Guitar Hero II - General Disscusion - Indie Pack #2 - 3 Songs Up Now

Thanks for the link Scorch.

My whammy bar seems to be just fine. The tilt function works far better than my GH guitar though. That one I had to put all the way up vertical, but this one takes far less effort. It feels far better than the original guitar on the whole. It's far more solid especially the fret board/neck.
Damn. With all these whammy bar and star power problems, I'm beginning to not regret spending all my money on the big Robotech set last Sunday. Looks like I'm gonna wait a few months to get this. Time will iron out the problems. I'd pick up the PS2 version, but I need Billion Dollar Babies.

Also, does the bottom guitar in that pic posted a few pages back even have a mic port at all? I'd be pissed if I got a guitar without a mic port when it should have one.
[quote name='Chuplayer']Also, does the bottom guitar in that pic posted a few pages back even have a mic port at all? I'd be pissed if I got a guitar without a mic port when it should have one.[/quote]Yes, the mic port is in the same spot, they just moved the other jack down where the cord comes out.
[quote name='gizmogc']Man I suck at this...Starting at easy and I average about 60k a song. Never played a GH before. Getting starpower is a pain...[/quote]
You'll get better at it in no time. I too never played it and was averaging about 3 to 4 stars on easy mode but now that I beat the game on easy, I'm getting mostly 5 stars on medium. Also, you only get around 60k on easy since there are so few frets and notes. On medium, 100k is average since there are 4 frets and much more notes. I'm guessing the achievements for 200k and up are only possible on hard and expert since they must have quadrduple the notes that easy mode has.
Here is my Guitar Hero 2 Video Review for the Xbox 360. I encourage everyone to get this game because it is one of the few games to get it right, with the music, the controller, and everything. This game is definitely worth checking out for any music lover or casual gamer out there.

Leave any questions, comments, or advice in this thread. Thanks!
Detroit Tigers fans (and haters) be sure to watch the (extremely lengthy) credits...not only do you get an achievement, there's a little joke at the very end.

[quote name='Kendal']So what did everyone name their band? Mine is the Beef Danglers.[/QUOTE]
Orange Meat 9. Was the name of my first band back in middle school ('93-ish).

[quote name='shipwreck']Damn you pinky, go where I tell you![/QUOTE]

No foolin'. This bugs me when I play regular guitar too.
To the people with Whammy Bar problems: Did you try moving it around at a different angle to see if it works better? For me it seems to work better if I hold it parallell to the guitar so that I can easily reach down and press it. When I had it turned any other way, it seemed that you have to press really hard on it and sometimes it didnt even work. Not even sure why they gave you the option to move it around.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']To the people with Whammy Bar problems: Did you try moving it around at a different angle to see if it works better?...Not even sure why they gave you the option to move it around.[/QUOTE]

So lefty's like me could use it.

About the whammy bar problems though....does anyone think it just needs to be broken in? The bar on the Xplorer is *a lot* tighter than the one on my SG controller, so that could be it.

The whammy bar was very unresponsive for me at first. I usually had to jiggle it around for a few seconds before the effect kicked in. The more I played though, the better it worked. I just finished playing for about an hour and the last half hour I was playing, I didn't have any problem with it whatsoever. So maybe you just need to play with it for a while and break it in.
Wow ... this game is amazing. I've never played a GH game before and I'm glad I waited since I've only had to buy one copy of the game. Whammy bar works fine for me, but hitting those far notes on hard is next to impossible.

I got my g/f to play and she rocked Salvation on easy ... not bad for somebody who doesn't play games.
I bought my copy of GH2 and haven't opened it yet. I am worried that I'll get frustrated and rue my copy. Most of you who have the game, are you first timers or have you had experience with the PS2 version.

I am looking for the noobie view on the game.

First time ever playing a GH game.

This is the most fun i've had with my 360 since launch.

Everyone who is on the fence-- YOU ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO PLAY THIS!

My band is named "Mass Flatulence"

Can't wait till I get home from work tomorrow to jam once again.
Got mine from RedOctane yesterday, having a great time with the game! First time playing a Guitar Hero game and I'm enjoying it a lot, especially since I used to play a lot of Frequency and Amplitude on PS2. I finished the Easy tour so far, plan to start on medium later today. Haven't had any problems with my X-Plorer guitar, everything works fine.
I messed around with it more and my whammy bar seems to have a sweet spot. If it's pointed left along with the guitar then it doesn't register all the time but if you have it at a good down and a lil left angle it works 100%. It takes a little more to push it in this way so maybe it just registers better. Anyone else having troubles might give this a try. Great game. :D
[quote name='Dante Devil']I bought my copy of GH2 and haven't opened it yet. I am worried that I'll get frustrated and rue my copy. Most of you who have the game, are you first timers or have you had experience with the PS2 version.

I am looking for the noobie view on the game.


I am a first timer and my left hand is useless. I am finding that this game is helping me develop my left hand better. Also, Kanerobot, what was the joke, all I saw was his name. Can you spoiler tag it for me. I really don't want to sit through the credits again.
I believe I have the bottom guitar and it seems ok. I'm a GH virgin though, so I don't know much. I didn't even know about "Star Power" I guess I should go through the tutorials.

MY wife really enjoyed the game also....I was sceptic at first, but enjoy the game.
[quote name='GF_Eric']Is anyone else not liking the X-Plorer guitar?[/QUOTE]
I prefer the new one, it feels more solid to me. I might be biased since I own a real Explorer (same as the black one that's in the game), but it was tricky to go back to the SG yesterday after had been playing with the Xplorer.

[quote name='Chuplayer']Damn. With all these whammy bar and star power problems, I'm beginning to not regret spending all my money on the big Robotech set last Sunday. Looks like I'm gonna wait a few months to get this. Time will iron out the problems. I'd pick up the PS2 version, but I need Billion Dollar Babies.[/QUOTE]
I believe I have the "problem" one as well, and it works great. Better to get it now so you can get it discounted or with the free points or gig bag.

Oh, and I was impressed with the bag as well. I was expecting some half-assed plastic slipcase thing, but it's actually like a real guitar bag for the GH controller. The pouch on the front for the game is a nice touch.

[quote name='Kendal']I am a first timer and my left hand is useless. I am finding that this game is helping me develop my left hand better. Also, Kanerobot, what was the joke, all I saw was his name. Can you spoiler tag it for me. I really don't want to sit through the credits again.[/QUOTE]

There's no real reason to spoiler tag it, but if I didn't someone might complain, so....
No pitchers were harmed in the making of this game.

Except one.

Joel Zumaya.

He had it coming.

Here's the story behind it.
[quote name='Kendal']So what did everyone name their band? Mine is the Beef Danglers.[/quote]

LOL, that is hilarious. I named my band The Fanboys. Thats definately not as good as the Beef Danglers.
I barely use my pinky, it's all about shifting your hand.

Anyone who's gonna play this a bunch, feel free to send me a friend request, I need more people on my friends list to compare scores to.
I still haven't received a shipping confirmation email from Red Octane. Did those of you who got their shipments already do free shipping or paid?
[quote name='cleaver']Stupid question: if you're a righty, are you supposed to strum with your right and press the buttons with your left?[/quote]

[quote name='cleaver']Stupid question: if you're a righty, are you supposed to strum with your right and press the buttons with your left?[/quote]

Im left handed and I play like that, so yeah.. you are. SHIFT YOUR WHOLE HAND, the pinky thing becomes stressful unless you've got huge monster hands.
[quote name='Kendal']So what did everyone name their band? Mine is the Beef Danglers.[/quote]

haha, thats a great name.
i named my band rocketsauce
Band names-

Guitar Hero: "Beef Curtains"
Guitar Hero 2: "Smegma"

Gross? Yep. Funny when someone asks "What the hell are Beef Curtains?" You bet!
Dear sweet Jesus, that Butthole Surfers song and Monkey Wrench by the Foo Fighters are probably the worst songs to play EVAR. I unlocked Sweet Child O'Mine thinking it would be my favorite but it was pretty bland. So far my favorites are Possum Kingdom, Cherry Pie, and Mother.

Oh and getting the 100% perfect notes achievement was pretty nerve-wracking. The Alice Cooper song on easy is probably the best way to get it.
[quote name='zola']Just beat the game on expert but talk about total bummer that the achievements don't stack... going back to easy is painful[/QUOTE]

Glad I started on easy.
[quote name='Kendro']Dear sweet Jesus, that Butthole Surfers song and Monkey Wrench by the Foo Fighters are probably the worst songs to play EVAR. [/quote]

You think those are exhausting? Wait until you get to Freya.
Played co-op for the first time last night. Its different but its a blast, too bad you can't go through the career in co-op. Oh and its neary impossible to get 5 star rating in co-op, you both basically have to get 99%-100%. There was times where we both had low 90's% and only got 3 stars.
Anyone know of any guides that make me not suck. I got to Psychobilly freakout on hard and I can't get past it.
I wish there was an option to mark songs as your favorite in the game. I was quickly going through some of the songs last night and didn't get a chance to note the songs that I really enjoyed playing.
[quote name='Kendro']

Oh and getting the 100% perfect notes achievement was pretty nerve-wracking. The Alice Cooper song on easy is probably the best way to get it.[/quote]

Woman on easy is another good choice for the 100%. I'm a GH noob and I missed one note on it the first time I played it and perfect on my third try. I'm still on easy but i'm getting 4-5 stars on most every song with ease now. I wish i'd gotten into this game along time ago! :drool:
so id never played gh or any types of music games before.
i opened it up and went to quick play, failed my first time as i had NO idea what to do. started to get the hang of it, did pretty good on mother.
my wifes sitting there watchign me and i say well lets see how expert wife laughed so hard she was choking. after i of course fail the song, amidst her laughter i hear, " i think you got 3 right" i love this game.
[quote name='derder']Anyone know of any guides that make me not suck. I got to Psychobilly freakout on hard and I can't get past it.[/quote]
That is the hardest song in the game for me, got through it on 3 stars somehow though. I fuckin hate that song now.
[quote name='Brak']My pinky is worthless.[/quote]

It gets better with practice. I've got a leg up in that I've beaten the PS2 version all the way through hard (and now 5 Starred all the songs on hard, too) but I remember the early days with GH1 (which, FYI, was a lot more difficult on medium, IMHO), trying to teach my pinky to hit blue was a pain. I can still have issues with red/blue chords, for some odd reason. Those 2 fingers don't play nice together.

FYI, I actually only use the "hand slide" if there is a blue/oj (or some combo using them) coming up. Otherwise I just stretch the old pinky out to hit the oj button.

Oh, and I still can't really touch Expert...too freaking fast for me.
Found this floating around, for those unsure about the status of their guitar, try this:

1. Plug your guitar into your PC

2. Go to Control Panel, click game controllers

3. Click properties on Guitar Hero X-Plorer

4. On the test tab you will be able to test all the buttons on the guitar for proper functionality
The one thing I am worried about is my finger placement. On easy mode, I had my first 3 fingers on the frets. Medium I use all 4 (basically one fret per finger). But on hard and expert, I hear you have to use all 5 frets so I'm starting to think that maybe it is important to learn how to slide your hand up and down so that each finger has different frets for each different position. The only problem is that it is permanently engraved into my mind that green is pointer finger, pinky is blue, etc.
Today was my lucky day. I didn't get my M$ red ring of death refund in the mail until yesterday. Could find GH anywhere. Called EB this morning and someone cancelled their reservation. 2 hrs and 7 mins until I get outta the office and head home to rock.
Last night I beat the game on medium with all 5 stars. Hard I will be able to do but expert man I don't think I will ever get that achievement for all 5 stars.
[quote name='Kendro']The one thing I am worried about is my finger placement. On easy mode, I had my first 3 fingers on the frets. Medium I use all 4 (basically one fret per finger). But on hard and expert, I hear you have to use all 5 frets so I'm starting to think that maybe it is important to learn how to slide your hand up and down so that each finger has different frets for each different position. The only problem is that it is permanently engraved into my mind that green is pointer finger, pinky is blue, etc.[/quote]

I'd start reprogramming yourself now. I did the same thing (tying a finger to a color) and it makes the Hard songs... well, really freaking Hard. Now that I've learned to move my index finger up and down the fretboard songs are becoming a lot easier to play - I just worked though about 75% of the Hard songs on my PS2 before switching over to the 360 yesterday. I started on Medium and I've done 11 songs and got 5 stars on all of them quite easily. I'm confident that when I go through Hard again it will be a lot easier for me...
bread's done