I listen to had a couple guys in studio playing the 360 GTA IV and giving impressions. They DID mention that the game gave them a DISC READ ERROR and had to restart it, although they said the game was new, obviously. So I don't know if this is the issue on the 360 or another one or simply a hardware problem. Interesting though I wanted to call in to let them know there is a small issue w/ 60gbs and 360's..
So I got the 360 version which hasn't had any problems yet (played for 2 hours last night), but now I'm debating on going back and switching it out for the PS3 copy. The pop-ins are driving me nus, I don't know why, maybe it's some sort of OCD that I have. One thing I can say is that the framerate on the 360 is solid, haven't seen it drop yet. How is the framerate on the PS3 version? According to all sources minus Kotaku, the PS3 has the edge in visuals, load times, less pop ins, and a better framerate. Is the framerate on the PS3 good? Or does it drop?
[quote name='RiCeBo1']So I got the 360 version which hasn't had any problems yet (played for 2 hours last night), but now I'm debating on going back and switching it out for the PS3 copy. The pop-ins are driving me nus, I don't know why, maybe it's some sort of OCD that I have. One thing I can say is that the framerate on the 360 is solid, haven't seen it drop yet. How is the framerate on the PS3 version? According to all sources minus Kotaku, the PS3 has the edge in visuals, load times, less pop ins, and a better framerate. Is the framerate on the PS3 good? Or does it drop?[/quote]
Pop in would drive me nuts too.
It's one of the more distracting things in any game. And a big reason why many PSX titles are nearly unplayable now.

I can't comment on framerate yet, I'll be playing tonight, but it's supposedly better.
[quote name='lbradeen']ps3fanboy posted a story about it being down and there are a lot of posts below it corroborating the issue. I just hope its up this evening after I get in some single player time.[/quote]

My ZITs aren't registering on the Rockstar Social Club, either...I'm assuming that the network needs to be functioning to get the info from my PS3 to the website. Has anyone gotten this to work?
I can understand it happening once.

But for it to happen to:

Halo, Call Of Duty, Warhawk, Metal Gear Online and now GTA IV just proves that Microsoft and Sony are too lazy to get their shit together.

Nothing like paying for 3/4 of a game and only being able to play 3/4 of it!

This is the kind of bullshit that proves that online gaming sucks.

And MS is going to have us downloading our games in five years time?

Yeah, right.
[quote name='dallow']Understand what happening?

That servers get overloaded during the initial launch of a game?[/quote]

I can understand that MS and Sony weren't prepared for the mass flux of gamers coming onto their servers.....once.

For it to happen repeatedly? Incompetence.
it's mostly because the infrastructure isn't there. They don't have the servers to handle a launch. You don't buy to compensate for a spike like launch. It's way too much money for a mostly one time thing. I mean that's why companies like Akamai are in business for hosting web content.
[quote name='Nephlabobo']I can understand that MS and Sony weren't prepared for the mass flux of gamers coming onto their servers.....once.

For it to happen repeatedly? Incompetence.[/quote]


I'm a network admin of a much much much smaller network than what they have going on. Regardless, if I were to get my ass kicked once because I didn't have the resources necessary to handle the load I would certainly make sure it never happened again.
Besides, it's not just Sony's servers...... Rockstar, IW, Bungie, Konami all have their own setups. And these kind of problems are brand new to them for each game, they aren't the same. There's no universal fix.
[quote name='hone']it's mostly because the infrastructure isn't there. They don't have the servers to handle a launch. You don't buy to compensate for a spike like launch. .[/quote]

Well the infrastructure sure as hell *should* be there for GTA, if any game, wouldn't you think?
No. Because just like he said, you don't buy to take care of the #1 spike that would ever happen, the games hugely anticpated launch. You buy and maintain the amount you need that will cover the most often used load on the servers.
Stop bitching.
There are more problems in the background than "spikes".
Things we have no idea about.

Once it's nice and smooth, it'll be so worth it.
Just like CoD4.
it's pretty standard dallow. Games industry aside. That's why rockstar probably contracted it out. They just want to focus on game dev and not the other stuff. Even websites do this kind of thing or iTunes or any web service. Hell ESPN contract outs all their media deliver as does ABC, NBC, etc. Gamespy probably had no idea for expectation on load. This was similar for WoW as well when running the MMO servers. Every time a patch would come out the servers would "die" or crawl. I mean now Blizzard contracts that stuff out. It's way too expensive to buy servers for something so infrequent. I mean I've worked for a company that takes these kind of contracts for media delivery and website stuff. You can then spread the distribution of these "spikes" because they don't happen at the same time for every company so it works out.
If the focus of the game was multiplayer then I would be pissed. GTA 4 single player is pretty deep that I can miss out on online for a week or two. I'm still exploring the city. Now if it was a game like Rainbow Six Vegas or Warhawk, then yeah that would be fucked up.

I got around 10 birds killed so far. Getting all of them is going to take forever. I'm going to collect them city by city.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Unfortunately, that's what happens when it's not on the service's servers. Live still seems to hold that one huge advantage.[/quote]
Yeah, XBL never goes down. Rock solid.
[quote name='dallow']Yeah, XBL never goes down. Rock solid.[/QUOTE]

Except for that time Santa Claus came to town. lol
Sarcasm aside, it's immensly more reliable. I've not seen any reports of it going down, have you?

I'm just saying for event like this, I know who I'd put my money with.
[quote name='Blackout542']I got around 10 birds killed so far. Getting all of them is going to take forever. I'm going to collect them city by city.[/quote]

Does the game introduce you to the pigeon-killing thing at some point, or are you just expected to figure it out (or read about it on the CAG forums)? ;)
60gb. 2 freezes in my first hour playing. First one seems like I triggered it while trying to open the phone right while it was starting an auto save. Second was just driving around.
[quote name='lbradeen']60gb. 2 freezes in my first hour playing. First one seems like I triggered it while trying to open the phone right while it was starting an auto save. Second was just driving around.[/QUOTE]

Delete the 3.34gb save file that was generated and left the game reinstall itself. That's the fix to the problem according to Rockstar.
bread's done