Heroes Volume 3: Villains

[quote name='Will']I thought that of her when she was in X3.[/quote]

If you think Dania Ramirez is amazing, check her out in she hate me. :drool: thank me later
Good points coolsteel. this show has soooo much promise it is killing me slowly. I feel like i should be able to turn on the television at any time and watch this show as an alternate universe or something. lol

also i didn't think about parkman's pop putting linderman's image in nathan's head. if that is the case then that means angela's dreams are starting to come true plus adam monroe is out and he has linked up with parkman's father already.

I am so exicted though about this show.
Finally caught up on the show.

Biggest shocker: Finding out Peter shot his bro...for some reason I think Angela saying she was Sylar's mom was just false info (and they need to stop this whole family angle!)
[quote name='craven_fiend']I honestly hope that she some how gets to play a big part in the season. Since she did let them out, I think she will. I also think that with what happened with her power, as Sylar was trying to disassemble her, will play a huge part in the season. Or not, but maybe some Heroes just have a defense mechanism when someone is trying to take their brain and adrenal glands out.[/quote]

the same thing shouldve happened with ted in the first season when sylar was tryin to chop his head off..
Tonight's episode was pretty weak. They killed/caught all the level 5 guys with no trouble what so ever, plus they have Hiro down there. You'd think they'd give special consideration to the son of one of the founder's of the company. Plus, he probably should have told them about the speedster chick so the company can get this formula back.
[quote name='tokitoki50']Tonight's episode was pretty weak. They killed/caught all the level 5 guys with no trouble what so ever, plus they have Hiro down there. You'd think they'd give special consideration to the son of one of the founder's of the company. Plus, he probably should have told them about the speedster chick so the company can get this formula back.[/QUOTE]

Err Sylar is the son of one of the company founders, Elle was the daughter of one, they don't care. The black guy got away and he was the one in the future vision so we'll see what he manages. As for Hiro, i'm sure he blabbed his guts and got told tough shit you have a power, you get to rot in jail anyway.
The people on level 5 are just awesome. I'm sorry but they have got to be some of the coolest villains I have seen in a show ever. I really hope Cylar turns good, How cool would it be to have a good guy Cylar? :pray:
I liked the episode for the most part. The overall of the series hasn't gelled plotwise yet. The super future (with Mohinder playing up mad scientist in the preview for next week) thing looks OK. I'm just missing that "feeling". Does anyone get that? That overall "something special is happening and all these cool well-written plotlines are going to come together" type. Especially since HRG had a plan behind the action. I liked that aspect of the non-powered guy being the X-factor and completely feared early in episode 1.

I'm with ya on the Hiro-Daphne thing feeling weak and forced. But I do like Sylar getting a twist (even if it looks very bizarre for next episode) only because how long can you make the same character interesting without any progression? Nathan has kept interesting overall. HRG shows you different things constantly. If his relationship with Sylar goes through a few twists it could play well.

The level 5 guys were moved in and out too quickly. Sure, it looks like Knox will stick around (so Angela's dreams can come true) but they moved everyone else out too quickly. But overall I like the premise of the season. It has potential.
when they write sylar as a good guy they make him lame, he will forever be known as a badass bad guy in my book
well there still are bunch of level 5 guys on the loose. Those are the only ones they showed though. Though i am curious how HRG got Sylar to go back to jail.
If anyone paid attn to what Sylar and Noah said to each other when they were in the car would have their answers as to whats going on there.
Much like Hiro going back in time to tell himself not to open the safe, it would be too easy for Noah to do that. Plus I think its also a combo thing about wanting to find out what Angela is "really" up to.
[quote name='coolsteel']Err Sylar is the son of one of the company founders, Elle was the daughter of one, they don't care. The black guy got away and he was the one in the future vision so we'll see what he manages. As for Hiro, i'm sure he blabbed his guts and got told tough shit you have a power, you get to rot in jail anyway.[/quote]

Sylar is only allegedly the son of Mrs. Patrelli, we have no real evidence to believe it quite yet. And how could they really even hold Hiro in a cell? Just go back in time and let yourself out or teleport or freeze time or some shit.

It wasn't an awful episode but it just bothers me that none of the people in Heroes take any joy in their powers what so ever and they use them so stupidly. There's all these omnipotent super humans walking around making some the strangest choices possible.

(I've been a fan since season 1, I'm going to watch the show, I'm just griping)
[quote name='tokitoki50']Sylar is only allegedly the son of Mrs. Patrelli, we have no real evidence to believe it quite yet. And how could they really even hold Hiro in a cell? Just go back in time and let yourself out or teleport or freeze time or some shit.

It wasn't an awful episode but it just bothers me that none of the people in Heroes take any joy in their powers what so ever and they use them so stupidly. There's all these omnipotent super humans walking around making some the strangest choices possible.

(I've been a fan since season 1, I'm going to watch the show, I'm just griping)[/QUOTE]

There is no evidence right now but remember even Parkman and Peter spent time in jail there, being children of the founders means nothing. The hatian was standing right there so his powers were gone, after that force feed him those pills and Hiro is going nowhere. Future Hiro wouldn't go back in time to change an event like that since he knows how dangerous that is.
I don't like that about Hiro. He has this huge problem with going into the past and effecting time because of the "Butterfly effect" or whatever but he has no problem with going into the future, seeing the course the future has taken (which seems to always be this dystopia), and then going to his present to change the future? Isn't that just as dangerous?
1. You know what's amusing? Sylar's real first name is Gabriel and he's the third Petrelli brother. In Marvel comics, Vulcan's real name is Gabriel Summers and he's the, infamous, third Summers brother. Also? The actor who portrays Sylar is slated to portray Spock, who's a Vulcan.

2. Why wouldn't the pyrokinetic light people on fire at first sight? He didn't seem to have an issue doing so at the gas station.

3. The Heroes version of the Brotherhood is okay. They had a Magneto, have a Pyro, Quicksilver, and, uh, Banshee. I'm waiting for Mammomax. That would be fun.

4. "You drink decaf, right Noah?" :rofl:

5. Nikki clones. Reminds me of the Stepford Cuckoos.

6. If the air in the container was just about out, then how was Claire's mom generating fire?

7. I adore the Haitian. That is all.
[quote name='tokitoki50']I don't like that about Hiro. He has this huge problem with going into the past and effecting time because of the "Butterfly effect" or whatever but he has no problem with going into the future, seeing the course the future has taken (which seems to always be this dystopia), and then going to his present to change the future? Isn't that just as dangerous?[/QUOTE]

I actually agree with this, one should be considered as bad as the other. But as far as stuff that is going to hurt you going into the future and back doesn't change your present, going into the past and back can bend you over. But what fun would the show be without a good bleak look into the future ?
[quote name='Chase']1. You know what's amusing? Sylar's real first name is Gabriel and he's the third Petrelli brother. In Marvel comics, Vulcan's real name is Gabriel Summers and he's the, infamous, third Summers brother. Also? The actor who portrays Sylar is slated to portray Spock, who's a Vulcan.
Also its Gabriel Grey.. as in Jean Grey? Nathan also shares the name with our favorite X-time traveler (no not Bishop) Cable. Peter also travels time and causes a lot of havok. Maybe we'll discover their father is someone quite sinister. You could also say Claire and her momma have phoenix like abilities. :lol:

Anyway, interesting stuff going on.

- Parkman seems like he'll learn some future stuff after listening to some Jamaican me crazy music, I bet it gives him some sort of upcoming advantage. I want some explanation to why he's connected to this guy though.

- The Nikki clone saga could play out well. Theoretically they could kill off the bitch each season and follow a new one with whatever new powers/story they feel like. I hope her branching off means no more Micah/Monica. Micah is somewhat interesting but not intergral. Monica was just a horrible actress with each line sounding like it was a question?

- I really really hope Mohinder with jizz on his hands doesn't equal Man-Spider Mohinder. I got suspicious of this after seeing him wall crawl. That would be horrible for him to be the first "mutant", I like that thus far everything we've seen has been just plain abilities. It'll just seem too out there and not in tune with everything else if we start getting creatures.

- After Hiro getting turning somewhat badass after learning some swordplay from his dad, he has returned back to a gullible Pikachu :)rofl:) once more. He absolutely needs to begin his transformation into badass future Hiro. At least sometihng halfway there. I hope Ando really does turn bad so it forces a character change for Hiro. Come on soul patch! And where is his sword?!

- Same thing with Claire, its season 3 and she's a central character, time to make her into a hero like her uncle that she's banging in real life

- I'm digging whats going on with Sylar. He's going to be more in the mix this season instead of separated
and dealing with minor characters. I'll bet Noah gets into a situation where he can kill him, but will decide not to. Then we'll have the whole Summer to discuss why.
[quote name='CouRageouS']Also its Gabriel Grey.. as in Jean Grey? Nathan also shares the name with our favorite X-time traveler (no not Bishop) Cable. Peter also travels time and causes a lot of havok. Maybe we'll discover their father is someone quite sinister. You could also say Claire and her momma have phoenix like abilities. :lol: [/quote]

You just blew my mind. :drool:

[quote name='CouRageouS']- Parkman seems like he'll learn some future stuff after listening to some Jamaican me crazy music, I bet it gives him some sort of upcoming advantage. I want some explanation to why he's connected to this guy though.[/quote]

Perhaps Future Peter actually sent Parkman home but Parkman's father again trapped him with his mind? :whistle2:k

[quote name='CouRageouS'] - The Nikki clone saga could play out well. Theoretically they could kill off the bitch each season and follow a new one with whatever new powers/story they feel like. I hope her branching off means no more Micah/Monica. Micah is somewhat interesting but not intergral. Monica was just a horrible actress with each line sounding like it was a question?

- I really really hope Mohinder with jizz on his hands doesn't equal Man-Spider Mohinder. I got suspicious of this after seeing him wall crawl. That would be horrible for him to be the first "mutant", I like that thus far everything we've seen has been just plain abilities. It'll just seem too out there and not in tune with everything else if we start getting creatures.

- After Hiro getting turning somewhat badass after learning some swordplay from his dad, he has returned back to a gullible Pikachu :)rofl:) once more. He absolutely needs to begin his transformation into badass future Hiro. At least sometihng halfway there. I hope Ando really does turn bad so it forces a character change for Hiro. Come on soul patch! And where is his sword?![/quote]

I want Ali Larter's next character to be a Poison Ivy clone. After that? Emma Frost clone. Specifically her diamond mode. Considering the possible "diamonds are a girls best friend" one-liner, I think it's a lock.

As you mentioned, I suspect Mohinder will be the first mutant. How Team Heroes handles mutants will determine my opinion on future mutants. I do think a Morlocks type group would be reasonable for Heroes, though. Now all we need is a Storm type character. Mohawk version, of course. ;)

[quote name='CouRageouS']- Same thing with Claire, its season 3 and she's a central character, time to make her into a hero like her uncle that she's banging in real life

- I'm digging whats going on with Sylar. He's going to be more in the mix this season instead of separated
and dealing with minor characters. I'll bet Noah gets into a situation where he can kill him, but will decide not to. Then we'll have the whole Summer to discuss why.[/quote]

Other than an incredible healing factor, I wonder what makes Claire so special. As we've seen, Future Claire exists. So, I doubt Claire would be the vessel for something or a necessary sacrifice for something greater. I think.

Speaking of Sylar. What is he? Galactus? All I think about when I see Sylar is "I hunger!" :whistle2:#
I never really watched much of the second season due to work hours but what happend to that kids parents? I know his father was killed but what about his mother Nickie.
[quote name='coolsteel']I actually agree with this, one should be considered as bad as the other. But as far as stuff that is going to hurt you going into the future and back doesn't change your present, going into the past and back can bend you over. But what fun would the show be without a good bleak look into the future ?[/quote]
The difference is that Hiro doesn't have someone to bitch at him about the repercussions when time travels.
[quote name='CouRageouS']

- I'm digging whats going on with Sylar. He's going to be more in the mix this season instead of separated
and dealing with minor characters. I'll bet Noah gets into a situation where he can kill him, but will decide not to. Then we'll have the whole Summer to discuss why.[/quote]

as we saw from the future preview with Claire, you could theoretically rip his head off and keep it away from the body. So I guess its possible that Noah reconnects the head cause he needs his help to save Claire or something.
Great observatiosn everyone.

My notes on the show:

-though it wasn't seen on screen, angela gave sylar the powers of that girl SO he would know that he was her son.

-Parkman with the african man is interesting to me because it shows that many people we haven't seen yet exist with the same or similar powers of previous characters. Though I am not sure how it will develop but I am sure this will also play into Mohinder's plot aspect because he gave his powers to Parkman.

-I need to see more of this but for some reason I believe Adam Monroe is Claire's Grandfather.

-Who would be next in line to be in control of the Company when Angela Petrilli dies?
[quote name='DarkKenpachi']

-Who would be next in line to be in control of the Company when Angela Petrilli dies?[/QUOTE]

Parkman's father?
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']The difference is that Hiro doesn't have someone to bitch at him about the repercussions when time travels.[/QUOTE]

Good point

[quote name='DarkKenpachi']Great observatiosn everyone.

My notes on the show:

-though it wasn't seen on screen, angela gave sylar the powers of that girl SO he would know that he was her son.

-Parkman with the african man is interesting to me because it shows that many people we haven't seen yet exist with the same or similar powers of previous characters. Though I am not sure how it will develop but I am sure this will also play into Mohinder's plot aspect because he gave his powers to Parkman.

-I need to see more of this but for some reason I believe Adam Monroe is Claire's Grandfather.

-Who would be next in line to be in control of the Company when Angela Petrilli dies?[/QUOTE]

I thought the same thing about Angela feeding Sylar, it was the easiest way to 100 percent prove it to him. Can't say I liked the painter, having someone with a similar power is good, someone with the exact same power though not so much. Just struck me as odd this guy has been painting about people half a world away since he was a boy. As for next in line for the company, good question since the ranks have been thinned thanks to Adam. It would probably start going to the children who were already a part of it.
[quote name='sendme']I never really watched much of the second season due to work hours but what happend to that kids parents? I know his father was killed but what about his mother Nickie.[/QUOTE]

his dad, dl, went out like a bitch and got shot by a normal guy. niki died in an explosion while saving the life of her niece, monica.

if you need some catching up to check out http://heroeswiki.com

sylar in the company should be good, and future sylar baking looks funny.

i agree its time for hiro to get bad ass, i bet he and the speedster start flirting more and more through the season and fall for eachother.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']as we saw from the future preview with Claire, you could theoretically rip his head off and keep it away from the body. So I guess its possible that Noah reconnects the head cause he needs his help to save Claire or something.[/QUOTE]
I said this after the previous episode, but I wonder if Claire can grow a new body entirely. She cut her toe off and it came back, if its all connected to her brain and she can't die, I would assume she could grow anything back.

The other interesting issue that comes up is that if Noah discovers how to kill Sylar, that same method should be applicable to Claire.

[quote name='DarkKenpachi']-Parkman with the african man is interesting to me because it shows that many people we haven't seen yet exist with the same or similar powers of previous characters. Though I am not sure how it will develop but I am sure this will also play into Mohinder's plot aspect because he gave his powers to Parkman.

-I need to see more of this but for some reason I believe Adam Monroe is Claire's Grandfather.
I wouldn't necessarily say Parkman was given the foresight powers, it seems more like the African has the ability to let others see the future too. Also his music was the key to getting it to work as well.

Adam Monroe as Mr. Petrelli has been a long standing theory that fans have been waiting to be proven for a long time. Its one of those things that connects so well but the writers want to screw with the audience for sake of anticipation. :D
[quote name='CouRageouS']

The other interesting issue that comes up is that if Noah discovers how to kill Sylar, that same method should be applicable to Claire.


seems to me that killing sylar should be as easy as getting the haitian nearby and then putting him through a woodchipper
[quote name='CouRageouS']Adam Monroe as Mr. Petrelli has been a long standing theory that fans have been waiting to be proven for a long time. Its one of those things that connects so well but the writers want to screw with the audience for sake of anticipation. :D[/quote]
That would be a good explanation for her willingness to help Adam early on in his original quest to release the virus. It would also explain where Claire's ability came from. Would that mean that he took the Petrelli name as an alias when he met Angela or would Petrelli be his real last name?

How could he have gotten out of his predicament at the end of Season 2? He was buried alive six feet under and was panicking enough that he wouldn't have that much air left to breathe. Unless he gets lucky or suffocation is something he can come back from, what are his chances of survival?
Maybe the lack of air will just put him in a comatose state or something. He's obviously going to come back at some point because if he wasn't they would have killed him off at the end of season 2.
[quote name='DarkKenpachi']Great observatiosn everyone.

My notes on the show:

-though it wasn't seen on screen, angela gave sylar the powers of that girl SO he would know that he was her son.

-Parkman with the african man is interesting to me because it shows that many people we haven't seen yet exist with the same or similar powers of previous characters. Though I am not sure how it will develop but I am sure this will also play into Mohinder's plot aspect because he gave his powers to Parkman.

-I need to see more of this but for some reason I believe Adam Monroe is Claire's Grandfather.

-Who would be next in line to be in control of the Company when Angela Petrilli dies?[/quote]

Oh right. I forgot about Mrs. Petrelli feeding Sylar the History-seeing girl. Good point. I glossed over that part.

I also assume Parkman's dad would assume control of the Company if Mrs. Petrelli dies. As we saw, he's still alive in the future.

What if Adam used his blood to heal Claire? Would her body adapt and incorporate Adam's much higher evolved level of healing?

Which brings me to...

I wonder if Team Heroes will implement secondary mutation of powers, like in the Marvel Universe. For example, Iceman's organic ice form or Emma's diamond form.
[quote name='CouRageouS']
I wouldn't necessarily say Parkman was given the foresight powers, it seems more like the African has the ability to let others see the future too. Also his music was the key to getting it to work as well.

It seemed to me that he was making him eat something that was supposed to give him the ability. He was easing something out of a bowl with his hands, said "it isn't working" and then the African said "try these" and put the headphones on him and then it worked.
[quote name='Chase']
I wonder if Team Heroes will implement secondary mutation of powers, like in the Marvel Universe. For example, Iceman's organic ice form or Emma's diamond form.[/QUOTE]
I hope not, they're really pushing it with all the stuff they're trying to squeeze in now. I really hate that Mohinder's Man-Spider could potentially start a story arc of monstrous creatures. This isn't Buffy!
[quote name='dmaul1114']It seemed to me that he was making him eat something that was supposed to give him the ability. He was easing something out of a bowl with his hands, said "it isn't working" and then the African said "try these" and put the headphones on him and then it worked.[/QUOTE]
Oh yea thats right, so maybe its a combo of the guano and music that creates white eyes future syndrome :lol:
[quote name='CouRageouS']I hope not, they're really pushing it with all the stuff they're trying to squeeze in now. I really hate that Mohinder's Man-Spider could potentially start a story arc of monstrous creatures. This isn't Buffy![/quote]

Oh, I absolutely agree. I too don't want to see mutants. But, I wonder about Team Heroes, considering what they appear to be doing with Mohinder. :whistle2:k

I also don't want to see spandex or uniforms. That would kill things for me. :cold:
[quote name='JolietJake']If HRG really wanted Sylar dead, couldn't he just have the Haitian take away his powers and then kill him?[/quote]

haitian take away his powers, chop off his head, game over

i still wanna know why ted didnt explode the same way elle did when they were gettin their heads chopped off
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']
How could he have gotten out of his predicament at the end of Season 2? He was buried alive six feet under and was panicking enough that he wouldn't have that much air left to breathe. Unless he gets lucky or suffocation is something he can come back from, what are his chances of survival?[/QUOTE]

He could've Kill Bill'd his way out of the coffin by punching his way out. I doubt bloody knuckles would bug him much.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']He could've Kill Bill'd his way out of the coffin by punching his way out. I doubt bloody knuckles would bug him much.[/quote]

Apparently, in the graphic novel, Adam thinks that his new wife will find and rescue him from being buried alive. Perhaps she finds out and rescues him?

In episode 1, Mrs. Petrelli has a vision that includes an alive and well Adam Monroe. He is exhumed at some point. I assume he would be unconscious, and rotting, until then. :whistle2:k
Maybe elle's power exploded like that because she's younger and can't control them as well? She was scared and panicking, maybe she just lost control.
bread's done