[quote name='J7.']I really don't want any of them to win, they all seem egotistical. That said, Dave seems like he
might be most genuine person and he works hard. However, based on the preview for next week it looks like he wrongly has it out for Tenille telling the truth during elimination.
Tenille did the right thing by nominating Van because we all knew that is who messed up the most that episode and if she said Suzanne it would be evident to everyone including Ramsay that she lied, had no integrity, and was nominating her to just get rid of her.
1: Hasn't Tenille played the "lie at elimination time" game before with just trying to get rid of people, no matter what cost? I'll answer that for you, yes. So don't let her lead you to believe that she's a saint.
2: It's possible she just told the truth about Van because she thought she better get rid of stiffer competition (Van) while he's finally

ing up...'cause he may never

up that often again.
3: Why am I watching this?
4: Why am I writing on a message board about it?
5: Why am I writing on a message board about video games about Hell's Kitchen?
6: Why does anyone think that this show isn't set up? How many times can numerous chefs

up and serve raw food that often in the same restaurant, on the same day, in the same few hours? I go out to eat quite often to many different restaurants, order a variety of food and have NEVER been served raw food. I'm sure it happens...but Jesus Christ. I'm not talking about going to only 5 star restaurants either. You mean to tell me that these chefs are worse than any given chef at Outback, Uno's, Red Lobster, Ruby Tuesdays, TGIF, Bone Fish, countless local restaurants, etc? I know that the chefs that cook for me aren't under the same scrutiny and spotlight as these chefs, but seriously...seriously...why am I still watching?
This week he kicks 1 chef out, next week 2, next he closes the kitchen, next he walks off, next he sells the restaurant. Why am I still watching? "This can't be happening, it's not possible."