Heavy Rain Discussion Thread

fuck gamestop! I preorder this in January and paid off in full......but I did not get the DLC preorder bonus because a employee took an extra DLC card , manager apologized
[quote name='Poor2More']fuck gamestop! I preorder this in January and paid off in full......but I did not get the DLC preorder bonus because a employee took an extra DLC card , manager apologized[/QUOTE]

That fucking sucks. They should at least give you $5 off b/c that's what the DLC costs normally.
The more I play this game the more I could swear if david fincher ever made a game, this would be it. It reminds me of his movies quite alot.

[quote name='Soodmeg']alright so first question. What is the hardest difficultly? I play very often or regularly?[/QUOTE]

The one that has the description of "Im perfectly familliar with the controller", cause I think the other one just says familliar.
Well, with Lost starting in 15 minutes, I'm done for a bit. I'm right around two inches of rain fall.

Talk about intense, I just finished the part where you have to drive down the wrong side of the highway. I was almost up out of my chair doing some of the controller motions.
[quote name='koji126']Oh Sony and their marketing schemes. They invested in a weather machine to make it rain on release date.[/QUOTE]

I know, right. It's pouring rain in Davis, CA today.
[quote name='SEH']Been playing for about an hour and a half and have encountered two glitches so far.

When you're in the mall and find the kid you think is Jason, you kneel down to spin him around, only to find out it's not him. When I did that, the kid just did multiple 360's really fast.

Just now I was walking around the police station and I went into the conference room. In the middle of the room was a floating pad of paper and a pen.

No real major glitches or anything like that. Nothing that'd take you out of the story. I just found them funny.[/QUOTE]

I've encountered a third, major glitch.

After the dude gets the shoebox from the luggage locker and opens it up in the hotel, he watches a video on an Ipod Touch sort of thing. The video doesn't play on the thing. It's just a black screen. The only reason I realized that something was going on in the invisible video was that there were captions telling you what was on the screen in case you couldn't see it, and one of the L2 thinking options mentioned a video.

Otherwise, mind blowing game so far. This is unlike anything I've seen before. So glad I got it day one, and totally worth the $60.
Oh, and one thing that really pissed me off.

The scene with that religious nutjob. You can try to reason with him or shoot him. I tried reasoning with him four times and didn't seem to be getting anywhere. Even though the asshole cop had it coming to him, I shot the nutjob to save the cop's sorry ass. Then I got a trophy that said "blunder." Blunder? Blunder my ass! The wacko pulled a gun! What was I supposed to do?
[quote name='Poor2More']fuck gamestop! I preorder this in January and paid off in full......but I did not get the DLC preorder bonus because a employee took an extra DLC card , manager apologized[/QUOTE]

Call corporate and complain. Give your receipt #/pre order. I am sure they will hook you up.
[quote name='Chuplayer']Oh, and one thing that really pissed me off.

The scene with that religious nutjob. You can try to reason with him or shoot him. I tried reasoning with him four times and didn't seem to be getting anywhere. Even though the asshole cop had it coming to him, I shot the nutjob to save the cop's sorry ass. Then I got a trophy that said "blunder." Blunder? Blunder my ass! The wacko pulled a gun! What was I supposed to do?

You can

talk him down. On my playthrough I resisted shooting him and thought I fucked up at the end, but all he ended up pulling out was a cross.

On another note, the scene where

you have to decide whether or not to cut part of your finger off is GNARLY. I started to get tense and cringe after I was getting the components ready. Rebar? wtf? Use rebar on oven? Oh shit.....
Actually... speaking of the DLC code, did anyone who ordered from Amazon get it? My package only had the game in it and nothing else (not even a invoice) and inside the case, there's only the manual, origami paper, and the game disc.
[quote name='Vinny']Actually... speaking of the DLC code, did anyone who ordered from Amazon get it? My package only had the game in it and nothing else (not even a invoice) and inside the case, there's only the manual, origami paper, and the game disc.[/QUOTE]

Amazon emails a code out within 10 days of shipment.
[quote name='wildcpac']I just came upon my first glitch and it's the same one from the demo.

When leaving the crime scene with the FBI guy the game frooze.[/QUOTE]

I just came across this glitch too. My screen went black and the audio turned to static. I had no problems with the demo though.
Regarding Ethan's extreme scene:

You can use the rebar with the oven? Shit. I just grabbed some stuff from the medicine cabinet, doused my hand in it, had a few swigs from the flask and chopped it off.

Also, a scene later on with Norman that pissed me off..

He's in a hotel room reviewing evidence.. he starts tripping again. I've been trying to keep him off of the drug. I went in and got him to splash his face off with water. No dice. I exit the bathroom, passing the nightstand where the drug is kept, and he automatically grabs it and takes it. Damnit, what the hell, QD?! In a game where you have to push buttons to do actions for almost everything, THAT part was automatic?!
[quote name='Scorch']Regarding Ethan's extreme scene:

You can use the rebar with the oven? Shit. I just grabbed some stuff from the medicine cabinet, doused my hand in it, had a few swigs from the flask and chopped it off.

Also, a scene later on with Norman that pissed me off..

He's in a hotel room reviewing evidence.. he starts tripping again. I've been trying to keep him off of the drug. I went in and got him to splash his face off with water. No dice. I exit the bathroom, passing the nightstand where the drug is kept, and he automatically grabs it and takes it. Damnit, what the hell, QD?! In a game where you have to push buttons to do actions for almost everything, THAT part was automatic?!

Just watched a video where some guy finds a fucking saw.

On that triptocaine trip, I just shook the controller upwards every time then said fuck it and pressed L2 and saw that he suggested a shower, that killed the trip.

I've stopped there for now, might pick it up for another hour or two later on tonight. But I'll most likely play more tomorrow evening after classes. So far, this game has had me tense and thrilled from the get go.

The only part that I didn't like so far is
when you have to climb through the pipe with shattered glass at the power plant. Trying to change directions at the intersections was fucking impossible for me. I think Ethan even said it himself, "fuck this pipe," or something along those lines.
[quote name='Poor2More']fuck gamestop! I preorder this in January and paid off in full......but I did not get the DLC preorder bonus because a employee took an extra DLC card , manager apologized[/QUOTE]

You need to contact Gamestop corporate and file a complaint. Go to tellgamestop.com.
You mean there was stuff in the apartment to help numb the finger before you chop it off? Crap I just chopped it right off.
re: menikmati's post

I found the saw as well, but I opted for the butcher knife. Had to chop it twice, though. Ouch.

re: MSUHitman's post

Yes. Look in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. Saw is on the ground. Flask is in the kitchen, along with the butcher knife (in the wall). Don't know where the rebar is.

This game is getting extremely tough to play. Not because of the controls or anything, but because of the moral choices that you must make, especially with Ethan's storyline. It's rough. I've never really been so involved in a game before.
[quote name='Scorch']re: menikmati's post

I found the saw as well, but I opted for the butcher knife. Had to chop it twice, though. Ouch.
I just used the wire cutter to do it, simple and easy to do.
Should I get this?

I was pretty excited then I kind of overloaded on hype but now that it is out...I am thinking I want to pick this up.
[quote name='gareman']Should I get this?

I was pretty excited then I kind of overloaded on hype but now that it is out...I am thinking I want to pick this up.[/QUOTE]

I am considering buying a second copy just so I can give QD more money to make more games in the future.
[quote name='MSUHitman']
You mean there was stuff in the apartment to help numb the finger before you chop it off? Crap I just chopped it right off.

I just got
hammered with whatever was in the flask in the cupboard. I kept on taking swigs until the game wouldn't let me anymore.
Man, sounds like there's a ton of glitches in this game. I haven't experienced any, outside of graphical issues (late texture pop ins, minor slowdown and screen tearing).

[quote name='wildcpac']Amazon emails a code out within 10 days of shipment.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. I preordered back in June and haven't seen the Amazon listing since so I had no idea.:lol:

[quote name='gareman']Should I get this?

I was pretty excited then I kind of overloaded on hype but now that it is out...I am thinking I want to pick this up.[/QUOTE]

I've been looking forward to this game since The Casting and it was a probably one of my most wanted game for 2010 (yes, more than GoW or The Last Guardian). I'm only 2 hours into the game and I've been on the edge of my seat since the end of the first chapter (the first chapter was pretty slow).
[quote name='Scorch']This game is getting extremely tough to play. Not because of the controls or anything, but because of the moral choices that you must make, especially with Ethan's storyline. It's rough. I've never really been so involved in a game before.[/QUOTE]
Disagree. The controls have been the most frustrating part of this game so far and the only saving grace is the fact that the story is so well done. I've not been able to put down a game like this since Uncharted and if this game had just been a movie, I'd be completely satisfied. There's many nods to Se7en, Saw, etc and film noir is a high for me so it's very engrossing in that respect.

Back to the controls: it's not like I'm having reflex issues, it's just that they can be horribly unresponsive for certain motions. I fucking hate waggle and there's a reason I don't own a Wii, so that shit has been pissing me off the most. The other portion is trying to get my damn avatar to move in the direction I want. It's worse than recent Resident Evil tank controls, which is quite a feat to pull off. Congrats QD on that one. Otherwise, I've been pretty surprised at how easy the game has been. Any intense sequences I've just breezed through without a single regret. I actually quit out a few times after completing, but before it could save, just to see what was different if you failed. I was shocked at how many times the exact same thing happens whether you pass or fail a button press. Again, I don't really care because the story is so good.

I just finished chapter 3 after playing non-stop, which looks to be the halfway point so I'll probably have it finished tomorrow night. I must say, for a game so pretty and highly regarded, it's also the buggiest AAA game I've ever played on a console. So far there's been TONS of glitches from complete game freezes, to actors WALKING THROUGH DESKS and each other, to missing textures and inhuman head jerks. Just feels like they knew about all these problems (and how couldn't they?), but decided not to fix them or just couldn't.

Lastly, the moral choices are paper thin and anyone desensitized to stuff like this will just react naturally. I find myself just annoyed by the branching paths, because there's only one real path every person should take to get the most out of the game (and by that I mean if you don't overcome the roadblock for that scene, then you feel let down). Yeah, sure you can change up the story a bit here and there, but it's more like the story is influenced by your failures rather than actual moral decisions.

If nothing else, buy or rent Heavy Rain just for the cinema appeal because so far it's one hell of a detective story you don't want to miss.

PS -- The beginning really wasn't that slow for me, which is odd since most everyone thinks so. Probably because I wasn't taking anything seriously and was trying to find ways to grief the wife and kids lol.
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[quote name='Scorch']I am considering buying a second copy just so I can give QD more money to make more games in the future.[/QUOTE]

Send it to me.

I am really tempted. Part of me wants to support QD and buy it tomorrow...but then the cheap ass in me wants to wait a couple of days for a used copy at my GS that always pm their own website, and letting me get it for 45 dollars.
question. is the game required to play the chapter 1 dlc when it is released on march 4th? I read it states stand alone but do they mean it'll play like a regular psn game or is it something like re5 where you can access it from the options (bonus features, etc) menu and then just play that chapter 1 alone and not deal with the campaign?
[quote name='SEH']The game comes with a nice laminated piece of paper, which is used during the install as they teach you how to fold the origami swan. Pretty cool little thing they threw in there.[/QUOTE]
I didn't want to fold it but now I wish I did. If you fold it in the "fortune teller's" fold like you did in grade school (has the proper creases for this fold as well, you get
'094', '13', 'carnaby'
makes me think there is more to this peice of paper and might have to re-install to fold the proper way
(EDIT: I'm an idiot. I found the "chapters" option on the main menu after asking this question..)

Incredible game, loved every minute of it. Can't wait to go back and see what else can happen! Only thing that really bothered me were the controls at some points and the voice acting as well at some points (really good sometimes, really off at others)
[quote name='intoxicated662']question. is the game required to play the chapter 1 dlc when it is released on march 4th? I read it states stand alone but do they mean it'll play like a regular psn game or is it something like re5 where you can access it from the options (bonus features, etc) menu and then just play that chapter 1 alone and not deal with the campaign?[/QUOTE]

There is an option in the main menu to go into downloaded content and the first chapter is listed there. Though it'll send you to the PSN store from there.

I do believe you will need the full game from statements made. They mentioned "not getting rid of the game to early" and hinted at the DLC coming out.

>>I got a few TERRIBLE freezes/audio lag at the start of the game. I thought he PS3 was locked up for about 10 seconds but it shuttered through the video and finally caught up. No issues since...
Well I just beat it. Does anyone know if I replay the ending chapter (screwed one thing up and want to make a different choice) will I be able to get credited for seeing another ending if I make those changes? Or do I have to play the ENTIRE game again?
I played for about an hour tonight. Besides the really awkward walking, everything is awesome. Heavy Rain has sucked me in like Indigo Prophecy did. I think for my first play through I'm just going to do whatever and play it without guides, etc.
I would get this now, but I want to finish a couple games before Final Fantasy XIII because come March 9, it is all about Final Fantasy XIII. Hopefully by the time I finished FF, Heavy Rain will be available for $40.
I'm looking forward to trying it. Problem is I want to play Bioshock 1 and Mass effect 2. Also my money is running low so I signed up for one of them online rental sites so I have to wait longer. On top of that I want MAG.

I put it high on my list so I'm hoping it wont be to long. I was not looking forward to it before but then I played the demo. I really like the fat detective level but the FBI one was meh! I think I just liked the detective character more. Also thought the over the top glasses the FBI guy had was dumb. Overall tho it is something different and that is why I'm looking forward to it.
ethan's exteme scene for me....
didn't find a flask...found the rebar(heated it), wood saw, scissors, butcher knife, tin snips, a shard of glass (I think), and the stuff in the medicine cabinet. ALOT of choices but went with the knife being I'm a cook and thought it would be off in one swing....nope took two. awesome scene though!!!
[quote name='shadowkast']ethan's exteme scene for me....
didn't find a flask...found the rebar(heated it), wood saw, scissors, butcher knife, tin snips, a shard of glass (I think), and the stuff in the medicine cabinet. ALOT of choices but went with the knife being I'm a cook and thought it would be off in one swing....nope took two. awesome scene though!!!

That was pretty crazy.
I used the snips and disenfected it afterwards. I was hoping I'd be able to cauterize it, too, but I didn't get that choice.

I did run into one huge bug, that made me quit the game.
When I went into Paco's room in the nightclub and knocked him out with the lamp, the scene cuts to him duct taped to the chair, and I had no audio, and couldn't interact with anything besides the door, but it wouldn't let me leave and kept refocusing on Paco when I tried.
I tried exiting the game, and it locked up my PS3. I had to manually turn it off.

This game is pretty awesome so far, and I hope to finish it tomorrow. I'm about 6-7 hours in and have 30% trophies, so I'm happy.
Played this for about four hours tonight, every expectation I had was far exceeded. I have been blown away so far. The one criticism I was weary about was bad voice acting, but it is much better than I anticipated. A couple lines stand out once in a while, particularly in non-action sequences, but it is not bad at all in my opinion.

Never have I watched a movie or played another game that had me so tense and glued to my screen. I can't wait to start playing this again.
[quote name='J7.']This may be known but figured I'd post anyway. Seems the patch is what is causing performance problems for some people. I'd consider deleting the patch if you have problems. http://www.examiner.com/examiner/x-12218-Video-Game-Examiner~y2010m2d23-Heavy-Rain-patch-causing-severe-problems[/QUOTE]
Yes, to all of the above but how the hell can people tell it's the patch? The patch was already up on release day, so it's entirely possible that's how the game shipped. In addition to all the glitches, there's REALLY bad screen tearing at times.
Wow, I think I'm about 1/3 the way through and it's been GREAT thus far. Some pretty deep emotional stuff and it looks AMAZING.

Although, about the beggining
Your kid, Jason, totally had it coming. Stupid kid. I wish his death would not have been so contrived, and clearly the fault of a dumb kid, it would have made that moment a much bigger impact for me.

Also, as a parent of two some of the discussions about the missing/dead kids are really scarry to think about. Really hits you like a punch in the stomach.

BTW, I haven't experienced any significant bugs so far and I have the patch.
[quote name='FoxHoundADAM']Although, about the beggining
Your kid, Jason, totally had it coming. Stupid kid. I wish his death would not have been so contrived, and clearly the fault of a dumb kid, it would have made that moment a much bigger impact for me.

Also, as a parent of two some of the discussions about the missing/dead kids are really scarry to think about. Really hits you like a punch in the stomach.
Yeah, a lot of events seem forced and unrealistic at the expense of plot devices. I mean, this 'game' is by no means Oscar worthy but it strikes just the right balance of pacing and intensity that makes for a good movie. I see myself as more of a director than actually playing the characters and that's partially a fault of consequences going unnoticed until later in the 'game' (at least I'd assume there will be visible consequences later).

In fact, you can cheat death in this game by simply quitting out before it saves. I've actually killed one of the actors and quit out before it saved to see what would happen. Just continued from the main menu and it was back to the action sequence that could lead up to their death. That's pretty funny considering they made much ado about living with your choices. If you screw up and want a second chance, just quit out immediately and save yourself the frustration of disappointment.

I also hate that all the trophies are hidden when some of them require you to execute a perfect sequence. When you do unlock some of these, they're still so vague that it wouldn't spoil anything anyways. Almost makes me wish someone put together a spoiler free trophy guide telling you where this is important so you don't have to waste time replaying them. For example, "When playing a piano, hit every note" for Ludwig Von. Doesn't ruin a thing, but it's a nice heads up.

A lot of this is nitpicking, but it's clearly evident that the game could have stood for a lot more polish.
it's good that the trophies aren't listed out. i know i would be continually pausing and looking at the trophies so i can get them all in the first go around. this way, i'm focused purely on the story instead of being distracted what trophy i can get in that particular chapter.... i'll save that for playthrough #2
From Amazon:


We're contacting you about your pre-order for "Heavy Rain." Due to a publisher delay, the "Heavy Rain Chronicles: Chapter 1 - The Taxidermist" content won't be available until March 4, 2010. Your code to access the "Heavy Rain Chronicles: Chapter 1 - The Taxidermist" content will be e-mailed to you on March 4, 2010.

We look forward to seeing you again soon.


Customer Service
[quote name='erectiontown']it's good that the trophies aren't listed out. i know i would be continually pausing and looking at the trophies so i can get them all in the first go around. this way, i'm focused purely on the story instead of being distracted what trophy i can get in that particular chapter.... i'll save that for playthrough #2[/QUOTE]

That might have been intentional because I would be doing the exact same lol
[quote name='erectiontown']it's good that the trophies aren't listed out. i know i would be continually pausing and looking at the trophies so i can get them all in the first go around. this way, i'm focused purely on the story instead of being distracted what trophy i can get in that particular chapter.... i'll save that for playthrough #2[/QUOTE]
I'm not saying all of them, because a vast majority just come from playing the game and taking a certain path. I'm talking about the few that are missable simply because you didn't do a sequence perfectly (and there might be other scenarios too). If I had been given the heads up on those, it would have been something tugging at the back of my mind when they came up. If I ever played this game again, it would only be for the trophies because in my mind there's only one way it can end and that's the path you choose yourself.

Although, I do wonder if it's possible to kill everyone and have no ending. That would be badass lol. I take it back, I might play this game again just to see what happens if you do absolutely nothing at all aside from what's required to advance scenes.
bread's done