[quote name='poxi']After reading this I'm sure that my first preorder, Torchlight 2, is also my last preorder.[/QUOTE]
Don't see Torchlight 2 listed on the GMG site. Did they have at one point then pull it off?
[quote name='dEvAnGeL']i hear you, one more thing is really bothering me is how choppy the game looks with vsync on, considering the ingame vsync does not work, when you force the vsync on your video card settings and the game is running at 60 frames it looks like its running at 15 frames, super choppy, i also couldn't find that config file they mentioned, im regretting this purchase[/QUOTE]
I had to force Vsync through D3DOverridder since my Catalyst Control Center will not load up for some reason. Once I did that the game runs smoothly at 60 FPS and my video card fan is not going like crazy. One other issue, Death looks AWFUL in the menu...looks like a PS1 version of him. WTF happened there I wonder?
Anyway, the worst part of all this is that GMG has said nothing about SD keys recently. It's 1 PM over there so I'm sure they're aware of the uproar and should be putting something out there to try to placate people.