GTA IV Lost and the Damned DLC - Are you buying it? - POLL

[quote name='Chris in Cali']Except Vice City was a completely new game, in a new city, with new game-play mechanics, vehicles, weapons, cast, controls, ect.

There will be new vehicles, weapons, and cast for the upcoming DLC... and perhaps "new parts" of the current city and for all we know different controls.

So in essence, this in more ways than not is a "completely new game" if not a "completely new experience."
[quote name='lordwow']This is not a completely new game.[/quote]

I guess you didn't comprehend the use of quotations and the reasoning as to why I said that.
I also hated the new driving physics in GTA 4, but I got used to them enough so that they didn't completely ruin the experience for me, and overall I loved the game. I finished it to 100%, and at the time I finished it, buying DLC for it would have been a no-brainer for me.

Now, though.... I don't know. Maybe it's because sooooo much time has gone by, maybe it's the $20 price point, maybe it's because in the time since I finished GTA 4 I've played Saints Row 2 and vastly preferred it. Whatever, I'm on the fence now.

I guess for me it will probably come down to what other CAGs are saying about it after playing it: how much of a new experience is it, how many hours of gameplay does it give, is it worth $20?
I sold my gta4 within the first 2 weeks of getting it. I enjoyed San Andreas so much that 4 was a huge let down. So in order to get the DLC I have to buy the game again which unless I hear that this is the best game ever, I just don't see a purchase in the future.
Taking a pass on the DLC. While I enjoyed the characters and story, the gameplay stopped being fun like in the previous GTA games. I've been playing Saints Row 2 and it feels (not looks, just feels) like what GTA IV could have been. The controls are pretty good (driving could be better but...) and the game is just fun to play. GTA IV started to feel like work when flying a helicopter or playing through a long missing where you fail at the end. The DLC is not going to be enough to bring me back.
Since, I bought the game itself for $7, I don't know if I can justify paying $20 for the DLC. If the DLC will ever come down in price, then maybe I'll consider. But I'm most likely not going to buy the DLC.
I am undecided....I haven't touched GTA4 in a while and I haven't completed the original story yet. However, the new content seems, I may get it as I have some points to burn.
Will probably buy. GTA4 hasn't seen the inside of my 360 since May or June and this DLC might just be the reason to get back to this game. Besides, nothing else coming out for the next month or so.
I agree on what content will be added, 20+ hr. of gameplay I might bite,

but atm... $20 for DLC is way to much for my budget..
I have to agree with everyone that says GTA4 was not "fun". I think I will wait until the price comes down before I even think about buying this DLC.
If the reviews are favorable I'll most likely bite. I say that now but who really knows when it comes out seeing as I still have GTA, Saints 2, Fallout 3, and Rockband that need love. I think it's time for me to lock away my gift cards and concentrate on the games I currently have.
How can reviews not be favorable when nearly every publication and website has given GTA4 game of the year? Though I'll pass, GTA4 wasn't as great as I had hoped for.
I'd buy it for $20 if it had Shivering Isles length to it. And a LOT more clothing options. Maybe more multiplayer modes. For $20 it's gotta feel like an expansion, not traditional DLC.
Is it almost February 17 already? It must be, because the new Grand Theft Auto 4: The Lost and Damned achievements have been revealed. Rockstarwatch has the information on the new achievements as well as a new screenshot, which you can see above. Examples include "Get Good Wood," which entails whacking 69 bikers with a bat. Oh Rockstar, you're so witty.
Full list of achievements after the jump.

  • Get Good Wood (50 gp) In the Bike Races, whack off 69 bikers with a bat.
  • Easy Rider (100 gp) Finish The Story
  • Full Chat (70 gp) Your backup are riding at their best!
  • The Lost Boy (25 gp) All hail the leader of The Lost!
  • One Percenter (5 gp) Billy is back on his bike.
I give it a pretty big "Meh".
I have so many other titles to play, that I never even started playing this game.
Even though I've owned it since it came out.
Thanks in most part to Gears and COD4.
I do not support DLC in any form unless it is free- I don't want to spend mone on something I can't resell/collect (which is why I imported Siren NT) and I too am worried about games being release exclusively as downloads. Also, the entire GTA4 game could be had for $7.50, $20 for DLC is ridiculous. Also again, I think the game has lost its momentum and the DLC isn't that exciting.
I think that the DLC is too much for what it is.......... I might pick it up but the price will have to drop a little before i even consider picking this up you guys
I was disappointed with GTA4, i eactually liked the driving in the older games, plus screwing around with planes and copters.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']I'd buy it for $20 if it had Shivering Isles length to it. And a LOT more clothing options. Maybe more multiplayer modes. For $20 it's gotta feel like an expansion, not traditional DLC.[/quote]

What outfit you get to wear is a big determination on whether you get GTA content or not? That is suprising. I never really cared what Niko was in. Even though it 'supposedly' had an effect or your dates (other than dialogue, I saw no difference) I just pretty much stuck with the suit I needed from 4 Leaf Clover / The Interview. I think I changed into the GTA3 suit once just cause I had it. But clothes is the least of my concerns in GTA games.

Still wonder why so many failed to complete the storyline....
Compared to San Andreas you would have thought there would have been more clothes then what they have to customize your character, but from what I read, since Niko is not the main character in the expansion I don't expect any new clothes for him, doesn't matter to me though i'm still buying.
[quote name='mykevermin']The car physics made it considerably less fun to joyride around town, which was one of the things that drew me to the series in the first place.[/quote]

Personally i liked the car physics. But i suppose if you didnt like it then it would be annoying since it is a major part of GTA :)
. According to Rockstar, Lost and Damned will be equivalent to a third of GTA4's story missions, so the content is there. You just have to be willing to drop the cash.

So yeah, it seems like it'll be a ton of content. If you can get the game used for like $10 + $20 for this... that's NOT bad at all.

If you're a fan of the game, it's a simple buy no problems.

If you didn't like the GTA IV all that much then yeah I'd probably stay away... as for a price drop... that may be many many months...
Ok, now that we have a $20 confirmation, I've gone from "probably not" to "definitely not."

Not that the price is that surprising.

We take the motorcycle gang for a spin in this new Liberty City-based story.
By Greg Ford 01/22/2009


"With The Lost and Damned, we're re-envisioning what GTA4 was," Rockstar VP of Development Jeronimo Barrera tells me. He goes on to explain that while Liberty City returns in all its impressive glory in this first Grand Theft Auto 4 downloadable episode for Xbox 360 -- from its skyscraper-lined corridors to the scores of virtual people going about their virtual lives -- the story takes on a new direction. Rather than following the tale of an immigrant and having the player discover this grand city alongside him, The Lost and Damned tells the tale of Johnny Klebitz, the vice president of The Lost motorcycle gang (which you may remember from a mission in GTA4) and someone who knows the city well. So whereas Niko had to make friends and connections and unlock safe houses, Johnny is already an established member of the metropolis. The dichotomy between the game proper and its offshoot is immediately apparent upon setting up a game. When you choose the New Game option, you can select either Grand Theft Auto 4 or The Lost and Damned from the menu. The games are separate entities, and saves from your GTA4 game don't have any impact on your Lost and Damned experience (you can have a save in each). The only requirement is that you own GTA4 before purchasing this $20 episode. And while hopping around these menu options, you may notice some slight differences, like the menus' gold highlighted font appearing red in The Lost and Damned. More notably, the game will feature new music, weapons, characters, television programming, Internet, and minigames -- not to mention new multiplayer modes and "superpeds" (those pedestrians with one-off or multiple-mission ministories who appeared as blue people icons on the radar) that Barrera was still hush-hush about. But enough of the small details -- let's get to the goods.

Click the image above to check out all Grand Theft Auto 4: The Lost and Damned screens.

The setup has second-in-command Johnny taking The Lost, in the absence of rehabbing president Billy, from a gang steeped in violence and drugs to one more focused on profit. But when Billy returns, he immediately goes back to his old habits. The first mission I played involved retaliation against a rival gang, the Angels of Death, and it introduced the powerful grenade launcher. Sending grenades over the Angels' cover, hearing the tink-tink-tink of the settling ordnance, and then watching the resulting explosion and rag-dolling enemies proved satisfying. Also in this mission -- as will be the case with most others -- you'll be doing it with multiple members of The Lost. While you don't have any sort of squad controls, your brethren will fight alongside you, giving you the sense that you are indeed part of a larger gang. This even translates to the road. When driving your custom bikes (which have tighter controls and are harder to fall off of compared to GTA4's bikes), you're encouraged to ride in formation, with an icon appearing on the ground for you to line up in if you fall behind. The Lost's safe houses, meanwhile, are filled with gang members and minigames, including arm wrestling and a high/low card game. When I compared it to the bustling home base of the Warriors gang in Rockstar's game of the same name, Barrera said that was pretty accurate.
The next mission hammered home the idea that while, yes, this is a separate story from GTA4's, it takes place in the same time and world. Remember that rollicking house party put on by Elizabeta, with Niko and Playboy X talking drug deals? Well, now you see it from Johnny's perspective, but this time, when that twitchy, overanxious undercover cop sours the deal at the buyers' place, you tackle the cops head-on while Niko and Playboy head up to the roof. The gunplay retains the same cover-based action as before, but with the addition of some new weapons. I already talked about the grenade launcher, but you'll also come across a punchy automatic pistol, pipe bombs, and sawed-off and assault shotguns, which can be used while on the two-wheelers.

Click the image above to check out all Grand Theft Auto 4: The Lost and Damned screens.

The final mission I played also seemed familiar, but not because of the characters involved: It was a typical "turret" mission in which you ride shotgun -- in this case on the back of a motorcycle -- as the A.I. handles the driving duties. Appropriately enough, Johnny uses an unlimited-ammo automatic shotgun for the dirty work here, which packs an incredible punch as he takes out police cruisers and choppers. So yeah, this part felt like more of the same, but it was still fun in that "on-rails, light-gun" way, peppered with some cinematic yet still-interactive set-piece moments, including an exploding gas station that sees you popping through all Michael Bay-style.
It's encouraging that Rockstar had planned this content while creating GTA4. Johnny is present in some of those GTA4 cut-scenes (which fans with copious time on their hands will likely pore over now), and The Lost and Damned has been in development ever since that game finished. Still, that amounts to roughly a year, certainly a lot less time than it took to create GTA4. When I asked if they got everything they had hoped to in this first episode, Barrera says: "We never get everything we want in.... But are we happy? Absolutely...We delivered the best that we could for DLC."
[quote name='xDARKx Knight']Personally i liked the car physics. But i suppose if you didnt like it then it would be annoying since it is a major part of GTA :)[/quote]

I liked the original physics better but I got used to and appreciated the physics in GTA4. What I absolutely hate though is the camera, you have to be constantly centering it behind your car. The driving physics is definitely more chanllenging by itself so the last thing I want to be doing is baby sitting the camera- it %100 ruined the game for me.
I'll get it. I think it's interesting to see all the criticism creep out now as opposed to when the game first came out.
I just read on Joystiq that it's been priced at 1600 points. I don't really think thats too over the top I mean it says "between 10 and 20 hours of new gameplay" which is pretty good I think. How much was that Oblivion DLC? I'm pretty sure that was over 2000 points and how long was it (gameplay length)?

I think that should be what we compare the Lost and Damned to.

My main turn off is that you're not playing as Niko anymore. He was cool I don't want to be some other character. Although if they released a disc based addition of the it I may consider it - big file size = pain in the ass.
Im liking some of the new weapons. Still doesnt make me wanna buy it though...

Wonder how long it will take for the price to come down, because it obviously will sooner or later.
[quote name='xDARKx Knight']Im liking some of the new weapons. Still doesnt make me wanna buy it though...

Wonder how long it will take for the price to come down, because it obviously will sooner or later.[/quote]

I wonder. Are there many examples of DLC where the price has dropped permanently? I know they do occasional "sales" but wasn't aware that MS regularly cuts prices once something's been up on Live for a while.
[quote name='DanD326']Am I the only one who thinks that screenshot could be a pic of Jason Kidd?[/quote]

It looks just like him
#1. considering some people dumb people paid $30 for Oblivion DLC this is cheap

#2. I bought a 1600 point card at Circuit City for $13 bucks so I am saving $7 right there.

#3. It adds about 5 new weapons and 12 new items to GTA 4, so It will be worth a Play throught or a finsih from me.

#4. It adds new clothes and vehicles

So Yes.
bread's done