Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock - 8/21 Dragonforce Track Pack

[quote name='buttasuperb']Looks like the boss battles DLC will be free.[/QUOTE]

That's good news, but I'm not going to gush over Activision being philanthropists of the year just yet. Those songs should be free - so I'm reluctant to praise them for doing what they should do.

I'm curious if the PS3 will see this DLC at all, and if so, soon. EDIT: Later this month, alright. Two points for reading the press release!
I'll have to check out the trailers for the new DLC after work, probably pick up the Foo Fighters pack. Glad they are making the Boss Battle DLC free since they should be free.

Finished Expert last night, took me quite a few tries to beat Lou until I figured to keep restarting until the Whammy bar power-up was my first power-up and used that shortly after when Lou had a ton of rapid notes to strum. Just need to five star eight songs on the last two tiers, five starred Cult of Personality on Expert last night and that wasn't too bad.
[quote name='Nelo Ice']pfft i can play guitar hero acoustic[/quote]

Maybe you should try...Heroin Hero...but remember...YOU CAN NEVER CATCH THE DRAGON...
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Why the hell isn't the Foo's best song, Everlong, not in there? Ridiculous.[/quote]Please be in Rock Band.
[quote name='menikmati']Playing the drums to that song would be fucking badass.[/QUOTE]

I concur, I was just going to post that as well hah
Picked up both DLC's. Velvet Revolver's was a little dissappointing. The mastering seemed a little off, as the guitar was a little too quiet. Foo Fighters, on the other hand, is simply amazing. There's simply no other songs like them. Fast, but controlled, strumming, complex chord work, constantly moving up and down the neck... glorious. I just played on Hard, don't have time tonight to play expert. Can't wait though.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Yea, I think i'm gonna give up with Raining Blood on Expert. =([/QUOTE]
I got stuck on it yesterday. My last song before the boss then beating it. I never used the practice mode in GH2 but looks like I'll have to tackle it piece by piece here.
Ok can someone explain to me why I don't get any achievement when playing co-op but my wife does? They are all achievements I know i've qualified for, and many of them are just co-op achievements.
I got past mosh 1 a few times tonight. And could do it, and then I kept failing at around 60%.

Then all the sudden my skills of completing Mosh 1 vanished and now im stuck on it again...

I quit.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']I got past mosh 1 a few times tonight. And could do it, and then I kept failing at around 60%.

Then all the sudden my skills of completing Mosh 1 vanished and now im stuck on it again...

I quit.[/quote]

Thats funny because the exact same thing happened to me last night. I beat it once and got so excited I failed almost instantly after. Then I passed the mosh again and failed at about 96%. Five more tries and I didn't get passed mosh 1 again.
Jesus Christ I finally got past Slash on Hard. The "stacking" tip seemed to work for me but I was still having trouble... there were 4 or 5 times where I stacked 4 power-ups and unleashed them all in a row and it still didn't beat him (got him into the red though). I got lucky and got the amp overload at the very end of the song and that's what got him - I actually thought the song was over and I lost. I can't imagine him on Expert. I really like "Cherub Rock" and "Black Magic Woman" in the next tier...
[quote name='thrustbucket']Ok can someone explain to me why I don't get any achievement when playing co-op but my wife does? They are all achievements I know i've qualified for, and many of them are just co-op achievements.[/QUOTE]

for some reason only the first player gets coop achievements.
Halo 3 has not given me some achievements before (for instance, it said that I didn't get the achievements for completing campaigns 3 and 4, despite having the achievements for completing one, two, and FIVE.) Plus, earlier, I got the "Meet Your Maker" achievement for beating one of the devs, yet I'm fairly certain 1) I wasn't playing a dev and 2) I didn't win. :p
Yea Halo 3 didn't give me the achievements for beating Campaign. But I really don't want to go play it again so I don't care.

Thats funny because the exact same thing happened to me last night. I beat it once and got so excited I failed almost instantly after. Then I passed the mosh again and failed at about 96%. Five more tries and I didn't get passed mosh 1 again.

Thank you. I don't feel alone anymore... If I beat Mosh 1 I get to excited that I did it and then I start thinking of what im gonna do when I beat the song then I lose because i'm shaking to much... =/
[quote name='bigdsinferno']for some reason only the first player gets coop achievements.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='yukine']No, I've gotten co-op achievements by playing bass.[/QUOTE]

Co-Op achievements are borked in GHIII. When I started playing co-op (local) with my roommate, we noticed only the first to log in was getting them. A while later we are playing with me as Player 1, when it got really odd: on Monsters, the encore of the final tier, we managed to 100% the song (on medium). We both got the co-op 1000 note streak (Dynamic Duo), and the co-op 500,000 (Half Mil' Club) achievments, BUT only I got the co-op 100% (Leaders of the Pack), and the complete co-op tour (That's What Friends Are For) achievements.

On one song, one person gets 4 achievements, and the other gets 2? How does that make sense. This really needs to be fixed.
Hey everone, I talked to Cheapy and he liked the idea of starting our own CAG group on the community site. He joined up as well. We should try to get everyone possible to sign up for the site and join the CAGs so we can show how we stack up against everyone else in the community! Here is the link to our group:

Sign up today, join the group and lets show everone how CAGs do it in GHIII!

(Linkin maybe we can add this to the OP to get more people involved!)
[quote name='mykevermin']Mosh 1 on Raining Blood on Hard is very difficult for me. It's the only thing standing between me and a showdown with Lou.[/QUOTE]

Same here, I've finally beat all the songs on the last tier except for Raining Blood.
[quote name='porieux']I clicked 'join group' but I can't really tell if it worked.[/QUOTE]
Same for me , that site is always about a day and a half behind .:roll:
[quote name='porieux']I clicked 'join group' but I can't really tell if it worked.[/quote]

Yea, I have to go in and approve everyone since I'm the "leader". When you login hit the dropdown under your name in the upper right corner and select "My Tour Group" and you will be able to see everyone in the group now that I approved everyone!
I finally beat One on Expert today - it was the only thing standing in my way of the guitar battle with Lou.

Then I faced off with Lou...
And after about 10 tries, I've almost given up hope of ever beating Expert.
Has anyone found GH3 for PS2 to be really glitchy? I've had it freeze up on me at least three times, and one time it actually went original NES on me (giant color squares started appearing on the screen and blinking off and on). I've never had this problem with any other PS2 game; not even so much as freezing. This wasn't a big deal to me, though, until my GH3 data was suddenly unreadable last night. I ended up having to start all over again. Has any PS2 GH3 owners had any freezing or memory corruption happen? In general, does anyone think it could be the game, or is it more likely that my memory card is biting the dust?
I've had some lockups of the game in the 360 version, usually at a loading or transition screen. The console itself is fine (I can still get to the blade), but the game just stops for about 15 seconds and then continues like nothing ever happened.

Nothing so bad as losing my data, though. Did you turn it off while the game was accessing or saving to the card? That's how I lost all my PS2 GHII data early this year. :cry:
bread's done