Halo 3 Beta via Crackdown is up!

This game is awesome. It seems slower paced than Halo 2 which I like. The graphics look good enough for me, but I know it will only get better.
Weird, I couldn't tell if they changed it or not. Maybe that's because I used it for like 10 seconds then died.

I always wondered why they just didn't change the design of the needler and just make it look similar to the Assault Rifle but with a Covenant art style. Like have the same mannerisms. Or hell not even change it just make it the Covenant Assault Rifle.

Also glad they toned down the "n00b combo"
Woo-hoo! Waited a couple hours for the damn thing to download and what do I get when it's all said and done? fucking Game Over. I did the maintenence thing. Twice. Got nothing. Kinda sad how broken another venture through Microsoft actually is.
The Fix on bungie.net worked for me.
"I restarted crackdown and then I got the "Beta Over" message. Once you get that just do the following:


Go to the dashboard.
Go to the system tab
Select memory
Highlight your hard drive
Press Y
Press X, X, LB, RB, X, X
Say yes when prompted to do maintenance on your hard drive.

This will fix it, crackdown will update again, and then halo 3 beta will update.
It should work after that, it did for me.

And if you happen to encounter that little bug where there is no text in the beta after the beta updates, then here is the fix for that as well:


1. Restart your Xbox 360
2. Boot up the Halo 3 Beta
3. While the Halo 3 Beta is loading, immediately press up on the D-Pad and hold the A button until you see the Bungie logo. If you perform this correctly a dialog box will appear confirming maintenance has been done to your system.
4. Resume the Halo 3 Beta!"

But I actually only did the bottom part since I already did the top part 10 minutes ago.
[quote name='Zoglog']anyone else having trouble getting on? I get the game over message telling me to go play shadowrun o_O This happened once before but It came back. Now it's got it again[/QUOTE]

I'm getting the exact same thing. I tried everything suggested in the thread, but I'm still getting that Game Over screen: Cleared the cache, rebooted, etc. Sounds like its down anyway, but hopefully when it does come back, I'll be able to get back on.

Haven't played yet-- but I'm not giving up hope just yet. Nice Shadowrun plug at least.
I don't know wtf I did, but after pushing buttons in random combinations on the front of the 360 (if that even did anything), my 360 drive is alive again and the beta is downloading. Too bad my wife already went to bed all pissed off.
[quote name='sp00ge']I don't know wtf I did, but after pushing buttons in random combinations on the front of the 360 (if that even did anything), my 360 drive is alive again and the beta is downloading. Too bad my wife already went to bed all pissed off.[/QUOTE]

Hey sp00ge, glad its back up and running for you. I got work at 2 tomorrow, wondering if I should try again. The beta files themselves downloaded pretty damn quick on my Atlantic BB connection, hopefully it goes the same for you. If you're up and about I'll try one more time before I hit the hay.
Another way around it (which worked for me) is have someone that is in the beta to invite you to their game. It'll bypass the "game over" crap.. actually, after i accepted the invite, all three options showed up again and it let me into the room. Weird.
[quote name='Scorch']Another way around it (which worked for me) is have someone that is in the beta to invite you to their game. It'll bypass the "game over" crap.. actually, after i accepted the invite, all three options showed up again and it let me into the room. Weird.[/QUOTE]

Thats the thing, it doesn't even check anything (so far as I can tell) to see if the beta is live or not, Just says that I should give Shadowrun a try. I'll try this tomorrow to see if that works. Whats the deal with everyone's friend information screen loading a title--this just started happening after I got the beta.

And I suppose, I should know if it works if I see something other than just Play Beta, and Quit to Dash. Oh well, no harm done. Need to sleep, have fun guys.
[quote name='KwanzaaTimmy']Hey sp00ge, glad its back up and running for you. I got work at 2 tomorrow, wondering if I should try again. The beta files themselves downloaded pretty damn quick on my Atlantic BB connection, hopefully it goes the same for you. If you're up and about I'll try one more time before I hit the hay.[/quote]

I'm at 88% right now. And I have to admit, as much as I hate ABB, it is pretty quick and reliable most of the time.
[quote name='Brak']Why? So you guys can stand around and talk about how alternative you are?

They do that shit at the coffee house downtown.[/QUOTE]

Never did it so it ain't happening. Mainly just compelled to do so.

It's like a grogantulated forbulizated woman. Some go for the escomanalated freebeard melons while others go for the netlentrid folocsitin booty.
[quote name='JJSP']I've gotta ask...how's the Brute grenade?[/quote]

They're okay. If the person's close by, they're fucked. It blows up then scatters needles everywhere. The "bubble shield" is pretty useless - they can still bum rush through the shield and melee attack you. Normally this wouldn't b e a big deal as you can see them coming, butttttttt you can't shoot out at them, they can't shoot in.. it's good if you're low on health and getting sniped, but other than that, bleh.

I get Melee kills more than anything. I bet 60-70% of all my kills were melee/assassin kills. (Assassin kills = sneaking up behind someone and melee attacking them)
Worked like a friggin' charm first try. First match I totally dominated, second I did so-so. I have the first match video uploaded, though I have yet to find out how you access them online (maybe bungie.net?)

One awesome feature in the beta is the split-screen online, my wife is gonna love that, since we can both play together.

Now it is time for bed. I just hope that the 360 will start up fine tomorrow.
[quote name='sp00ge']

One awesome feature in the beta is the split-screen online, my wife is gonna love that, since we can both play together.

Until you actually play it. Instead of being widescreen, the split-screen is a standard 4:3 aspect ratio. Plus, you have to split that small screen in half! That means that each player only gets about 25% of the actual screen! Yuck!

Other than that, it rocks!
[quote name='valor19']Until you actually play it. Instead of being widescreen, the split-screen is a standard 4:3 aspect ratio. Plus, you have to split that small screen in half! That means that each player only gets about 25% of the actual screen! Yuck!

Other than that, it rocks![/quote]

O RLY? Sucktastic. Oh well, I'll have to see this for myself tomorrow.
[quote name='richierich']The Fix on bungie.net worked for me.
"I restarted crackdown and then I got the "Beta Over" message. Once you get that just do the following:


Go to the dashboard.
Go to the system tab
Select memory
Highlight your hard drive
Press Y
Press X, X, LB, RB, X, X
Say yes when prompted to do maintenance on your hard drive.

This will fix it, crackdown will update again, and then halo 3 beta will update.
It should work after that, it did for me.

And if you happen to encounter that little bug where there is no text in the beta after the beta updates, then here is the fix for that as well:


1. Restart your Xbox 360
2. Boot up the Halo 3 Beta
3. While the Halo 3 Beta is loading, immediately press up on the D-Pad and hold the A button until you see the Bungie logo. If you perform this correctly a dialog box will appear confirming maintenance has been done to your system.
4. Resume the Halo 3 Beta!"

But I actually only did the bottom part since I already did the top part 10 minutes ago.[/QUOTE]

will this work with the non-crackdown version that I downloaded? I don't think the code will let me download it again.

On the thing about the split screen being 4:3, they did that for purity. They couldn't increase the FOV because then that would be kind of cheating. And if they had to make the FOV smaller to fit, people would complain about that. But yeah, hopefully in the final they'll offer an option for you to pick the fullscreen and less fov.
It took me 8 minutes to download the beta, just thought I should let everyone know that.

Game's awesome when you actually get to play it. Too bad most of the experience tonight was riddled with flashing gamertags and an inability to get games started.
[quote name='Radioactive_Man']I just played for an hour or so and had no problems playing what so ever.[/QUOTE]

Same. I had issues for maybe 30 minutes, but the rest of the time I was playing with no hiccups.
Most of the issues seemed to be while the majority of the players were still downloading. We'll see what it's like later tonight. There was a point where we went through matchmaking for 5 minutes before we gave up and changed game type.
Anyone on VGA(or possibly any other type) widescreen where the left and top edges of the screen flashes all weird and independently when loading a game or menus and stuff?
[quote name='Sockey']Are there black bars around the edges for anybody else when you play spiltscreen?[/QUOTE]

I haven't played, but according to posts here, everyone has that.
After finally playing the beta last night I have to say ... I am still not a Halo fan. The game is alright for what it is. Just seems that I prefer something more realistic than a bunch of lunatics jumping around in the air and shooting all over the place. Can tell alot of people are going to love it though.
FINALLY about to play now. I fell asleep last night while it was downloading, woke up at 4 am, shut it off, and decided to wait for later.
[quote name='AdvOfJet']After finally playing the beta last night I have to say ... I am still not a Halo fan. The game is alright for what it is. Just seems that I prefer something more realistic than a bunch of lunatics jumping around in the air and shooting all over the place. Can tell alot of people are going to love it though.[/QUOTE]

I came here to say the SAME exact thing. I just played a few matches..and it's OK. But that's just me. Im just never good at these games and that does kill the fun for me. I don't care about winning/losing..but it'd be nice to FEEL like I could have a chance to win everytime I played.

This game is just not for me. I hate that, because when it comes out EVERYONE will be playing it but me LOL :(
[quote name='Ugamer_X']It took me 8 minutes to download the beta, just thought I should let everyone know that.[/quote]

Lucky. I was stuck at 41% before I finally shut if and went to bed. That was after an hour.:bomb:
[quote name='jdangerc']Question!

Is There Any Way To Invert The Controls?!?!?!?!?!?!?[/quote]

Yes, you have to edit your control settings. I think you have to press start at any time and navigate to settings and then select control.
I personally chose V08 - hoping people would refer to it as V8 and not "vob". We'll see. It's only the beta and I'll change it once I think of something better.
[quote name='dastly75']Yes, you have to edit your control settings. I think you have to press start at any time and navigate to settings and then select control.[/QUOTE]

Or you can actually go into your preferences on your dash board and make it so that every FPS goes to inverted automatically when you create a new profile in a game. I did that once I discovered it and have thankfully had no need to search for inverted options since. :)
[quote name='psychobrawler']Or you can actually go into your preferences on your dash board and make it so that every FPS goes to inverted automatically when you create a new profile in a game. I did that once I discovered it and have thankfully had no need to search for inverted options since. :)[/QUOTE]
I did not even know that was there... are you kidding? I have never noted that being in there.

Either way I got it figured out last night but not after being blasted for looking up when I should have looked down and what not.

Had a freaking blast playing last night. I wish I could have found a diagram of what each button does though. I will search around later for that. I cant wait to play some more tonight.
[quote name='BREVITY']I did not even know that was there... are you kidding? I have never noted that being in there.

Either way I got it figured out last night but not after being blasted for looking up when I should have looked down and what not.

Had a freaking blast playing last night. I wish I could have found a diagram of what each button does though. I will search around later for that. I cant wait to play some more tonight.[/quote]

Everything you need to know: http://www.bungie.net/news/content.aspx?link=WelcometotheBeta&type=topnews

Haven't played Halo 2 in a year but everything felt natural when I fired up Halo 3 earlier this morning (even came in first place ha). Couldn't figure out how to speak on the mic or use grenades though since I just went in blindly.
I played four or five random games last night, and besides usually getting my arse handed to me (but I wasn't the only one), I amazingly did not have a bad experience. There was one game where either someone went on 'stand-by' or the connection was just resynching for a few seconds, but otherwise, it was as smooth as can be. I suppose the fact that I didn't wear a headset didn't hurt my enjoyment, either. (EDIT: It seemed in the 'lobby' that about half the people I played with were sans 'set, too.)

I'd like to thank Bungie for having 90% of this beta's duration take place while the vast majority of the K-12 crowd are still enduring 'school nights'.

While I knew that the graphics would not be mind-blowing coming in, and I'm totally fine with that here, are we going to see even an incremental improvement for the single-player campaign? I know Luke, while still on "1up Yours" suggested that there was a difference. Here's hoping, 'cause that beta looks nothing like that announcement teaser from last year's E3, which was supposed to be in-game.

Look, the game's no Aegis Wings, but the beta's still fun. It'll find it's niche.

(Crouches, waits for plasma grenades and rotten tomatoes to be flung in general direction.)
[quote name='BREVITY']I did not even know that was there... are you kidding? I have never noted that being in there.

Either way I got it figured out last night but not after being blasted for looking up when I should have looked down and what not.

Had a freaking blast playing last night. I wish I could have found a diagram of what each button does though. I will search around later for that. I cant wait to play some more tonight.[/QUOTE]

I didn't either for a long time. You don't do it directly in the dash, if I remember. You need to hit the guide button and go into your settings. You can default games to always start on hard/normal/easy difficulty, automatically invert or normal aim, and one or two other handy little options that will carry over to every game without having to search for it each time. Very cool little tool. Major should put that in his xbox 101 sometime...
BTW did any of you check out the film/video clips feature. A friend of mine has been in the beta for a while now and I grabbed one of his clips. Thats a very, very cool feature.
[quote name='dastly75']Anyone on VGA(or possibly any other type) widescreen where the left and top edges of the screen flashes all weird and independently when loading a game or menus and stuff?[/QUOTE]
Yes that happens for me as well (using VGA).
[quote name='Ugamer_X']Yes that happens for me as well (using VGA).[/QUOTE]

Me too. I have a weird line on the left border of the screen. VGA.
[quote name='nharmon91']So I click Play the Beta and it says the beta is either unavaiable or over. WTF[/QUOTE]

from the bungie forum:
If you are seeing the "Game Over" message today, the 15th of May, try the following. Either, wait about an hour and relax, or if you cannot wait:

Restart your box, then do this:

Go to the dashboard.
Go to the system tab
Select memory
Highlight your hard drive
Press Y
Press X, X, LB, RB, X, X
Say yes when prompted to do maintenance on your hard drive.

This removes all previous title updates and prompts you to redownload new ones.

This message is only useful today, May 15th. When the Beta actually ends in three weeks, it won't help you.

I hope it'll work for May 16th too...cause that just happened to me
bread's done