Guitar Hero II - General Disscusion - Indie Pack #2 - 3 Songs Up Now

[quote name='MrBadExample']I still haven't received a shipping confirmation email from Red Octane. Did those of you who got their shipments already do free shipping or paid?[/QUOTE]

Did FREE shipping with the coupon code and I got my bag and game around noon yesterday. I live in Indiana.
[quote name='Kendro']The one thing I am worried about is my finger placement. On easy mode, I had my first 3 fingers on the frets. Medium I use all 4 (basically one fret per finger). But on hard and expert, I hear you have to use all 5 frets so I'm starting to think that maybe it is important to learn how to slide your hand up and down so that each finger has different frets for each different position. The only problem is that it is permanently engraved into my mind that green is pointer finger, pinky is blue, etc.[/quote]

Once you get to Hard/Expert you'll have to get used to shifting up and down to hit all 5. I usually just keep my 4 fingers up top and then shift all 4 down on parts that require the bottom note. It does lead to some interesting mess ups on occassion where you think you are shifted onto certain buttons that you actually arent. You'll hit about 10 wrong notes before realizing the error :p
[quote name='zola']Did FREE shipping with the coupon code and I got my bag and game around noon yesterday. I live in Indiana.[/QUOTE]
Yep, mine was waiting for me at lunch today. Now if I can wait just 2 hours to get home and play it. Kudos to Red Octane for the quick free shipping.
[quote name='delirium266']You think those are exhausting? Wait until you get to Freya.[/quote]

That song is ridiculous on Expert. Took me a while to beat on my PS2 and I thought my hand was going to implode on itself. There are a couple parts where you have to play some pretty difficult chains over and over and over and over and over and over...........
[quote name='SpecTrE3353']That song is ridiculous on Expert. Took me a while to beat on my PS2 and I thought my hand was going to implode on itself. There are a couple parts where you have to play some pretty difficult chains over and over and over and over and over and over...........[/quote]

Freya = worst. song. ever.
I got 5 "gold" (Or yellow..whatever) stars on a I got 100% on it, so I assume that's why, but I've gotten 100% before and I didn't get "gold" stars on that song.
[quote name='KongaKing']I got 5 "gold" (Or yellow..whatever) stars on a I got 100% on it, so I assume that's why, but I've gotten 100% before and I didn't get "gold" stars on that song.[/QUOTE]
You get the gold stars for FCing a song (Full Combo), meaning you combo'd the whole song. You may have overstrummed a note on those other 100%s and lost your multiplier, but still hit every note.
[quote name='Kendal']Where is the lefty flip?[/quote]

Pause right before a song begins and go to Video Options.

I did it with "Cherry Pie" on Hard and it wasn't THAT bad, just that my right hand is horrible at fretting notes, yet my left hand is great at strumming.
[quote name='Kendal']Where is the lefty flip?[/QUOTE]

Options menu.

For some reason, I had a major pain playing the yellow notes despite the fact they're in the small place on the screen.

I just sorta half assed my way through Surrender on easy to get the achievement.
[quote name='Kendal']Awesome, does it work on easy as well? For the acheivement that is.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, you can get the lefty flip achievement on easy, I set mine right away to lefty since I'm left handed and got it on my first song on easy.
I know that there's not a lot of Rock fans out there in general, has this game changed some of you non-rock listeners to branch out to rock after playing these games?
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I know that there's not a lot of Rock fans out there in general, has this game changed some of you non-rock listeners to branch out to rock after playing these games?[/QUOTE]

I haven't played GH2 yet, but after playing GH1, I began to appreciate classic rock songs even more. Now stuff like Crossroads and Killer Queen sound better to me.
I just heard Hotel California today on shuffle mode on my iPod and I want that song. It's decidedly slower than most songs on GH, but I still wanna play it.
I can't wait 'til they release the tracks from the first Guitar Hero.

I've always wanted to play some Queens of the Stone Age and White Zombie.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I know that there's not a lot of Rock fans out there in general, has this game changed some of you non-rock listeners to branch out to rock after playing these games?[/quote]I've not been totally removed from Rock in general, but I think this game has gotten me to look into broadening my horizons a bit in terms of both classic and mondern stuff.

I was listening to the Genesis CD Invisible Touch this afternoon and thinking how a number of those songs could be a lot of fun for the 80s mix. Distrubed even recently redid Land of Confusion (which rocks), and I'd love to have that in a GH game. :)
[quote name='Brak']I can't wait 'til they release the tracks from the first Guitar Hero.

I've always wanted to play some Queens of the Stone Age and White Zombie.[/QUOTE]

The Queens of the Stone Age song was the one that made me a Guitar Hero fan for life .... It was 4:00 am and it was the first song that i hit every note - i think i actually yelled 'YEAH' when i finished, and i was alone ... i downloaded the whole CD after that!!!!
[quote name='GenDV138']Yeah, you can get the lefty flip achievement on easy, I set mine right away to lefty since I'm left handed and got it on my first song on easy.[/quote]

Same here. I would have to say that is about the easiest achievement I ever got in a 360 game...and I finished Madden 06!

Kind of a dumb achievement, but I'll take it as a freebie.

EDIT: I was watching the tutorial someone posted for Gamealmighty, and it made me appreciate something about the wammy bar and playing left handed. (I was wondering why my wife, a righty, had problems with it.)

I keep it pointing up, so that the inside of my left wrist is just about laying on it, so when I get to a sustained note, I can just move my arm a little and never have to take my hand off the "pick." Dumb observation I know, but I just now realized that....
Does anybody else have a problem with their strum bar? Mine likes to stick in one spot after I strum it, instead of going back to the neutral position. I'm really hoping it's something that'll go away with use because I really don't want to go through the hassle of getting a replacement.
Well, I just beat Freebird on Medium. I think I need to go back and really master some of the medium-level songs before moving on to hard.

But for now, I'm going to take the twisted, mangled claws that used to be my hands and head to bed. Night all :)
I was never able to play left flip on the PS2 version but on the 360 I 5 starred my first try. I may just keep playing and practicing left flip and see if that works better for me. I play pretty good playing standard right but I have never been able to play on hard so I really have to practice to tackle that mode .
[quote name='modium']Does anybody else have a problem with their strum bar? Mine likes to stick in one spot after I strum it, instead of going back to the neutral position. I'm really hoping it's something that'll go away with use because I really don't want to go through the hassle of getting a replacement.[/quote]
I'd go with a replacement. Some of the really fast songs you need to be able to strum like 3 times in a second so it'll be really difficult if it doesn't spring back to netural.

[quote name='daroga']But for now, I'm going to take the twisted, mangled claws that used to be my hands and head to bed. Night all :)[/quote]

Monkey Wrench on hard is by far the most fun to play.

I made it through Sweet Child O' Mine today on hard, a personal achievement for me.
[quote name='Brak']I love playing Heart-Shaped Box.[/QUOTE]
one o fmy brothers thought guitar hero was gay. when he stopped by today i had him play it. we stopped 2 1/2 hours later we stopped to go see a movie.
im havign a bi bbq saturday, this game will be played the entire day.
I might be the one of the few here who actually plays a real guitar, but for anyone else that does, do you use a pick? I have a very thick pick that I used for GH 1 when I went to a friend's house to play it (I can't do it like he can, he plays with his thumb on the strum bar and his fingers curling around the bottom of the guitar).

I've played this at a party he had and people thought I was weird/amazing just for using a pick. lol.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']too much personal info :lol:[/QUOTE]

Atleast it's not a sausage party, or is it?

These credits are going on forever.

I got hungry and went to make a sandwich, it's still going.

Digested said sandwich and got the cravings for dessert, baked a cake, ate it and it's still going.
[quote name='PlumeNoir']Same here. I would have to say that is about the easiest achievement I ever got in a 360 game...and I finished Madden 06!

Kind of a dumb achievement, but I'll take it as a freebie.

Fail a song on easy. That's the easiest achievement I've ever seen. I'm a little disappointed in the achievements actually. A lot of them are just dumb. I was hoping for more specific song score related ones (like score xx amount on Freebird on hard or something), not watch the credits, or buy all the guitars or fail a song or practice 3 songs. Oh well, the game is awesome anyway.
[quote name='Flyersfan']I might be the one of the few here who actually plays a real guitar, but for anyone else that does, do you use a pick? I have a very thick pick that I used for GH 1 when I went to a friend's house to play it (I can't do it like he can, he plays with his thumb on the strum bar and his fingers curling around the bottom of the guitar).

I've played this at a party he had and people thought I was weird/amazing just for using a pick. lol.[/quote]I've been playing for..sheesh, over 9 years now. I used a pick quite a bit when I first got GH1, but I quickly realized it was slowly killing my strum bar. It was tearing the finish off of it and making it squeak like crazy. I find it easier to hold it between your fingers as if it were a pick.
I started playing this game today for the first time ever and it was one of the funnest games I've played in a long time. Unfortunately my 360 decided to give me problems by flashing the "Disc is unreadable" there a solution to this? Anyways, I digress.

I've become pretty good on easy and I look forward to moving up to medium soon. The coolest part is the star mode or whatever and how you get to unleash it by tilting the guitar freakin cool, haha.
[quote name='modium']I've been playing for..sheesh, over 9 years now. I used a pick quite a bit when I first got GH1, but I quickly realized it was slowly killing my strum bar. It was tearing the finish off of it and making it squeak like crazy. I find it easier to hold it between your fingers as if it were a pick.[/quote]

That's the way I play....using the strum bar like it's a pick. It makes it easier, on hard, to be able to do up and down strums.
[quote name='SpecTrE3353']Once you get to Hard/Expert you'll have to get used to shifting up and down to hit all 5. I usually just keep my 4 fingers up top and then shift all 4 down on parts that require the bottom note. It does lead to some interesting mess ups on occassion where you think you are shifted onto certain buttons that you actually arent. You'll hit about 10 wrong notes before realizing the error :p[/quote]

That's exactly what I do after/when there is a blue/oj chord/combo. Shift, and leave it shifted until there is a green and I have to shift back up.

Otherwise, My pinky has no issues stretching from blue to oj. Maybe it's the long fingers.....not freaky buckethead long, but long enough.
[quote name='modium']Does anybody else have a problem with their strum bar? Mine likes to stick in one spot after I strum it, instead of going back to the neutral position. I'm really hoping it's something that'll go away with use because I really don't want to go through the hassle of getting a replacement.[/QUOTE]

I'm having the same problem with the whammy bar. it's a known issue and I guess Red Octane is "looking into it".

apparently, there are two versions of the Explorer that were produced.

here's the link from Joystiq:
This game is great. The only time I had played this before yesterday was in CC around Christmas. Everybody taking turns, having my fiance get excited because she got an achievement only to find out seconds later that it was failing a song on easy. Watching my 9yo son rock out on Possum Kingdom was pretty funny,too.

Good times, finally something to pry me away from GoW.
So what songs should I be playing to get 300,000 points? It doesn't seem possible to get that - nevermind 400,000 or 500,000...
I got mine on launch but now my problem is trying to find another guitar for it. I just can't get one anywhere and it is pissing me off to no end :(
[quote name='javeryh']So what songs should I be playing to get 300,000 points? It doesn't seem possible to get that - nevermind 400,000 or 500,000...[/quote]

Play on hard or expert, don't miss any notes and use your star power optimally. You can get there.
[quote name='javeryh']So what songs should I be playing to get 300,000 points? It doesn't seem possible to get that - nevermind 400,000 or 500,000...[/quote]

I think I got my 300,000 on Monkey Wrench on Hard.
bread's done