Halo: Reach

I think the complaints about the number of maps is because of two factors: the beta and remakes. Between those two things, we've already played half the maps to death prior to Reach even launching.

Whether or not it's a valid complaint, I don't know, but that's how it seems to me anyway. I'm down for remakes of every map from all the Halos, if I had my wishes, but maybe not on disc as it feels like you kinda get shortchanged.

That being said, it's damn great having Ascension back.
[quote name='lolwut?']I was under the impression that those four you mentioned were all variations of maps that shipped with the original game; Boundless for example, was just Snowbound edited in Forge[/QUOTE]
Sorry. I worded that wrong, you're right. The originals were not Forge related.

I'm just trying to illustrate that Reach really doesn't have much less when it comes to maps compared to Halo 3. And H3's continued popularity shows that it didn't hurt that game much.

I could be totally wrong, though. I can see how the uniform aesthetic and architecture style across the maps might sour some people on them and in turn drive down the player base quite a bit. Only time will tell I suppose.
[quote name='Corvin']That being said, it's damn great having Ascension back.[/QUOTE]

Haha, I think I hate Ascension the most of any of them. It's pretty much a guaranteed campfest, especially if it's SWAT or Snipers.

I mean, I guess their reasoning could be that the XBL servers are down now, so they included Halo 2 maps so people could still play them, but I see a lot of problems with that: A) people had 6 years to play those, B) Halo 2 servers are still alive on the PC afaik, and C) the fans could've remade these themselves in Forgeworld.

[quote name='Fjordson']I could be totally wrong, though. I can see how the uniform aesthetic and architecture style across the maps might sour some people on them and in turn drive down the player base quite a bit. Only time will tell I suppose.[/QUOTE]

I dunno, maybe I've just burnt myself out on it because I played too much too fast, but half of the time it seems like I'm forcing myself to play, and it's only been 6 days, lol.
[quote name='lolwut?']Haha, I think I hate Ascension the most of any of them. It's pretty much a guaranteed campfest, especially if it's SWAT or Snipers.

I completely agree. Ascension is the worst level ever. Total campfest. I can't stand that level. Can't they put some trees/cover on it.

My huge complaint with the maps is all the levels feel like something I have played prior (I did not play the Beta). Also, it seems I only play about 5-6 levels, no matter what form of matchmaking I play (Invasion, Firefight, Slayer, etc). There is never a choice for any of the others we supposely can play.
For it being their last Halo game, I expected more from Bungie than a measly 8 maps most of which are asymmetrical. Not to mention the fact that you only play a few in each playlist. So if you stick to Team Slayer you're limited to 6 maps (without counting Forge world) because you're not going to be playing the Invasion maps. Obviously, there will be map packs, I'm just saying the starting lineup could have been more robust for their final game. And I complained just the same when H3 shipped with few maps. :p H2 was a good starting set of maps.

I'm not going to lie though, I love Forge World, I love Hemorrhage, and I like the aesthetic of it so the map issue in Reach doesn't bother me that much. Probably bothers me less than when H3 shipped.
STILL no internet over here at the house (Hopefully this week), but played Reach for the weekend at a bud's house.

It's definitely an improvement over 3, for me at least. I'm still trying to get used to having people not die after I rip into em and melee. Just takes out their shield now.

SWAT with DMRs was rough for me at first, but I started to get better and it's a lot of fun. Slayer on Hemmorhage BLOWS, though. Scorpion tanks were tearing everyone a new one. Was...not good. Elite Slayer is also...eh. Not a fan of it.

It might just be the whole "New game, this is awesome!" phase where I'm not seeing/overlooking the bullshit, but I'm definitely enjoying it. Any idea if there are more helmets to unlock after the defaults? Thought there'd be more.

Add me for some Reach shootin, brooskis.
Say, nerdy question here, but why is ForgeWorld based on Halo? I mean, in Reach, humanity hasn't discovered Halo yet, so there shouldn't be any reference to that in this game. Am I right?
[quote name='Kaelestis']For it being their last Halo game, I expected more from Bungie than a measly 8 maps most of which are asymmetrical.[/QUOTE]

I think my biggest gripe is the fact that the MP maps are pulled from the campaign (or vice versa, who knows?). So if you've played MP first, then get to those same maps in the campaign, it's kinda weak.

That's partially why I don't get all the praise the campaign gets (so far, I'm on chapter 7). Is it good? Sure. Is it unique? Not even the slightest given I play these maps in MP.
[quote name='Mr Dude65']Say, nerdy question here, but why is ForgeWorld based on Halo? I mean, in Reach, humanity hasn't discovered Halo yet, so there shouldn't be any reference to that in this game. Am I right?[/QUOTE]

Forge is completely separate. You also play as a Monitor in Forge. It's not supposed to make sense.
Yeah, the maps were designed supposedly for multiplayer first. Then they decided to use them in campaign? Really don't understand that but whatever...

I liked the campaign a lot, but I played it before multiplayer. Usually with Halo, it's the other way around for me. I don't think the story or anything is that special, I just really enjoyed the way it played.
So I learned my lesson: Never ever ever buy anything from Walmart.com. It's a trap. I tried to return my copy I got (because it arrived late and I bought it elsewhere). I called customer service and they said it would be no problem to return the game unopened plus the egiftcard with my receipt in the store.
Well, when you try to return the game it rings up as only giving you $40 credit (because of the egiftcard) and it just blew the people in customer service away. They're like "but you only paid 40 dollars for the game" and I'm like "no, I didn't, look at my order online." And they just could not wrap their minds around it without the store manager (who was even skeptical himself). He was like "where did the $20 go?" I was trying to explain to them its because they gave me the giftcard and it's to prevent fradulent returns, since I could return the game and keep the giftcard.

After 30 minutes they finally gave me all my money back.
Please never buy from walmart.com
I've only played on 4-5 maps (it feels like) so far. But, my main mode has been Team Slayer so that could be a factor.

So far, I am greatly enjoying the multiplayer in comparison to Halo 3.
Beat the game solo on Legendary yesterday. It wasn't that bad, except the god-awful checkpoint system. Look game, while I appreciate the thought, giving me a checkpoint while I'm zoomed in on a hunter charging a plasma shot? fuck that. But not giving me one after I kill 3 of the 4 Elites in the room and then retreating to a safe distance?

You quickly get desensitized to death in this game. But I was quite happy to have done it; I didn't think I could. The achievement name "A monument to all your sins" is the icing on the cake. Great game overall, it will make going back to even Halo 3 difficult.
[quote name='Corvin']I think my biggest gripe is the fact that the MP maps are pulled from the campaign (or vice versa, who knows?). So if you've played MP first, then get to those same maps in the campaign, it's kinda weak.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I noticed that too and thought it was a bit lame as well. Some parts it wasn't a big deal, other parts it felt like they were forced in.

As for some of the maps being remakes, it doesn't bother me. I didn't get to play halo 2 online and halo 1 was so long ago that I don't mind revisiting them and having the chance to play them online. But sure, it would be nice to have more original maps, yes.
[quote name='Lord_Kefka']Beat the game solo on Legendary yesterday. It wasn't that bad, except the god-awful checkpoint system. Look game, while I appreciate the thought, giving me a checkpoint while I'm zoomed in on a hunter charging a plasma shot? fuck that. But not giving me one after I kill 3 of the 4 Elites in the room and then retreating to a safe distance?

You quickly get desensitized to death in this game. But I was quite happy to have done it; I didn't think I could. The achievement name "A monument to all your sins" is the icing on the cake. Great game overall, it will make going back to even Halo 3 difficult.[/QUOTE]

LOL. I had a checkpoint as I was falling off the edge of a cliff in a warthog. Another one was when I was standing next to an explosion and was killed immediately. Thankfully the game recognizes if you keep dying from the same checkpoint and will revert back to an even earlier checkpoint.
[quote name='Corvin']I think my biggest gripe is the fact that the MP maps are pulled from the campaign (or vice versa, who knows?). So if you've played MP first, then get to those same maps in the campaign, it's kinda weak.

That's partially why I don't get all the praise the campaign gets (so far, I'm on chapter 7). Is it good? Sure. Is it unique? Not even the slightest given I play these maps in MP.[/QUOTE]

I had no problem with the maps being based on campaign locations, in fact one of the things I wish is that they had used maps based off of some of the more visually interesting locations, like the Club. I did Campaign first though and since you only spend a couple minutes in any of the maps that the multiplayer ones are based on it was never an issue for me.

As far as maps go, has anyone else played around with Forge? I was disappointed with the size of Forge World. Making a map is easier but still frustrating.
Don't really see the big issue with the maps from campaign and the MP being similar or the same. Plenty of games do that. If anything, that makes me feel a little more at home when I start with the MP, because I don't feel completely and utterly lost on every, single map I play.
[quote name='whiptcracker']As far as maps go, has anyone else played around with Forge? I was disappointed with the size of Forge World. Making a map is easier but still frustrating.[/QUOTE]

Disappointed with the size? Too big? If you say too small, I'll be shocked.

Making a map is much much easier once you figure out how the controls work and stuff. At first it was just pissing me off because I didn't know how to rotate things slightly and all that. I made a real simple map for 6v6 banshee/falcon fights. Need to finish up the kill barriers and crap though.

[quote name='Kaelestis']Disappointed with the size? Too big? If you say too small, I'll be shocked.

Making a map is much much easier once you figure out how the controls work and stuff. At first it was just pissing me off because I didn't know how to rotate things slightly and all that. I made a real simple map for 6v6 banshee/falcon fights. Need to finish up the kill barriers and crap though.


I'd say too small if only because it seems like every map will take place either over the island, on the field or in the arena area.

Took awhile to figure out the controls for moving things around, especially for lining different platforms/bridges/etc in mid-air. They always seemed slightly above or slightly below the other piece. I wish they had a tutorial on it in the game for things like safe/kill zone, phase cycles, and setting up objectives. I didn't like that I couldn't set up a sending teleporter to a specific receiving teleporter so having more than one teleporter proved a pain in the ass. The map I was thinking of would've required a powerful gravity lift, put all I could find in the tools was the weak one.

After matching everything up I tried using the advance options to see if I could make slight changes to the rotation on one piece yet somehow selected half of the pieces I was using and shifted everything slightly right which nearly caused me to throw my controller.

I just started reading Bungie.net to get some pointers and already learned a bunch of stuff I didn't understand, I just wish that stuff had either been in game or in the manual. I'll check yours out for pointers. I was thinking of making an aerial gametype as well as I like air combat, I was thinking the gametype should have something like an autoloadout of the jetpack ability on infinite so people could bail/hijack other vehicles. Right now I'm trying to make a demolition derby style gametype using the King of the Hill template to try and capture objective areas that are only the size of one vehicle. If every one is trying to drive into the one area I imagine it will end with a lot of cars smashing into each other. I will say that I love the fexibility of the system and the fact that you can create nearly anything from a game of golf to a board game with it.

Here's my first effort, it's a 3 tier map meant for team slayer: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=1588176&player=Whipt1
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Forge is completely separate. You also play as a Monitor in Forge. It's not supposed to make sense.[/QUOTE]

You're not really getting what I'm saying. It's not like Halo 1 had maps that were on the Ark, you know???
Haha, yeah. I totally wish there was some kind of tutorial in game or manual to explain all the crap. I still couldn't get things pinpoint perfect but it was good enough to play. The kill/safe zones are a pain cause the numbers scroll so slow. And then when you set them, it's like they disappear and I can never find them again. lol

I know there are some really powerful gravity lifts, like the ones in Spire but they're under some weird category I think. The teleporter issue you had seems weird since in Halo 3 you could set up the teleporters to different channels. No idea though.

I did screw up a few times too that made me want to punch my tv. Like accidentally grabbing the wrong thing and having to line it up all over again. Or that deleting every type of this item... They should have included an undo feature/button. Would have made things even easier.

I'll probably check out Bungie.net and ForgeHub later to learn. I just wanted to make something quick. Having an Aerial/Air only gametype is pretty tough because you don't want to isolate people so they can camp but also don't want to leave them wide open to get raped by other aircraft. I left a little opening in each base to try to counter that but maybe I can think of something better later. I had the same idea with the variant with jetpacks, but didn't upload it to my file share. Had everyone start off with plasma repeaters since you can't pick no weapon. :x

Demo derby style map sounds fun. I know there was a couple tried in Halo 3 but it didn't quite work out because of the lack of options. I bet you can make a really fun one now because of the multitude of features. Downloaded your map and going to try it when I get home. Haven't seen any forge maps by other people. Interested in the other ideas possible.
[quote name='Mr Dude65']You're not really getting what I'm saying. It's not like Halo 1 had maps that were on the Ark, you know???[/QUOTE]

I think they probably have bigger continuity issues to deal with than that... for example I don't exactly recall the Spartans in the campaign teabagging corpses and calling people homos.
[quote name='eastshore4']I think they probably have bigger continuity issues to deal with than that... for example I don't exactly recall the Spartans in the campaign teabagging corpses and calling people homos.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like you have a faulty copy then. QUICK! SELL IT ON EBAY AS A RARE COLLECTORS ITEM!
[quote name='Mr Dude65']Say, nerdy question here, but why is ForgeWorld based on Halo? I mean, in Reach, humanity hasn't discovered Halo yet, so there shouldn't be any reference to that in this game. Am I right?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Mr Dude65']You're not really getting what I'm saying. It's not like Halo 1 had maps that were on the Ark, you know???[/QUOTE]

No, he got what you're saying. The point is, Forge is separate from the campaign and, thus, does not have continuity restraints. Stuff outside a game's single-player campaign does not have to conform to the story being told.
Has anybody here been able to change his/her in-menu nameplate?

Here's what I'm talking about: http://www.bungie.net/Account/nameplates.aspx

I've logged into my Bungie account, and it's linked with my XBL account, but for some odd reason I can't change my nameplate. I should have 4 different nameplates to choose from (Beta, Halo 3, ODST, & Septagon), but it doesn't give me the option to change it.
I changed mine to say "Halo" next to my name.

Thanks for pointing this out. I wondering how people got that stuff. Anyway, I was able to create my account, logged in, and had a bunch of nameplates available. Hope you're able to work out your problem.
[quote name='bjstucker']playing through on Legendary alone. not doing too bad but my teammates are not the most help.[/QUOTE]

The teammates might not always be the best help during a battle but at least they don't die like the marines always did in the previous Halo games. I always hated that. Its so much easier to kill a hunter on legendary when you have a teammate to distract them.
Ok, so finished it on legendary with 1 other person. Question...

Not that I care that much, but...are there no credits in this game? After the little speech and fade to white, it just put us back on the scoring screen. I also played it solo to see if anything showed up then, but nope.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']No, he got what you're saying. The point is, Forge is separate from the campaign and, thus, does not have continuity restraints. Stuff outside a game's single-player campaign does not have to conform to the story being told.[/QUOTE]


My post should not have been hard to grasp.
[quote name='Kaelestis']Haha, yeah. I totally wish there was some kind of tutorial in game or manual to explain all the crap. I still couldn't get things pinpoint perfect but it was good enough to play. The kill/safe zones are a pain cause the numbers scroll so slow. And then when you set them, it's like they disappear and I can never find them again. lol

I know there are some really powerful gravity lifts, like the ones in Spire but they're under some weird category I think. The teleporter issue you had seems weird since in Halo 3 you could set up the teleporters to different channels. No idea though.

I did screw up a few times too that made me want to punch my tv. Like accidentally grabbing the wrong thing and having to line it up all over again. Or that deleting every type of this item... They should have included an undo feature/button. Would have made things even easier.

I'll probably check out Bungie.net and ForgeHub later to learn. I just wanted to make something quick. Having an Aerial/Air only gametype is pretty tough because you don't want to isolate people so they can camp but also don't want to leave them wide open to get raped by other aircraft. I left a little opening in each base to try to counter that but maybe I can think of something better later. I had the same idea with the variant with jetpacks, but didn't upload it to my file share. Had everyone start off with plasma repeaters since you can't pick no weapon. :x

Demo derby style map sounds fun. I know there was a couple tried in Halo 3 but it didn't quite work out because of the lack of options. I bet you can make a really fun one now because of the multitude of features. Downloaded your map and going to try it when I get home. Haven't seen any forge maps by other people. Interested in the other ideas possible.[/QUOTE]

I agree about the Edit/Undo button. That would've saved me so much time. I hope Bungie patches that in eventually.

Hopefully a demo derby style game will be fun, but until I read ForgeHub this morning I could not figure out how to label or change the size of the objective box. Hell there might be a way to link specific teleporters and I just couldn't figure it out, I'll have to scroll through the objects because if there is a more powerful boost then I'll be deleting the teleportsers completely. My whole map design was to be able to be shot up through the tiers and I was disappointed to have to rely on the teleporters instead.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Don't really see the big issue with the maps from campaign and the MP being similar or the same. Plenty of games do that. If anything, that makes me feel a little more at home when I start with the MP, because I don't feel completely and utterly lost on every, single map I play.[/QUOTE]

Agree with this 100%. I don't have tons of free time to memorize separate maps.

[quote name='BingoBrown']Has anybody here been able to change his/her in-menu nameplate?

Here's what I'm talking about: http://www.bungie.net/Account/nameplates.aspx


Appreciate the link!
Also earlier in the thread there was a coversation about achievements not unlocking when completing single player missions and I'd like to re-affirm that when you play it split screen co-op there is no option to Save and Quit. There's just Exit Game. So I'm not that retarded.
Never mind. You guys obviously don't want to talk about it, so I'm going to drop it. Glad I could have an intelligent conversation on here! (Note: That was sarcasm.)
Really enjoying forge and even though there's still a few kinks to work out of multiplayer, I don't think I'll be playing Halo 3 for a while, although I'm sure I'll play occasionally.
[quote name='Mr Dude65']Never mind. You guys obviously don't want to talk about it, so I'm going to drop it. Glad I could have an intelligent conversation on here! (Note: That was sarcasm.)[/QUOTE]

Hmmm, are you trolling? Or are you actually serious? I'm honestly not sure. If you're not trolling, what exactly don't you get? Forge has nothing to do with the Halo story. It's an extra feature beyond the main campaign. Extra features do not have to make sense with the story. If they wanted, Bungie could release a game mode add-on where Master Chief fights in World War II.
[quote name='Mr Dude65']Never mind. You guys obviously don't want to talk about it, so I'm going to drop it. Glad I could have an intelligent conversation on here! (Note: That was sarcasm.)[/QUOTE]

Well there's not exactly alot of substance to your question buddy, much less enough to carry on an "intelligent discussion". Most people just don't care about continuity issues when they play MP, that's all to it really.
So the night before last I started playing Legendary finally with a couple of friends and man, it is a lot easier than I thought it would be. When you have a team of competent players it's really a breeze to play through. We played for about 45 minutes and got to level 4.

Oh, and does anyone else think that this week's challenge sound easy?
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Hmmm, are you trolling? Or are you actually serious? I'm honestly not sure. If you're not trolling, what exactly don't you get? Forge has nothing to do with the Halo story. It's an extra feature. Extra features do not have to make sense with the story. If they wanted, Bungie could release a game mode add-on where Master Chief fights in World War II.[/QUOTE]

I think his point was asking if they were going to use a planet for a Forge template, what was the point of using Halo instead of the planet in the title of the game. Of course they could've used anything, but why specifically Halo? In which case there is no answer as only the Bungie employees would know why. Likely due to the emotional connection of the main game and the fact that they could create old maps using similar vistas, but that's just an assumption on my part.

Regardless the Forge world is not and does not need to be connected to the main narrative of the game.
I'm hoping campaign matchmaking will make an appearance in the near future because that is probably the only way I'll attempt Legendary. I remember what a colossal waste of time ODST was picking and choosing at random which parts I did and didn't complete. I still don't have the achievement for it and don't plan on going back any time soon.
While you do pose an actual interesting question, I really don't think that's what he was getting at. His original post on the subject seemed focus on the fact that, at this point in the story, humanity is unaware of the Halos. If he was asking more about the function of choosing Halo over a setting from the Reach campaign, he didn't word it very well.
Me either. As for your comment whipt, aren't there a bunch of classic Halo maps merged into the forge world (forgive me if I'm wrong, I still haven't had the chance to play it yet!)? I'd also imagine people just generally like the halo ring worlds... Bungie probably figured it would be better to set the forge world on that instead of changing the aesthetics of Blood Gulch to make it look more like it was on Reach for the sake of MrDude.
[quote name='whiptcracker']I think his point was asking if they were going to use a planet for a Forge template, what was the point of using Halo instead of the planet in the title of the game. Of course they could've used anything, but why specifically Halo? In which case there is no answer as only the Bungie employees would know why. Likely due to the emotional connection of the main game and the fact that they could create old maps using similar vistas, but that's just an assumption on my part.

Regardless the Forge world is not and does not need to be connected to the main narrative of the game.[/QUOTE]

Exactly right!!! Sorry if I worded it oddly, but this is what I meant. Why Halo?? Why not Reach?? You wouldn't have to change any aesthetics, as, according to the end cutscene, Reach looks just like ForgeWorld. Do you guys see what I'm saying???

And you guys are right, MP doesn't have to have anything to do with SP, but a good game, like the ones bungie have consistently made, should. It's those little niceties that make Halo so great. So why break it now????

Also, I would like to inform you, mostly for eastshore's sake, that it looks like we are now having an intelligent discussion.
i LOVE the fact the MP maps aren't just "random locations" but places actually experienced in the single player. i thought it was really brilliant how they're "the same but look different".
[quote name='Mr Dude65']Exactly right!!! Sorry if I worded it oddly, but this is what I meant. Why Halo?? Why not Reach?? You wouldn't have to change any aesthetics, as, according to the end cutscene, Reach looks just like ForgeWorld. Do you guys see what I'm saying???

And you guys are right, MP doesn't have to have anything to do with SP, but a good game, like the ones bungie have consistently made, should. It's those little niceties that make Halo so great. So why break it now????

Also, I would like to inform you, mostly for eastshore's sake, that it looks like we are now having an intelligent discussion.[/QUOTE]

Monitors are found on Halos. You play as a Monitor in Forgeworld which is on a Halo. Happy?
[quote name='Lord_Kefka']Beat the game solo on Legendary yesterday. It wasn't that bad, except the god-awful checkpoint system. [/QUOTE]

I know what you mean, i just reached a checkpoint area and drove off a cliff in a ghost and died. The next checkpoint they started me at, was me already falling down the cliff dying and no way to save myself. Repeat that 6 times or so. Then it reverted me back to before i drove off the cliff soon after that.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Monitors are found on Halos. You play as a Monitor in Forgeworld which is on a Halo. Happy?[/QUOTE]

Not exactly, but if it's enough for you, that's fine ;)
[quote name='The 7th Number']I know what you mean, i just reached a checkpoint area and drove off a cliff in a ghost and died. The next checkpoint they started me at, was me already falling down the cliff dying and no way to save myself. Repeat that 6 times or so. Then it reverted me back to before i drove off the cliff soon after that.[/QUOTE]

This reminds me: Never let AI drive!!!!!! I had emile drive a mongoose for me while I had rockets, and he hit a bump and killed us both. 3 times. Then, I got off, and he made the jump fine.
bread's done