What, Jim's gone so y'all crap out on the show?
Fairweather mother

Another episode of "doesn't matter who you're going to nominate to leave the show, Ramsay picks randomly."
Given her work to this point, Suzanne shouldn't have left. I've said before that I can't stand her personality from what I've seen, but she can cook, and can cook well.
Given the overt animosity b/w her and the rest of the female chefs, it's hard to tell who, if anyone, is deliberately

ing things up for the other.
I'm confident she won't win, however. Her problem is that she demands respect but doesn't command it. Ramsay is a commandeering bastard, but he's earned his stripes, and he's a legend in the business. If anyone deserves it, it's a chef of his wealth and success. Suzanne, OTOH, came in cocky, came in ordering people around, came in dictating things and telling people what to do - never accepting any criticism of her own work as legitimate. If you're expediting or whatever else it's called, it's appropriate to order, demand, critique, and communicate (in reverse order).
I've worked for people like her before. They rarely last at restaurants very long because their ass-kissing is over-the-top obvious, as is the harm they provide to a team atmosphere (which all kitchens are). They get run out of town because they can't handle the fact that people don't respect them and don't listen to them. She might be a helluva chef, but she's nowhere near fit to operate as a head chef. Her attitude and narcissism and condescension come with time, and she's put in not nearly enough compared to her peers to behave as she does.
Poor Fox showed Adam slicing his thumb with the comment "THEY MAY NEVER COOK
AGAIN!" and in the very next clip, of the following dinner service, he was clearly in the screen. :lol: