Grand Theft Auto IV - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='thrustbucket']Thank the PS3[/quote]

Amen to that. Gamestop has got to be loving this. They're earning a bunch of interest on everyone's pre-orders. I put mine in this summer for the LE GTA IV.... That's pure profit for them...
I was really excited for this game, but I'm actually glad it's getting pushed back. These last few months (hell, weeks) have been absolutely brutal on my wallet and my sleep schedule. I'm looking forward to a spring lull.
I'm guessing Oct 08.

I'm guessing you're right.

I think this 'string along' series of delays is just part of the manufactured short--wait, wrong thread, wrong conspiracy. No, I think it's Rockstar's way of keeping people off their backs and an 'everyone wins' scenario as they continue to secure more preorders. Well, everyone except the consumer, of course. (A summer release would be ideal for gamers, as it would give them some 'down time' to really immerse themselves in Liberty City.)

I have this sneaking feeling that Fall of '08 is going to see a lot of franchises not getting the degree of fiscal 'love' they're counting on. I think Halo Wars is going to be a relative flop*, I think by the time GTA IV hits, the gamer zeitgeist might have moved on a bit, and I really don't think Metal Gear Solid is going to generate the new PS3 owners like Sony is probably feverishly praying for. I also think Gears of War II is going to be met with a big "Who cares!", as the characters were as uninteresting as fuck, the story not much better, and the series won't have the graphical edge over all of the competition that it easily enjoyed a year ago.

Notice I didn't bring up a Wii flop. That can be read two ways, zealots.

*--Or maybe even an unequivocal one. I mean, will it earn the dollar of the RTS fan? The "Halo kiddies"?
Rockstar never said a date other than 2008 (after they delayed it this year) so as long as it comes out sometime next year it won't have been delayed again. With quite a few of the big releases delayed this year turned out to be pretty lackluster with only a few great games, hopefully GTA4 and others make next year better.
I'm...pretty sure there was at least initially a strong insinuation from somewhere in the R* camp that the game was a 'Spring' release (which I personally interpreted as around Memorial Day from the get-go, but whatever).

Too tired to find a link, but again, I don't think I'm imagining things here.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Thank the PS3[/quote]

Thank both the PS3 and 360. The PS3 for having 1/2 the memory the 360 has, and the 360 for having no dedicated storage device for development. I'm surprised they originally thought they could get it out by October of this past year, to be honest.
[quote name='johnnypark'][/quote]

Hey you!....Is your Avatar "Artie The World's Strongest Man"?

I used to watch that show alot when i was in middle school
[quote name='johnnypark']Thank both the PS3 and 360. The PS3 for having 1/2 the memory the 360 has, and the 360 for having no dedicated storage device for development. I'm surprised they originally thought they could get it out by October of this past year, to be honest.[/QUOTE]
The PS3 has just as much memory, it's just split up and therefore harder to program for.
[quote name='jollydwarf']
I have this sneaking feeling that Fall of '08 is going to see a lot of franchises not getting the degree of fiscal 'love' they're counting on. I think Halo Wars is going to be a relative flop*, I think by the time GTA IV hits, the gamer zeitgeist might have moved on a bit, and I really don't think Metal Gear Solid is going to generate the new PS3 owners like Sony is probably feverishly praying for. I also think Gears of War II is going to be met with a big "Who cares!", as the characters were as uninteresting as fuck, the story not much better, and the series won't have the graphical edge over all of the competition that it easily enjoyed a year ago.

Notice I didn't bring up a Wii flop. That can be read two ways, zealots.

*--Or maybe even an unequivocal one. I mean, will it earn the dollar of the RTS fan? The "Halo kiddies"?[/quote]

Agreed with Halo Wars, unless it's done REALLY well (though I have heard some buzz from a bunch of twenty-somethings who come in to pick up Halo 3, so you never know); fairly agreed with Metal Gear Solid 4 (the general consensus among my friends seems to be, "I love MGS, but it's not worth buying a PS3 for," same goes for Final Fantasy), and am I the only one really looking forward to Gears of War II (if only in the hopes they'll flesh out the story?).

As for GTA...I think that it won't be the juggernaut it was/is in it's heyday, but it'll still be a strong push. I still see a ton of parents buying past iterations of it for their twelve year old kids, and it's one of the more asked-for games at our store.
Jollydwarf no offense man but do you like "anything" in the gaming industry? I mean every post I read from you is this stinks, this will flop, this is pointless. Your not a very jolly dwarf at all o_O.

Back on topic I wouldn't be surprised either if GTA comes out in fall of next year from what their trying to do its a fairly expansive city and more immersive than its been before and trying to make it work on two very different architextures isn't easy. Course they could just be pumping up the hype(not that it helped with Manhunt2).
I like* The Orange Box, the VC, Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved, the "Make Love, Not Warcraft" South Park episode, the DualShock 2 and the 360 wireless,"1up Yours", "GFW Radio", and, of course, the motherShaq-fuin' CAGcast.

(Also, Chris in Cali's penchant for pissing off Nintendo zealots with approximately 98.5% less verbosity than my own posts.)

*--List not comprehensive.
Rockstar really knows how to put a good trailer together. Although we didn't learn a lot from this one about the game...its still awesome and the music is perfect.
Just got a chance to see it without interruptions...this trailer got me excited for the game, the other two I was interested in but not excited. Can't wait.
I can't believe I'm going to say this but it looks kind of ugly. I know there's a lot going on in every scene but the characters don't look that detailed... the trailer is great though - looks like a lot of fun.
[quote name='javeryh']I can't believe I'm going to say this but it looks kind of ugly. I know there's a lot going on in every scene but the characters don't look that detailed... the trailer is great though - looks like a lot of fun.[/quote]

I agree, but at least the animation is solid. Still at the top of my list for next year.
The game will likely come out in mid 2008, and yet, there's launch 360 games with faces and character models that completely blow GTAIV's away. At this point, I can't think of a single reason why I would rather play this over Saints Row 2.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']The game will likely come out in mid 2008, and yet, there's launch 360 games with faces and character models that completely blow GTAIV's away. At this point, I can't think of a single reason why I would rather play this over Saints Row 2.[/QUOTE]

if facial models are what you're woried about in this game, I'd be a bit more concerned with how good the city and livelyness of everything is. The faces will take a hit back when you got about 100 million things going on screen at once.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']The game will likely come out in mid 2008, and yet, there's launch 360 games with faces and character models that completely blow GTAIV's away. At this point, I can't think of a single reason why I would rather play this over Saints Row 2.[/QUOTE]

Semi Agreed. Saint's Row was an awesome game but can Saint's Row 2 live up to the expectations? Same as GTA4. I hope so :D
Am I alone in feeling that the graphical detail took a hit since "Previously, on GTA IV..." (i.e. the last trailer for those who are doomed to take everything on the Internet literally)?

Whether that's the case or not, I'm just not particularly excited about this game. I sense that this franchise is past its (pop culture) peak, which is not to say that this game won't sell incredibly well, but that people will be buying it because a.) it's one of the two or three franchises they purchase or b.) it's kind of habit at this point. I just think "the thrill is gone".

For me, its luster has been receding since early this Autumn, so by the time it actually ships (October, in my estimates), I'll probably be, for all intents and purposes, indifferent towards it. I'll bet I'm not alone there.
[quote name='jollydwarf']Am I alone in feeling that the graphical detail took a hit since "Previously, on GTA IV..." (i.e. the last trailer for those who are doomed to take everything on the Internet literally)?

Whether that's the case or not, I'm just not particularly excited about this game. I sense that this franchise is past its (pop culture) peak, which is not to say that this game won't sell incredibly well, but that people will be buying it because a.) it's one of the two or three franchises they purchase or b.) it's kind of habit at this point. I just think "the thrill is gone".

For me, its luster has been receding since early this Autumn, so by the time it actually ships (October, in my estimates), I'll probably be, for all intents and purposes, indifferent towards it. I'll bet I'm not alone there.[/QUOTE]

I'm already starting to get there. It seems like the more time that goes by with the more news that comes out, the less I want to get GTA IV. I can't say for certain if I'll get it or not but I'm leaning more toward the not.

Between taking away things we were accustomed to in GTA San Andreas like multiplayer (even if it was kind of limited), customizable main character (which wasn't spectacular but was kinda fun to play with) , and planes (which were just plain awesome) and the graphics seeming to be nothing really spectacular (not bad just not very good either) they really haven't sold me on this being something to get hyped about. Let's not forgot the delays... Saint's Row 2 seems to be where I'm gonna get all these things that I want out of a sandbox open-end game so it therefore has me more excited at this point.
[quote name='ananag112']Why do so many people care about graphics in a GTA game?[/quote]

I care about smooth framerates, but I dont want it too run smooth and look like a PS2 game.
I think the game looks awesome. With that said, GTA has never been about high end graphics. The gameplay and story are always great, and graphics always been good enough to pull it off. But this game is actually better looking then i had hoped.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I'm already starting to get there. It seems like the more time that goes by with the more news that comes out, the less I want to get GTA IV. I can't say for certain if I'll get it or not but I'm leaning more toward the not.

Between taking away things we were accustomed to in GTA San Andreas like multiplayer (even if it was kind of limited), customizable main character (which wasn't spectacular but was kinda fun to play with) , and planes (which were just plain awesome) and the graphics seeming to be nothing really spectacular (not bad just not very good either) they really haven't sold me on this being something to get hyped about. Let's not forgot the delays... Saint's Row 2 seems to be where I'm gonna get all these things that I want out of a sandbox open-end game so it therefore has me more excited at this point.[/quote]

I'm sort of in the same boat, but then again I think of just a few things that they stated about this game that's going to have a 1 up over the other GTA's.

They claim more realistic and lifelike city, smaller than San Andreas, but the size of Vice City. Within the area of the game they claim to have a ton more interactivity in the environment, more indoor areas, and jacking cars will be harder and require sometimes to break in and or hotwire a car.

It's s bit of a step back, but Rockstar is trying a few new things here. And I can say that i'm sure people won't be disappointed.
[quote name='help1']I care about smooth framerates, but I dont want it too run smooth and look like a PS2 game.[/QUOTE]
I agree with the sentiment, but I think comparing what we've seen in the trailers to a PS2 game is overstating it a bit. Yeah, the character models do not scream (or even whisper) "next-gen", but every other aspect of the graphics (environments, vehicles, explosions and fire, etc) look like a quantum leap for the series to me. It's not Gears or Bioshock, but it doesn't have to be, IMO.

I'm much more bothered by the lack of planes, but not so much that this isn't still my most anticipated game of 2008.
weit a minit u guyz~

I thought games were all about the gameplay...

Or does that mentality only apply to the Wii? :whistle2:k
I don't know where you guys spend your time in GTA, but I'm usually driving a car/heli/etc. As long as the vehicle physics are good, I'm happy.
bread's done